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E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.
Age Group
Secondary 2 Express, Secondary 3 Normal
Course Description
To truly maximise your academic potential and get that grade ‘A’, you need to develop
your comprehension, communication, writing skills and overall confidence.
At the British Council, our courses offer you multiple perspectives on your school work and through our
stimulating material and interactive classes, we can ensure your learning is both focused and interesting.
Our tried and tested strategies ensure you will be able to study smarter and increase your marks
in school and prepare for your examinations with confidence.
Our courses will help you develop:
? Clear communication skills
? Critical thinking
? Overall confidence in your English
? Strategies to improve your examination results
? Effective techniques for tackling comprehension texts
? General study skills such as time-management
? Strategies to improve your compositions
? The ability to construct and deconstruct arguments effectively
E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.
Are your materials linked to the MOE?
Our courses follow the MOE syllabus and each lesson has a clear set of outcomes that help students
build on their classroom knowledge. In addition we have close links with the MOE and have trained
many of their teachers.
What do you teach on the courses?
We teach a variety of skills and language linked to the MOE learning outcomes. These include different
styles of composition, comprehension, listening and speaking tasks. By using a variety of contexts we
expand students’ grammar and vocabulary knowledge so that they can communicate confidently in the
areas assessed by the O-level and General Paper examinations.
How will the students be assessed?
All our lessons have clear learning outcomes that teachers use to assess the students throughout
the course. You will receive regular reports and there are parent-teacher consultations to keep you
informed of your child’s progress. If you, or the teacher, feel that your child needs extra support
then we are happy to arrange a meeting and decide on an action plan tailored to your child’s
specific needs.
How do the teachers deal with classroom management?
Our well-trained and qualified teachers are well-versed in classroom management.. Our current
class size promotes group speaking activities and meaningful group presentations. We also
teach useful life skills such as collaboration, teamwork and social skills.
How do you build up to the O-level (2013) and GP exams?
Our curriculum designers work closely with the MOE and our teachers understand Singaporean
examinations. We have courses dedicated to the major exams. Our courses build on the skills needed
for the O-level and General Paper exams and can be supplemented with our intensive holiday courses.
We focus on the learning outcomes that students need, including text-types practice, oral skills and
complex inference and vocabulary questions.
I’m studying for another course (IB, IGCSE etc.), are your courses suitable?
Yes. Our courses are skills based and we cover all the main text types needed for success in an English
subject. If a student has particular questions about another exam format then we are happy to offer
advice and support.
E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.
E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.
中学二年级 – 突破
? 清楚明确的沟通能力
? 批判性思维
? 英文能力的总体自信心
? 改善考试成绩的策略
? 解答理解问答的有效技巧
? 诸如时间管理的一般学习技能
? 让作文更进步的策略
? 有效地构成和瓦解论证的能力
E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.
中学二年级 – 突破
中学二年级 – 突破
我目前就读的是不同的课程 (IB, IGCSE 等)。你们的课程适合我吗?
E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.

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  • 2. 2
  • 3. www.britishcouncil.sg E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity. SECONDARY 2 – BREAKTHROUGH Age Group Secondary 2 Express, Secondary 3 Normal Course Description To truly maximise your academic potential and get that grade ‘A’, you need to develop your comprehension, communication, writing skills and overall confidence. At the British Council, our courses offer you multiple perspectives on your school work and through our stimulating material and interactive classes, we can ensure your learning is both focused and interesting. Our tried and tested strategies ensure you will be able to study smarter and increase your marks in school and prepare for your examinations with confidence. Our courses will help you develop: ? Clear communication skills ? Critical thinking ? Overall confidence in your English ? Strategies to improve your examination results ? Effective techniques for tackling comprehension texts ? General study skills such as time-management ? Strategies to improve your compositions ? The ability to construct and deconstruct arguments effectively 3
