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Settings and
Setting 1
o Church
We have chosen a church as our main
location of filming as the song is about
forgiveness. This is appropriate as many
people turn to religion when searching for
o The main aspects of the church we will
be using are the windows to for lighting
and holy sentiments which would help
add meaning to our song and video.
o The church will be used for the second
verse, as seems most fitting with the
Went to church to pray for a top ten
Then I went number 5, I ain't been back again
But when my jewellery friend phones

o But, we will be referring to the church at
times throughout the video
Setting 2
o Park
We will filming at Finsbury Park for
the first verse, as this is where our
artist is looking back at his life. The
park is a common place where
people go to clear their heads and
look back as they are in an open
Feel like I'm slackin' with my children
Focusing on rap tryna back and shake the building
In a race with my own race, just to raise the roof
And I ain't talking 'bout the ceiling

o We found that the fences are a
good feature of Finsbury Park, as
well as the pond which the artist
would look across.
Setting 3
We think that the garage will be a good place to film for the chorus as
we can use it to manipulate the lighting for effects.
Referring to the garage for the chorus will make it obvious to the
audience when it is the chorus.
Excuse me, my friend
I think I might've hit my head
Excuse me, my friend
I don't remember who I am
Cause I'm holdin' on tryna be somebody
But it won't be long before I need somebody
Forgiveness, asking for forgiveness (hey, hey, hey, hey) [x4]

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Settings and location

  • 2. Setting 1 o Church We have chosen a church as our main location of filming as the song is about forgiveness. This is appropriate as many people turn to religion when searching for forgiveness. o The main aspects of the church we will be using are the windows to for lighting and holy sentiments which would help add meaning to our song and video. o The church will be used for the second verse, as seems most fitting with the lyrics Went to church to pray for a top ten Then I went number 5, I ain't been back again But when my jewellery friend phones o But, we will be referring to the church at times throughout the video
  • 3. Setting 2 o Park We will filming at Finsbury Park for the first verse, as this is where our artist is looking back at his life. The park is a common place where people go to clear their heads and look back as they are in an open space. Feel like I'm slackin' with my children Focusing on rap tryna back and shake the building In a race with my own race, just to raise the roof And I ain't talking 'bout the ceiling o We found that the fences are a good feature of Finsbury Park, as well as the pond which the artist would look across.
  • 4. Setting 3 oGarage We think that the garage will be a good place to film for the chorus as we can use it to manipulate the lighting for effects. Referring to the garage for the chorus will make it obvious to the audience when it is the chorus. Excuse me, my friend I think I might've hit my head Excuse me, my friend I don't remember who I am Cause I'm holdin' on tryna be somebody But it won't be long before I need somebody Forgiveness, asking for forgiveness (hey, hey, hey, hey) [x4]