A presentation at the workshop "Rich and loonely or poor and popular?" at the Dublin Core conference in Lisbon on September 4th, 2013. The main hypothesis is that when publishing (linked) data, the main criteria should not be richness and poorness, but suitability for purpose, granularity and adherence to agreed-on models.
[ICLR2017 Reading Meeting@DeNA] Introduction of ICLR2017Takeru Miyato
This document provides an introduction to the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) and ICLR2017. It discusses that ICLR is an annual conference focused on deep learning and neural networks. ICLR2017 was held in Toulon, France in May 2017, with over 1100 attendees, 196 accepted conference papers, and around 110 accepted workshop papers. Popular topics at ICLR2017 included generalization in neural networks, generative adversarial networks (GANs), and deep reinforcement learning. The document also provides an overview of GANs, including the framework involving a discriminator and generator, and important GANs works presented at ICLR2017.
This document outlines open data and data journalism projects in Russia. It describes several Russian open data portals at the national, city, and local levels. It also discusses the Open Data Institute nodes in Russia and the Open Knowledge Foundation Russia, including their various working groups. Additionally, it provides information on the Russian School of Open Data and data journalism projects like a collective blog and data expeditions that have been conducted in Russia. Contact information and links to additional resources are also included.
Data discovery and metadata - Natasha Simons
Research Data Management workshop at the iSchools Data Science Winter Institute, 7-9 December 2017, University of Hong Kong
This document discusses open data and data journalism. It provides definitions of open data, describes various open data portals from around the world, and organizations that support open data like the Open Data Institute. It also defines data journalism and discusses data expeditions that have been conducted in Russia to train journalists in open data skills. Case studies and outcomes of previous data expeditions in Russia are summarized.
Fixing the infrastructure for open scienceBj旦rn Brembs
Bj旦rn Brembs argues that the current system of scholarly publishing and metrics is dysfunctional. It limits access to literature, data, and software and does not allow for flexible data visualization, analysis, or discovery. Journal impact factors in particular are mathematically unsound and an unreliable measure of quality. Better alternatives are needed that provide open access to all scholarly outputs and allow literature, data, and software to be easily searched, accessed, analyzed, and built upon.
This document discusses machine learning techniques for ranking and recommending information. It covers several academic papers on learning to rank, optimizing search engines using click data, and challenges in diversification, group recommendations, and context-aware recommendations. Examples of context include time of day, device, mood, season, and location. The document encourages getting in touch to discuss serious recommenders and search.
The document discusses extracting, enhancing, extending, and experimenting with metadata. It provides examples of extracting metadata from sources like logs, databases, and websites. Enhancement involves adding structure, context, and meaning to metadata through techniques like entity extraction, geocoding, and topic modeling. Extension pushes metadata to new contexts through visualization, record linkage, and exposing metadata as linked open data. The document advocates experimenting with metadata in labs and sharing ideas and tools to advance the field.
This presentation was provided by Emily Lynema of NCSU during the NISO virtual conference, Information Freedom, Ethics and Integrity, held on Wednesday, April 18, 2018.
Manage Your Data: Navigating Data Services at the UW LibrariesJennifer Muilenburg
This document summarizes a presentation about managing research data at the University of Washington Libraries. It discusses considerations for data management like storage, backup, organization, documentation, and sharing. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and discuss how the topics relate to their own research. The presentation provides an overview of data services available through the libraries and other campus resources. It aims to help researchers navigate requirements and best practices for responsible data management.
A open science presentation focusing on the benefits to be gained and basic practices to follow. This was given on behalf of FOSTER at the Open Science Boos(t)camp event at KU Leuven on 24th October 2014.
MementoMap: A Web Archive Profiling Framework for Efficient Memento RoutingSawood Alam
Topic: Doctoral Dissertation Defense
Title: MementoMap: A Web Archive Profiling Framework for Efficient Memento Routing
Student: Sawood Alam
University: Old Dominion University
Date: Friday, December 4, 2020
This document discusses getting to know data using R. It begins by outlining the typical steps in a data analysis, including defining the question, obtaining and cleaning the data, performing exploratory analysis, modeling, interpreting results, and creating reproducible code. It then describes different types of data science questions from descriptive to mechanistic. The remainder of the document provides more details on descriptive, exploratory, inferential, predictive, causal, and mechanistic analysis. It also discusses R, including its design, packages, data types like vectors, matrices, factors, lists, and data frames.
