Bobby Tott builds a house out of cotton candy after his father warns him about three mischievous chipmunks. When the chipmunks ask to come inside, Bobby refuses based on his father's warning. True to the warning, the chipmunks begin eating the cotton candy house. Bobby flees and builds a new house out of mashed potatoes. He hears knocking at the door and a familiar voice asking to come in, but Bobby refuses entry again.
Bobby Tott builds a house out of cotton candy after his father warns him about three mischievous chipmunks. When the chipmunks ask to come inside, Bobby refuses based on his father's warning. True to the warning, the chipmunks begin eating the cotton candy house. Bobby flees and builds a new house out of mashed potatoes. He hears knocking at the door and a familiar voice asking to come in, but Bobby refuses entry again.
This document contains specifications for different sizes of preserved roses - jumbo, standard, and petite. Jumbo roses have a diameter of 7cm or more and a height of 6.6cm or more. Standard roses have a diameter of 6.6cm and a height between 5.6-6.5cm. Petite roses have a diameter of 5cm and a height of 5-5.5cm. The document also notes that 3D roses in jumbo size can be produced with 3-4 colors upon request.
Gordon Sports Architecture provides integrated design services for parks, recreation, and athletic facilities including master planning, community outreach, construction plans, and construction administration. They specialize in natural and synthetic turf fields, playgrounds, sports courts, trails, and golf course design. Their goal is to create innovative, sustainable spaces that meet client needs and are enjoyed by users of all ages.
Gordon Athletics provides integrated athletic facility design services including master planning, design, construction documents, and administration. They pride themselves on focusing on details to create successful, easy to maintain facilities for a variety of sports. Their design approach embeds details for safety, clarity of play, and ease of maintenance.
To peel a cucumber safely, you will need a cucumber, peeler, and flat surface. First, wash the cucumber and place it on a flat surface. Holding the cucumber firmly, slowly drag the peeler down its side to remove the skin. Rotate the cucumber and repeat until all dark green skin is removed. Once the cucumber is clear of skin, it is ready to eat.
The document discusses agile principles for software development, emphasizing collaboration over contracts and responding to change. It recommends using common sense rather than rigid rules. Images include a crystal ball, weather forecast, and quote about planning being essential even if plans change. The document advocates delivering work in increments and managing expectations and scope to enable flexibility.
Gordon Associates is a consulting firm providing surveying and engineering services including 3D laser scanning. Laser scanning uses lasers to rapidly capture detailed 3D data on physical environments. It generates dense point clouds that allow clients to access more survey information without additional site visits. Laser scanning is used for applications like as-built modeling, construction monitoring, topographic surveys, and forensic investigations. It provides accurate spatial data that conventional methods cannot access.
Bobby Tott builds three different houses that are destroyed by three mischievous chipmunks. His first house is made of cotton candy, which the chipmunks easily eat through. His second house is made of marshmallows and meets the same fate. For his third house, Bobby builds it out of hard jawbreakers so the chipmunks cannot eat through it. When they try, one chipmunk breaks its teeth on the jawbreakers and they flee in pain, leaving Bobby and his house intact.
To peel a cucumber safely, you will need a cucumber, peeler, and flat surface. First, wash the cucumber and place it on a flat surface. Holding the cucumber firmly, slowly drag the peeler down its side to remove the skin. Rotate the cucumber and repeat until all dark green skin is removed. Once the cucumber is clear of skin, it is ready to eat.
The document discusses agile principles for software development, emphasizing collaboration over contracts and responding to change. It recommends using common sense rather than rigid rules. Images include a crystal ball, weather forecast, and quote about planning being essential even if plans change. The document advocates delivering work in increments and managing expectations and scope to enable flexibility.
Gordon Associates is a consulting firm providing surveying and engineering services including 3D laser scanning. Laser scanning uses lasers to rapidly capture detailed 3D data on physical environments. It generates dense point clouds that allow clients to access more survey information without additional site visits. Laser scanning is used for applications like as-built modeling, construction monitoring, topographic surveys, and forensic investigations. It provides accurate spatial data that conventional methods cannot access.
Bobby Tott builds three different houses that are destroyed by three mischievous chipmunks. His first house is made of cotton candy, which the chipmunks easily eat through. His second house is made of marshmallows and meets the same fate. For his third house, Bobby builds it out of hard jawbreakers so the chipmunks cannot eat through it. When they try, one chipmunk breaks its teeth on the jawbreakers and they flee in pain, leaving Bobby and his house intact.
