Updated: You Have An Idea ... Do You Have A Business?Marty Kaszubowski
Marty Kaszubowski, president of General Ideas, provides advice on starting a business. He emphasizes finding a real problem to solve rather than a pre-conceived solution. The document discusses evaluating ideas for being deep, intelligent, complete, empowering and elegant. It also stresses experimenting to find a repeatable business model and determining the type of startup company being formed, such as lifestyle, small business, or scalable.
The Who were pioneers in rock music who helped establish the genres of punk and rock opera. They were known for their energetic live performances featuring smashed guitars and drums. The band was hugely influential and included Pete Townshend as the main songwriter, Roger Daltrey as lead singer, John Entwistle on bass, and Keith Moon on drums. Some of their most famous albums include Tommy, Who's Next, and Quadrophenia.
CMD Training Institute offers a Kids IT Wizard Summer Camp from August 8-12 or August 15-19, 2011. The camp costs 75 per child and 70 for additional children, and is for ages 7-9 and 10-13. During the camp, children will learn about internet safety, digital imagery, creating and editing images, creating animations, setting up email accounts, basic web design, and making video calls using Skype. Interested participants can register by calling CMD at 071 9130742.
This document discusses guidelines for creating secure usernames and passwords. It recommends usernames that do not attract negative attention, reveal personal information, or use real names, ages or genders. The document notes the most commonly used passwords can be easily guessed or cracked. It provides tips for strong passwords, such as mixing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols; being at least 8 characters; and not including personal information. Users are advised to keep passwords private and change them regularly for maximum security.
This card from a daughter to her mother expresses love and appreciation for her mother on Mother's Day. It reflects on how their bond began at birth and has remained unbreakable through ups and downs. While one day is not enough to show appreciation, the daughter is grateful that her mother has always been there for her with love regardless of circumstances. She wishes her mother a love-filled Mother's Day.
The document summarizes the recording of a 2010 version of "We Are the World" to benefit earthquake relief in Haiti. Over 75 musicians were involved in the recording, which took place in the same studio as the original 1985 version. The updated version includes revised lyrics and a rap segment about Haiti. All proceeds went to earthquake relief for the hundreds of thousands impacted by the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
SFBay Area Solr Meetup - July 15th: Integrating Hadoop and SolrLucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses integrating Hadoop and Solr to enable fast, ad-hoc search across structured and unstructured big data stored in Hadoop. It provides examples of how Hadoop can be used for large-scale storage and processing while Solr is used for real-time querying and search. Specifically, it describes how the Lucidworks HDFS connector can process documents from HDFS and index them into SolrCloud for search, and how log data can be ingested from Flume into HDFS for archiving and extracted fields can be indexed into Solr in real-time for search and analytics dashboards.
1) The document discusses the origins of Lionel Richie's famous song "Hello" and provides background on Richie's life and career.
2) As a shy young man, Richie was inspired by beautiful women he saw to write the phrase "Hello, is it me you're looking for?". He later used this as the foundation for his popular song.
3) Richie was born in 1949 in Alabama and had a career as a singer, songwriter in genres like R&B, pop, rock and soul. The song "Hello" is about a man declaring his love for a woman and wondering if she returns his feelings.
This document provides a summary of recent projects including film set photography for L'aura, graphic design work for Lookbook - Sistahs of Harlem and White Mountain Dance Festival, and marketing and PR liaison roles for Elf Craft in Germany and Young Threads. Contact information is also provided.
1. Innovation ecosystems involve a network of actors working together to enable entrepreneurship, including idea generators, entrepreneurs, experienced managers, mentors, funding sources, customers, suppliers, and partners.
2. Successful ecosystems provide access to talent, technologies, advice, capital, networks, and other resources needed at each stage of a venture's development.
3. Incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces play distinct but complementary roles in supporting entrepreneurs and startups at different stages by providing resources, mentoring, and connections.
This document is about a craft company called Elf Craft based in New York City. Elf Craft provides marketing support services including photos, formatting and marketing support through their LaRue View division. The document appears to be advertising materials from Elf Craft dated September 2011.
Exploration of multidimensional biomedical data in pub chem, Presented by Lia...Lucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses the development of a new search system for PubChem to allow for exploration of multidimensional biomedical data. The new system was needed to address the challenges of handling large and heterogeneous datasets with many relationships between data types in a way that allows for fast querying. The system leverages Apache SOLR to provide features like full text search, faceting, molecule structure searching and joining of related data. It includes backend components like SOLR, SQL and specialized search engines as well as web APIs and frontend interfaces like reusable widgets and a new search interface.
The document summarizes new features in Solr 3.1 and 4.0, including improved relevancy, spatial/geo search, search result grouping, faceting, and scalability features like SolrCloud. It provides an overview and examples of extended dismax parsing, spatial search, field collapsing, pivot faceting, range faceting, per-segment faceting, auto-suggest, indexing with JSON, and querying results in CSV format.
The Who were pioneers in rock music who helped establish the genres of punk and rock opera. They were known for their energetic live performances featuring smashed guitars and drums. The band was hugely influential and included Pete Townshend as the main songwriter, Roger Daltrey as lead singer, John Entwistle on bass, and Keith Moon on drums. Some of their most famous albums include Tommy, Who's Next, and Quadrophenia.
