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Hi/Hello! : Hai!/Halo!
Good morning! : Selamat pagi!
Good afternoon! : Selamat siang!
Good evening! : Selamat sore!
Good night! : Selamat malam!
RESPONSES (Jawaban pertanyaan)
How are you? : Bagaimana kabarnya? I¨m doing well, thank you. (Saya baik-baik saja. Terima
How is it going? : Bagaimana keadaan sekarang? I¨m fine. Thank you. (Saya baik. Terima kasih)
Not bad. Thank you. (Tidak buruk/lumayan. Terima kasih)
How¨s everything? : Bagaimana semuanya? I¨m great (Saya baik)
I¨m good (Saya baik)
Galang from Kalimantan
I think I should be going : Saya rasa saya harus pergi
I must go now : Saya harus pergi sekarang
Goodbye : Selamat tinggal
Good night : Selamat malam
See you later : Sampai jumpa nanti
Have a nice day : Semoga harimu menyenangkan
Nice talking to you : Senang berbicara denganmu
Take care: Hati-hati
See you : Sampai jumpa
See you tomorrow : Sampai jumpa besok
Expressions to take a leave
kejadian, orang
1 2 3 4 5
Self-introduction and
Introducing other people
Hello Hello
Let me introduce myself. I¨m´ Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Saya..
I¨d like to introduce myself. I¨m´ Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Saya
Let me introduce myself to you.
Allow me to introduce myself to you
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya
Nice to meet you. I¨m´ Senang bertemu denganmu. Saya´
My name is´ Nama saya´
I¨m´years old. Saya´ tahun.
I live in Saya tinggal di´
I like/My hobby is´/My hobbies are´ Saya menyukai/hobi saya adalah´
Nice to meet you
The Table of Pronoun
Subjective or
nominative case
Objective case Possessive case Reflexive case
I Me My, Mine Myself
We Us Our, Ours Ourselves
You You Your, Yours Yourself
He Him His, His Himself
She Her Her, Hers Herself
They Them Their, Theirs Themselves
Asking About Identity
What is your name?
Siapa namamu?
Where do you live?
Dimana kamu
What is your hobby?
Apa hobimu?
How old are you?
Berapa umurmu?
What is your favorite
A[a warna/minuman/makanan
Introducing Others
May I introduce you to´? Bolehkah aku memperkenalkanmu pada´?
Let me introduce you to ´ Izinkan saya memperkenalkan kamu pada ´
I¨d like you to meet´ Saya ingin kamu bertemu´
I don¨t think you have met ´, do you? Saya rasa kamu belum pernah bertemu..., ya
You haven¨t met ´, have you? Kamu belum pernah ketemu..., kan?
Have you met ´? Apakah kamu sudah bertemu dengan ´?
Do you know ´ Tahukah kamu ´
This is ´ Dia adalah ´
Write a sentence of each type
Greeting You can write the corresponding sentence here
Birthday You can write the corresponding sentence here
Family You can write the corresponding sentence here
Hobbies You can write the corresponding sentence here
Country You can write the corresponding sentence here
Table of
You can describe the
topic of the section
You can describe the
topic of the section
You can describe the
topic of the section
You can describe the
topic of the section
01 02
03 04
!Someone Famous
^This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired ̄
Types of presentation
Venus is the
second planet
from the Sun
Despite being
red, Mars is a
cold place
Jupiter is the
biggest planet of
them all
Saturn is a gas
giant and has
several rings
This can be the part of the
presentation where you introduce
yourself, write your email´
A picture always
reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an image
instead of a long text. Your
audience will appreciate it
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
Most used intros
Intro 01 Intro 02
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and
the smallest one in the
Solar System!it¨s only a
bit larger than the
Jupiter is a gas giant
and the biggest planet
in the Solar System. It's
the fourth-brightest
object in the night sky
Talk about your family
Jupiter is the
biggest planet
of them all
Venus is the
second planet
from the Sun
Despite being
red, Mars is a
cold place
Saturn is a gas
giant with
several rings
A picture is
worth a
Choose the type of information of each
About your age
About your
Hello! My name is Lucy.
I¨m seven years old.
I like to play basketball.
Hi! I¨m Alice.
I hate dancing.
I was born in 2015.
The most used phrases
About your
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
About your
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
About your
Mercury is the smallest
planet of them all
Watch practice
and learn
Despite being red, Mars is
actually a very cold place. It¨s
full of iron oxide dust, which
gives the planet its reddish
Insert your multimedia content here
Ways to say what you like
I love
Despite being red, Mars is a
cold place
I like
Venus is the second planet
from the Sun
I hate
Saturn is a gas giant and has
several rings
I don¨t like
Jupiter is the biggest planet in
the Solar System
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
Distance between Earth and the Moon
386,000 km
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter's rotation period
The Sun¨s mass compared to Earth¨s
Favorite sports
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Jupiter is the
biggest planet of
them all
Venus is the
second planet
from the Sun
Despite being
red, Mars is a
cold place
Saturn is a gas
giant and has
several rings
Favorite subjects
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Mercury is the
closest planet to the
Science Art
Neptune is far away
from Earth
Big numbers catch your audience¨s attention
e words
Fill in the missing word
¢ My name is ´´´´
¢ I am ´´´´ years-old
¢ I am from ´´´´
¢ I ´´´´ play football
¢ My ´´´´ hobby is playing tennis
¢ Nice to ´´´´ you
¢ 7
¢ Meet
¢ Spain
¢ Like
¢ Favorite
¢ Lucy
Types of presentation in the world
Saturn is a gas giant
and has rings
Venus has a
beautiful name
It¨s the closest
planet to the Sun
Talk about each hobby
Play the piano Read books
Listen to
Watch movies
Dance ballet
Mercury is the
smallest planet
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Mars is actually a
very cold place
Jupiter is the
biggest planet of
them all
Saturn is a gas giant
and has several
Laptop mockup
You can replace the image on
the screen with your own work.
