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Contact No.: 09650239355 ~ E-Mail: ssocratesshashi88@gmail.com
~ Problem Management ~ Escalation Management ~
Industry Preference: IT
Location Preference: Bangalore / NCR.
 ITIL Professional with nearly 2 decades of experience in IT Service Management, Incident & Problem Management,
Transition Management, Compliance Management, Escalation Management and Team Management
 Track record of setting up and facilitating Problem Meetings for Proactive Investigations and Reactive Investigations
 Hands-on experience in collaborating with governing bodies, delivery project executive(s) & project teams through
checkpoint calls to review the planning, scheduling & overall implementation related to knowledge transfer, data center
migrations & milestones to be achieved to bring account to a stable state
 Expertise in implementation of problem Management Processes in adherence with global and local requirements wherein
supporting the problem Management reporting (KPIs & customer SLOs)
 Proficient in going on Bridge calls for High Priority Incidents tracking their Resolution, Recovery & Closure with a View to
Initiate and track and successful closure Root Cause analysis of problem investigations
 Swiftin completingprojects with competentcross-functional skillsand makingsureon timedeliverables within cost parameters
 An enterprising leader with skills in leading personnel towards accomplishment of common goals
Problem Management
Service Delivery Management
Project Management
Escalation Management
Risk Assessment
Client Relationship Management
Team Management
Training & Development
Performance Management
 Performed as the Chairperson of Major Incident Review (MIR) for IBM India Pvt Ltd, Delivery Centre Delhi in the Year 2013-
2014 with a focus to improve the Delivery of Service Lines, by advising the SLs on issues concerned with Breaks in BAU to
ensure greater satisfaction amongst the IBM Clients and improving the Delivery Standards of the DC
 Contributed towards Automation Activity (2014) for Service Management in DC Delhi with a aim to automate activities
concerned with Delivery
 Played a key role in initiating ProactiveProblemDelivery Process DefiningParameters for Critical BankingAccount in Service
Mgmt, the same has been accepted and approved by the SM Team of Banki ng Account from Australia (IBM)
 Successfully transformed 6 different Projects into BAU Mode without any Issues or High Level Delays while Liasoning
directly with the Client and US/EMEA/AU IBM Teams
 Track record of transitioning & transforming 6 Major accounts in IBM namely Sony Corp. (America), RBS ID Admin, SIC ID
Admin, GMAC ID Admin, Sandvik & NAB for competencies like ID & Access Management, Major Incident Management and
Problem Management
 Bagged Certificate of Appreciation from Client & Governance Team on managing the Sandvik Account Transition for
Problem Management competency in 2013-14
 Attained appreciations for:
o Various Initiatives taken at DC Level in the Years 2013 & 2014. (Was declared as a Critical Business Resource for DC
Delhi IBM)
o Critical Banking Account (AU) in the Year 2014
o unparalleled Scores in Achieving Customer Satisfaction over the Years 2004 to 2012
o IBM Account Mgmt and Client for Driving the Standard Insurance Account in the Year 2011-2013
 Acknowledged for 100% success in delivery with No Escalations Major or Minor for the last 10 years of Service in IBM
 Achieved Client Award for Spearheading the Problem Management Process in Sandvik Project
Since Aug15 with HCL Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Infra), NOIDA as Senior Specialist (Role: Process Lead)
Growth Path: Joined as Senior Specialist (Role: Process Lead)
From Aug15 to Sep16 for Deutsche Bank (Process Lead: Problem Management)
Proactive Problem Management Activity:
 Setting up Problem Meetings with Client, POs, TIER 1 & TIER 2 Teams to monitor and facilitate the progress of Pr oactive &
Reactive Problem Management
 Trending incidents on Monthly basis using the Random Selection and Co-relation Methodology
 Setting up Problem Meetings with Product Owners & TIER 3 Tech teams to decide and agree on Action Items and monitored
overall governance of the Process of Preventive actions and Corrective Actions
 Creating and reviewing of RCAs and monitoring the Preventive & Corrective Actions as per the Root Cause Investigations
 Securing a 80% reduction in incoming volumes for many Application related Incidents through Proactive PR Investigations
 Working as an active part of the Call Volume Reduction Meetings with the Client DB Governance team.
