The document describes two people, Shreya and Bhavesh, along with their ages. Bhavesh was performing a red Indian dance while Shreya was performing a cultural dance. The two were performers at the event.
The document provides information on folk dances from various regions in India, including Punjab, Goa, Haryana, and Rajasthan. Some of the dances mentioned from Punjab include Bhangra, Jaggo, Sammi, and Kikli. Goa's traditional dances reflect its rich history and culture, such as Dashavatara and Kumbi. Haryana dances showcase the vibrant lifestyle of its people and have influences from Punjab and Rajasthan, like Ras Lela, Phag, Dhamal, and Loor. The traditional dances of Rajasthan are colorful and signify importance, for example Ghoomar, Sapera, Drum, Kathputli, Terah Talli,
Chhattisgarh has a rich cultural heritage reflected through its folk music, dances, plays, decorative wood and bamboo artwork, clay sculptures, and costumes. Some popular folk dances include Raut Nacha, Panthi, and Soowa. The region is also known for the musical storytelling of the Mahabharata called Pandwani. Festivals like Navakhani, Ganga Dushhara, and Sarhul Chherka involve traditional dance and music performances by tribes like the Gond and Halba. The state's culture is represented through its unique cuisine, music, and folk songs.
The document discusses Warli art, a style of tribal art from the Thane district of Maharashtra, India. It describes key features of Warli paintings including their symbolic nature depicting relationships between humans, animals, and the natural world. It also notes that Warli paintings traditionally served ritual purposes during marriage ceremonies and were believed to invoke the power of gods. The document encourages supporting Warli art directly from tribal artists as a way to contribute to social development.
The dance forms are the most beautiful way of expressing the joy and happiness.The dance forms are part of the festivals,celebrations and the tribal festivals too.
Most of the folk dance forms of Chhattisgarh are performed as a part of rituals, and are performed in reverence to Gods or denote the changing of seasons.
This Paper Includes History Of Kuchipudi And the key points of kuchipudi followed by instruments used in it. it can be useful for the people searching for a good presentation on Kuchipudi dance
MuMHR: Multi-path, Multi-hop Hierarchical RoutingM H
This document proposes a new routing protocol called MuMHR for wireless sensor networks. MuMHR aims to improve energy efficiency and robustness over LEACH in three ways: 1) By enabling nodes to select cluster heads based on the number of hops away to reduce transmission distances. 2) By using a back-off timer and multiple paths for transmissions to reduce setup overhead and add reliability. 3) By electing backup cluster heads to substitute when primary heads fail. The protocol operates in setup and data transfer phases, with the setup phase selecting cluster heads and forming clusters in an energy-efficient multi-hop manner.
This document discusses how content-based instruction (CBI) is an effective way for people to learn a new language. CBI uses meaningful content as the basis for language learning rather than focusing solely on the language itself. When used as the framework for an entire course, CBI better meets learners' needs and allows the content to link and develop all language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Dare is the UK's premier games development competition that challenges student teams to develop a video game prototype over 9 weeks with industry support. Teams of 5 students work across disciplines like programming, art, audio, and design to create and pitch their game. If selected, teams receive a stipend and budget, as well as the chance to showcase their prototype and win awards. The deadline to apply is April 10th.
