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68 Walton Park, Melrose, MA 02176
Cell: (857) 523 0615
Email: sarareish@gmail.com
Sara Reish Desmond
Dec. 2007-July 2010
Sept. 1994- May 1998
Master of Fine Arts in Writing
Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT
o Creative Thesis: No Sign From God: stories
o Critical Thesis: Exploring the Adolescent Through Fiction: the Power and Burden of
Bachelor of Arts- English
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
o Received distinction on senior thesis
Sept. 2013-present
Oct. 2008- July
May 2010- May
Sept. 2004- May 2007
Instructional and Curriculum Coach, New Teacher Mentor, Master Teacher Coordinator,
Prospect Hill Academy (Upper Elementary)
o Write Support Plans and provide high impact support in the form of curriculum
review and feedback, classroom management and implementation to new and
struggling teachers using techniques such as video review, co-observation and
reflection and real-time coaching and co-teaching.
o Develop monthly professional development and provide a network of support and
encouragement for teachers new to PHA and new to the teaching profession.
o Coordinate and provide Professional Development, support and coaching to a
small cohort of Exemplar/ Master Teachers who are paired with developing
teachers in order to improve the quality and consistency of developing teachers
Instructional and Curriculum Coach, Match Teacher Residency
Sposato School of Education, Boston, MA
o Provide real-time feedback regarding lesson implementation and classroom
management to a small cohort of developing teachers in MTR (a program that
aims to develop exceptional first year teachers).
o Debrief Residents after each observed lesson as a means of defining Residents
areas of strength and areas of challenge. Design a specific goal for each
subsequent lesson and hold resident accountable for improvement. Assess
Residents ability to implement feedback after each observed lesson.
o Review lesson plans and provide written and oral feedback about continuity, pace,
attention to learning modalities, rigor, advancement of the objective, questioning
and other related fields.
Fiction Editor, Upstreet Literary Magazine
PIttsfield, MA
o Make final fiction selections for literary journal published annually.
Calderwood Writing Center Director
Prospect Hill Academy Charter School, Cambridge, MA
o Liaised with Harvard Writing Project to manage $500,000 grant from the Stanford
Calderwood Foundation given to improve the culture and teaching of writing in
Sept. 2004- June 2007
Sept. 2006- May 2007
Sept. 2004- May 2005
Sept. 2003-May 2004
July 2000- June 2003
urban schools. Designed and implemented year-long curriculum to better and
more fluidly incorporate the teaching of writing in and across the curricula. Guided
teachers in planning and implementing writing-specific lessons and projects.
o Designed and taught Advanced Writing Seminar, a course that trained students
to become both better writers and tutors by teaching them how to critique student
work and conduct writing conferences.
o Managed Harvard University students employed by the Writing Center to meet
with students about their writing.
o Created publishing opportunities for students, teachers and members of the PHA
community by hosting thematic and quarterly writing contests. Evaluated and
selected winners of contests.
o Served as Managing Editor, designed and consulted with publishers to produce
PHAs first-ever literary magazine: Good Prospects. Planned and hosted launch
party that featured student and teacher readings.
English & Creative Writing Teacher
Prospect Hill Academy Charter School, Cambridge, MA
o Department head (2005-2006). Coordinated a team of English teachers.
Designed and implemented professional development, led department meetings,
coordinated and wrote curriculum maps and skill maps for reading, writing and
o Created and implemented World Literature and Writing curricula for a dynamic
range of 10th
, 11th
and 12th
grade students.
Mentor- New Teachers Collaborative
Devens, MA
o Met twice weekly with novice teacher to plan lessons, guide and reflect on
teaching practice. Conducted formal and informal observations toward NTCs MA
state certification.
English Teacher and Advisor
North Central Charter Essential School, Fitchburg, MA
o Designed and implemented Humanities-based curriculum with emphasis on
cross-curricular learning for a dynamic group of 8th grade students.
o Advocated for and provided academic, emotional and social support for a small
group of 8th grade students.