 Undertaking Extensive Trending of INCs on Monthly basis to Identify Scope for Problem Investigations Under Proactive
 Settingup Checkpointmeetingson BridgeCallswith ProductOwnersand L3 Technicalteamsto setuptargetsand track their results
Reactive Problem Management Activity:
 Performing as Lead Problem Manager for Reactive Problem Mgmt. activities
 Ticketing Tool Used in SNOW- Service Now
 Working as point of escalation for Problem Management Analysts
 Collaborating with Product Owners of DB for finding solutions for Outstanding Problems and issues identified in Problem
 Setting up Meetings and Bridges to track the Preventive Measures and Corrective Measures to reduce / s top the recurrence
of Incidents
 Working with the TIER 2 and TIER 3 Teams On INCs for finding solutions for Investigations
 Publishing of attainment reports and the RC Reports to the Governing team and Client
From Apr15 to Aug15 for Ortho Clinical Diagnostics as Senior Problem Manager (L3)
 Monitored in setting up of the Process and Procedures for Service Desk, Incident & Problem Management Processes
 Contributed towards setting & validating of SLA Documentation, workflow Procedures Knowledge Articles for Knowledge
Management, Service Desk Incident Management and Problem Mgmt. Processes
 Published Incident Reports & worked with client support teams to ensure appropriate closure of incidents
 Ticketing Tool Used in SNOW- Service Now
 Pivotally took several measures such as Automation on Tool (ISM/ESS8) for Problem Management through Template, thereby
reducingmanual effortsof ResolverGroups& ServiceManagementTeamthatassisted in acquiring quick approvals from Client
(SANDVIK) without delay
 Templatefor RCA Reports for RootCauseAnalysisto acquireall therequired informationrelated to documentation which reveals
the information on Timelines, Cause, Symptoms, Resolution, etc. and helps in conducting Trend Analysis & CTP (Compliance
Testing Program) related action items.to ensure that problem management was in line with requirement
 Monitored updated and Validated important documentation such as SOP SOW and Process Documentation / WI including
OLA Documents on behalf of the company
 Efficiently managed proactiveand reactiveproblemmanagementactivitiesby innovativemeasuresGoingon High Level Escalation
Calls with Client and Sending Geo with a view to identify correct resolver teams find solutions
 Functioned asan activepartof ClientEscalation Meetingswhich werefocused atinvestigationsinto Incidents of HighSeverity and
impact for Client Business / Operations / Availability
 Successfully received the Sandvik Client award for spearheading problem investigations in recognition of Initiating the
Consolidated Reporting Activity for Incident, Problem Teams in the IPC Account
Mar06 to Apr15 with IBM India Pvt. Ltd., Delhi NCR
Growth Path/ Deputations:
Mar06 to Jul08 Senior Technician for HP Process (AIO) Alpha Service Line
Aug08 to Oct10 Subject Matter Expert for Sony ID Admin & Helpdesk Team
Oct10 to Jul11 Subject Matter Expert for Hertz ID Admin Team
Jul11 to Apr13 Manager Delivery Operations for SIC & GMAC ID Admin Teams
Jun'14 to MMYY Service Management Focal for Automation in SM Processes in DC Delhi (Individual Contributor)
Apr'14 to Jun'14 Advisory Problem Manager for Escalated RCAs for ABN Amro Account (Individual Contributor)
May'13 to May14 MIR for Delivery Centre Delhi as Chairperson Account (Individual Contributor) -
May'13 to May14 Sandvik Inc,Account as Senior PR Mgr, Account Focal for Incident & Change (Individual Contributor) -
Service Management Department
Jan14 to Apr15 NAB (AU) Senior Problem Manager as Senior Specialist (Role: Critical Problem Manager)
As NAB (AU) Senior Problem Manager - (Role: Critical Problem Manager):
 Monitored end-to-end ownership of Problem Investigations with potential or actual business impact
 Managed impact1 incidents across the bank while adhering to the agreed and documented Problem management processes
 Raised risks and document grey areas related to IMP1 management processes