poco fa mi sono ritrovato fra le dita della tastiera questo documento in pdf che tempo fa io scrissi per una persona, e che ora io ritengo possa essere di utilit per tutti con lo scopo di farsi un'idea di quale fondamento possa avere la visione socialista del mondo, anche tenendo presente il libro in pdf del movimento Zeitgeist che io ho appena pubblicato qui su facebook, il quale va integrato con la comprensione di questo pdf. Esiste infatti una branca della fisica, denominata fisica della complessit, che studia proprio i fenomeni emergenti ed evolutivi i quali non si esplicano solo nei sistemi biologici ma anche nei sistemi scientifico-tecnologici, sociali ed economici, nonch竪 nel regno naturale. Il Los Alamos Institute 竪 il primo centro scientifico al mondo in queste ricerche, anche se vi sono tanti altri centri in Europa e nel resto del mondo. Quello che voglio dire 竪 che la visione evolutiva della storia 竪 fondata su basi scientifiche e dunque 竪 naturale che il Capitalismo, nato appena tre secoli fa, sia un sistema che rappresenta soltanto una tappa temporanea dell'umanit, oltre la quale vi sar la nuova tappa che io definirei del "post-capitalismo", che per嘆 sar anch'essa una semplice tappa che a sua volta lascer il posto ad un sistema ancora pi湛 evoluto, e cos狸 via. Non c'竪 nulla da fare: I borghesi che adesso comandano l'attuale sistema faranno presto la fine che hanno fatto i signori feudali del medioevo, dei quali ora non c'竪 pi湛 traccia; e tenete conto che i sistemi evolutivi hanno un tasso di cambio paradigmatico in continua evoluzione e quindi i cambi di paradigma saranno sempre pi湛 frequenti. Il mondo 竪 infatti un sistema complesso ed emergente, e non esiste nessun "demiurgo" che controlla tutta la storia umana, ma esistono invece "lobby" pi湛 o meno potenti le quali cercano di influenzare a proprio vantaggio il corso degli eventi, a danno naturalmente del resto della societ. Tutto qui. La fisica della Complessit ci dice che la societ, in quanto sistema complesso, 竪 soggetta alle leggi del "caos deterministico" ed altri fenomeni complessi che rendono impossibile per qualsiasi potere controllare passo a passo, in modo "algoritmico" la societ, secondo un piano ben preciso stabilito da un qualsiasi potere di questo pianeta. L' "emergenza" e il "caos" sono fenomeni complessi intrinseci alla societ umana i quali non possono essere previsti in nessun modello di studio, e dunque questi fenomeni attestano che la societ 竪 un sistema in ultima analisi non pienamente controllabile e prevedibile. E' per questo che i poteri presto o tardi cadono senza una apparente spiegazione razionale. La storia ci insegna..
Presentation to MoMo London - February 2014John Spindler
How the London Accelerator & Seed Investment Scene is looking in 2014
( Get to the end and you will find lots of links to who is investing in W 2014? )
EI3 - Intelligent Infrastructures in the Internet of the FutureMario Vega Barbas
The Internet of Things technology vision represents a future in which Internet extends into the real world including the everyday objects as new players in the ecosystem. This paper aims to show the lines of research of the authors within a future where physical objects can be remotely monitored and controlled through the virtual world, where intelligent control systems enable monitoring of human activity from a non-intrusive role.
The document discusses several key aspects of life in the United States:
1) It describes the U.S. as having a stable food supply and stratified social classes including upper, middle, and lower classes.
2) It notes the U.S. has a president in charge of the country along with state governors and local mayors such as the governor of NJ, Chris Christie.
3) American culture is highlighted through references to famous singers, artists, and intellectuals as well as an advanced educational system.
Kaposi's varicelliform eruption is a rare disseminated form of herpes simplex virus infection that can occur in patients with chronic skin diseases or immunosuppression. It presents with hemorrhagic vesicles, pustules, erosions and scabs predominantly on the head and neck, along with high fever, malaise and lymphadenopathy. Diagnosis involves culture, PCR or biopsy with treatment consisting of antiviral medications like acyclovir or valaciclovir and antibiotics.
The document discusses several key components of a computer system including the CPU, RAM, NIC card, heat sink, types of memory, adapter cards, and storage devices. The CPU controls all components and processes data. RAM allows for multitasking by opening multiple programs without slowing the computer. The NIC card connects computers in a local area network. The heat sink cools the CPU to prevent overheating. Memory types include RAM, ROM, and flash drives. Adapter cards provide video, network, audio, and expansion capabilities. Storage devices store and retrieve data from the computer.
The document discusses dairy products and healthy cows, with a tagline of "Healthy cow Healthy Milk." It asks how cows scream and provides the onomatopoeic sound of "Maaaaaa" as well as mentioning that healthy cows scream and asking if the reader wants to live healthy.
