This document discusses adding artificial intelligence capabilities to workload managers like IBM's AIX Work Load Manager (WLM) to help address system performance problems. It proposes using monitoring data and fuzzy logic rules to detect issues, identify problematic processes, and dynamically reschedule processes to prioritize important services. Existing system instrumentation and soft computing tools could be integrated with Perl to implement this. However, these ideas are theoretical and soft computing approaches are not widely known or accepted. The goal is to give workload managers more "brains" to autonomously address performance problems based on gathered data and expert knowledge encoded as fuzzy rules.
Improving data confidentiality in personal computer environment using on line...Damir Delija
The document describes a crypto-disk online encryption system that aims to improve data secrecy for PC users. The system uses a device driver to encrypt and decrypt data in the background as it is written to and read from virtual encrypted disks, redirecting the encrypted data to a file on a host disk. The encryption is transparent to applications and uses the symmetric-key IDEA algorithm. The system is designed to provide encryption with reasonable performance overhead and easy use for improving data privacy on personal computers.
This document provides an example of how to configure workload management (WLM) classes on an AIX system based on business priorities for a banking workload. It describes setting up WLM classes mapped to different business processes and database instances, with rules for static and dynamic classification of processes into the classes. Processes are classified into classes like "biz_critical", "biz_important", and "biz_regular" based on their importance to the business, and resources are prioritized accordingly.
The document discusses EnCase Direct Network Preview, which allows an examiner to access and examine data on a powered-on computer remotely. It involves generating encryption key pairs, creating a direct servlet file using the public key, deploying the servlet on the target computer, and then connecting from the examiner's EnCase interface by providing the IP address and port. This enables viewing and analyzing the contents of drives, removable media, and memory on the live remote system without needing authentication files or passphrases if disks are encrypted.
Draft current state of digital forensic and data science Damir Delija
In this presentation we will introduce current state of digital forensics, its positioning in general IT security and relations with data science and data analyses. Many strong links exist among this technical and scientific fields, usually this links are not taken into consideration. For data owners, forensic researchers and investigators this connections and data views presents additional hidden values.
Pojam umjetne inteligenicja koji smo susretati samo u znanstveno fantastickim filmovima sada je postao dio svakodnevnice i posve normalna pojava.
Od svojih pocetaka na slaba邸nim racunalima pred kraj dvadesetog stoljeca, ekspertni sustavi su razvojem informaticke industrije dobili znatan porast mogucnosti i sve veci broj primjena u rje邸avanju problema u mnogim svakodnevnim situacijama.
Upravljanje ranjivostima u vremenima ciljanih prijetnjiDamir Paladin
How to manage computer vulnerabilities in the era of targeted threats? How to turn vulnerability management to preventive control against targeted threats?
6414 preparation and planning of the development of a proficiency test in the...Damir Delija
This document discusses the preparation and planning for developing a proficiency test in digital forensics using a Greyp electric bicycle. It outlines the planned project phases including creating scenarios, making forensic copies, collecting and evaluating results, and creating and distributing the test. Preliminary analyses of the bicycle have been conducted using various forensic tools to identify and validate digital artifacts that could be used for the test. While work has faced delays due to COVID-19, initial results suggest there are sufficient artifacts across the bicycle and associated devices and cloud storage to form the basis of a useful proficiency test.
Pojam umjetne inteligenicja koji smo susretati samo u znanstveno fantastickim filmovima sada je postao dio svakodnevnice i posve normalna pojava.
Od svojih pocetaka na slaba邸nim racunalima pred kraj dvadesetog stoljeca, ekspertni sustavi su razvojem informaticke industrije dobili znatan porast mogucnosti i sve veci broj primjena u rje邸avanju problema u mnogim svakodnevnim situacijama.
Upravljanje ranjivostima u vremenima ciljanih prijetnjiDamir Paladin
How to manage computer vulnerabilities in the era of targeted threats? How to turn vulnerability management to preventive control against targeted threats?
6414 preparation and planning of the development of a proficiency test in the...Damir Delija
This document discusses the preparation and planning for developing a proficiency test in digital forensics using a Greyp electric bicycle. It outlines the planned project phases including creating scenarios, making forensic copies, collecting and evaluating results, and creating and distributing the test. Preliminary analyses of the bicycle have been conducted using various forensic tools to identify and validate digital artifacts that could be used for the test. While work has faced delays due to COVID-19, initial results suggest there are sufficient artifacts across the bicycle and associated devices and cloud storage to form the basis of a useful proficiency test.