CMD Training Institute offers a Kids IT Wizard Summer Camp from August 8-12 or August 15-19, 2011. The camp costs 75 per child and 70 for additional children, and is for ages 7-9 and 10-13. During the camp, children will learn about internet safety, digital imagery, creating and editing images, creating animations, setting up email accounts, basic web design, and making video calls using Skype. Interested participants can register by calling CMD at 071 9130742.
This document discusses guidelines for creating secure usernames and passwords. It recommends usernames that do not attract negative attention, reveal personal information, or use real names, ages or genders. The document notes the most commonly used passwords can be easily guessed or cracked. It provides tips for strong passwords, such as mixing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols; being at least 8 characters; and not including personal information. Users are advised to keep passwords private and change them regularly for maximum security.
This card from a daughter to her mother expresses love and appreciation for her mother on Mother's Day. It reflects on how their bond began at birth and has remained unbreakable through ups and downs. While one day is not enough to show appreciation, the daughter is grateful that her mother has always been there for her with love regardless of circumstances. She wishes her mother a love-filled Mother's Day.
The document summarizes the recording of a 2010 version of "We Are the World" to benefit earthquake relief in Haiti. Over 75 musicians were involved in the recording, which took place in the same studio as the original 1985 version. The updated version includes revised lyrics and a rap segment about Haiti. All proceeds went to earthquake relief for the hundreds of thousands impacted by the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
SFBay Area Solr Meetup - July 15th: Integrating Hadoop and SolrLucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses integrating Hadoop and Solr to enable fast, ad-hoc search across structured and unstructured big data stored in Hadoop. It provides examples of how Hadoop can be used for large-scale storage and processing while Solr is used for real-time querying and search. Specifically, it describes how the Lucidworks HDFS connector can process documents from HDFS and index them into SolrCloud for search, and how log data can be ingested from Flume into HDFS for archiving and extracted fields can be indexed into Solr in real-time for search and analytics dashboards.
1) The document discusses the origins of Lionel Richie's famous song "Hello" and provides background on Richie's life and career.
2) As a shy young man, Richie was inspired by beautiful women he saw to write the phrase "Hello, is it me you're looking for?". He later used this as the foundation for his popular song.
3) Richie was born in 1949 in Alabama and had a career as a singer, songwriter in genres like R&B, pop, rock and soul. The song "Hello" is about a man declaring his love for a woman and wondering if she returns his feelings.
This document provides a summary of recent projects including film set photography for L'aura, graphic design work for Lookbook - Sistahs of Harlem and White Mountain Dance Festival, and marketing and PR liaison roles for Elf Craft in Germany and Young Threads. Contact information is also provided.
1. Innovation ecosystems involve a network of actors working together to enable entrepreneurship, including idea generators, entrepreneurs, experienced managers, mentors, funding sources, customers, suppliers, and partners.
2. Successful ecosystems provide access to talent, technologies, advice, capital, networks, and other resources needed at each stage of a venture's development.
3. Incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces play distinct but complementary roles in supporting entrepreneurs and startups at different stages by providing resources, mentoring, and connections.
This document is about a craft company called Elf Craft based in New York City. Elf Craft provides marketing support services including photos, formatting and marketing support through their LaRue View division. The document appears to be advertising materials from Elf Craft dated September 2011.
Exploration of multidimensional biomedical data in pub chem, Presented by Lia...Lucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses the development of a new search system for PubChem to allow for exploration of multidimensional biomedical data. The new system was needed to address the challenges of handling large and heterogeneous datasets with many relationships between data types in a way that allows for fast querying. The system leverages Apache SOLR to provide features like full text search, faceting, molecule structure searching and joining of related data. It includes backend components like SOLR, SQL and specialized search engines as well as web APIs and frontend interfaces like reusable widgets and a new search interface.
The document summarizes new features in Solr 3.1 and 4.0, including improved relevancy, spatial/geo search, search result grouping, faceting, and scalability features like SolrCloud. It provides an overview and examples of extended dismax parsing, spatial search, field collapsing, pivot faceting, range faceting, per-segment faceting, auto-suggest, indexing with JSON, and querying results in CSV format.
Paul Klee naci┏ en 1879 en Suiza y desarroll┏ su carrera art┴stica principalmente en Alemania. Us┏ el color de maneras ┣nicas y lleg┏ a dominar su mezcla y manipulaci┏n con gran precisi┏n. Ense?┏ teor┴a del color en la Escuela Bauhaus. Su obra "Simbad el Marino" de 1928 se realiz┏ como una ┏pera c┏mica llena de color y entusiasmo.
2. Paul Klee margolari alemaniarra izan zen. Suizan jaio zen 1879an. Bere bizitza Alemanian pasa zuen. 1940ko ekainaren 29an hil zen 60 urtekin. BIOGRAFIA
3. ESTILOA Autorretrato Bere estiloa hauen arteko nahasketa bat da: surrealismoa, expresionismoa eta abstrakzioa. Sue?os
5. OBRAK Kuadro honek kolore asko dauzka; urdina batez ere, itsasoan gertatzen delako eta argitasuna emateko. Beltza, iluntzeko gaua delako. Beste kolore ere badaude : gorriak, horiak eta arrosak. Marra finek isladatzen dute marrazkia, eta marrazkiaren xehetasunak