Este documento describe un proyecto pedag坦gico de 4 semanas para estudiantes de grado noveno sobre la relaci坦n entre la moral, la 辿tica y la sexualidad mediante el uso de Recursos Educativos Digitales Abiertos (REDA). El proyecto incluye una discusi坦n inicial sobre los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes, la investigaci坦n en grupos de REDA asignados, la presentaci坦n de los hallazgos y la creaci坦n de un c坦mic para compartir los aprendizajes.
Europe Holidays - Book Europe Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Europe Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Europe and its various tourist attractions with Europe holiday packages. Explore Europe Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
This digital scavenger hunt list contains items to photograph around a school such as a textbook, something green, an advertisement, and items indicating directions like an arrow or a sign saying "Westside." The list also includes taking a photo of litter and capturing something that holds liquid, with an open door and exit sign marking the end of the scavenger hunt.
The document summarizes the Mobile Digital Media Lab (MDML) provided by the Fulton County Public Library. The MDML is a mobile lab that contains laptops, cameras, audio equipment and other digital tools to provide instruction and expand access to technology in the community. It discusses the goals of the MDML to promote education, collaboration and digital literacy through weekly classes held in multiple towns. It also outlines the challenges of implementation and the importance of flexibility, community outreach and long-term planning to make the project successful.
This paper presents a quantitative assessment of the impact of two gas pipeline projects, Nabucco and South Stream, on Turkey's energy security. The incidence of the impact is based on three dimensions of energy security: supply-demand balance, production source diversity,and transit route diversity. This paper relies on the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) and the adjusted Shannon Weiner Index (SWI) to evaluate and compare the impact of the various project
implementation scenarios. The main findings are that both projects enhance Turkey's energy security and provide valuable and timely energy supply in the medium-term but their contribution is inadequate and marginal in the long-run. More specifically, the implementation of Nabucco significantly reduces the market concentration of producers whereas the South Stream project improves transit diversity by including Bulgaria as a major transit player. Surprisingly, implementation of Nabucco reduces transit diversity security because it includes politically volatile regions like Iraq and Georgia
The document analyzes the characters, iconography, setting, and technical codes used in a Manchester newspaper. On the front cover, a man convicted of animal abuse represents the villain, while citizens who restrained him are heroes. Inside, a fraud convict and two arrested hotel guests also portray villains. Iconic Manchester images like footballers and the Hilton Hotel establish the local setting. Technical codes like bold headlines and mastheads in prominent areas are used to attract readers' attention to key stories.
Crown Contracting provides commercial and residential contracting services, organizing construction and remodeling projects from start to finish using experienced tradespeople and reliable methods. They offer quality workmanship for projects of any size, from large commercial developments to small residential remodels. Crown Contracting can be considered for organizing and completing a customer's next construction project.
Information extraction from sensor networks using the Watershed transform alg...M H
Wireless sensor networks are an effective tool to provide fine resolution monitoring of the physical environment. Sensors generate continuous streams of data, which leads to several computational challenges. As sensor nodes become increasingly active devices, with more processing and communication resources, various methods of distributed data processing and sharing become feasible. The challenge is to extract information from the gathered sensory data with a specified level of accuracy in a timely and power-efficient approach. This paper presents a new solution to distributed information extraction that makes use of the morphological Watershed algorithm. The Watershed algorithm dynamically groups sensor nodes into homogeneous network segments with respect to their topological relationships and their sensing-states. This setting allows network programmers to manipulate groups of spatially distributed data streams instead of individual nodes. This is achieved by using network segments as programming abstractions on which various query processes can be executed. Aiming at this purpose, we present a reformulation of the global Watershed algorithm. The modified Watershed algorithm is fully asynchronous, where sensor nodes can autonomously process their local data in parallel and in collaboration with neighbouring nodes. Experimental evaluation shows that the presented solution is able to considerably reduce query resolution cost without scarifying the quality of the returned results. When compared to similar purpose schemes, such as Logical Neighborhood, the proposed approach reduces the total query resolution overhead by up to 57.5%, reduces the number of nodes involved in query resolution by up to 59%, and reduces the setup convergence time by up to 65.1%.
