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t0845 257 1555   |e  info@blueprint.uk.com   |w blueprint.co.ukTITLE OF THIS PRESENTATION IS...THE RECRUITMENT MIX TRANSFORMING HIRING STRATEGYPREPARED BY: SIMON WARD1st  February 2010t0845 901 1661   |e  info@blueprintconsulting.uk.com   |w blueprintconsulting.uk.com
SIMON WARDHEAD OF UK RECRUITMENT LEGAL & GENERALOver thirty years recruitment industry experience, spending approximately 15 years on the supply side and 15 years on the demand side of the market.Ten years working with a number of organisations of varying sizes, operating across a variety of market sectors, to help them transform the way they recruit and  retain their people and to develop market leading employer brand strategies.Interim Head of UK Recruitment at Legal & General for the last year with a mandate to design and implement a new Target Operating Model for the recruitment function and explore the potential for outsourcing ..
WHO ARE  LEGAL & GENERALLeading provider of risk, savings and investment management
Celebrating 175 years of trading this year
Employ c.7000 in the UK across 5 key sites
Average period of service is in excess of 13 years
In 2010 we recruited 2100 new hires including temps and contractors
C.1400 were permanent hires
Internal recruitment team of 17 organised by location
A highly traditional, risk averse business
Highly resistant to change OUR GUIDING  PRINCIPLESThe Internet has changed the balance of the supply and demand side markets
There is nothing a supplier can do that we cannot do ourselves
Be brave and be prepared to sound stupid;there are no wrong answers, just unasked questions

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