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22 Februari 2023
Sejarah peksos
 Hammurabi (2000 SM): perlindungan bagi janda dan anak yatim-piatu
 Cicero (100 SM): man as a social animal who should cooperate with and assist his fellow
men. it is more blessed to give than to receive.
 Nilai dan praktek keagamaan sebagai basis munculnya pekerjaan sosial: Timur Tengah, Eropa,
Amerika Serikat:
 Moslem: 2.5% zakat
 Jewish: the duty of giving and equally important, the right of those in need to receive.
 Old Testament: commandments to give to others, particularly the old, the sick, those with
handicaps, and the poor. This giving is not a matter of charity but a matter of justice.
Sejarah peksos
 The Charity Organization Society (COS), which was first established in England and then transported to the
United States in 1877
 A similar organization, called the London Society for Organizing Charitable Relief and Repressing
Mendicancy had been established in England in 1869
 The Buffalo Charity Organization was established in 1877.
 The idea of organizing charity spread widely throughout the United States in the late 1800s
 The original goals of COS leaders proved difficult to sustain. Individual approaches to the complex problem of
poverty failed to stop its growth. There was also an insufficient pool of volunteers to carry out an effective
system of friendly visiting. Increasingly, charities turned to the use of paid staff to investigate applications and
visit the poor (Lubove, 1969).
 These paid agents were a major forerunner of professional social workers. Like the earlier charity volunteers,
they were chiefly women. They also tended to be Protestant, White, and middle class.
 A broad social movement in the United States, often labeled the
Progressive Era, developed in the early 1900s and climaxed in
the 1912 election of Theodore Roosevelt. Many social workers
were active in the Progressive Movement.
 Amidst the ferment of social reform in the early 1900s, some
social work leaders were turning their attention to the
development of formal education in the field. By 1910, social
work, as it was coming to be called, boasted five professional
training schools.
 Following calls for formal training by Mary Richmond and
other COS leaders, the New York Charity Organization Society
responded by establishing the New York Summer School of
Applied Philanthropy in New York City in 1898.
 This initial series of courses for charity workers soon became a
full-fledged school of social work (now the prestigious
Columbia School of Social Work).
sesi 2 pengantar peksos.pdf
Sejarah peksos
 Flexner was widely regarded as an
authority on graduate professional
education. His title Is Social Work a
Profession? posed a major question
for the field, and his listeners no doubt
waited on the edge of their seats for his
answer (Flexner, 1915, as cited in
Leighninger, 2000).
 Is social work a profession in the ...
strict sense of the term? ... I have made
the point that all the established and
recognized professions have definite
and specific ends. . . . This is not true
of social work. It appears not so much
a defined field as an aspect of work in
many fields. (pp. 3739, pp. 4346)
Sejarah peksos
 Flexner went on to explain that to make a profession in the genuine
sense, certain objective standards had to be formulated.
 The groups activities must be limited to those reflecting these standards.
The activities should be intellectual in character, based on the
laboratory and the seminar.
 He also assured them that professions were also definitely practical. He
saw social work falling short, however, not only in intellectual preparation
but in the vagueness and lack of specificity in aim.
 What was to be made of this amorphous group working in so many fields
and types of organizations? The work called for well- informed, well-
balanced, tactful, judicious, sympathetic, and resourceful people rather
than those with a definite kind of technical skill. But, he reassured the
group, social work was a needed endeavor. All that mattered was a
professional spirit, a humanitarian and spiritual approach, and unselfish
devotion (Flexner, 1915, as cited in Leighninger, 2000, pp. 3947).
The fields aspirations toward professionalism were also encouraged by
another famous speech, this time by a social work academic.
Porter Lee, director of the New York School of Social Work, addressed the
National Conference of Social Work (a telling name change for the National
Conference of Charities and Corrections) in 1929.
In his presidential address, Lee praised the achievements of pioneers in the
field of social welfare and heralded a new period about to unfold.