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
This document discusses how content-based instruction (CBI) is an effective way for people to learn a new language. CBI uses meaningful content as the basis for language learning rather than focusing solely on the language itself. When used as the framework for an entire course, CBI better meets learners' needs and allows the content to link and develop all language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Dare is the UK's premier games development competition that challenges student teams to develop a video game prototype over 9 weeks with industry support. Teams of 5 students work across disciplines like programming, art, audio, and design to create and pitch their game. If selected, teams receive a stipend and budget, as well as the chance to showcase their prototype and win awards. The deadline to apply is April 10th.
poco fa mi sono ritrovato fra le dita della tastiera questo documento in pdf che tempo fa io scrissi per una persona, e che ora io ritengo possa essere di utilit per tutti con lo scopo di farsi un'idea di quale fondamento possa avere la visione socialista del mondo, anche tenendo presente il libro in pdf del movimento Zeitgeist che io ho appena pubblicato qui su facebook, il quale va integrato con la comprensione di questo pdf. Esiste infatti una branca della fisica, denominata fisica della complessit, che studia proprio i fenomeni emergenti ed evolutivi i quali non si esplicano solo nei sistemi biologici ma anche nei sistemi scientifico-tecnologici, sociali ed economici, nonch竪 nel regno naturale. Il Los Alamos Institute 竪 il primo centro scientifico al mondo in queste ricerche, anche se vi sono tanti altri centri in Europa e nel resto del mondo. Quello che voglio dire 竪 che la visione evolutiva della storia 竪 fondata su basi scientifiche e dunque 竪 naturale che il Capitalismo, nato appena tre secoli fa, sia un sistema che rappresenta soltanto una tappa temporanea dell'umanit, oltre la quale vi sar la nuova tappa che io definirei del "post-capitalismo", che per嘆 sar anch'essa una semplice tappa che a sua volta lascer il posto ad un sistema ancora pi湛 evoluto, e cos狸 via. Non c'竪 nulla da fare: I borghesi che adesso comandano l'attuale sistema faranno presto la fine che hanno fatto i signori feudali del medioevo, dei quali ora non c'竪 pi湛 traccia; e tenete conto che i sistemi evolutivi hanno un tasso di cambio paradigmatico in continua evoluzione e quindi i cambi di paradigma saranno sempre pi湛 frequenti. Il mondo 竪 infatti un sistema complesso ed emergente, e non esiste nessun "demiurgo" che controlla tutta la storia umana, ma esistono invece "lobby" pi湛 o meno potenti le quali cercano di influenzare a proprio vantaggio il corso degli eventi, a danno naturalmente del resto della societ. Tutto qui. La fisica della Complessit ci dice che la societ, in quanto sistema complesso, 竪 soggetta alle leggi del "caos deterministico" ed altri fenomeni complessi che rendono impossibile per qualsiasi potere controllare passo a passo, in modo "algoritmico" la societ, secondo un piano ben preciso stabilito da un qualsiasi potere di questo pianeta. L' "emergenza" e il "caos" sono fenomeni complessi intrinseci alla societ umana i quali non possono essere previsti in nessun modello di studio, e dunque questi fenomeni attestano che la societ 竪 un sistema in ultima analisi non pienamente controllabile e prevedibile. E' per questo che i poteri presto o tardi cadono senza una apparente spiegazione razionale. La storia ci insegna..
Presentation to MoMo London - February 2014John Spindler
How the London Accelerator & Seed Investment Scene is looking in 2014
( Get to the end and you will find lots of links to who is investing in W 2014? )
EI3 - Intelligent Infrastructures in the Internet of the FutureMario Vega Barbas
The Internet of Things technology vision represents a future in which Internet extends into the real world including the everyday objects as new players in the ecosystem. This paper aims to show the lines of research of the authors within a future where physical objects can be remotely monitored and controlled through the virtual world, where intelligent control systems enable monitoring of human activity from a non-intrusive role.