2. Nadpunjenje motora
Nadpunjenje je postupak kod kojeg se dovodi
ve?a koli?ina vazduha u cilindar motora od
koli?ine vazduha koja se smjesti u cilindar
kod usisnog motora
Posti?e se pove?anjem gusto?e vazduha
Realizacija je naj?e??e pomo?u kompresora
Turbopunjenje je nadpunjenje pomo?u turbo-
Cilj je pove?anje snage motora za istu hodnu
zapreminu motora
4. Pristup modeliranju
M o to r S U S S is te m
C ije v i S p o je v i, v e n tili,
U s is n a i iz d u v n a g r a n a , filtri, h la d n ja k T u rb o -k o m p re s o r E le m e n ti
d o v o d v a z d u h a ...
v a z d u h a ...
G a s n o d in a m i? k i M a p e s t a n ja
P u n je n je i m o d e l: K v a z i-s ta c io n a r n i (s ta c io n a r n e ),
M o d e li
p r a ? n je n je 1 -d im e n z io n a ln i m o d e li a p r o k s im a c ije
n e s ta c io n a r n i to k K - D m la z n i c o m ...
1 -d im e n z io n a ln e
O ? u v a n je m a s e Je d n a ? in e to k a Z a k o n i/
iz e n tr o p s k e
i e n e r g i je s t i ? l ji v o g f lu id a je d n a ? in e
je d n a ? in e t o k a
S a g o r ije v a n je T r e n je
P r e n o s to p lo te P r ije n o s t o p lo t e
T ra n s p o rtn i p ro c e s i H e m ija ... D o d a tn i-
m o d e li
5. Usvojeni modeli M o d e l p r e h r a n jiv a n o g m o to r a S U S
K o n t r o ln i v o lu m e n J e d n o d im e n z io n a ln a c ije v Spoj
C ilin d a r U s i s n a /i z d u v n a g r a n a T u rb o -k o m p re so r
S a g o r ije v a n je P r e n o s t o p lo t e K a t a liz a t o r
K o m p re so r
U s i s n a /i z d u v n a g r a n a T u r b in a
F ilt e r
H la d n ja k v a z d u h a
V e n t ili
0-d volumen
W a ste -G a te
0-d volumen ili 1-d cijev
nije uklju?eno u prezentirani model K a t a liz a t o r
E G R v e n t il
6. Model cilindra
Odr?anje mase
d ( ¦ÑV ) ns
= ?¡Æ ¦Ñ s v s ? As
dt s =1
Odr?anje energije
d ( ¦ÑeV ) ns
dQ dL
= ?¡Æ es ¦Ñ s v s ? As + ?
dt s =1 dt dt
Odr?anje supstance
d ( ¦ÑVci ) ns
= ?¡Æ ci s ¦Ñ s v s ? As +
dt s =1 dt
¡Æc i =1
17. FCT algoritam
Transportna faza
( 1
) (
Vi yiT = Vi yi* + ?t Ai +1/ 2 D1, i +1 + D1, i ? ?t Ai ?1/ 2 D1, i ?1 + D1, i
2 2
( )( )
+ ?t C2,i A i +1/ 2 + A i ?1/ 2 D2, i +1 ? D2, i ?1 + ?t Vi D3, i .
Difuziona faza
Vi ~i = Vi yiT + ?i +1 / 2Vi +1 / 2 ( yio+1 ? yio ) ? ?i ?1 / 2Vi ?1 / 2 ( yio ? yio?1 )
Antidifuziona faza
yit = ~i ?
