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Increase Organizational Readiness  Prepare for future critical
staffing needs and reduce organizational risk by:
  	   Developing your organizations long-term staffing goals           Now more than ever,
       and objectives
                                                                         organizations must integrate
  	   Calculating projected staffing needs and attrition rates to
       determine hiring needs                                            talent issues into the strategic
  	   Identifying successors for critical positions by matching         business planning process.
       employee career goals with organizational staffing needs          With a clear understanding of the
  	   Proactively developing talent                                     needs of the company, business
  	   Clearly communicating opportunities for advancement to            leaders can use the principle of
       the workforce
                                                                         talent management to address
Improve Workforce Development and Productivity  Build
employee performance and productivity by:                                capability gaps as part of their
  	   Identifying your employees development needs                     overall management processes.
  	   Establishing a process that develops their skills and abilities          Bersins Talent Management
       and prepares them for advancement                                                   Experience Series
  	   Enabling employees to take charge of their careers by                     New Roles and Expectations
       supporting the development and execution of individual                                     for Systems
       career plans
  	   Recommending learning activities to fill identified skill gaps
  	   Providing a framework for on-going coaching and development

                                                                                              息 2010 Plateau Systems Ltd.
Critical talent is becoming increasingly scarce due to two trends  the retirement of the baby
boom generation and a growing skills gap. How do you ensure that you have highly qualified
people in all positions  not just today, but next year and five years from now?
Plateaus Career and Succession, provides you with everything you need to identify and staff
critical positions while enabling your employees to develop and manage their individual career
plans  helping you successfully leverage your existing workforce and prepare for the future.

Plateau Career and Succession is comprised of two distinct                      Increase organizational readiness and improve workforce
products that work together to provide you with all the tools you               productivity by:
need to implement career and succession initiatives across                        	   Creating talent pools using a flexible multi-dimensional search
your organization and reach your goals. Plateau Career and                             of employee talent profiles that allows you to manage, track,
Succession integrates seamlessly with all products in the Talent                       analyze, and associate activities or succession plans with the
Management Suite.                                                                      pool members over time
Plateau Career and Succession components include:                                 	   Efficiently review and compare all candidates in the talent pool
                                                                                       using one customizable display
PLATEAU CAREER AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING                                           	   Evaluating critical jobs, successor candidates, and candidate
Increase workforce engagement and retention by providing individuals                   readiness using the Succession Planning Dashboard single
with insight into all career options available by:                                     view capabilities
  	   Providing employees the ability to graphically navigate through            	   Creating ranked candidate profiles that are generated based on
       various career progression scenarios and quickly identify                       options such as job history, current and previous performance
       various position requirements                                                   ratings, promotion readiness, or competency ratings
  	   Allowing employees to browse skill requirements, skill gaps,               	   Identifying the skills and competencies of retiring employees
       and learning and development opportunities for all available                    and developing a plan for establishing successors
       career options
                                                                                  	   Assigning training to employees learning plans based on
  	   Recommending learning activities based on development and                       development gaps in order to fast-track them for
       career goals                                                                    successor positions
  	   Personalizing plans with specific, measurable, attainable,                 	   Utilizing instant access to employees current and previous
       realistic and time-framed (SMART) goals and supporting                          performance ratings by integrating Plateaus Performance
       action items                                                                    Goals & Appraisals with Plateau Succession Planning
  	   Generating individual development plans based on
       current and desired position(s) gaps, cascaded goals, or
       user-defined goals                                                       ABOUT PLATEAU
  	   Utilizing the 360 Multi-Rater assessment to automatically add            Today, more than 10 million employees and managers across some
       identified gaps to an individuals Develop Plan                          of the worlds most respected organizations, including General
  	   Incorporating employee job preferences into Plateau                      Electric, Internal Revenue Service, Thomson Reuters and Capital
       Succession Planning to better align employees with                       One Services rely on Plateaus comprehensive and collaborative
       open positions                                                           talent management solutions to engage, develop, manage and
                                                                                retain high performing employees and workforces.
  	   Generating pre-configured reports on subordinate status and
       goal progression