 Contributed towardsdriving thecorrectionsto theCMDBfor incorrectly tags assets as shown up during Problem Investigations
As Senior PR Mgr, Account Focal for Incident & Change (Individual Contributor) - Service Management Department - Sandvik
Inc, Account:
 Instituted incident management for the assigned accounts, thereby ensuring service restoration & invoking Stakeholders,
Problem, Change, Performance & Capacity Management and Availability Management
 Supervised in setting up process and procedure guidelines for the Sandvik I&P SO Delivery
 Monitored problem,developed extractsfor I&Pfor theassigned accountsasper IBMs Global Delivery Framework (GDF) Model
 Published reports & metrics for leadership review at the Delivery Center for assigned accounts
 Managed transition for service management accounts including Data Center Migrations, Knowledge Transfer Sign Off,
Compliance Tasks & Accountability Matrix Sign Off, SoW & WI Sign Off, Resource Hiring for SM Competencies, IPC, etc.
As Chairperson Account (Individual Contributor) - MIR for Delivery Centre Delhi:
 Tracked Major High Severity Incidents and Failed changes Reported in daily (Leadership) DMH call across service lines in
Delivery Centre Delhi
 Conducted Refresher Sessions with Service Lines in Delivery Center Delhi for RCA, Problem and Incident Processes
As Advisory Problem Manager for Escalated RCAs for ABN Amro Account (Individual Contributor):
 Assisted the Problem Team on RCA Meeting Calls with Service Lines & Sending (Governing Team) Geo in Driving Quality and
Timelines of Problem Investigations
 Performed 5 why analysis for the failure and taking corrective/ preventive actions as per CAPA Model
As Service Management Focal for Automation in SM Processes in DC Delhi (Individual Contributor):
 Monitored process& procedures with Service Lines in SM Mainly with the Managers and Leadership in Delivery Center Delhi
 Selected the Phases in which Teams will participate and initiate the use of Tools for Automation
As Manager Delivery Operations for SIC & GMAC ID Admin Teams:
 Contributed towards Calls With Critsit US Teams for Investigations into the Gaps and Procedures while Setti ng up the
Process for Access Administration and also ensuring adequate participation from Service Lines
 Published and shared monthly reports on activities performed by Access Management Team with client and US IBM
Account teams
 MadesureKTon New Applicationsand Platforms fortheTeam.Interactwith theteam to ensure that the team performs and the
moral of team is high also ensure any outstanding issues and grievances are addressed as per the norms of the company
 Monitored team administration and interconnecting with client, access team & the us ibm account teams to ensure that
there was 100% success
As Subject Matter Expert for Hertz ID Admin Team:
 Checked out the Pain Areas and Concerns with Service Delivery and Providing Suggestions / Resolutions so that the Process
was streamlined
 Participated in RCA Calls with focus on Root Cause identification and corresponding Solution to be put together with other
service lines in the account to ensure appropriate delivery of ITeS to the Customer
 MadesureKTon New Applicationsand Platforms fortheTeam.Interactwith theteam to ensure that the team performs and the
moral of team is high also ensure any outstanding issues and grievances are addressed as per the norms of the company
 Contributed towards team administration with the manager Delivery Operations and interconnecting with client, Access
Team & the US IBM Account Teams to ensure that there was 100% Success
As Subject Matter Expert for Sony ID Admin & Helpdesk Team:
 Joined as the Senior Technical Expert and was later promoted to SME Profile
 Published and shared monthly reports on Activities performed by Access Management Team with client and US IBM
Account teams
 Liaised with client, Access Team & the US IBM Account Teams to ensure that there is 100% Success for Delivery Operations
As Senior Technician for HP Process (AIO) Alpha Service Line:
 Made sure 100% Successful closure of Escalated Calls.
