29. Exploratory/Scoping
Reuse/Secondary data analysis
Can be starting point or ad hoc
Peer review
Reproduce/extend results
Repurpose (e.g. for mashups, visualisations, simulations)
Verify claims (e.g. report findings)
*Not in any order; not exhaustive!
31. Google
Ask a colleague
Find link to data in a journal article
Data journals
Data registries e.g. re3data.org
Open data portals e.g. data.gov
Institutional repositories
Data / Discipline repositories e.g. Dryad
Project website
Data discovery aggregators like Research Data Australia, Google Dataset
Library catalogues, databases
*Not in any order; not exhaustive!
32. When creating metadata records, keep in mind that finding data is:
Movable feast / changing beast
No standard practice, universal standard or vocab
Databases are non-exhaustive
Methods for searching and terms driven by why people are
looking and how the data is stored
33. Together, were going to build a rainbow of discipline specific data
Working in pairs, explore re3data (or beyond!) to find data sources that
you would recommend for any specific number of disciplines.
For each data source:
a. find some data
b. tell us how you got there - eg google or repository
c. why its a good example to show someone else.
34. Here are some scenarios to start you off:
Showing a researcher where they might find social science data
Data that may not have a disciplinary home
Incredibly niche specialised scientific data (find a rabbit hole)
Australian geographic and/or spatialised data
Internet time server data
Geological sample data
41. Your task:
1. Work as a team at your tables
2. Take one of the CSV datasets at
3. Describe the dataset by creating a metadata record. Think
about: title, creators, date, short description and so on.
4. Bring your record to whole class discussion
Exercise time: 10 mins then whole class discussion
44. Your task:
1. Work as a team at your tables
2. Review the record you put together for the CSV file
3. Select a metadata schema of your choice e.g. Dublin Core,
RIF-CS, others..
4. Create a new metadata record using the schema of your choice
and the values (attributes) you listed in your original CSV file
Exercise time: 10 mins then whole class discussion
67. Photo by Amaury Salas on Unsplash
Find information about this DOI:
What type of research output does this DOI point to?
What is the organisation associated with this DOI?
Can you get to the full text from the DOI?
Now search for the same DOI in DataCite search:
How do you cite it in Vancouver style?
Who issued the DOI?
Finally, go to DataCite stats: https://stats.datacite.org/
For the Australian National Data Service, which
organisation minted the most DOIs for 2018?
83. There is no change in
the high number of
researchers valuing a
data citation the same
as an article -
from 78% in 2016
to 77% in 2017
Digital Science Report:
The State of Open Data
2017, p.8
84. Your task:
1. Work as a team at your tables
2. Look up and read what these publishers are saying about data citation:
Wileys Data Citation Policy -
Springer Nature Research Data Policy FAQs (why and how cite data) -
3. Discuss with each other: are the policies the same? Are the citation
styles the same? Is it clear information for authors?
Exercise time: 5 mins
Self explanatory
Easy to follow
Time saving
Distribute in
different ways
Linked to further
May not be
search engine
Hard to find
118. Adapted from: Fao.org. (2018). [online] Available at: http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/i2516e/i2516e.pdf [Accessed 1 May 2018].
119. Half day, Full day?
Program Timings?
Learning Outcomes?
Learning assessment?
How to?
Software? ppt, piktochart?
Process or Info sharing?
A4, Brochure, Web?