Deal! #4 2019 naar outputgericht werken op schiphol airportBest Value Group
Recent verzette Schiphol fundamenteel de bakens in zijn sourcing-strategie: van activiteitgericht naar outputgericht. Johannes Hiemstra, Nijs Korevaar en Tim van der Hoogt waren nauw betrokken bij ontwerp en implementatie van die strategie en doen verslag.
Het GEO team bij Schiphol is verantwoordelijk voor het realiseren en beheren van GIS toepassingen (geografische informatiesysteem) voor diverse klantgroepen op de hele luchthaven. In een complexe omgeving, met interne en externe stakeholders is het team eind 2016 een agile transitie aangegaan.
In deze sessie vertelt Kees van 't Hoog over de reis van de transitie van een traditionele projectaanpak naar volledig Agile aan de hand van successen, tegenslagen en groei van het team.
Deze presentatie is gegeven door Don van Zijtveld en Ferry Kranenburg bij de XPages & Beer meetup van 8 oktober 2014.
De presentatie gaat over wat er allemaal moet gebeuren als je een omvangrijke Notes en web based applicatie in XPages wilt realiseren en met name welke onderdelen wij opnieuw hebben ontwikkeld in XPages.
ERP-software in de kmo - 10 tips uit de praktijkJeroen Persyn
Het project SCHERP verlaagt ICT-drempels bij kmo's door sensibilisatie, vorming, netwerking, advies en begeleiding rond ICT en meer specifiek ERP. Het project speelt in op het gebrek aan kennis en vertrouwen bij het management van kmo's om een ERP-traject af te leggen.
Gebruik dit document als een bron van inspiratie om uw onderneming efficiënter en effectiever te maken dankzij ICT.
EROV realiseert dit project met de steun van het Agentschap Ondernemen, het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling en de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen.
De relatie tussen Business- & Informatie Planning en enterprise-architectuurDanny Greefhorst
Business- en Informatie Planning (B&IP) en enterprise-architectuur kunnen niet los van elkaar worden gezien. Enterprise-architectuur zou deel uit moeten maken van een B&IP (of vergelijkbare) aanpak. TOGAF is een veelgebruikt raamwerk voor enterprise-architectuur. In deze presentatie wordt de Novius B&IP methode vergeleken met TOGAF.
Eiermachinegigant Moba wilde hun purchase-to-pay proces zo efficiënt en effectief mogelijk inrichten. De toenemende groei van de afgelopen jaren zette Moba aan tot de implementatie van het Tradecloud Supply Chain platform met als resultaat dat hun supply chain nu gestructureerd verloopt. Hoe dit project is verlopen en hoe zij hun ERP-pakket (Infor LN) en hun leveranciers hebben geïntegreerd, vindt je in deze presentatie.
Benieuwd hoe Lean in projectmatige omgevingen toegepast kan worden? Lees hoe A.Hak Leidingbouw, specialist in ondergrondse infrastructuren, in samenwerking met Rijnconsult collega Micaela Rydell Lean gebruikt om de ambitie ‘Slimmer, sneller en beter werken’ waar te maken.
Keynote presentation at BPM 29-9-2011 about potential for Coordination as a Service..organizations that coordinate as core competence and realize this mostly with SAAS
Royal HaskoningDHV tijdens Explore Dynamics CRM 2014CTB xRM
Veel projectorganisaties hebben een CRM oplossing of overwegen er mee te gaan starten. En terecht, maar wist je dat veel CRM implementaties mislukken? Het wordt simpelweg niet gebruikt. De meest gemaakte fout is overmatige aandacht voor de CRM software, de techniek. Organisaties onderschatten vaak het veranderproces.
Dit is een presentatie van Jessica Nevels waarin zij tijdens Explore Dynamics CRM meer heeft vertelt over de internationale uitrol van Microsoft Dynamics CRM bij Royal HaskoningDHV. Ze heeft aan een volle zaal uitgebreid ervaringen gedeeld over de invoering van CRM binnen de diverse Business Lines. Jessica: "CRM verdient blijvende aandacht, de juiste focus, veel doorzettingsvermogen en draagvlak vanuit het management."
Olivier de Vlam en Jonathan Aardema - Koninklijke BrillFinext
Brill is taking steps towards integrated reporting (<IR>) by developing dashboards to provide key stakeholders concise and essential information. They created an Economic Value Dashboard using Tableau to visualize financial metrics like revenue, costs, margins, and assets in a clear and interactive way. They also developed a Journal Dashboard to aggregate editorial and financial data from 280 separate spreadsheets into a centralized reporting tool to help prioritize decisions. These initial dashboards demonstrate Brill's commitment to <IR> and how visualizing data in Tableau can help stakeholders better understand performance.
This document discusses technology trends in corporate reporting and integrated reporting. It presents a pyramid model showing how data, information, knowledge and wisdom are connected across various levels from operational to strategic. Three approaches to integrated reporting are described: using a point solution, leveraging existing enterprise performance management (EPM) software, or fully integrating reporting across the information architecture. The future of reporting is also discussed, including increased connectivity, standardization, auditability, scenario modeling and the importance of narratives.