Just right-click on it and select
^Replace image ̄
You can replace the image on
the screen with your own work.
Just right-click on it and select
^Replace image ̄
Tablet mockup
Phone mockup
You can replace the image on
the screen with your own work.
Just right-click on it and select
^Replace image ̄
You can talk a bit
about this person
You can talk a bit
about this person
You can talk a bit
about this person
Our teachers
Tina Robins John Lucas Beth Toms
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by 際際滷sgo, including icons
by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik
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Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838
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Alternative resources
¢ English subject pronouns for kids
¢ Hand drawn back to school backgrou
nd I
¢ Hand drawn back to school backgrou
nd II
¢ Flat national sports day illustration
¢ Organic flat design about me concept
¢ Boy presenting in front of class
¢ Girl presenting in class
¢ English teacher doing her class with a
¢ Teacher doing an english lesson onlin
e for his students
Here¨s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits the one of this template:
¢ Flat children back to school collection
¢ Hand drawn back to school backgrou
¢ Organic flat international day of famil
ies illustration
¢ Selection of flat elements for sports
¢ Soccer elements collection with equip
ment in flat style
¢ Hand drawn people hobbies set
¢ Flat icons school concept set
¢ High angle girl presenting in class
¢ Childrens in classroom
¢ Front view woman teaching from ho
¢ Young english teacher doing her less
ons online
¢ Senior male professor explaining and
writing on green chalkboard
¢ High angle boy presenting in class
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Self Introduction_class 7_CurriculumMerdeka
Self Introduction_class 7_CurriculumMerdeka
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Self Introduction_class 7_CurriculumMerdeka
Self Introduction_class 7_CurriculumMerdeka
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Self Introduction_class 7_CurriculumMerdeka

  • 2. EXPRESSION OF GREETING (Sapaan) Hi/Hello! : Hai!/Halo! Good morning! : Selamat pagi! Good afternoon! : Selamat siang! Good evening! : Selamat sore! Good night! : Selamat malam! RESPONSES (Jawaban pertanyaan) How are you? : Bagaimana kabarnya? I¨m doing well, thank you. (Saya baik-baik saja. Terima kasih. How is it going? : Bagaimana keadaan sekarang? I¨m fine. Thank you. (Saya baik. Terima kasih) Not bad. Thank you. (Tidak buruk/lumayan. Terima kasih) How¨s everything? : Bagaimana semuanya? I¨m great (Saya baik) I¨m good (Saya baik) Galang from Kalimantan
  • 3. I think I should be going : Saya rasa saya harus pergi I must go now : Saya harus pergi sekarang Goodbye : Selamat tinggal Good night : Selamat malam See you later : Sampai jumpa nanti Have a nice day : Semoga harimu menyenangkan Nice talking to you : Senang berbicara denganmu Take care: Hati-hati See you : Sampai jumpa See you tomorrow : Sampai jumpa besok Expressions to take a leave
  • 6. Self-Introduction INTRODUCING SELF MEANING Hello Hello Let me introduce myself. I¨m´ Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Saya.. I¨d like to introduce myself. I¨m´ Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Saya Let me introduce myself to you. Allow me to introduce myself to you Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya padamu. Nice to meet you. I¨m´ Senang bertemu denganmu. Saya´ My name is´ Nama saya´ I¨m´years old. Saya´ tahun. I live in Saya tinggal di´ I like/My hobby is´/My hobbies are´ Saya menyukai/hobi saya adalah´ Nice to meet you
  • 7. The Table of Pronoun Subjective or nominative case Objective case Possessive case Reflexive case I Me My, Mine Myself We Us Our, Ours Ourselves You You Your, Yours Yourself He Him His, His Himself She Her Her, Hers Herself They Them Their, Theirs Themselves
  • 8. Asking About Identity What is your name? Siapa namamu? Where do you live? Dimana kamu tinggal? What is your hobby? Apa hobimu? How old are you? Berapa umurmu? What is your favorite color/drink/food? A[a warna/minuman/makanan favoritmu?