English and Drama Teacher
John C. Fremont High School, Los Angeles, CA
o Self-designed and implemented engaging, differentiated curriculum for grades 9-
11 with emphasis on skills, literacy, and CA state standards.
o Sponsor SCYEA (South Central Youth Empowered through Action) branch.
Helped students write speeches and leaflets to lobby in state capitol.
o Elected to serve on School Leadership Council composed of faculty, community
members and students to make decisions regarding curriculum, calendar
planning, budgetary needs, and community outreach.
June 1999- March
Jan. 1999- June 1999
June 1997-Aug. 1997
Writer and Segment Producer, Columbia Tri-Star Television
Culver City, CA
o Researched womens issues, initiated story ideas, wrote subject profiles, edited
and produced segments for reality program.
Assistant to the Director of Comedy Development, Brillstein- Grey Entertainment
Beverly Hills, CA
o Read and critiqued scripts, wrote reviews, selected scripts/ writers for
Editor and Public Relations Correspondent, 96 Inc.
Boston, MA
o Associate Editor of non-profit literary magazine. Critiqued works, wrote profiles
of writers, helped select works for publication.
Awards and
May 2015
Aug. 2011
Oct. 2011
Dec. 2010
Oct. 2009
Up Dell Drive
Water~Stone Review
Cicadas a short story
The Kenyon Review
Clay Girls, a short story
Finalist for the 2011 Copper Nickel Fiction Award (selected by Daniel Alarcon)
C3PGirl, a short story
Published in The Los Angeles Review, volume 10.
Finalist for the Rick DeMarinis Award in Short Fiction from Cutthroat, A Journal for the Arts.
Those Unseen, a short story
Published in Front Porch, the literary Journal of Texas State MFA Program. Issue 12
Calderwood Fellow
The Athaneaum, Boston, MA
o Received a grant in partnership with the Harvard Writing Project, the Calderwood
Foundation and the Boston Athaneaum. Fellowship was designed to address
teachers as writers and to coach teachers to improve the teaching of writing in
the classroom and across the curricula.
o Wrote and published essays about writing and teaching.
References Available upon request

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  • 1. 68 Walton Park, Melrose, MA 02176 Cell: (857) 523 0615 Email: sarareish@gmail.com Sara Reish Desmond Education Dec. 2007-July 2010 Sept. 1994- May 1998 Master of Fine Arts in Writing Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT o Creative Thesis: No Sign From God: stories o Critical Thesis: Exploring the Adolescent Through Fiction: the Power and Burden of Liminality Bachelor of Arts- English Kenyon College, Gambier, OH o Received distinction on senior thesis Experience Sept. 2013-present Oct. 2008- July 2013 May 2010- May 2013 Sept. 2004- May 2007 Instructional and Curriculum Coach, New Teacher Mentor, Master Teacher Coordinator, Prospect Hill Academy (Upper Elementary) o Write Support Plans and provide high impact support in the form of curriculum review and feedback, classroom management and implementation to new and struggling teachers using techniques such as video review, co-observation and reflection and real-time coaching and co-teaching. o Develop monthly professional development and provide a network of support and encouragement for teachers new to PHA and new to the teaching profession. o Coordinate and provide Professional Development, support and coaching to a small cohort of Exemplar/ Master Teachers who are paired with developing teachers in order to improve the quality and consistency of developing teachers practice. Instructional and Curriculum Coach, Match Teacher Residency Sposato School of Education, Boston, MA o Provide real-time feedback regarding lesson implementation and classroom management to a small cohort of developing teachers in MTR (a program that aims to develop exceptional first year teachers). o Debrief Residents after each observed lesson as a means of defining Residents areas of strength and areas of challenge. Design a specific goal for each subsequent lesson and hold resident accountable for improvement. Assess Residents ability to implement feedback after each observed lesson. o Review lesson plans and provide written and oral feedback about continuity, pace, attention to learning modalities, rigor, advancement of the objective, questioning and other related fields. Fiction Editor, Upstreet Literary Magazine PIttsfield, MA o Make final fiction selections for literary journal published annually. Calderwood Writing Center Director Prospect Hill Academy Charter School, Cambridge, MA o Liaised with Harvard Writing Project to manage $500,000 grant from the Stanford Calderwood Foundation given to improve the culture and teaching of writing in