                                  4401 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22203        T   866.475.2832    F   703.678.0001    www.plateau.com

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Sinfic Plateau Succession

  • 1. PLATEAU CAREER AND SUCCESSION WHY PLATEAU CAREER AND SUCCESSION Increase Organizational Readiness Prepare for future critical staffing needs and reduce organizational risk by: Developing your organizations long-term staffing goals Now more than ever, and objectives organizations must integrate Calculating projected staffing needs and attrition rates to determine hiring needs talent issues into the strategic Identifying successors for critical positions by matching business planning process. employee career goals with organizational staffing needs With a clear understanding of the Proactively developing talent needs of the company, business Clearly communicating opportunities for advancement to leaders can use the principle of the workforce talent management to address Improve Workforce Development and Productivity Build employee performance and productivity by: capability gaps as part of their Identifying your employees development needs overall management processes. Establishing a process that develops their skills and abilities Bersins Talent Management and prepares them for advancement Experience Series Enabling employees to take charge of their careers by New Roles and Expectations supporting the development and execution of individual for Systems career plans Recommending learning activities to fill identified skill gaps Providing a framework for on-going coaching and development 息 2010 Plateau Systems Ltd.
  • 2. PEOPLE. PERFORMANCE. RESULTS. Critical talent is becoming increasingly scarce due to two trends the retirement of the baby boom generation and a growing skills gap. How do you ensure that you have highly qualified people in all positions not just today, but next year and five years from now? Plateaus Career and Succession, provides you with everything you need to identify and staff critical positions while enabling your employees to develop and manage their individual career plans helping you successfully leverage your existing workforce and prepare for the future. ABOUT PLATEAU CAREER AND SUCCESSION PLATEAU SUCCESSION PLANNING Plateau Career and Succession is comprised of two distinct Increase organizational readiness and improve workforce products that work together to provide you with all the tools you productivity by: need to implement career and succession initiatives across Creating talent pools using a flexible multi-dimensional search your organization and reach your goals. Plateau Career and of employee talent profiles that allows you to manage, track, Succession integrates seamlessly with all products in the Talent analyze, and associate activities or succession plans with the Management Suite. pool members over time Plateau Career and Succession components include: Efficiently review and compare all candidates in the talent pool using one customizable display PLATEAU CAREER AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Evaluating critical jobs, successor candidates, and candidate Increase workforce engagement and retention by providing individuals readiness using the Succession Planning Dashboard single with insight into all career options available by: view capabilities Providing employees the ability to graphically navigate through Creating ranked candidate profiles that are generated based on various career progression scenarios and quickly identify options such as job history, current and previous performance various position requirements ratings, promotion readiness, or competency ratings Allowing employees to browse skill requirements, skill gaps, Identifying the skills and competencies of retiring employees and learning and development opportunities for all available and developing a plan for establishing successors career options Assigning training to employees learning plans based on Recommending learning activities based on development and development gaps in order to fast-track them for career goals successor positions Personalizing plans with specific, measurable, attainable, Utilizing instant access to employees current and previous realistic and time-framed (SMART) goals and supporting performance ratings by integrating Plateaus Performance action items Goals & Appraisals with Plateau Succession Planning Generating individual development plans based on current and desired position(s) gaps, cascaded goals, or user-defined goals ABOUT PLATEAU Utilizing the 360 Multi-Rater assessment to automatically add Today, more than 10 million employees and managers across some identified gaps to an individuals Develop Plan of the worlds most respected organizations, including General Incorporating employee job preferences into Plateau Electric, Internal Revenue Service, Thomson Reuters and Capital Succession Planning to better align employees with One Services rely on Plateaus comprehensive and collaborative open positions talent management solutions to engage, develop, manage and retain high performing employees and workforces. Generating pre-configured reports on subordinate status and goal progression 4401 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22203 T 866.475.2832 F 703.678.0001 www.plateau.com