Uvoenje novih sadr転aja u nastavu digitalne forenzike i kibernetike sigurnos...Damir Delija
Sa転etak - U ovom radu razmatramo naine kontinuiranog uvoenje novih sadr転aja u predmete s podruja kibernetike sigurnosti. Kao primjer navodimo Osnove raunalne forenzike u koji se novi sadr転aji uvode kori邸tenjem studentskih praktinih i teoretskih radova, ideje za radove predla転u studenti i predavai. Predlo転eni postupak se sastoji iz testiranja kroz studentski rad, te ugradnje rezultata u nastavne materijale. Da bi se studentski rad uspje邸no koristio mora zadovoljiti niz zahtjeva: prilagoenost stupnju znanja studenta i raspolo転ivoj opremi, raspolo転ivost alata i sustava, jednostavna implementacija i prenosivost, upotreba alata otvorenog koda i slobodnih alata, te minimalna cijena.
Remote forensics involves acquiring digital evidence from remote devices or locations without physical access. It includes applications like electronic discovery, incident response, network forensics, and cloud forensics. While often understood as live forensics, remote forensics also includes techniques like booting devices into forensic modes remotely or using forensic tools on remote systems to access local evidence. Enterprise-level remote forensic tools allow preventative forensics and faster incident response but are not widely used due to budget, knowledge, and legal barriers. As technology spreads and more data is stored remotely, remote forensics will become more important and perhaps even fully automated for Internet of Things devices in the future.
This document discusses reasons for disliking digital forensics and identifies areas for improvement. It begins by introducing the author's background and motivation. The document then examines issues with naming conventions, tools/practices, standards/definitions, training/certification, and subfields. Key problems highlighted include a lack of standardization, compatibility issues between tools, outdated mindsets, and insufficient computing foundations in training. The author advocates treating digital forensics as an engineering science and applying best computing practices. Overall, the document critically analyzes challenges currently facing the field and questions how these issues may impact the future if not addressed.
Concepts and Methodology in Mobile Devices Digital Forensics Education and Tr...Damir Delija
One of draft versios of "Concepts and Methodology in Mobile Devices Digital Forensics Education and Training",
Abstract - This paper presents various issues in digital forensics of mobile devices and how to address these issues in the related education and training process. Mobile devices forensics is a new, very fast developing field which lacks standardization, compatibility, tools, methods and skills. All this drawbacks have impact on the results of forensic process and also have deep influence in training and education process. In this paper real life experience in training is presented, with tools, devices, procedures and organization with purpose to improve process of mobile devices forensics and mobile forensic training and education
The document provides an overview of the deep web and digital investigations. It defines the deep web as data that is inaccessible to regular search engines but exists on the internet. This includes dynamically generated web pages, private websites requiring login, and files accessible only through direct filesystem access. The document estimates the deep web is 400-550 times larger than the surface web that is indexed by search engines. Standard digital forensic procedures can be applied to investigate the deep web, but tools may need to be adapted to handle specialized browsers and access methods used to retrieve deep web resources.
Datafoucs 2014 on line digital forensic investigations damir delija 2Damir Delija
This document discusses how to conduct on-line digital forensic investigations using EnCase Enterprise v7. It describes the key EnCase Enterprise components that enable forensically sound and secure network investigations, including the SAFE for authentication, the Examiner for examinations, and Servlets installed on remote machines. It provides steps for creating a new case, adding target nodes, conducting live previews and analyses of remote disks and RAM, and performing automated sweeps to collect files and system information from multiple machines using snapshot, file processing, and system info modules. The document emphasizes the importance of planning, monitoring sweeps, and documenting results.
The document provides an overview of the basic steps for conducting an ediscovery collection using Guidance Software's EnCase Enterprise v7. It describes installing the required EnCase Enterprise components like the SAFE, Examiner and Servlets. It then outlines how to open a new case, define the target nodes, create a collection sweep to retrieve files and metadata based on conditions, and handle the sweep results. The summary provides the essential workflow and technical components involved in performing a foundational EnCase Enterprise collection.
The document discusses how to process scanned documents in EnCase forensic software. It outlines that paper evidence needs to be converted to a digital format that forensic software can analyze. This involves scanning paper documents to create image files, then using optical character recognition (OCR) to convert those images into text files that can be indexed and searched in forensic software like EnCase. It stresses the importance of keeping the entire process forensically sound by not altering the original evidence, documenting all tools and files used, and considering metadata changes.