  • 2. Sept. 2004- June 2007 Sept. 2006- May 2007 Sept. 2004- May 2005 Sept. 2003-May 2004 July 2000- June 2003 urban schools. Designed and implemented year-long curriculum to better and more fluidly incorporate the teaching of writing in and across the curricula. Guided teachers in planning and implementing writing-specific lessons and projects. o Designed and taught Advanced Writing Seminar, a course that trained students to become both better writers and tutors by teaching them how to critique student work and conduct writing conferences. o Managed Harvard University students employed by the Writing Center to meet with students about their writing. o Created publishing opportunities for students, teachers and members of the PHA community by hosting thematic and quarterly writing contests. Evaluated and selected winners of contests. o Served as Managing Editor, designed and consulted with publishers to produce PHAs first-ever literary magazine: Good Prospects. Planned and hosted launch party that featured student and teacher readings. English & Creative Writing Teacher Prospect Hill Academy Charter School, Cambridge, MA o Department head (2005-2006). Coordinated a team of English teachers. Designed and implemented professional development, led department meetings, coordinated and wrote curriculum maps and skill maps for reading, writing and research. o Created and implemented World Literature and Writing curricula for a dynamic range of 10th , 11th and 12th grade students. Mentor- New Teachers Collaborative Devens, MA o Met twice weekly with novice teacher to plan lessons, guide and reflect on teaching practice. Conducted formal and informal observations toward NTCs MA state certification. English Teacher and Advisor North Central Charter Essential School, Fitchburg, MA o Designed and implemented Humanities-based curriculum with emphasis on cross-curricular learning for a dynamic group of 8th grade students. o Advocated for and provided academic, emotional and social support for a small group of 8th grade students. English and Drama Teacher John C. Fremont High School, Los Angeles, CA o Self-designed and implemented engaging, differentiated curriculum for grades 9- 11 with emphasis on skills, literacy, and CA state standards. o Sponsor SCYEA (South Central Youth Empowered through Action) branch. Helped students write speeches and leaflets to lobby in state capitol. o Elected to serve on School Leadership Council composed of faculty, community members and students to make decisions regarding curriculum, calendar planning, budgetary needs, and community outreach.
  • 3. June 1999- March 2000 Jan. 1999- June 1999 June 1997-Aug. 1997 Writer and Segment Producer, Columbia Tri-Star Television Culver City, CA o Researched womens issues, initiated story ideas, wrote subject profiles, edited and produced segments for reality program. Assistant to the Director of Comedy Development, Brillstein- Grey Entertainment Beverly Hills, CA o Read and critiqued scripts, wrote reviews, selected scripts/ writers for development. Editor and Public Relations Correspondent, 96 Inc. Boston, MA o Associate Editor of non-profit literary magazine. Critiqued works, wrote profiles of writers, helped select works for publication. Awards and Publications Forthcoming May 2015 Aug. 2011 Oct. 2011 Dec. 2010 Oct. 2009 2005-2006 Up Dell Drive Water~Stone Review Cicadas a short story The Kenyon Review Clay Girls, a short story Finalist for the 2011 Copper Nickel Fiction Award (selected by Daniel Alarcon) C3PGirl, a short story Published in The Los Angeles Review, volume 10. Finalist for the Rick DeMarinis Award in Short Fiction from Cutthroat, A Journal for the Arts. Those Unseen, a short story Published in Front Porch, the literary Journal of Texas State MFA Program. Issue 12 Calderwood Fellow The Athaneaum, Boston, MA o Received a grant in partnership with the Harvard Writing Project, the Calderwood Foundation and the Boston Athaneaum. Fellowship was designed to address teachers as writers and to coach teachers to improve the teaching of writing in the classroom and across the curricula. o Wrote and published essays about writing and teaching. References Available upon request