  • 4. www.britishcouncil.sg E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity. SECONDARY 2 – BREAKTHROUGH FAQs Are your materials linked to the MOE? Our courses follow the MOE syllabus and each lesson has a clear set of outcomes that help students build on their classroom knowledge. In addition we have close links with the MOE and have trained many of their teachers. What do you teach on the courses? We teach a variety of skills and language linked to the MOE learning outcomes. These include different styles of composition, comprehension, listening and speaking tasks. By using a variety of contexts we expand students’ grammar and vocabulary knowledge so that they can communicate confidently in the areas assessed by the O-level and General Paper examinations. How will the students be assessed? All our lessons have clear learning outcomes that teachers use to assess the students throughout the course. You will receive regular reports and there are parent-teacher consultations to keep you informed of your child’s progress. If you, or the teacher, feel that your child needs extra support then we are happy to arrange a meeting and decide on an action plan tailored to your child’s specific needs. How do the teachers deal with classroom management? Our well-trained and qualified teachers are well-versed in classroom management.. Our current class size promotes group speaking activities and meaningful group presentations. We also teach useful life skills such as collaboration, teamwork and social skills. 4
  • 5. SECONDARY 2 – BREAKTHROUGH How do you build up to the O-level (2013) and GP exams? Our curriculum designers work closely with the MOE and our teachers understand Singaporean examinations. We have courses dedicated to the major exams. Our courses build on the skills needed for the O-level and General Paper exams and can be supplemented with our intensive holiday courses. We focus on the learning outcomes that students need, including text-types practice, oral skills and complex inference and vocabulary questions. I’m studying for another course (IB, IGCSE etc.), are your courses suitable? Yes. Our courses are skills based and we cover all the main text types needed for success in an English subject. If a student has particular questions about another exam format then we are happy to offer advice and support. www.britishcouncil.sg E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity. 5
  • 6. www.britishcouncil.sg E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity. 中学二年级 – 突破 年龄 中学二年级快捷班、中学三年级普通班 课程大纲 建立你的解读能力、沟通能力、书写能力和整体的自信心,助你发挥最大的学术潜能,以获得甲等成绩。 在新加坡英国文化协会,我们的课程将会提供学校功课上的不同观点,并通过激励性的教材与互动性的 教课方式,确保你能够对学习感兴趣,从而集中精神认真投入学习。 我们屡试屡验的策略将确保你能够更有效率地学习,以提高学校考试的分数,让你更有自信地面对考试。 本校的课程将助你建立: ? 清楚明确的沟通能力 ? 批判性思维 ? 英文能力的总体自信心 ? 改善考试成绩的策略 ? 解答理解问答的有效技巧 ? 诸如时间管理的一般学习技能 ? 让作文更进步的策略 ? 有效地构成和瓦解论证的能力 6
  • 7. www.britishcouncil.sg E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity. 中学二年级 – 突破 常见问题 你们的教材是否与教育部的课程有关联? 我们的课程建立在教育部的教学大纲上,而每堂课有明确的学习目的,帮助学生建立课堂知识。此外, 我们与教育部有密切的联系,并为许多教育部老师进行培训。 课程中所教导的内容有什么? 我们所教导的语文和其他能力都与教育部的学习目的有关联,包括不同风格的作文、解读以及演说能力。 我们通过利用各种不同的语境,增进学生的词汇和语法知识,让他们在中四会考中和普通试卷(GP)的所涉 及的所有方面能够有自信心地沟通。 我的孩子如何被评估? 我们所有的课程皆备有明确的学习目的,而老师们就根据这些目标评估学生的进展。除了定期的进展报告 以外,我们也会安排家长与老师的沟通时间,让您更了解孩子的学习进展。如果您或老师觉得有需要为孩子 安排额外的援助,我们也非常乐意为您安排与老师会面,以商讨如何定制适合您孩子的个别需求的计划。 老师们如何管理班上的情景? 本校的老师都经过密集的培训以及合格验证,并且非常善于管理课堂内的秩序。就经验而言,我们目前的 班内人数能够促使小组对话活动以及有意义的小组发表会。我们也鼓励合作、团队精神和社交能力。 7
  • 8. 中学二年级 – 突破 你们是如何逐渐迈向中四会考和普通试卷(GP)呢? 我们在定制课程时与教育部紧密合作,而我们的老师们皆非常熟悉新加坡的考试制度。本校也 针对主要的考科设定特别的课程。我们的小学课程帮助学生建立应付中四会考和普通试卷(GP) 所需的能力。学生也可以通过我们的假期课程增强对各科目的理解。所有课程都以学生所需的 考试技巧为中心,包括不同的文本类型练习、口试技巧和复杂的推理方法以及词汇问答。 我目前就读的是不同的课程 (IB, IGCSE 等)。你们的课程适合我吗? 适合。我们的课程皆注重建立能力,并覆盖所有以英文教导的科目所需的主要文本类型。如果学生 对不同的考试形式有其他疑问,我们非常乐意提供指导与支援。 www.britishcouncil.sg E-mail contact@britishcouncil.org.sg The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity. 8