 Submitted Internal RCAs with a focus to improve the delivery of the Alpha Service Line.
 Actively participated in Management Calls for Submission of Monthly and Weekly Reports on Teams and the Escalation
Charts as follow-ups for RCAs to be initiated with Teams
Oct03 to Jun05 with Daksh E Services Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon as Senior Client Support Executive with Sprint Project
Jan02 to Sep03 with SatyaSai Information Technology Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi as Technical Support Executive
Apr01 to Dec01 with The Works Technologies, New Delhi as Customer Service Manager
Jan99 to Oct00 with Dream Vistas (P) Ltd., New Delhi as Customer Service Executive
Sep96 to Dec98 with Suman Motels Ltd., New Delhi as Sales Executive
 ITIL v3 Foundation 2014
 Certified Basic Blue for IBM Managers Training in 2012.
 ITIL Intermediate Certified (Capability Module)
 ITIL Intermediate Certified in Service Offerings and Agreements.
 ITIL Intermediate Certified in Planning Protection and Optimization
 ITIL Intermediate Certified in Operational Support & Analysis
 ITIL Intermediate Certified in Release Control & Validations.
 ITIL EXPERT Regn No: 9980038264223160 Certificate No: GR761002875SS
 Various Online / Classroom IBM Trainings
 Internal Training for Green Belt in HCL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
1996 MA from University of Delhi, South Campus (Regular)
1994 BA (Honours) in History from Sri Venkateshwara College (DU), South Campus (Regular)
o Case Studies Specialization in MA
o Specialization for Medieval Indian History in BA (Honours) in History
Date of Birth: 15th June, 1973
Contact Address: L-17, Bal Udyan Marg, Uttam Nagar New Delhi - 110059
Languages Known: English, Hindi and Malayalam

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Pramoth_R _CV
Pramoth Radhakrishnan


  • 1. SHASHI SOCRATES Contact No.: 09650239355 ~ E-Mail: ssocratesshashi88@gmail.com ~ SENIOR LEVEL ASSIGNMENTS ~ ~ Problem Management ~ Escalation Management ~ Industry Preference: IT Location Preference: Bangalore / NCR. PROFILE SUMMARY ITIL Professional with nearly 2 decades of experience in IT Service Management, Incident & Problem Management, Transition Management, Compliance Management, Escalation Management and Team Management Track record of setting up and facilitating Problem Meetings for Proactive Investigations and Reactive Investigations Hands-on experience in collaborating with governing bodies, delivery project executive(s) & project teams through checkpoint calls to review the planning, scheduling & overall implementation related to knowledge transfer, data center migrations & milestones to be achieved to bring account to a stable state Expertise in implementation of problem Management Processes in adherence with global and local requirements wherein supporting the problem Management reporting (KPIs & customer SLOs) Proficient in going on Bridge calls for High Priority Incidents tracking their Resolution, Recovery & Closure with a View to Initiate and track and successful closure Root Cause analysis of problem investigations Swiftin completingprojects with competentcross-functional skillsand makingsureon timedeliverables within cost parameters An enterprising leader with skills in leading personnel towards accomplishment of common goals SKILL SET Problem Management Service Delivery Management Project Management Escalation Management Risk Assessment Client Relationship Management Team Management Training & Development Performance Management SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS ACROSS THE TENURE Performed as the Chairperson of Major Incident Review (MIR) for IBM India Pvt Ltd, Delivery Centre Delhi in the Year 2013- 2014 with a focus to improve the Delivery of Service Lines, by advising the SLs on issues concerned with Breaks in BAU to ensure greater