Lee told the audience about the transition from cause to function in a
modern society. Zeal would now give way to training and intelligence, and
sacrifice and flaming spirits to methods and standards. Social work was
changing from social reform to the organized provision of social casework
and other help to individuals with problems (Leighninger, 1987, pp. 78).
Sejarah peksos
 The American Association of
Social Workers was founded
in 1921. This was a broad
organization that included
social caseworkers in a
variety of fields of practice,
although it tended to exclude
settlement and group workers,
as they often lacked the
formal specialized training
required for membership.
The tradition initially was part of a much wider interest in social
change and human needs that had been expressed since 1860
through the National Conference of Charities and Corrections and
the American Social Science Association.
The movement became a part of the later progressive movement.
The early participants were multidisciplined, drawn from sociology,
nascent economists, other social scientists, lay community leaders,
clergy, and workers in agencies.
Social work as a distinctive vocation soon concentrated on
developing its position as a profession, with the apparatus of a social
science: academic training to com- bine learning and practical
experience and professional associations with accrediting authority.
Summary sejarah peksos (Morris, 2000)
 The twin aims of individual care and changing conditions have been retained in the
expressed aims of the field, but after 1935 the development of the Great Depression and
World War II forced the field to reconsider its future.
 A series of choices, some taken almost unwittingly, were reinforced by the popularity of
new mental health thinking and the compatibility of psychological theory with social
casework, along with the great social and economic changes following the Depression.
 By 1990, the field was primarily involved in interpersonal and mental health kinds of
careers, while work to change conditions remained at the rhetorical level rather than
providing jobs and institutional opportunities to work for change.
 At the same time, social work as a profession was identified mainly with counseling help
to individuals or as adjunct staff for organizations, rather than becoming the profession
associated with any one service system (pp. 4445).
Pengertian peksos
Global definition of social work:
Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline
that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the
empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice,
human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are
central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social
sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledges, social work engages
people and structures to address life challenges and enhance
wellbeing. The above definition may be amplified at national and/or
regional levels.
Pekerjaan sosial merupakan suatu kegiatan
profesional yang membantu individu, kelompok
ataupun masyarakat dalam meningkatkan atau
memulihkan kemampuan mereka berfungsi sosial
dan untuk menciptakan kondisi yang mendukung
tujuan-tujuan ini. (NASW)
Pekerjaan sosial adalah bidang keahlian yang
memiliki kewenangan untuk melaksanakan
berbagai upaya guna meningkatkan kemampuan
orang dalam melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi sosialnya
melalui proses interaksi, agar orang tersebut dapat
menyesuaikan diri dengan situasi kehidupannya
secara memuaskan. (Skidmore & Thackeray)
 Social work is evidence-
informed including local and
indigenous knowledge
specific to its context. It
recognises the complexity of
interactions between
human beings, their social
situation and their
environment. The social
work profession draws on
theories of human
development and behaviour
and social systems to
analyse complex situations
and to facilitate individual,
organisational, social and
cultural changes. (BASW)
 Social work practice aims to
address the barriers,
inequities and injustices that
exist in society. It responds
to crises and emergencies as
well as to everyday personal
and social problems. Social
work utilises a variety of
skills, techniques, and
interventions (including
statutory interventions), but
always consistently with its
holistic focus on people and
their social circumstances.
 What is the mission of social work?
 What are social works objectives?
 What do social workers currently do?
 What should they do, or not do, to achieve their
 What sanctions should social workers have?
 What knowledge and skills are available that would
enable social workers to achieve their objectives?
 What are the practical and educational implications
of the mission in terms of the professions
objectives, interventions, sanctions, and knowledge?
(p. 129) - NASW conference
Misi peksos
Meningkatkan kemampuan untuk
memecahkan masalah, mengatasi dan
Memperbaiki keefektifan serta
bekerjanya secara manusiawi sistem-
sistem yang menyediakan orang sumber-
sumber dan pelayanan-pelayanan.