The document discusses several key aspects of life in the United States:
1) It describes the U.S. as having a stable food supply and stratified social classes including upper, middle, and lower classes.
2) It notes the U.S. has a president in charge of the country along with state governors and local mayors such as the governor of NJ, Chris Christie.
3) American culture is highlighted through references to famous singers, artists, and intellectuals as well as an advanced educational system.
Kaposi's varicelliform eruption is a rare disseminated form of herpes simplex virus infection that can occur in patients with chronic skin diseases or immunosuppression. It presents with hemorrhagic vesicles, pustules, erosions and scabs predominantly on the head and neck, along with high fever, malaise and lymphadenopathy. Diagnosis involves culture, PCR or biopsy with treatment consisting of antiviral medications like acyclovir or valaciclovir and antibiotics.
The document discusses several key components of a computer system including the CPU, RAM, NIC card, heat sink, types of memory, adapter cards, and storage devices. The CPU controls all components and processes data. RAM allows for multitasking by opening multiple programs without slowing the computer. The NIC card connects computers in a local area network. The heat sink cools the CPU to prevent overheating. Memory types include RAM, ROM, and flash drives. Adapter cards provide video, network, audio, and expansion capabilities. Storage devices store and retrieve data from the computer.
The document discusses dairy products and healthy cows, with a tagline of "Healthy cow Healthy Milk." It asks how cows scream and provides the onomatopoeic sound of "Maaaaaa" as well as mentioning that healthy cows scream and asking if the reader wants to live healthy.
Este documento describe un proyecto pedag坦gico de 4 semanas para estudiantes de grado noveno sobre la relaci坦n entre la moral, la 辿tica y la sexualidad mediante el uso de Recursos Educativos Digitales Abiertos (REDA). El proyecto incluye una discusi坦n inicial sobre los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes, la investigaci坦n en grupos de REDA asignados, la presentaci坦n de los hallazgos y la creaci坦n de un c坦mic para compartir los aprendizajes.
Europe Holidays - Book Europe Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Europe Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Europe and its various tourist attractions with Europe holiday packages. Explore Europe Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
This digital scavenger hunt list contains items to photograph around a school such as a textbook, something green, an advertisement, and items indicating directions like an arrow or a sign saying "Westside." The list also includes taking a photo of litter and capturing something that holds liquid, with an open door and exit sign marking the end of the scavenger hunt.
The document summarizes the Mobile Digital Media Lab (MDML) provided by the Fulton County Public Library. The MDML is a mobile lab that contains laptops, cameras, audio equipment and other digital tools to provide instruction and expand access to technology in the community. It discusses the goals of the MDML to promote education, collaboration and digital literacy through weekly classes held in multiple towns. It also outlines the challenges of implementation and the importance of flexibility, community outreach and long-term planning to make the project successful.
This paper presents a quantitative assessment of the impact of two gas pipeline projects, Nabucco and South Stream, on Turkey's energy security. The incidence of the impact is based on three dimensions of energy security: supply-demand balance, production source diversity,and transit route diversity. This paper relies on the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) and the adjusted Shannon Weiner Index (SWI) to evaluate and compare the impact of the various project
implementation scenarios. The main findings are that both projects enhance Turkey's energy security and provide valuable and timely energy supply in the medium-term but their contribution is inadequate and marginal in the long-run. More specifically, the implementation of Nabucco significantly reduces the market concentration of producers whereas the South Stream project improves transit diversity by including Bulgaria as a major transit player. Surprisingly, implementation of Nabucco reduces transit diversity security because it includes politically volatile regions like Iraq and Georgia
The document analyzes the characters, iconography, setting, and technical codes used in a Manchester newspaper. On the front cover, a man convicted of animal abuse represents the villain, while citizens who restrained him are heroes. Inside, a fraud convict and two arrested hotel guests also portray villains. Iconic Manchester images like footballers and the Hilton Hotel establish the local setting. Technical codes like bold headlines and mastheads in prominent areas are used to attract readers' attention to key stories.