satisfaction amongst the IBM Clients and improving the Delivery Standards of the DC Contributed towards Automation Activity (2014) for Service Management in DC Delhi with a aim to automate activities concerned with Delivery Played a key role in initiating ProactiveProblemDelivery Process DefiningParameters for Critical BankingAccount in Service Mgmt, the same has been accepted and approved by the SM Team of Banki ng Account from Australia (IBM) Successfully transformed 6 different Projects into BAU Mode without any Issues or High Level Delays while Liasoning directly with the Client and US/EMEA/AU IBM Teams Track record of transitioning & transforming 6 Major accounts in IBM namely Sony Corp. (America), RBS ID Admin, SIC ID Admin, GMAC ID Admin, Sandvik & NAB for competencies like ID & Access Management, Major Incident Management and Problem Management Bagged Certificate of Appreciation from Client & Governance Team on managing the Sandvik Account Transition for Problem Management competency in 2013-14 Attained appreciations for: o Various Initiatives taken at DC Level in the Years 2013 & 2014. (Was declared as a Critical Business Resource for DC Delhi IBM) o Critical Banking Account (AU) in the Year 2014 o unparalleled Scores in Achieving Customer Satisfaction over the Years 2004 to 2012 o IBM Account Mgmt and Client for Driving the Standard Insurance Account in the Year 2011-2013 Acknowledged for 100% success in delivery with No Escalations Major or Minor for the last 10 years of Service in IBM Achieved Client Award for Spearheading the Problem Management Process in Sandvik Project WORK EXPERIENCE Since Aug15 with HCL Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Infra), NOIDA as Senior Specialist (Role: Process Lead) Growth Path: Joined as Senior Specialist (Role: Process Lead) Role: From Aug15 to Sep16 for Deutsche Bank (Process Lead: Problem Management) Proactive Problem Management Activity: Setting up Problem Meetings with Client, POs, TIER 1 & TIER 2 Teams to monitor and facilitate the progress of Pr oactive & Reactive Problem Management Trending incidents on Monthly basis using the Random Selection and Co-relation Methodology Setting up Problem Meetings with Product Owners & TIER 3 Tech teams to decide and agree on Action Items and monitored overall governance of the Process of Preventive actions and Corrective Actions Creating and reviewing of RCAs and monitoring the Preventive & Corrective Actions as per the Root Cause Investigations Securing a 80% reduction in incoming volumes for many Application related Incidents through Proactive PR Investigations Working as an active part of the Call Volume Reduction Meetings with the Client DB Governance team.
  • 2. Undertaking Extensive Trending of INCs on Monthly basis to Identify Scope for Problem Investigations Under Proactive Settingup Checkpointmeetingson BridgeCallswith ProductOwnersand L3 Technicalteamsto setuptargetsand track their results Reactive Problem Management Activity: Performing as Lead Problem Manager for Reactive Problem Mgmt. activities Ticketing Tool Used in SNOW- Service Now Working as point of escalation for Problem Management Analysts Collaborating with Product Owners of DB for finding solutions for Outstanding Problems and issues identified in Problem Investigations. Setting up Meetings and Bridges to track the Preventive Measures and Corrective Measures to reduce / s top the recurrence of Incidents Working with the TIER 2 and TIER 3 Teams On INCs for finding solutions for Investigations Publishing of attainment reports and the RC Reports to the Governing team and Client From Apr15 to Aug15 for Ortho Clinical Diagnostics as Senior Problem Manager (L3) Monitored in setting up of the Process and Procedures for Service Desk, Incident & Problem Management Processes Contributed towards setting & validating of SLA Documentation, workflow