Giovanni Giolitti was the most important Italan Prime Minister in the period 1900-1914. From his name is designed the modern evolution of Italy, who became a modern industrial country
Strength of Materials-Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram.pptxDr.S.SURESH
The document discusses transverse loading on beams and stress in beams. It defines different types of beams including cantilever, simply supported, overhanging, and continuous beams. It also defines types of loads such as point loads and uniformly distributed loads. It explains shear force as the sum of vertical forces on one side of a point on the beam. Bending moment is defined as the sum of moments due to vertical forces. Shear force diagrams and bending moment diagrams are used to show shear force and bending moment at every section of the beam due to transverse loading. An example problem is provided to illustrate calculating and drawing the shear force and bending moment diagrams for a cantilever beam with a point load.
This document contains lecture notes on mechanics of solids from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indus Institute of Technology & Engineering. It defines key concepts such as load, stress, strain, tensile stress and strain, compressive stress and strain, Young's modulus, shear stress and strain, shear modulus, stress-strain diagrams, working stress, and factor of safety. It also discusses thermal stresses, linear and lateral strain, Poisson's ratio, volumetric strain, bulk modulus, composite bars, bars with varying cross-sections, and stress concentration. The document provides examples to illustrate how to calculate stresses, strains, moduli, and other mechanical properties for different loading conditions.
Shanshan Liu's unofficial transcript summarizes her academic record, including transfer credits from Shanghai University in China accepted by the University of St. Thomas. It shows her current program as a BS in Electrical Engineering and lists the courses she has taken at St. Thomas as well as transfer credits. The transcript does not represent her official academic record.
Giovanni Giolitti was the most important Italan Prime Minister in the period 1900-1914. From his name is designed the modern evolution of Italy, who became a modern industrial country
Strength of Materials-Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram.pptxDr.S.SURESH
The document discusses transverse loading on beams and stress in beams. It defines different types of beams including cantilever, simply supported, overhanging, and continuous beams. It also defines types of loads such as point loads and uniformly distributed loads. It explains shear force as the sum of vertical forces on one side of a point on the beam. Bending moment is defined as the sum of moments due to vertical forces. Shear force diagrams and bending moment diagrams are used to show shear force and bending moment at every section of the beam due to transverse loading. An example problem is provided to illustrate calculating and drawing the shear force and bending moment diagrams for a cantilever beam with a point load.
This document contains lecture notes on mechanics of solids from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indus Institute of Technology & Engineering. It defines key concepts such as load, stress, strain, tensile stress and strain, compressive stress and strain, Young's modulus, shear stress and strain, shear modulus, stress-strain diagrams, working stress, and factor of safety. It also discusses thermal stresses, linear and lateral strain, Poisson's ratio, volumetric strain, bulk modulus, composite bars, bars with varying cross-sections, and stress concentration. The document provides examples to illustrate how to calculate stresses, strains, moduli, and other mechanical properties for different loading conditions.
Shanshan Liu's unofficial transcript summarizes her academic record, including transfer credits from Shanghai University in China accepted by the University of St. Thomas. It shows her current program as a BS in Electrical Engineering and lists the courses she has taken at St. Thomas as well as transfer credits. The transcript does not represent her official academic record.
Lapplicazione, denominata ALBERT, consiste in un robot telecomandato ad uso didattico, basato su tecnologia Arduino, pensato e sviluppato come attivit motivazionale a sostegno della didattica tradizionale.
Classe Digitale 竪 un innovativo registro elettronico per la scuola di ogni ordine e grado.
Classe Digitale 竪 stato premiato da ForumPA come una delle 12 migliori soluzioni innovative del 2015 per la Pubblica amministrazione Italiana.
Un sensore a ultrasuoni 竪 un modulo formato da due capsule (trasmittente e
ricevente) in grado di calcolare la distanza di un ostacolo
semplicemente calcolando il tempo che impiegano gli ultrasuoni per
tornare dallostacolo alla capsula ricevente.
Il sensore che utilizzeremo 竪 lHC-SR04 che ha 4 pin:
1. Vcc che va collegato ai 5V di Arduino Uno;
2. Gnd collegato al pin Gnd (massa) di Arduino Uno;
3. Trig collegato al pin 7 di Arduino;
4. Echo collegato al pin 8 di Arduino.
Il Trig (capsula) genera un suono. Il suono
竪 unonda che, viaggia nello spazio finch辿
non trova un ostacolo e torna indietro, alla
capsula apposita che serve appunto per
ricevere il suono.
Per la legge della fisica
spazio /tempo = velocit(del suono)
Conoscendo la velocit del suono (340 m/s), e considerando il
tempo che londa impiega per tornare, viene calcolata la distanza.
spazio= velocit(del suono) x tempo
Mediante lutilizzo del sensore HC-SR04, 竪
possibile segnalare la presenza di un ostacolo.
Inoltre in base alla distanza rilevata dal sensore
HC-SR04, si aziona un cicalino facendolo
suonare con frequenza proporzionale alla
distanza dallostacolo.