Crown Contracting provides commercial and residential contracting services, organizing construction and remodeling projects from start to finish using experienced tradespeople and reliable methods. They offer quality workmanship for projects of any size, from large commercial developments to small residential remodels. Crown Contracting can be considered for organizing and completing a customer's next construction project.
Information extraction from sensor networks using the Watershed transform alg...M H
Wireless sensor networks are an effective tool to provide fine resolution monitoring of the physical environment. Sensors generate continuous streams of data, which leads to several computational challenges. As sensor nodes become increasingly active devices, with more processing and communication resources, various methods of distributed data processing and sharing become feasible. The challenge is to extract information from the gathered sensory data with a specified level of accuracy in a timely and power-efficient approach. This paper presents a new solution to distributed information extraction that makes use of the morphological Watershed algorithm. The Watershed algorithm dynamically groups sensor nodes into homogeneous network segments with respect to their topological relationships and their sensing-states. This setting allows network programmers to manipulate groups of spatially distributed data streams instead of individual nodes. This is achieved by using network segments as programming abstractions on which various query processes can be executed. Aiming at this purpose, we present a reformulation of the global Watershed algorithm. The modified Watershed algorithm is fully asynchronous, where sensor nodes can autonomously process their local data in parallel and in collaboration with neighbouring nodes. Experimental evaluation shows that the presented solution is able to considerably reduce query resolution cost without scarifying the quality of the returned results. When compared to similar purpose schemes, such as Logical Neighborhood, the proposed approach reduces the total query resolution overhead by up to 57.5%, reduces the number of nodes involved in query resolution by up to 59%, and reduces the setup convergence time by up to 65.1%.
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
UiPath Document Understanding - Generative AI and Active learning capabilitiesDianaGray10
This session focus on Generative AI features and Active learning modern experience with Document understanding.
Topics Covered:
Overview of Document Understanding
How Generative Annotation works?
What is Generative Classification?
How to use Generative Extraction activities?
What is Generative Validation?
How Active learning modern experience accelerate model training?
If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 2DianaGray10
In session 2, we will introduce you to Data manipulation in UiPath Studio.
Topics covered:
Data Manipulation
What is Data Manipulation
RegEx Builder
Date and Time
Required Self-Paced Learning for this session:
Data Manipulation with Strings in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Data Manipulation with Lists and Dictionaries in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h - https:/
Data Manipulation with Data Tables in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m - https:/
鏝 For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
A Framework for Model-Driven Digital Twin EngineeringDaniel Lehner
際際滷s from my PhD Defense at Johannes Kepler University, held on Janurary 10, 2025.
The full thesis is available here:
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
Many MSPs overlook endpoint backup, missing out on additional profit and leaving a gap that puts client data at risk.
Join our webinar as we break down the top challenges of endpoint backupand how to overcome them.
What Makes "Deep Research"? A Dive into AI AgentsZilliz
About this webinar:
Unless you live under a rock, you will have heard about OpenAIs release of Deep Research on Feb 2, 2025. This new product promises to revolutionize how we answer questions requiring the synthesis of large amounts of diverse information. But how does this technology work, and why is Deep Research a noticeable improvement over previous attempts? In this webinar, we will examine the concepts underpinning modern agents using our basic clone, Deep Searcher, as an example.
Topics covered:
Tool use
Structured output
Reasoning models
Types of agentic memory
How Discord Indexes Trillions of Messages: Scaling Search Infrastructure by V...ScyllaDB
This talk shares how Discord scaled their message search infrastructure using Rust, Kubernetes, and a multi-cluster Elasticsearch architecture to achieve better performance, operability, and reliability, while also enabling new search features for Discord users.