The document discusses using forensic preview, triage, and collection techniques with the TD3 device. It explores using these processes to complement full drive collection. Preview allows determining if a volume contains evidence, triage prioritizes investigation by reviewing data quickly, and collection fully images storage if enough evidence is found. The document outlines using the TD3 over iSCSI to remotely access storage in a forensically sound way for these processes. This enables fast review and triage to reduce data volume and close cases more efficiently. Hands-on with these techniques will be demonstrated using EnCase tools connected remotely to the TD3 during the training.
This document discusses the digital forensic tool EnCase Forensic. It provides an overview of EnCase and its features, including that it is a leading forensic tool accepted in courts. The document then outlines a scenario where EnCase will be used to conduct a forensic investigation based on a search warrant. The remainder of the document walks through the key functions and screens of EnCase like adding disk images, searching for evidence, tagging evidence, and reporting while conducting the outlined forensic investigation scenario.
Usage aspects techniques for enterprise forensics data analytics toolsDamir Delija
This document discusses techniques for accessing and analyzing data from enterprise forensic tools using external data analytics tools. It provides an example using the forensic tools EnCase v7 and FTK to collect disk images, memory images, and system snapshots from endpoints. While these tools store useful data, it can be difficult to extract and analyze. The document demonstrates connecting an EnCase database to an external analytics tool to allow easier viewing and analysis of process and network data across multiple snapshots. This approach could integrate forensic data with security tools like SIEM for more automated incident response.
Communication network simulation on the unix system trough use of the remote ...Damir Delija
This document describes a simulation of a communication network on UNIX using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). The simulation allows testing of network modules and consists of three processes that communicate via RPCs: a network simulator process, a host process, and a remote procedure monitor (RPM) process. The network simulator process pseudocode shows how it simulates message passing between the host and RPM processes and controls message loss based on configurable probability and duration parameters.
Upravljanje racunalnim mrezama i sustavimaDamir Delija
The document defines network and system management as the process of initializing, monitoring, and adapting the basic functions of a computer network and system. It discusses key network functions and the importance of management and oversight to maintain quality of service while meeting requirements of system response time and reliability. Network and system management aims to detect and resolve errors through monitoring components and comparing actual to expected behavior.
Upravljanje racunalnim mrezama i sustavimaDamir Delija
Sigurnost i upravljanje distribuiranim sustavima
1. Sigurnost i upravljanje distribuiranim sustavima
Damir Delija
Sveuili邸ni Raunski Cetnar
Josipa Marohnia 11
Kljune rijei:
upravljanje distribuiranim sustavima, sigurnost distribuiranih sustava, politika
sigurnosti distribuiranih sustava, izvori ugro転avanja distribuiranih sustava
U ovom radu se razmatraju neki teoretski aspekti distribuiranih raunalnih sustava,
njihovih sigurnosnih funkcija i upravljanja sigurnosnim funkcijama distribuiranih
sustava. Opisuju se faktori koji posebno dalaze do izra転aja u sigurnosti distribuiranih
sustava, zajedno sa njihovim utjecajem na politiku sigurnosti sustava te izvore
ugro転avanja distribuiranih sustava. Navode se referentni meunarodni standardi
zajedno sa korisnim referencama.
Distributed system security and distributed system management
Key words:
distributed system management, distributed system security, distributed system security
policy, distributed system security risks
In this paper some theoretical aspects about nature of distributed system management,
security functions and security management are concerned. Special factors for distributed
system security are described both with their influence on the security policy and security
risks. Some international standards are enlisted with helpful references.
2. 1. Uvod
Distribuirani sustavi su po svojoj definiciji ugro転eni, daleko vi邸e nego klasini
nedistribuirani sustavi. Iako trend distribuiranja tj. raspodjeljivanja sustava i njihovih
zadataka traje ve godinama proliferacija raunalne opreme dovela je tek nedavno
do uoavanja "ugro転enosti" sustava, (tvz. vanjske ugro転enosti), pa se automatski
pojavila potreba za poveanjem sigurnosti distribuiranih sustava. Poveanje
sigurnosti raunalnih sustava zahtijeva funkcije upravljanja i nadzora distribuiranih
sustava i pripadnu standardizaciju /LANG93/.
Intuitivno je jasno da je distribuirani sustav raspodijeljen bilo prostorno, bilo
logiki, a naje邸e na oba naina. Prema tome postoji hijerahija elemenata
distribuiranog sustava, 邸to opet tra転i gradnju hijerahijskih sustava nadzora i
upravljanja sa podjelom odgovornosti i zadaa unutar samog sustava nadzora.