1 c
fi +1 / 2 ? f i c 1 / 2
? )
18. Provjera FCT algoritma
Pucanje membrane
4.5 400
Egzaktno Egzaktno
4 350 Prora?un
3.5 300
pritisak p bar
brzina v m/s
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
xm xm
21. Integralni pokazatelji ciklisa
Usporedba izmjerenih i ra?unskih vrijednosti osnovnih parametara rada motora pri
n=1300 min-1 i 100% optere?enju
Naziv Oznaka Jedinica Mjerenje Prora?un Razlika [%]
Snaga Pe kW 168.80 164.00 -2.85
?asovna potro?nja gor. Gh kg/h 34.20 34.20 +0.00
Srednji efektivni pritisak pe bar 14.65 14.15 -2.85
Srednja efekt. potro?nja gor. ge g/kWh 202.60 208.10 +2.85
Potro?nja vazduha mK
? kg/s 0.2018 0.1953 -3.22
Ekvival. odnos vazduha ¦Á - 1.3419 1.2987 -3.22
Pritisak ispred kompr. p1 bar 0.9774 0.9755 -0.19
Pritisak iza kompr. p2 bar 1.8369 1.7965 -2.20
Pritisak ispred turbine p3 bar 1.4243 1.5038 -5.58
Pritisak iza turbine p4 bar 1.0073 1.0273 +1.99
Temperatura ispred kompr. T1 K 305.0 297.0 -2.62
Temperatura iza kompr. T2 K 385.0 373.2 -3.06
Temperatura iza hladnjaka T2 ' K 305.0 302.0 -0.98
Temperatura ispred turbine T3 K 904.0 905.6 +0.18
Temperatura iza turbine T4 K 842.0 846.0 +0.48
Promjena temp. u turbini ?4
T K 62.0 59.6 -3.87
Maseni protok izduv. gasova mT
? kg/s 0.2113 0.2048 -3.08
Broj obrtaja TK agregata N s-1 1155.8 1104.9 -4.61
Pritisak otvaranja izd. ventila pivo bar 7.700 7.528 -2.23
Temp. otvaranja izd. ventila Tivo K 1287.0 1244.0 -3.34
22. Integralni pokazatelji ciklisa
Usporedba izmjerenih i ra?unskih vrijednosti osnovnih parametara rada motora pri
n=2150 min-1 i 100% optere?enju
Naziv Oznaka Jedinica Mjerenje Prora?un Razlika [%]
Snaga Pe kW 220.00 222.29 +1.04
?asovna potro?nja gor. Gh kg/h 49.20 49.20 +0.00
Srednji efektivni pritisak pe bar 11.48 11.60 +1.05
Srednja efekt. potro?nja gor. ge g/kWh 223.60 221.30 -1.03
Potro?nja vazduha mK
? kg/s 0.3974 0.3998 +0.60
Ekvival. odnos vazduha ¦Á - 1.837 1.848 +0.60
Pritisak ispred kompr. p1 bar 0.9541 0.9663 +1.28
Pritisak iza kompr. p2 bar 2.3987 2.3132 -3.56
Pritisak ispred turbine p3 bar 2.1329 2.2424 +5.13
Pritisak iza turbine p4 bar 1.0503 1.0601 +0.93
Temperatura ispred kompr. T1 K 304.0 297.0 -2.30
Temperatura iza kompr. T2 K 422.0 433.2 +2.65
Temperatura iza hladnjaka T2 ' K 328.0 337.0 +2.74
Temperatura ispred turbine T3 K 853.0 844.2 -1.03
Temperatura iza turbine T4 K 745.0 738.7 -0.85
Promjena temp. u turbini ?4 T K 108.0 105.5 -2.31
Maseni protok izduv. gasova mT
? kg/ s 0.4110 0.4135 +0.61
Broj obrtaja TK agregata N s-1 1476.0 1414.8 -4.15
Pritisak otvaranja izd. ventila pivo bar 8.082 7.987 -1.18
Temp. otvaranja izd. ventila Tivo K 1150.0 1097.0 -4.60
25. Pritisak u cilindru motora
120 240 360 480 600
26. Pritisak u izduvnoj grani
Maksimalni obrtni moment n=1300 min -1
0 120 240 360 480 600 720
27. Pritisak u izduvnoj grani
Maksimalna snaga n=2150 min-1
p[ bar]
0 120 240 360 480 600 720
? [ ¡ãKV ]
28. Zaklju?ak
Razvijen model nadpunjenog
vi?ecilindri?nog dizel motora takozvanog
modularnog tipa
FCT algoritam uspjesno primjenjen na tok
sti?ljivog fluida u usisnoj i izduvnoj grani
Dobiveni su rezultati koji se dobro sla?u sa
eksperimentalnim ispitivanjima
Otvara se mogu?nost primjene programa
za simulaciju motora u svrhu optimizacije
parametara rada