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With FL Studio 12.9 Crack, you gain access to a vast arsenal of instruments, effects, and plugins, seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly interface. Its signature Piano Roll Editor provides an exceptional level of musical expression, while the advanced automation features empower you to create complex and dynamic compositions.
FinTech - US Annual Funding Report - 2024.pptxTracxn
US FinTech 2024, offering a comprehensive analysis of key trends, funding activities, and top-performing sectors that shaped the FinTech ecosystem in the US 2024. The report delivers detailed data and insights into the region's funding landscape and other developments. We believe this report will provide you with valuable insights to understand the evolving market dynamics.
Formal Methods: Whence and Whither? [Martin Fr辰nzle Festkolloquium, 2025]Jonathan Bowen
Alan Turing arguably wrote the first paper on formal methods 75 years ago. Since then, there have been claims and counterclaims about formal methods. Tool development has been slow but aided by Moores Law with the increasing power of computers. Although formal methods are not widespread in practical usage at a heavyweight level, their influence as crept into software engineering practice to the extent that they are no longer necessarily called formal methods in their use. In addition, in areas where safety and security are important, with the increasing use of computers in such applications, formal methods are a viable way to improve the reliability of such software-based systems. Their use in hardware where a mistake can be very costly is also important. This talk explores the journey of formal methods to the present day and speculates on future directions.
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
He巽 d端端nm端s端n端zm端, m端asir smartfonlar v kameralar nec bu qdr g旦zl g旦r端nt端lr yarad脹r? Bunun sirri Computational Fotoqrafiyas脹nda(Computer Vision/Imaging) gizlidirkillri 巽km v emal etm 端sulumuzu tkmilldirn, komp端ter elmi il fotoqrafiyan脹n inqilabi birlmsi.
Field Device Management Market Report 2030 - TechSci ResearchVipin Mishra
The Global Field Device Management (FDM) Market is expected to experience significant growth in the forecast period from 2026 to 2030, driven by the integration of advanced technologies aimed at improving industrial operations.
According to TechSci Research, the Global Field Device Management Market was valued at USD 1,506.34 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.72% through 2030. FDM plays a vital role in the centralized oversight and optimization of industrial field devices, including sensors, actuators, and controllers.
Key tasks managed under FDM include:
Performance optimization
FDM solutions offer a comprehensive platform for real-time data collection, analysis, and decision-making, enabling:
Proactive maintenance
Predictive analytics
Remote monitoring
By streamlining operations and ensuring compliance, FDM enhances operational efficiency, reduces downtime, and improves asset reliability, ultimately leading to greater performance in industrial processes. FDMs emphasis on predictive maintenance is particularly important in ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of industrial operations.
For more information, explore the full report:
Major companies operating in Global油Field Device Management Market are:
General Electric Co
Siemens AG
Emerson Electric Co
Aveva Group Ltd
Schneider Electric SE
STMicroelectronics Inc
Techno Systems Inc
Semiconductor Components Industries LLC
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
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TrustArc Webinar - Building your DPIA/PIA Program: Best Practices & TipsTrustArc
Understanding DPIA/PIAs and how to implement them can be the key to embedding privacy in the heart of your organization as well as achieving compliance with multiple data protection / privacy laws, such as GDPR and CCPA. Indeed, the GDPR mandates Privacy by Design and requires documented Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high risk processing and the EU AI Act requires an assessment of fundamental rights.
How can you build this into a sustainable program across your business? What are the similarities and differences between PIAs and DPIAs? What are the best practices for integrating PIAs/DPIAs into your data privacy processes?
Whether you're refining your compliance framework or looking to enhance your PIA/DPIA execution, this session will provide actionable insights and strategies to ensure your organization meets the highest standards of data protection.
Join our panel of privacy experts as we explore:
- DPIA & PIA best practices
- Key regulatory requirements for conducting PIAs and DPIAs
- How to identify and mitigate data privacy risks through comprehensive assessments
- Strategies for ensuring documentation and compliance are robust and defensible
- Real-world case studies that highlight common pitfalls and practical solutions