Isto tako je intuitivno jasno da je i ugro転avanje hijerahijsko i dinamiko za
distribuirani sustav i ne mo転e se razmatrati u sklopu standardnih postupaka
uoavanja i uklanjanja gre邸aka.
Za distribuirani sustav ne postoje egzaktna pravila koja se mogu primjeniti, ve
postpuci koji se koriste moraju slijediti iz detaljne analize sustava. Ovisno o prirodi
sustava mora se definirati politika sigurnosti i nadzora sustava, 邸to znai definiranje
postupaka, odreivanje situacija i odziva na situacije te niz drugih elemenata na
osnovi kojih se mo転e odr転avati sustav sigurnim.
2. Elementi ugro転avanja distribuiranog sustava
Ugro転enost distribuiranog sustava slijedi iz njegove distribuiranosti.
Raspodijeljenost sustava uvodi element komunikacije dijelova sustava koji
potenciraju standardne izvore ugro転avanja slinog nedistribuiranog sustava. Uz to se
pojavljuju i neposredni novi izvori ugro転avanja:
fizikog ugro転avanja samog sustava komunikacija
uvoenje elemenata ka邸njenja u propagaciji podataka i dogaaja /LANG93/
mogunost maskiranja prodora u neki od dijelova sustava /DOD85/,
podjela u razliite zemljopisne, politike, pravne i druge domene komplicira praenje i
provoenje sigurnosti sustava /LAN93/.
Klasine izvore ugro転avanja raunalnog sustava (fiziki, ljudski faktor i drugi),
potrebno je razmatrati i evaluirati na sustavan nain /DoD85/, /BA93/ u novom
okru転enju. Za pojedine izvore ugro転avanja, naroito one izra転ene za distribuirane
sustave, moraju biti definirane mjere oporavka i ispitani scenariji dogaanja. Takav
pristup je neophodan da bi sustav mogao funkcionirati bar djelomino u sluaju
ugro転avanja /BATE92/.
U na邸im uslovima posebno opasno nepostojanje bilo kakvog efikasnog sustava
sigurnostii, nadzora i upravljanja distribuiranim sustavima, te uope nepriznavanje
injenice da je sustav distribuiran ili da mo転e biti ugro転en.
3. 3. Ciljevi sigurnosti distribuiranog sustava
Cilj sigurnosti distribuiranog sustava je odr転avanje sigurnog okru転enja i
prepoznavanje dogaaja koji predstavljaju naru邸avanje sigurnosti distribuiranog
sustava. Osnovni korak je definiranje elemenata koji moraju biti za邸tieni, minimalno
moraju biti za邸tiena bar tri elementa:
pristup podacima
pristup do komunikacijskih i procsesnih dijelova sustava
pristup do upravljakih i nadzornih funkcija sustava
Openito se ciljevi sigurnosti i upravljanja sigurno邸u mogu definirati kao
primarni i sekundarni, pri emu primarni pripadaju ugro転avanjima kao 邸to su
naru邸uvanje usluga, neovla邸eni upadi, fizika o邸teenja, kvarovi, degradacija
performansi i sl. Sekundarni ciljevi su definiranje potrebne podr邸ke za efikasno
postizanje primarnih ciljeva.
Primarni ciljevi
1. povjerljivost podataka za podatke i poruke u sustavu
2. integritet podataka za podatke i poruke u sustavu
3. raspolo転ivost podataka za podatke i poruke u sustavu
4. autorifikacija suraujuih elemenata sustava
5. integritet prenosa poruka (engl. non-repudiation)
Sekundarni ciljevi:
1. kontrola i praenje pristupa resursima sustava
2. detekcija promjene sigurnosnog stanja sustava
4. Politika sigurnosti distribuiranog sustava i procjene ugro転avanja sustava
Sigurnost distribuiranog sustava se zasniva na redovnom provoenju odreenih
postupaka, evaluaciji stanja sustava, te osposobljenjosti sustava za oporavak u
sluaju naru邸avanja sigurnosti sustava. Ovi elementi ine politiku sigurnosti
distribuiranog sustava i politiku upravljanja distribuiranim sustavom.