De relatie tussen Business- & Informatie Planning en enterprise-architectuurDanny Greefhorst
Business- en Informatie Planning (B&IP) en enterprise-architectuur kunnen niet los van elkaar worden gezien. Enterprise-architectuur zou deel uit moeten maken van een B&IP (of vergelijkbare) aanpak. TOGAF is een veelgebruikt raamwerk voor enterprise-architectuur. In deze presentatie wordt de Novius B&IP methode vergeleken met TOGAF.
Eiermachinegigant Moba wilde hun purchase-to-pay proces zo efficiënt en effectief mogelijk inrichten. De toenemende groei van de afgelopen jaren zette Moba aan tot de implementatie van het Tradecloud Supply Chain platform met als resultaat dat hun supply chain nu gestructureerd verloopt. Hoe dit project is verlopen en hoe zij hun ERP-pakket (Infor LN) en hun leveranciers hebben geïntegreerd, vindt je in deze presentatie.
Benieuwd hoe Lean in projectmatige omgevingen toegepast kan worden? Lees hoe A.Hak Leidingbouw, specialist in ondergrondse infrastructuren, in samenwerking met Rijnconsult collega Micaela Rydell Lean gebruikt om de ambitie ‘Slimmer, sneller en beter werken’ waar te maken.
Keynote presentation at BPM 29-9-2011 about potential for Coordination as a Service..organizations that coordinate as core competence and realize this mostly with SAAS
Royal HaskoningDHV tijdens Explore Dynamics CRM 2014CTB xRM
Veel projectorganisaties hebben een CRM oplossing of overwegen er mee te gaan starten. En terecht, maar wist je dat veel CRM implementaties mislukken? Het wordt simpelweg niet gebruikt. De meest gemaakte fout is overmatige aandacht voor de CRM software, de techniek. Organisaties onderschatten vaak het veranderproces.
Dit is een presentatie van Jessica Nevels waarin zij tijdens Explore Dynamics CRM meer heeft vertelt over de internationale uitrol van Microsoft Dynamics CRM bij Royal HaskoningDHV. Ze heeft aan een volle zaal uitgebreid ervaringen gedeeld over de invoering van CRM binnen de diverse Business Lines. Jessica: "CRM verdient blijvende aandacht, de juiste focus, veel doorzettingsvermogen en draagvlak vanuit het management."
Olivier de Vlam en Jonathan Aardema - Koninklijke BrillFinext
Brill is taking steps towards integrated reporting (<IR>) by developing dashboards to provide key stakeholders concise and essential information. They created an Economic Value Dashboard using Tableau to visualize financial metrics like revenue, costs, margins, and assets in a clear and interactive way. They also developed a Journal Dashboard to aggregate editorial and financial data from 280 separate spreadsheets into a centralized reporting tool to help prioritize decisions. These initial dashboards demonstrate Brill's commitment to <IR> and how visualizing data in Tableau can help stakeholders better understand performance.
This document discusses technology trends in corporate reporting and integrated reporting. It presents a pyramid model showing how data, information, knowledge and wisdom are connected across various levels from operational to strategic. Three approaches to integrated reporting are described: using a point solution, leveraging existing enterprise performance management (EPM) software, or fully integrating reporting across the information architecture. The future of reporting is also discussed, including increased connectivity, standardization, auditability, scenario modeling and the importance of narratives.
The document discusses the shift in corporate reporting and sourcing models over time from transactional outsourcing focused on costs to outcome-based partnerships focused on business value. It provides examples of contract elements for an outcome-based partnership, including moving from statements of work to objectives, incentives tied to outcomes, and governance that manages the business together rather than a supplier-client relationship. Finally, it suggests that the future solution will be a platform for an even more integrated next-generation partnership.
Steve Kennedy - Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus universityFinext
This document discusses integrated reporting from an academic perspective. It defines integrated reporting as an organization's value creation story that explains how it will thrive in the short, medium, and long term by thinking beyond just financial profit. The document also outlines some benefits of integrated reporting such as reputation enhancement, better stakeholder relationships, and attracting long-term investors. However, it notes that more empirical evidence is still needed on the transformative benefits. It concludes by discussing some challenges to moving integrated reporting forward like education needs and the need for better alignment and organizational transformation.
Tjeerd Krumpelman of ABN AMRO presented on the bank's journey towards creating long-term value through integrated thinking and reporting. ABN AMRO has improved its reporting over time, moving from separate sustainability reports to an integrated annual review that covers financial and non-financial performance. This integrated approach has led to better decision-making across the bank and allowed non-financial metrics to be used to steer strategic decisions. Going forward, ABN AMRO aims to further develop targeted stakeholder communication, measure long-term value creation, and refine its materiality assessment and reporting process.