Procedures Knowledge Articles for Knowledge Management, Service Desk Incident Management and Problem Mgmt. Processes Published Incident Reports & worked with client support teams to ensure appropriate closure of incidents Ticketing Tool Used in SNOW- Service Now Highlights: Pivotally took several measures such as Automation on Tool (ISM/ESS8) for Problem Management through Template, thereby reducingmanual effortsof ResolverGroups& ServiceManagementTeamthatassisted in acquiring quick approvals from Client (SANDVIK) without delay Templatefor RCA Reports for RootCauseAnalysisto acquireall therequired informationrelated to documentation which reveals the information on Timelines, Cause, Symptoms, Resolution, etc. and helps in conducting Trend Analysis & CTP (Compliance Testing Program) related action items.to ensure that problem management was in line with requirement Monitored updated and Validated important documentation such as SOP SOW and Process Documentation / WI including OLA Documents on behalf of the company Efficiently managed proactiveand reactiveproblemmanagementactivitiesby innovativemeasuresGoingon High Level Escalation Calls with Client and Sending Geo with a view to identify correct resolver teams find solutions Functioned asan activepartof ClientEscalation Meetingswhich werefocused atinvestigationsinto Incidents of HighSeverity and impact for Client Business / Operations / Availability Successfully received the Sandvik Client award for spearheading problem investigations in recognition of Initiating the Consolidated Reporting Activity for Incident, Problem Teams in the IPC Account Mar06 to Apr15 with IBM India Pvt. Ltd., Delhi NCR Growth Path/ Deputations: Mar06 to Jul08 Senior Technician for HP Process (AIO) Alpha Service Line Aug08 to Oct10 Subject Matter Expert for Sony ID Admin & Helpdesk Team Oct10 to Jul11 Subject Matter Expert for Hertz ID Admin Team Jul11 to Apr13 Manager Delivery Operations for SIC & GMAC ID Admin Teams Jun'14 to MMYY Service Management Focal for Automation in SM Processes in DC Delhi (Individual Contributor) Apr'14 to Jun'14 Advisory Problem Manager for Escalated RCAs for ABN Amro Account (Individual Contributor) May'13 to May14 MIR for Delivery Centre Delhi as Chairperson Account (Individual Contributor) - May'13 to May14 Sandvik Inc,Account as Senior PR Mgr, Account Focal for Incident & Change (Individual Contributor) - Service Management Department Jan14 to Apr15 NAB (AU) Senior Problem Manager as Senior Specialist (Role: Critical Problem Manager) Role: As NAB (AU) Senior Problem Manager - (Role: Critical Problem Manager): Monitored end-to-end ownership of Problem Investigations with potential or actual business impact Managed impact1 incidents across the bank while adhering to the agreed and documented Problem management processes Raised risks and document grey areas related to IMP1 management processes Contributed towardsdriving thecorrectionsto theCMDBfor incorrectly tags assets as shown up during Problem Investigations As Senior PR Mgr, Account Focal for Incident & Change (Individual Contributor) - Service Management Department - Sandvik Inc, Account: Instituted incident management for the assigned accounts, thereby ensuring service restoration & invoking Stakeholders, Problem, Change, Performance & Capacity Management and Availability Management Supervised in setting up process and procedure guidelines for the Sandvik I&P SO Delivery Monitored problem,developed extractsfor I&Pfor theassigned accountsasper IBMs Global Delivery Framework (GDF) Model Published reports & metrics for leadership review at the Delivery Center for assigned accounts Managed transition for service management accounts including Data Center Migrations, Knowledge Transfer Sign Off, Compliance Tasks & Accountability Matrix Sign Off, SoW & WI Sign Off, Resource Hiring for SM Competencies, IPC, etc.
