新技術的導入,由0到1通常是最難的一步。尤其在大型企業內,要導入一門新技術不是那麼容易,從接觸 Windows 容器到導入,就像是從離開舒適圈一樣,一開始的路走得跌跌撞撞,鼻青臉腫。但隨著關關難過關關過的精神與毅力,一但突破了那0的臨界點,才能享受到1的技術美好。本場次分享在學習與導入 Windows 容器上的心路歷程,有高興、有期待、有失望、有憤怒,試著用不一樣的角度來分享 Windows 容器的苦與樂。
You can enjoy desktop development with Node.js and HTML5/CSS/WebGL right now. Here we also to announce that Stem project which is a JavaScript operating system, it makes developers be able to make things on embedded system with JavaScript only. There is no need to understand that difficult knowledge about embedded system when you work on Stem OS.
JavaScript is a client-side script language, but we can use it on server side programming now. However, it is still difficult to write server-side application for front-end developer.
Here we try to find a solution to write server-side script that developer only need to understand and have client-side experience.
本次講座 Will 保哥將分享如何透過 Visual Studio 的 StyleCop 擴充套件做到全自動的程式碼撰寫風格檢查,讓每個人都不用看規範文件,透過工具用最無腦的方式自動幫你做好到程式碼風格檢查。如要觀看完整講座內容,可報名線上課程進行一步查看實際展示與技術講解,網址:
新技術的導入,由0到1通常是最難的一步。尤其在大型企業內,要導入一門新技術不是那麼容易,從接觸 Windows 容器到導入,就像是從離開舒適圈一樣,一開始的路走得跌跌撞撞,鼻青臉腫。但隨著關關難過關關過的精神與毅力,一但突破了那0的臨界點,才能享受到1的技術美好。本場次分享在學習與導入 Windows 容器上的心路歷程,有高興、有期待、有失望、有憤怒,試著用不一樣的角度來分享 Windows 容器的苦與樂。
You can enjoy desktop development with Node.js and HTML5/CSS/WebGL right now. Here we also to announce that Stem project which is a JavaScript operating system, it makes developers be able to make things on embedded system with JavaScript only. There is no need to understand that difficult knowledge about embedded system when you work on Stem OS.
JavaScript is a client-side script language, but we can use it on server side programming now. However, it is still difficult to write server-side application for front-end developer.
Here we try to find a solution to write server-side script that developer only need to understand and have client-side experience.
本次講座 Will 保哥將分享如何透過 Visual Studio 的 StyleCop 擴充套件做到全自動的程式碼撰寫風格檢查,讓每個人都不用看規範文件,透過工具用最無腦的方式自動幫你做好到程式碼風格檢查。如要觀看完整講座內容,可報名線上課程進行一步查看實際展示與技術講解,網址:
The Construction and Practice of Apache Pegasus in Offline and Online Scenari...acelyc1112009
A presentation in Apache Pegasus meetup in 2022 from Wei Wang.
Apache Pegasus is a horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance key-value store.
Know more about Pegasus https://pegasus.apache.org, https://github.com/apache/incubator-pegasus
Pegasus: Designing a Distributed Key Value System (Arch summit beijing-2016)涛 吴
This slide delivered by Zuoyan Qin, Chief engineer from XiaoMi Cloud Storage Team, was for talk at Arch summit Beijing-2016 regarding how Pegasus was designed.