This document discusses Hunkemöller's implementation of the OneStream reporting platform. It notes that Hunkemöller previously used Oracle Hyperion Enterprise but needed a more modern solution for consolidation, budgeting, and planning that provided better reporting capabilities. After selecting OneStream due to its experience in retail, availability of templates, and support, Hunkemöller implemented the platform for annual reporting, financial accounting, and management reporting on key metrics such as countries, stores, categories, and channels. Lessons learned from the project included the importance of decision power, managing expectations on details, resource availability, IT support, and avoiding shortcuts. Future plans include disclosure management, strategic planning, and improving the budget process
This document provides an overview of OneStream, a financial performance management platform. It has a MarketPlace app store that allows users to download pre-built solutions like task manager, account reconciliations, and specialty planning solutions without additional software. These solutions leverage the OneStream platform to blend relational and multidimensional data. The document also presents a case study on how OneStream was used to build an operational revenue forecasting solution that integrated with Salesforce and provided transparent reporting.
The document discusses Oracle's Financial Cloud Consolidation Services (FCCS). It notes that FCCS offers:
- A pay-as-you-use subscription model with no hardware costs and automatic upgrades.
- Separate databases and a simpler data model that are easier to implement and maintain than on-premises solutions.
- World-class security and little required IT involvement.
- Modules designed for specific purposes like management reporting and legal entity consolidation.
This document summarizes upcoming features and enhancements for Oracle's Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) software. Key points include:
- Automatic consolidations will utilize hardware during non-peak hours to improve performance.
- Upcoming releases will focus on upgrades and customer-requested enhancements rather than major new features.
- New features like rules profiling, constant currency translations, and tax integration capabilities are being added to increase functionality and reporting options.
This document summarizes's implementation of the Anaplan platform for financial planning and analysis. It discusses:
1)'s background and goals for choosing Anaplan, which were to improve collaboration, efficiency, and scalability.
2) The implementation process, which involved a 6 person team working over the course of 2017. Key achievements so far include live models for staff costs, intercompany accounts, and 80% of operating expenses.
3) Current status and future roadmaps for expanding Anaplan use across marketing, technology, customer service, and improving the user experience.
Tableau Roadmap summarizes upcoming releases of Tableau's self-service business intelligence software. The document outlines features in the current 10.4 release like improved web authoring and collaborative analytics. The upcoming 10.5 release will feature a new hyper fast data engine and analytical enhancements like additional subscription context and visualizations within tooltips. Longer term, Project Meastro aims to give a complete picture of data through coordinated views and allow fixing data issues instantly.
The document summarizes a program kickoff event for Tableau and Alteryx users. It included sessions on trends in self-service BI, Tableau enablement at a company, the Tableau roadmap, and using Alteryx for data flow control. About 200 professionals attended the event, which featured a recap session using the platform to gather feedback. Trends discussed included digitalization, consumerization, mobility, cloud, and artificial intelligence. A survey showed that data discovery/self-service BI and data preparation/blending were top priorities.
Data flows under control tableau a& alteryx close up!Finext
The document discusses Tableau and Alteryx data analytics platforms. It provides an overview of Alteryx, describing it as a self-service data analytics platform that allows users to analyze, enrich, prepare, blend, and share data using a visual workflow interface. The document also includes sections on Alteryx's market, demonstrations of its capabilities through use cases, reference customer cases, and a question and answer period.
The document discusses Tableau and Alteryx data analytics platforms. It provides an overview of Alteryx, describing it as a self-service data analytics platform that allows users to analyze, enrich, prepare, blend, and share data using a visual workflow interface. The document also includes sections on Alteryx's market, demonstrations of its capabilities through use cases, reference customer cases, and a question and answer period.
Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, believes companies should be run by asking questions rather than having answers. This drives conversation and innovation. The performance dialogue framework presented in the document structures discussions around key performance questions (KPQs) to understand business performance. It identifies four KPQs to focus on: 1) Did we do what we said? 2) Are plans realistic? 3) Are plans enough? 4) What are gap closing actions? Dashboards can be attuned to KPQs using the CXO Cockpit methodology to guide data collection and discussions.
13. verbeteringen kansen
Visie 2040 – future orientation
Verschuivingen binnen materialiteitsmatrix
uitlichten op basis van review
English first
Waardecreatiemodel verder geladen met
ouput KPI’s en outcome SDG’s
Keten nog explicieter in beeld gebracht
Transparanter over wat fout ging en over
verminderd draagvlak
14. collaborative reporting
Cloud based collaborative reporting:
• versiebeheer en autorisatiemanagement
• workflow (vragen/instructies)
Multi-format online & pdf publicaties
Interne processen gestroomlijnd
Alle leveranciers werken samen in Tangelo
15. Royal Schiphol Group questions
Wie heeft er allemaal een Integrated Report?
16. Royal Schiphol Group questions
Wie is aan de slag gegaan met de SDGs?
Wat zijn de ervaringen?
17. Royal Schiphol Group questions
Wie maakt er gebruik van collaborative reporting