  • 3. As Chairperson Account (Individual Contributor) - MIR for Delivery Centre Delhi: Tracked Major High Severity Incidents and Failed changes Reported in daily (Leadership) DMH call across service lines in Delivery Centre Delhi Conducted Refresher Sessions with Service Lines in Delivery Center Delhi for RCA, Problem and Incident Processes As Advisory Problem Manager for Escalated RCAs for ABN Amro Account (Individual Contributor): Assisted the Problem Team on RCA Meeting Calls with Service Lines & Sending (Governing Team) Geo in Driving Quality and Timelines of Problem Investigations Performed 5 why analysis for the failure and taking corrective/ preventive actions as per CAPA Model As Service Management Focal for Automation in SM Processes in DC Delhi (Individual Contributor): Monitored process& procedures with Service Lines in SM Mainly with the Managers and Leadership in Delivery Center Delhi Selected the Phases in which Teams will participate and initiate the use of Tools for Automation As Manager Delivery Operations for SIC & GMAC ID Admin Teams: Contributed towards Calls With Critsit US Teams for Investigations into the Gaps and Procedures while Setti ng up the Process for Access Administration and also ensuring adequate participation from Service Lines Published and shared monthly reports on activities performed by Access Management Team with client and US IBM Account teams MadesureKTon New Applicationsand Platforms fortheTeam.Interactwith theteam to ensure that the team performs and the moral of team is high also ensure any outstanding issues and grievances are addressed as per the norms of the company Monitored team administration and interconnecting with client, access team & the us ibm account teams to ensure that there was 100% success As Subject Matter Expert for Hertz ID Admin Team: Checked out the Pain Areas and Concerns with Service Delivery and Providing Suggestions / Resolutions so that the Process was streamlined Participated in RCA Calls with focus on Root Cause identification and corresponding Solution to be put together with other service lines in the account to ensure appropriate delivery of ITeS to the Customer MadesureKTon New Applicationsand Platforms fortheTeam.Interactwith theteam to ensure that the team performs and the moral of team is high also ensure any outstanding issues and grievances are addressed as per the norms of the company Contributed towards team administration with the manager Delivery Operations and interconnecting with client, Access Team & the US IBM Account Teams to ensure that there was 100% Success As Subject Matter Expert for Sony ID Admin & Helpdesk Team: Joined as the Senior Technical Expert and was later promoted to SME Profile Published and shared monthly reports on Activities performed by Access Management Team with client and US IBM Account teams Liaised with client, Access Team & the US IBM Account Teams to ensure that there is 100% Success for Delivery Operations As Senior Technician for HP Process (AIO) Alpha Service Line: Made sure 100% Successful closure of Escalated Calls. Submitted Internal RCAs with a focus to improve the delivery of the Alpha Service Line. Actively participated in Management Calls for Submission of Monthly and Weekly Reports on Teams and the Escalation Charts as follow-ups for RCAs to be initiated with Teams PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE Oct03 to Jun05 with Daksh E Services Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon as Senior Client Support Executive with Sprint Project Jan02 to Sep03 with SatyaSai Information Technology Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi as Technical Support Executive Apr01 to Dec01 with The Works Technologies, New Delhi as Customer Service Manager Jan99 to Oct00 with Dream Vistas (P) Ltd., New Delhi as Customer Service Executive Sep96 to Dec98 with Suman Motels Ltd., New Delhi as Sales Executive CERTIFICATIONS ITIL v3 Foundation 2014 Certified Basic Blue for IBM Managers Training in 2012. ITIL Intermediate Certified (Capability Module) ITIL Intermediate Certified in Service Offerings and Agreements. ITIL Intermediate Certified in Planning Protection and Optimization ITIL Intermediate Certified in Operational Support & Analysis ITIL Intermediate Certified in Release Control & Validations. ITIL EXPERT Regn No: 9980038264223160 Certificate No: GR761002875SS TRAININGS Various Online / Classroom IBM Trainings Internal Training for Green Belt in HCL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • 4. ACADEMIC DETAILS 1996 MA from University of Delhi, South Campus (Regular) 1994 BA (Honours) in History from Sri Venkateshwara College (DU), South Campus (Regular) ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS Topped: o Case Studies Specialization in MA o Specialization for Medieval Indian History in BA (Honours) in History PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth: 15th June, 1973 Contact Address: L-17, Bal Udyan Marg, Uttam Nagar New Delhi - 110059 Languages Known: English, Hindi and Malayalam