Menghubungkan orang-orang dengan
sistem yang memberikan sumber-
sumber, pelayanan-pelayanan dan juga
Mengembangkan dan juga memperbaiki
kebijakan sosial.
Fungsi peksos
kapasitas orang
dalam mengatasi
masalah yang
Menggali serta
yang tersedia
disekitar klien
pelayanan sosial
keadilan sosial
kebijakan sosial
Praktek peksos
 Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work
values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends:
helping people obtain tangible services; counseling and psychotherapy
with individuals, families, and groups; helping communities or groups
provide or improve social and health services; and participating in
legislative processes.
 The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development
and behavior; of social, economic, and cultural institutions; and of the
interaction of all these factors.
Praktek peksos
International Association of Social Work Education (IASWE)
International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)
ASEAN Social Work Consortium (ASWC)
Asia-Pacific Association of Social Work Education
Aspeksi: Asosiasi Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Sosial /
Pekerjaan Sosial Indonesia
IPPSI: Ikatan Pekerja Sosial Profesional Indonesia
Kode etik
The Code of Ethics states the values and ethical principles on which the profession is
Values of social work: human rights, social justice, professional integrity (BASW)
Human rights value: Social work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity
of all people as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(1948), other related UN declarations and the European Convention on Human Rights
and the conventions derived from those declarations.
Social justice value: Social workers have a responsibility to promote social justice, in
relation to society generally, and in relation to the people with whom they work.
Professional integrity value: Social workers have a responsibility to respect and uphold
the values and principles of the profession and act in a reliable, honest and trustworthy
Human rights principles
 Upholdingandpromotinghuman dignity and well-being
 Respectingtherighttoself- determination
 Promoting the right to participation
 Working holistically
 Identifying and developing strengths
Social justice principles
 Challenging oppression
 Distributing resources
 Challenging unjust policies and practices
 Working in solidarity
Professional integrity values
 Upholdingthevaluesand reputation of the profession
 Being trustworthy
 Maintaining professional boundaries
 Making considered professional judgements
 Being transparent and professionally accountable
Terima kasih

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  • 2. Sejarah peksos Hammurabi (2000 SM): perlindungan bagi janda dan anak yatim-piatu Cicero (100 SM): man as a social animal who should cooperate with and assist his fellow men. it is more blessed to give than to receive. Nilai dan praktek keagamaan sebagai basis munculnya pekerjaan sosial: Timur Tengah, Eropa, Amerika Serikat: Moslem: 2.5% zakat Jewish: the duty of giving and equally important, the right of those in need to receive. Old Testament: commandments to give to others, particularly the old, the sick, those with handicaps, and the poor. This giving is not a matter of charity but a matter of justice.
  • 3. Sejarah peksos The Charity Organization Society (COS), which was first established in England and then transported to the United States in 1877 A similar organization, called the London Society for Organizing Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendicancy had been established in England in 1869 The Buffalo Charity Organization was established in 1877. The idea of organizing charity spread widely throughout the United States in the late 1800s The original goals of COS leaders proved difficult to sustain. Individual approaches to the complex problem of poverty failed to stop its growth. There was also an insufficient pool of volunteers to carry out an effective system of friendly visiting. Increasingly, charities turned to the use of paid staff to investigate applications and visit the poor (Lubove, 1969). These paid agents were a major forerunner of professional social workers. Like the earlier charity volunteers, they were chiefly women. They also tended to be Protestant, White, and middle class.
  • 4. Sejarah peksos A broad social movement in the United States, often labeled the Progressive Era, developed in the early 1900s and climaxed in the 1912 election of Theodore Roosevelt. Many social workers were active in the Progressive Movement. Amidst the ferment of social reform in the early 1900s, some social work leaders were turning their attention to the development of formal education in the field. By 1910, social work, as it was coming to be called, boasted five professional training schools. Following calls for formal training by Mary Richmond and other COS leaders, the New York Charity Organization Society responded by establishing the New York Summer School of Applied Philanthropy in New York City in 1898. This initial series of courses for charity workers soon became a full-fledged school of social work (now the prestigious Columbia School of Social Work).
