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LO: To be able to explain synergy, using appropriate terminology
Section b   synergy
   The way in which different elements of a
    media conglomerate work together to
    promote linked products across different
The film of Harry Potter promotes the DVD which promotes the book which
promotes the advent calendar which promotes the studio tour which
promotes the film
   Synergy works when different elements
    within a media (film) conglomerate create
    linked products e.g. film, soundtrack, video

   Each distinct element promotes others
Can you complete one of
                        these for the deathly
                            hallows pt 2?

In 2000 AOL and Time Warner merged. The
  promotion of HPATPS by AOL and Time
   Warner are good examples of Synergy

Adverts for the film      The soundtrack was
were shown on HBO         released on Atlantic
   and WB, both             Records, Part of
   American TV               Warner Music
channels which are
subsidiaries of Time
                             AOLs Internet
                         service was offering
 Articles about the
                           merchandise, and
  film appeared in
                           ticket promotions
  newspapers and
                         tied to subscriptions
magazines owned by
                           for AOLs services
    Time Warner.
 Soundtrack  Warner Bros and Water Tower Music
 Game  WB Games &EA Games
 Wizarding World of Harry Potter 
 Harry Potter Studio Tour - WB
 Merchandise  WB Shop
   When and why did Hollywood switch its focus
    to megafranchise movies?
   How are megafranchise movies defined?
   How important are sequels in the film
   What is ancillary revenue? How important is
   How important are video games to the film
Section b   synergy
Big Studio
                  MGM, Warner Bros, 20th Century
                     Fox, Paramount & RKO

                         Produce the Films
                  They owed studios to shoot in and
                    the stars to act in their films

                 These big studios owned their own
                  cinemas. The only place to watch
                             their films

No longer the case as the courts ruled that the studios had to sell off their
    cinemas as it gave them too much of a monopoly on the industry
   Hollywood has moved from vertical
    integration to horizontal integration
   Because of this they now focus on producing
    films which can be cross-promoted with other
    media texts.
   Ancillary revenue has now become more
    important than box office revenue.
   Every piece of media within the same brand
    promotes every other piece of media under
    that umbrella.
   The Disney stores promote the consumer
    products which promotes the parks which
    promote the television shows. The television
    shows promote the company. Former
    Disney CEO Michael Eisner
   The industry can scaresely be treated in
    terms of movie and videogames and theme-
    park rides as separate entities or isolated
    media texts. Rather, they are related
    aspectsof entertainment
    supertexts, multimedia narrative formsthe
    essential text within these media franchises is
    the Hollywood Blockbuster film Thomas
   James Bond
   Megafranchise films rely on the use of

   High budget productions with expensive set
    design and special effects.

   This works as a barrier to entry to lower-
    budget films, allowing the major studios to
    continue to dominate the film industry.
   Write a short paragraph explaining what you
    understand by synergy.

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Section b synergy

  • 1. LO: To be able to explain synergy, using appropriate terminology
  • 3. The way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media.
  • 4. The film of Harry Potter promotes the DVD which promotes the book which promotes the advent calendar which promotes the studio tour which promotes the film
  • 5. Synergy works when different elements within a media (film) conglomerate create linked products e.g. film, soundtrack, video game Each distinct element promotes others
  • 6. Can you complete one of these for the deathly hallows pt 2? In 2000 AOL and Time Warner merged. The promotion of HPATPS by AOL and Time Warner are good examples of Synergy Adverts for the film The soundtrack was were shown on HBO released on Atlantic and WB, both Records, Part of American TV Warner Music channels which are subsidiaries of Time Warner AOLs Internet service was offering Articles about the merchandise, and film appeared in ticket promotions newspapers and tied to subscriptions magazines owned by for AOLs services Time Warner.
  • 7. Soundtrack Warner Bros and Water Tower Music Game WB Games &EA Games (Publisher/Developer) Wizarding World of Harry Potter Harry Potter Studio Tour - WB Merchandise WB Shop
  • 8. When and why did Hollywood switch its focus to megafranchise movies? How are megafranchise movies defined? How important are sequels in the film industry? What is ancillary revenue? How important is it? How important are video games to the film industry?
  • 10. Big Studio MGM, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Paramount & RKO Produce the Films They owed studios to shoot in and the stars to act in their films Exhibition These big studios owned their own cinemas. The only place to watch their films No longer the case as the courts ruled that the studios had to sell off their cinemas as it gave them too much of a monopoly on the industry
  • 11. Hollywood has moved from vertical integration to horizontal integration Because of this they now focus on producing films which can be cross-promoted with other media texts. Ancillary revenue has now become more important than box office revenue.
  • 12. Every piece of media within the same brand promotes every other piece of media under that umbrella. The Disney stores promote the consumer products which promotes the parks which promote the television shows. The television shows promote the company. Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner
  • 13. The industry can scaresely be treated in terms of movie and videogames and theme- park rides as separate entities or isolated media texts. Rather, they are related aspectsof entertainment supertexts, multimedia narrative formsthe essential text within these media franchises is the Hollywood Blockbuster film Thomas Schatz
  • 14. James Bond Shrek Batman Twilight
  • 15. Megafranchise films rely on the use of spectacle. High budget productions with expensive set design and special effects. This works as a barrier to entry to lower- budget films, allowing the major studios to continue to dominate the film industry.
  • 16. Write a short paragraph explaining what you understand by synergy.