The document discusses linking services to linked open data by describing services and their inputs/outputs as semantic web resources. It proposes exposing service descriptions and data as RDF to make implicit knowledge explicit. Services would publish RDF graphs describing their functionality and how they contribute to implicit knowledge. This treats services as linked data prosumers and allows for building linked data-friendly processes.
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Linked Open Services @ SemData2010
1. Linked Data Meets Services and Processes:Linked Open ServicesBarry Norton, RetoKrummenacherSemData@ESWC, May 30, 2010
2. AgendaState of the art in combination of Linked Open Data and servicesServices over the LOD Cloud(SWS) Service descriptions in the LOD CloudWhy not just SWS?Linked Open ServicesOutlook2Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton30.05.2010
3. State of the Art GeoNames.orgLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton330.05.2010
4. State of the Art ServicesLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton430.05.2010
5. State of the Art ServicesLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton530.05.2010
6. State of the Art Weather ServiceLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton630.05.2010
7. State of the Art Weather Service{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton730.05.2010
8. State of the Art Weather Service{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton830.05.2010
9. State of the Art Combination of LOD & ServicesLast SemData Workshop presented Linked Services, which are the exposure of service descriptions as LODService model based on Minimal Service Model, which is SAWSDL in RDF:De-XMLised (WSDL) RPC model in RDF(S)Ontology/vocabulary classification of inputs/outputsPointer to lifting and lowering schemasturn XML-based messages into instances of these classesLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton930.05.2010
10. JSON{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Why not just SWS?RDFSWeatherObservationXSPARQLReportCloudReportWindReportRDF [ rdf:value "30^^xsd:int; # liftingrdf:type :WindReport #classification]Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton1030.05.2010
11. JSON{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Why not just SWS?RDFSWeatherObservationXSPARQLReportCloudReportWindReportRDF [ rdf:value ??? # liftingrdf:type :WindReport #classification]Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton1130.05.2010
12. JSON{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Services as LODRDF(S)WeatherObservationXSPARQLReportCloudReportWindReportRDF [ rdf:value :brokenClouds # liftingrdf:type :WindReport #classification]:brokenCloudsrdf:value broken clouds@en;rdf:value 舒亰弍亳亳 仂弍仍舒亳@bg.Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton1230.05.2010
16. JSON{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Services as LODImplicit relationship of input and outputXSPARQLWhere? Says who?RDF [ rdf:value "30^^xsd:int; # lifting<> ... # implicit knowledgerdf:type :WindReport #classification]Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton1630.05.2010
17. JSON{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Services as LODImplicit relationship of input and outputImplicit in interaction with particular serviceXSPARQLWhere? Says who?RDF [ rdf:value "30^^xsd:int; # lifting<> ... # implicit knowledgerdf:type :WindReport #classification]Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton1730.05.2010
18. JSON{"weatherObservation": {"clouds":"broken clouds", "weatherCondition":"drizzle", "observation":"LESO 251300Z 03007KT 340V040 CAVOK 23/15 Q1010", "windDirection":30,Services as LODImplicit relationship of input and outputImplicit in interaction with particular serviceXSPARQLWhere? Says who?RDF [ rdf:value "30^^xsd:int; # lifting<> ... # implicit knowledgerdf:type :WindReport #classification]Simply lifting I/O does not capture knowledge contributionof service executionLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton1830.05.2010
19. Linked Open Services (Principles/Manifesto)Describe and expose services as LOD prosumersDescribe inputs and output as SPARQLgraph patternsExpose RESTfully with negotiable RDFEncode implicit knowledge in knowledge contributionEncode using SPARQL CONSTRUCTsBuilds LOD-friendly processes:Conditions SPARQL ASKsIteration SPARQL SELECTsLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton1930.05.2010
20. LOS! ExamplePOST /examples/weatherICAOHost: www.linkedopenservices.orgContent-Type: application/rdf+xml<rdf:RDF ...> <geonames:City about="">...</rdf:RDF>@prefix geonamesCities:<...>[geonamesCities:vienna :weatherCondition [:cloudReport :brokenClouds; :windReport [rdf:value "20^^xsd:int ; unit:kph]](+ reification for provenance)舒亰弍亳亳 仂弍仍舒亳@bg.Linked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton2030.05.2010
21. OutlookLinked Open Services Tutorial @ of real and process feed of developmentLinked Open ServicesDr. Barry Norton2130.05.2010