  • 6. Sejarah peksos Flexner was widely regarded as an authority on graduate professional education. His title Is Social Work a Profession? posed a major question for the field, and his listeners no doubt waited on the edge of their seats for his answer (Flexner, 1915, as cited in Leighninger, 2000). Is social work a profession in the ... strict sense of the term? ... I have made the point that all the established and recognized professions have definite and specific ends. . . . This is not true of social work. It appears not so much a defined field as an aspect of work in many fields. (pp. 3739, pp. 4346)
  • 7. Sejarah peksos Flexner went on to explain that to make a profession in the genuine sense, certain objective standards had to be formulated. The groups activities must be limited to those reflecting these standards. The activities should be intellectual in character, based on the laboratory and the seminar. He also assured them that professions were also definitely practical. He saw social work falling short, however, not only in intellectual preparation but in the vagueness and lack of specificity in aim. What was to be made of this amorphous group working in so many fields and types of organizations? The work called for well- informed, well- balanced, tactful, judicious, sympathetic, and resourceful people rather than those with a definite kind of technical skill. But, he reassured the group, social work was a needed endeavor. All that mattered was a professional spirit, a humanitarian and spiritual approach, and unselfish devotion (Flexner, 1915, as cited in Leighninger, 2000, pp. 3947).
  • 8. Sejarah peksos The fields aspirations toward professionalism were also encouraged by another famous speech, this time by a social work academic. Porter Lee, director of the New York School of Social Work, addressed the National Conference of Social Work (a telling name change for the National Conference of Charities and Corrections) in 1929. In his presidential address, Lee praised the achievements of pioneers in the field of social welfare and heralded a new period about to unfold. Lee told the audience about the transition from cause to function in a modern society. Zeal would now give way to training and intelligence, and sacrifice and flaming spirits to methods and standards. Social work was changing from social reform to the organized provision of social casework and other help to individuals with problems (Leighninger, 1987, pp. 78).
  • 9. Sejarah peksos The American Association of Social Workers was founded in 1921. This was a broad organization that included social caseworkers in a variety of fields of practice, although it tended to exclude settlement and group workers, as they often lacked the formal specialized training required for membership.
  • 10. Summary sejarah peksos (Morris, 2000) The tradition initially was part of a much wider interest in social change and human needs that had been expressed since 1860 through the National Conference of Charities and Corrections and the American Social Science Association. The movement became a part of the later progressive movement. The early participants were multidisciplined, drawn from sociology, nascent economists, other social scientists, lay community leaders, clergy, and workers in agencies. Social work as a distinctive vocation soon concentrated on developing its position as a profession, with the apparatus of a social science: academic training to com- bine learning and practical experience and professional associations with accrediting authority.
  • 11. Summary sejarah peksos (Morris, 2000) The twin aims of individual care and changing conditions have been retained in the expressed aims of the field, but after 1935 the development of the Great Depression and World War II forced the field to reconsider its future. A series of choices, some taken almost unwittingly, were reinforced by the popularity of new mental health thinking and the compatibility of psychological theory with social casework, along with the great social and economic changes following the Depression. By 1990, the field was primarily involved in interpersonal and mental health kinds of careers, while work to change conditions remained at the rhetorical level rather than providing jobs and institutional opportunities to work for change. At the same time, social work as a profession was identified mainly with counseling help to individuals or as adjunct staff for organizations, rather than becoming the profession associated with any one service system (pp. 4445).
  • 12. Pengertian peksos Global definition of social work: Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledges, social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing. The above definition may be amplified at national and/or regional levels.
