
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
My production companies logos are very basic and I think
they need improvement, I am going to animate them by
making the eye blink. I am also going to try and make the
words death house pictures actually bleed or drip as a
animation. This is similar to the production companies
shown at the beginning of The Possession professional
trailer. The Lions gate production titles are animated in
the sense that the clouds move.
This pan upwards of the house and pan around these
bedrooms is rather shaky as I was having trouble using
the tri-pod it is likely I am going to have to go back here
and re-shoot this.
This shot is far too dark, I may be able to lighten it up in
final cut however it is likely that I may have to re-shoot
this shot.
When watching this scene back it looks very acted out
and not very believable and real, I may scrap this shot
altogether yet but if I do happen to use it then I am going
to have to re-shoot it with better actors.

Overall I think my trailer so far is good although there is
massive room for improvement, I am going to have to
correct a lot of things that I have pointed out here in order for it to reflect professional practice.
One of my main concerns was that the narrative was
unclear through my trailer so far although this could be
because my sound mix hasn't been added yet and this in
some way tells or hints at the storyline.
Once my final rough cut trailer has been created with my
sound mix in it I am going to show the trailer poster and
magazine cover to the target audience and ask for feedback on what they think about the products. I think this
will allow me to build on my own criticism as well as my
teachers in order for me to create better products.

These shots all are quite good but they are sometimes
on a angle and looks un-professional, also these shots
are very repetitive so I may end up taking some out. I
am going to have to re-shoot this and do it with a tri-

This shot is far too dark although some people have
told me it works well this way, I am unsure weather I
am going to have to re-shoot it yet or maybe I can
lighten the shot in final cut.

This is my animated film title and I am very
pleased with it although I have only just realised I
have spelt possession wrong. I am going to have
to re-open this in after effects and correct it.

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Shot by shot rough cut analysis

  • 1. My production companies logos are very basic and I think they need improvement, I am going to animate them by making the eye blink. I am also going to try and make the words death house pictures actually bleed or drip as a animation. This is similar to the production companies shown at the beginning of The Possession professional trailer. The Lions gate production titles are animated in the sense that the clouds move. This pan upwards of the house and pan around these bedrooms is rather shaky as I was having trouble using the tri-pod it is likely I am going to have to go back here and re-shoot this. This shot is far too dark, I may be able to lighten it up in final cut however it is likely that I may have to re-shoot this shot. When watching this scene back it looks very acted out and not very believable and real, I may scrap this shot altogether yet but if I do happen to use it then I am going to have to re-shoot it with better actors. Overall I think my trailer so far is good although there is massive room for improvement, I am going to have to correct a lot of things that I have pointed out here in order for it to reflect professional practice. One of my main concerns was that the narrative was unclear through my trailer so far although this could be because my sound mix hasn't been added yet and this in some way tells or hints at the storyline. Once my final rough cut trailer has been created with my sound mix in it I am going to show the trailer poster and magazine cover to the target audience and ask for feedback on what they think about the products. I think this will allow me to build on my own criticism as well as my teachers in order for me to create better products. These shots all are quite good but they are sometimes on a angle and looks un-professional, also these shots are very repetitive so I may end up taking some out. I am going to have to re-shoot this and do it with a tri- This shot is far too dark although some people have told me it works well this way, I am unsure weather I am going to have to re-shoot it yet or maybe I can lighten the shot in final cut. This is my animated film title and I am very pleased with it although I have only just realised I have spelt possession wrong. I am going to have to re-open this in after effects and correct it.