Pojam politike sigurnosti distribuiranog sustava doimlje se prilino apstraktnim,
ali je neophodan za funkcioniranje distrubuiranog sustava i svega onoga 邸to o njemu
ovisi. Prema stranim iskustvima, u nedostatku politike sigurnosti sustava dolazi do
veoma opasnih situacija. U dostupnoj literaturi /BATE92/ nakon prepoznavanja
naru邸avanja sigurnosti sustava slijedi razdoblje panike u kojem esto osoblje ini
veu 邸tetu nego sam izvor ugro転avanja. Naje邸a priroda ove 邸tete je precijenjena
prijetnja koja dovodi do ukidanja servisa i usluga sustava ili namjerno prekidanje rada
sustava (ga邸enje raunala i sl).
Upravljanjne distribuiranim sustavom mora omoguiti da se prijetnja prepozna i
da se na sustavan nain na nju odgovori. Za to je potrebno imati barem globalnu
procijenu moguih prijetnji za konkretni sustav. Takoer moraju biti definirane zone
odgovornosti, postupci reakcije i oporavka. Takoer je preporuljivo provesti
povremene probne uzbune ako ni邸ta drugo zbog analize 邸to se mo転e desiti. Idealni
bi bili razraeni scenariji dogaanja i automatski postupci samog sustava, no na
転alost oni tek stidljivo ulaze jednostavno zbog nepostojanja pravih modela i alata.
4. Upravljanje sigurno邸u sustava mo転e se izgradiit na temelju povezivanja
postojeih alata u okviru samih raunala koja ine sustave, namjenskih programa za
nadzor i upravljanje, te izradom vlastitih namjenskih alata. Model upravljanja
sustavom je najbolje prilagoditi postojeim modelima upravljanja raunalima i
raunalnim sustavima. Na転alost takvi sustavi danas se efikasno definiraju za nadzor
pojedinog raunala i mre転a, dok je nadzor namjenskog sustava jo邸 uvijek podruje
intenzivnog rada i dogovaranja.
Model upravljanja se svodi na reakciju na dogaaj, i na 転alost povezivanje
dogaaja i odziva nije stvar nekog vrstog pravila, ve poznavanja karakteristika
distribuiranog sustava.
Graa sustava nadzora i upravljanja mora biti hijerahijska, sa definiranjem tvz.
uslu転ioca sigurnosti koji na podruju jedne konzistentne domene filtriraju dogaaje,
te reagiraju na njih. Uobiajeno je postojanje takvih uslu転ioca na nivou lokalnih
mre転a /KIRK89/ ili pojedinih usluga. Naje邸e su to namjenski procesi koji na osnovi
nekog od standarda SNMP, RMON, ISO-7948 /LANG93/ rade prikupljanje i obradu
nadzornih informacija.
5. Zakljuak
Upravljanje distribuiranim sustavom je jo邸 uvijek u eksperimentalnom stanju.
Najdalje se oti邸lo u upravljanju raunalnim mre転ama jednostavno zbog toga 邸to one
najdu転e postoje i 邸to su upravo umre転avanjem raunala uoeni problemi
naru邸avanja sigurnosti raunalnim sustava izvana. Postojei standardi jo邸 uvijek nisu
definirali podruje upravljanja distribuiranim aplikacijama, pogotovo onim
komercijalne prirode.
Na tom podruju preostaje jo邸 puno rada. Situacija kod nas je jo邸 uvijek dosta
povoljna po邸to se sustavi tek poinju graditi. Ako se od samih poetaka pone
sustavno definirati i primjenjivati nadzor i upravljanje distribuiranim sustavima, ili
barem predvidjeti ta funkcija bit e izbjegnuti mnogi problemi koji su u tehniki
naprednijim zemljama otkrivani u hodu /LANG93/, /BATE92/, a ije je rje邸avanje tro邸i
ogromne resurse.
6. Literatura
/BA93/: E.A.Bai: The Canadina Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria, Version
3.0e, Canadian System Security Centre, Communications Security Estrablishement,
Goverment of Canada, January 1993.
/LANG93/: A.. Langsford, J.D. Moffet: Distributed Systems Management, Aison-We邸ly
publishing Co., 1993.
/BATE92/: R.J.BAtes: Disaster Recovery Planning, Mc-Graw Hill, Inc, New York, 1993, ISBN
/KIRK89/: K.E. Kirkpatrick: Modeling A LAN Security Server, Lecture Notes in Computer
Scinece, Local Area Network Security, Springer Verlag, 1989
/DoD85/: Department of Defense Trusted System Evaluation Criteria, Department of
Defense USA, DoD 5200.78 - STD, December 1985, Orange book