Midis fuqive t谷 m谷dha filluan pazarll谷qet rreth Shqip谷ris谷, duke u premtuar shteteve ballkanike nga nj谷 pjes谷 t谷 tokave t谷 Shqip谷ris谷. P谷r k谷to arsye Greqia sulmoi nga jugu dhe pushtoi nj谷 pjes谷 t谷 tokave t谷 Shqip谷ris谷. Pas tyre sulmojn谷 edhe Italia e Serbia. Pastaj n谷 drejtim t谷 Shkodr谷s sulmoi edhe Mali i Zi. M谷 26 Prill 1915 u lidh traktati i fsheht谷 i Londr谷s, midis qeverive t谷 Antant谷s dhe Italis谷, p谷r ndarjen e tokave shqip谷tare. Gjat谷 Luft谷s s谷 Par谷 Bot谷rore Shqip谷rin谷 e pushtuan ushtrit谷 e : Greqis谷, Italis谷, Serbis谷, Malit t谷 Zi, Bullgaris谷, Austro-Hungaris谷 dhe pastaj ajo e Franc谷s. Kund谷r t谷 gjitha ushtrive luftoi l谷vizja patriotike e popullit shqip谷tar. Gjat谷 Luft谷s s谷 Par谷 Bot谷rore nga lufta, uria, epidemia etj vdiq谷n rreht 70 mij谷 shqip谷tar谷. Nga ana tjet谷r, pati edhe d谷me materiale t谷 m谷dha. Pas p谷rfundimit t谷 Luft谷s s谷 Par谷 Bot谷rore Shqip谷ria mbeti e okupuar nga ushtrit谷 e huaja. Parandaj u detyrua t谷 vazhdoj谷 luft谷n p谷r 巽lirim.
This document summarizes an article from the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology that discusses optimizing traffic signal timing at an isolated intersection. The article aims to minimize delays and queue lengths through optimizing the duration of signal cycles and allocation of green times to phases. It first describes the current signal timing plan and traffic conditions at the intersection. It then calculates performance measures like capacity utilization and lost times using classical models. Finally, it formulates the problem as a linear program to optimize signal timing through minimizing queues and delays, with the goal of improving traffic flow at the intersection without physical changes.
This document summarizes a research article that analyzed key factors affecting bicycle level of service on urban streets. The researchers used a bicycle level of service model to evaluate conditions on arterial roads, fast local roads, and local roads in Pristina, Kosovo. The most important variables found to influence bicycle LOS were traffic volume, parking and shoulder width, pavement condition, and parking occupancy. Higher traffic volumes, narrower shoulders, poorer pavement quality, and more parked cars reduced bicycle LOS scores. The study provides examples of how the bicycle LOS model was applied to different road types in Pristina and graphs showing the effect of these key factors. The researchers concluded pavement condition had the greatest impact on bicycle LOS scores compared to other
Midis fuqive t谷 m谷dha filluan pazarll谷qet rreth Shqip谷ris谷, duke u premtuar shteteve ballkanike nga nj谷 pjes谷 t谷 tokave t谷 Shqip谷ris谷. P谷r k谷to arsye Greqia sulmoi nga jugu dhe pushtoi nj谷 pjes谷 t谷 tokave t谷 Shqip谷ris谷. Pas tyre sulmojn谷 edhe Italia e Serbia. Pastaj n谷 drejtim t谷 Shkodr谷s sulmoi edhe Mali i Zi. M谷 26 Prill 1915 u lidh traktati i fsheht谷 i Londr谷s, midis qeverive t谷 Antant谷s dhe Italis谷, p谷r ndarjen e tokave shqip谷tare. Gjat谷 Luft谷s s谷 Par谷 Bot谷rore Shqip谷rin谷 e pushtuan ushtrit谷 e : Greqis谷, Italis谷, Serbis谷, Malit t谷 Zi, Bullgaris谷, Austro-Hungaris谷 dhe pastaj ajo e Franc谷s. Kund谷r t谷 gjitha ushtrive luftoi l谷vizja patriotike e popullit shqip谷tar. Gjat谷 Luft谷s s谷 Par谷 Bot谷rore nga lufta, uria, epidemia etj vdiq谷n rreht 70 mij谷 shqip谷tar谷. Nga ana tjet谷r, pati edhe d谷me materiale t谷 m谷dha. Pas p谷rfundimit t谷 Luft谷s s谷 Par谷 Bot谷rore Shqip谷ria mbeti e okupuar nga ushtrit谷 e huaja. Parandaj u detyrua t谷 vazhdoj谷 luft谷n p谷r 巽lirim.
This document summarizes an article from the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology that discusses optimizing traffic signal timing at an isolated intersection. The article aims to minimize delays and queue lengths through optimizing the duration of signal cycles and allocation of green times to phases. It first describes the current signal timing plan and traffic conditions at the intersection. It then calculates performance measures like capacity utilization and lost times using classical models. Finally, it formulates the problem as a linear program to optimize signal timing through minimizing queues and delays, with the goal of improving traffic flow at the intersection without physical changes.