  • 13. Pengertian peksos Pekerjaan sosial merupakan suatu kegiatan profesional yang membantu individu, kelompok ataupun masyarakat dalam meningkatkan atau memulihkan kemampuan mereka berfungsi sosial dan untuk menciptakan kondisi yang mendukung tujuan-tujuan ini. (NASW) Pekerjaan sosial adalah bidang keahlian yang memiliki kewenangan untuk melaksanakan berbagai upaya guna meningkatkan kemampuan orang dalam melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi sosialnya melalui proses interaksi, agar orang tersebut dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan situasi kehidupannya secara memuaskan. (Skidmore & Thackeray)
  • 14. Pengertian peksos Theory Social work is evidence- informed including local and indigenous knowledge specific to its context. It recognises the complexity of interactions between human beings, their social situation and their environment. The social work profession draws on theories of human development and behaviour and social systems to analyse complex situations and to facilitate individual, organisational, social and cultural changes. (BASW) Practice Social work practice aims to address the barriers, inequities and injustices that exist in society. It responds to crises and emergencies as well as to everyday personal and social problems. Social work utilises a variety of skills, techniques, and interventions (including statutory interventions), but always consistently with its holistic focus on people and their social circumstances. (BASW)
  • 15. Pengertian peksos What is the mission of social work? What are social works objectives? What do social workers currently do? What should they do, or not do, to achieve their objectives? What sanctions should social workers have? What knowledge and skills are available that would enable social workers to achieve their objectives? What are the practical and educational implications of the mission in terms of the professions objectives, interventions, sanctions, and knowledge? (p. 129) - NASW conference
  • 16. Misi peksos Meningkatkan kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah, mengatasi dan perkembangan. Memperbaiki keefektifan serta bekerjanya secara manusiawi sistem- sistem yang menyediakan orang sumber- sumber dan pelayanan-pelayanan. Menghubungkan orang-orang dengan sistem yang memberikan sumber- sumber, pelayanan-pelayanan dan juga kesempatan-kesempatan. Mengembangkan dan juga memperbaiki kebijakan sosial.
  • 17. Fungsi peksos Meningkatkan kapasitas orang dalam mengatasi masalah yang dihadapinya Menggali serta menghubungkan sumber-sumber yang tersedia disekitar klien Meningkatkan jaringan pelayanan sosial Mengoptimalkan keadilan sosial melalui pengembangan kebijakan sosial
  • 18. Praktek peksos Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends: helping people obtain tangible services; counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups; helping communities or groups provide or improve social and health services; and participating in legislative processes. The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior; of social, economic, and cultural institutions; and of the interaction of all these factors.
  • 20. Organisasi peksos International Association of Social Work Education (IASWE) International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) ASEAN Social Work Consortium (ASWC) Asia-Pacific Association of Social Work Education Aspeksi: Asosiasi Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Sosial / Pekerjaan Sosial Indonesia IPPSI: Ikatan Pekerja Sosial Profesional Indonesia
  • 21. Kode etik peksos The Code of Ethics states the values and ethical principles on which the profession is based. Values of social work: human rights, social justice, professional integrity (BASW) Human rights value: Social work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), other related UN declarations and the European Convention on Human Rights and the conventions derived from those declarations. Social justice value: Social workers have a responsibility to promote social justice, in relation to society generally, and in relation to the people with whom they work. Professional integrity value: Social workers have a responsibility to respect and uphold the values and principles of the profession and act in a reliable, honest and trustworthy manner.
  • 22. Human rights principles Upholdingandpromotinghuman dignity and well-being Respectingtherighttoself- determination Promoting the right to participation Working holistically Identifying and developing strengths
  • 23. Social justice principles Challenging oppression Respectingdiversity Distributing resources Challenging unjust policies and practices Working in solidarity
  • 24. Professional integrity values Upholdingthevaluesand reputation of the profession Being trustworthy Maintaining professional boundaries Making considered professional judgements Being transparent and professionally accountable