  • 9. Introducing Others INTRODUCING SELF MEANING May I introduce you to´? Bolehkah aku memperkenalkanmu pada´? Let me introduce you to ´ Izinkan saya memperkenalkan kamu pada ´ I¨d like you to meet´ Saya ingin kamu bertemu´ I don¨t think you have met ´, do you? Saya rasa kamu belum pernah bertemu..., ya kan? You haven¨t met ´, have you? Kamu belum pernah ketemu..., kan? Have you met ´? Apakah kamu sudah bertemu dengan ´? Do you know ´ Tahukah kamu ´ This is ´ Dia adalah ´
  • 10. Write a sentence of each type Greeting You can write the corresponding sentence here Birthday You can write the corresponding sentence here Family You can write the corresponding sentence here Hobbies You can write the corresponding sentence here Country You can write the corresponding sentence here
  • 11. Table of contents Introduction You can describe the topic of the section here Presentation You can describe the topic of the section here Analysis You can describe the topic of the section here Conclusion You can describe the topic of the section here 01 02 03 04
  • 12. !Someone Famous ^This is a quote, words full of wisdom that someone important said and can make the reader get inspired ̄
  • 13. Types of presentation Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun Mars Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Saturn Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings
  • 14. This can be the part of the presentation where you introduce yourself, write your email´ Whoa!
  • 15. A picture always reinforces the concept Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember: use an image instead of a long text. Your audience will appreciate it
  • 16. Presentatio n You can enter a subtitle here if you need it 02
  • 17. Most used intros Intro 01 Intro 02 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System!it¨s only a bit larger than the Moon Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System. It's the fourth-brightest object in the night sky
  • 18. Talk about your family Dad Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Sister Venus is the second planet from the Sun Mom Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Brother Saturn is a gas giant with several rings
  • 19. A picture is worth a thousand words
  • 20. Choose the type of information of each phase About your age About your hobbies Hello! My name is Lucy. I¨m seven years old. Greeting I like to play basketball. Hi! I¨m Alice. I hate dancing. I was born in 2015.
  • 21. The most used phrases About your name Venus is the second planet from the Sun About your age Despite being red, Mars is a cold place About your hobbies Mercury is the smallest planet of them all 02 01 03
  • 22. Watch practice and learn Despite being red, Mars is actually a very cold place. It¨s full of iron oxide dust, which gives the planet its reddish cast Insert your multimedia content here
  • 23. Ways to say what you like I love Despite being red, Mars is a cold place I like Venus is the second planet from the Sun I hate Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings I don¨t like Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System
  • 24. Analysis 03 You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
  • 25. 333,000 Distance between Earth and the Moon 386,000 km 9h 55m 23s Jupiter's rotation period The Sun¨s mass compared to Earth¨s
  • 26. Favorite sports Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here 10% 20% 45% 25% Tennis Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Soccer Venus is the second planet from the Sun Basketball Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Baseball Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings
  • 27. Favorite subjects Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Venus is the second planet from the Sun Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Math Science Art 75% 45% 65% English Neptune is far away from Earth 40%
  • 28. 4,498,30 0 Big numbers catch your audience¨s attention
  • 30. Fill in the missing word ¢ My name is ´´´´ ¢ I am ´´´´ years-old ¢ I am from ´´´´ ¢ I ´´´´ play football ¢ My ´´´´ hobby is playing tennis ¢ Nice to ´´´´ you ¢ 7 ¢ Meet ¢ Spain ¢ Like ¢ Favorite ¢ Lucy
  • 31. Types of presentation in the world Saturn Saturn is a gas giant and has rings Venus Venus has a beautiful name Mercury It¨s the closest planet to the Sun
  • 32. Talk about each hobby Play the piano Read books Listen to music Watch movies Dance ballet Mercury is the smallest planet Venus is the second planet from the Sun Mars is actually a very cold place Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings
  • 33. Laptop mockup You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just right-click on it and select ^Replace image ̄
  • 34. You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just right-click on it and select ^Replace image ̄ Tablet mockup
  • 35. Phone mockup You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just right-click on it and select ^Replace image ̄
  • 36. You can talk a bit about this person here You can talk a bit about this person here You can talk a bit about this person here Our teachers Tina Robins John Lucas Beth Toms
  • 37. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by 際際滷sgo, including icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik Thank you! Do you have any questions? youremail@freepik.com +91 620 421 838 yourcompany.com Please keep this slide for attribution
  • 38. Alternative resources Vectors ¢ English subject pronouns for kids ¢ Hand drawn back to school backgrou nd I ¢ Hand drawn back to school backgrou nd II ¢ Flat national sports day illustration ¢ Organic flat design about me concept Photos ¢ Boy presenting in front of class ¢ Girl presenting in class ¢ English teacher doing her class with a whiteboard ¢ Teacher doing an english lesson onlin e for his students Here¨s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits the one of this template:
  • 39. Resources Vectors ¢ Flat children back to school collection ¢ Hand drawn back to school backgrou nd ¢ Organic flat international day of famil ies illustration ¢ Selection of flat elements for sports ¢ Soccer elements collection with equip ment in flat style ¢ Hand drawn people hobbies set ¢ Flat icons school concept set Photos ¢ High angle girl presenting in class ¢ Childrens in classroom ¢ Front view woman teaching from ho me ¢ Young english teacher doing her less ons online ¢ Senior male professor explaining and writing on green chalkboard ¢ High angle boy presenting in class Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our other websites:
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