This document summarizes a research article that analyzed key factors affecting bicycle level of service on urban streets. The researchers used a bicycle level of service model to evaluate conditions on arterial roads, fast local roads, and local roads in Pristina, Kosovo. The most important variables found to influence bicycle LOS were traffic volume, parking and shoulder width, pavement condition, and parking occupancy. Higher traffic volumes, narrower shoulders, poorer pavement quality, and more parked cars reduced bicycle LOS scores. The study provides examples of how the bicycle LOS model was applied to different road types in Pristina and graphs showing the effect of these key factors. The researchers concluded pavement condition had the greatest impact on bicycle LOS scores compared to other
ktu i keni te dhenat e plota apo te sakta se si tr shkruhet nje punim seminarik, ky eshte njeri nder punimit me te gjitha kushtet apo permasat persa iperket nje punimi
Pashko Vasa - E verteta mbi Shqiperine dhe ShqiptaretMarjan DODAJ
Pashko VASA - E verteta mbi Shqiperine dhe Shqiptaret
Botohet i plote per here te pare ne shqip ne 130 vjetorin e botimit te pare dhe 185 vjetorit t谷 lindjes s谷 Pashko Vases
2. Serbia n谷 fund t谷 shekullit XIX dhe n谷 fillim t谷
shekullit XX
Lufta Ruso-Osmane(1877-1878), i solli Serbis谷 p谷rfitime territoriale.
Perandoria Osmane obligohej ta njihte pavar谷sin谷 e plot谷 t谷 Serbis谷 & zgjerimi
U zgjerua drejt jugut (mori qarkun e Nishit,Pirotit,Toplic谷s,Vranj谷s)
Serbia ushtroi nj谷 fushat谷 t谷 spastrimit t谷 popullsis谷 vend谷se.
U forcua ekonomikisht (bujq谷sia,industria,bankat)
Princi Milan Obrenoviqi shpalli veten mbret me p谷rkrahje austrohungareze.
U krijuan partit谷 si :Partia Radikale (Nikolla Pashiqi),Partia Liberale ,Partia
P谷rparimtare, etj.
1888 Serbia monarki parlamentare.
Aleksandri autokrat i v谷rtet谷,suprimoi kushtetut谷n
S谷 bashku me mbret谷resh谷n u vra nga nj谷 grup komplotist谷sh.
Nv vend u kthye dinastia e Karagjorgjeviq谷ve.
Lufta e derrave
Marr谷dheniet me Austro-Hungarin谷 u acaruan dhe m谷 shum谷 me rastin e aneksimit
t谷 Bosnje-Hercegovin谷s.
N谷 fund t谷 Luft谷rave Ballkanike okupimi i Kosov谷s dhe territoreve t谷 tjera.
7. Mali i Zi n谷 fund t谷 shekullit XIX dhe n谷 fillim t谷 shekullit XX
Me shp谷rthimin e kryengritjes antiosmane n谷 Bosnje Hercegovin谷 ,Mali
i Zi s谷 bashku me Serbin谷 n谷 luft谷 kund谷r P.Osmane(1876)
Malaziasit pushtuan Bileqen,Tivarin,Ulqinin,Vranin谷n dhe vise t谷 tjera.
N谷 Kongresin e Berlinit, Malit t谷 Zi iu njoh pavar谷sia dhe zgjerim
territorial (mori Tivarin,Ulqinin,Podgoric谷n,Nikshiqin,Kolashinin etj.)
Kushte t谷 mira ekonomike, n谷 Malin e Zi dep谷rtoi kapitali italian.
Princi Nikolla qeverisje autokratike(pak谷naq谷si n谷 popull)
1905 u mbajt谷n zgjedhjet p谷r asamblen谷 kushtetuese. Asambleja
miratoi kushtetut谷n .
Mali i Zi monarki kushtetuese.
Dy rryma politike , ajo af谷r princit dhe rryma qe ishte per nj谷
parlamentariz谷m demokratik.
Nikolla shpalli veten mbret .
Kuvendi malazias n谷 gusht t谷 vitit 1910 shpalli Malin e Zi mbret谷ri dhe
princin Nikolla mbret t谷 tij.
Aleanc谷 ballkanike antiosmane.
Shtator ,1912 Mali I zi i shpalli luft谷 P.Osmane, ai zgjeroi territoret
;pushtoi Gjakov谷n dhe Beranen .
10. Maqedonia n谷 fund t谷 shek. XIX dhe n谷 fillim t谷 shek. XX
o Gjendja e popullsis谷 gjat谷 shek. XIX-XX shum谷 e r谷nd谷.
o N谷 mesin e viteve 90 intelegjencia revolucionare maqedonase n谷
emigrim formoi disa gr. revolucionare.
o 1893 u themelua Organizata e brendshme revolucionare
maqedonase(VMRO); n谷 krye me:Goce Delcevi ,Dame Gruevi ,Gjorgje
Petrovi,Jane Sandanski etj.
o M谷 1903 p谷rgatitjet p谷r kryengritje.
o Mospajtime mes grupacioneve p谷r kohen e shp谷rthimit ,atentat ndaj
Goce Delcevi.
o 2 gusht 1903 Kryengritja e Ilindenit.
o Qendra e kryengritjes Krusheva .U shpall Republika e Krushev谷s.
Rol t谷 r谷nd谷sish谷m edhe p谷rfaq谷suesit shqiptar谷.
o Republika e Krushev谷s u shtyp me dhun谷 nga forcat osmane.
o 1908 ,n谷 Resne ,nj谷 kryengritje tjet谷r.Iu bashkua garnizoni i Manastirit
dhe shum谷 vullnetar谷.
o Revolucioni Xhonturk
o Pas shp谷rthimit t谷 Luft谷rave Ballkanike ,Maqedonia pre e vendeve
fqinje ( Serbis谷,Bullgaris谷 dhe Greqis谷).