Who cares how research data is attributed and cited? Lots of people. Presented by Heather Piwowar to DataONE summer internship 2010 group on data citatio
This document discusses how libraries can leverage data from their collections to support new research and discovery. It outlines several initiatives that treat library collections as data, including the Library of Congress labs and a project exploring computationally-driven research. The document also discusses OCLC's work analyzing institutional repository data through its Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal (RAMP) and making data more interoperable through support of the IIIF standard for sharing images and metadata.
This document provides an overview of best practices for managing research data. It discusses why data management is important, how to plan for data management by inventorying data, assessing needs, and planning processes. It also covers topics like file formats, documentation, metadata, methods, standards, and storage considerations for both short and long-term. The document emphasizes documenting all decisions and processes, using open standards when possible, and partnering with libraries or repositories for long-term preservation of shared data.
The document outlines a 23 Things program for research data management training, which releases weekly activities and has monthly webinars, and provides a calendar of events and list of coordinators for the program at UWA.
際際滷s from the 2015 TA/RA Conference's presentation, "Research Smarter, Not Harder." Created and presented by University of Washington Librarians.
Attribution: University of Washington Libraries
This document outlines several NASA resources that can be used to enhance science learning, including the NASA CORE program which provides educational materials, the Educator Resource Center Network which helps teachers use NASA resources, and NASA Explorer Schools which provide free STEM lessons, materials, and professional development. It also lists additional NASA educational resources such as the Digital Learning Network, Engineering Design Challenge, and links for connecting with NASA.
This document outlines several NASA resources that can be used to enhance science learning, including the NASA CORE program which provides educational materials, the Educator Resource Center Network which helps teachers use NASA resources, and NASA Explorer Schools which provide free STEM lessons, materials, and professional development. It also lists additional NASA educational resources such as the Digital Learning Network, Engineering Design Challenge, and links for connecting with NASA.
Digitization at the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library - A Case StudyCliff Landis
Presentations on digitization often focus on following best practices and standards, but rarely give you the "behind the scenes" view that many of us crave. See how the rubber meets the road at the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library in this two-part case study series on digitization and metadata. In this session we'll discuss our equipment setup, material selection process, detailed workflows, and solutions for dealing with challenging materials. Additionally, you'll learn how our methods of documentation, collaboration, and philosophy keep the digitization machine running smoothly!
Learning Outcomes:
-- Discover how documentation and collaboration have averted digitization disasters.
-- Document work quickly and easily in OneNote, and share it with colleagues effortlessly.
-- Explore how workflows can be customized to match context.
-- Learn about the "fail fast and learn" approach and how to put it into practice.
This document outlines several NASA resources that can be used to enhance science learning, including the NASA CORE program which provides educational materials, the Educator Resource Center Network which helps teachers use NASA resources and provides training, NASA Explorer Schools which offer free lessons and materials for STEM education, and the NASA Digital Learning Network which provides on-demand STEM content. It also describes the NASA Engineering Design Challenge for real-world engineering problems and several other educational programs and resources available on NASA websites.
The ANU Data Commons is a repository for research data sets created and owned by ANU researchers. It allows researchers to deposit, update, and publish their data sets to Research Data Australia while retaining ownership. The Data Commons is built on projects to identify existing data sets and capture new data as it is generated. It uses Fedora Commons technology with access controls and an interface for uploading data. Deposited data receives backup storage and there are no limits on size or type. The Data Commons is in open beta and aims to work with researchers to populate the repository and Research Data Australia with at least 50 data sets.
Presentation by Dr Steve McEachern, ADA, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
Presentation by Hugo Leroux and Liming Zhu, CSIRO, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
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The document discusses extracting, enhancing, extending, and experimenting with metadata. It provides examples of extracting metadata from sources like logs, databases, and websites. Enhancement involves adding structure, context, and meaning to metadata through techniques like entity extraction, geocoding, and topic modeling. Extension pushes metadata to new contexts through visualization, record linkage, and exposing metadata as linked open data. The document advocates experimenting with metadata in labs and sharing ideas and tools to advance the field.
This presentation was provided by Emily Lynema of NCSU during the NISO virtual conference, Information Freedom, Ethics and Integrity, held on Wednesday, April 18, 2018.
Manage Your Data: Navigating Data Services at the UW LibrariesJennifer Muilenburg
This document summarizes a presentation about managing research data at the University of Washington Libraries. It discusses considerations for data management like storage, backup, organization, documentation, and sharing. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and discuss how the topics relate to their own research. The presentation provides an overview of data services available through the libraries and other campus resources. It aims to help researchers navigate requirements and best practices for responsible data management.
A open science presentation focusing on the benefits to be gained and basic practices to follow. This was given on behalf of FOSTER at the Open Science Boos(t)camp event at KU Leuven on 24th October 2014.
MementoMap: A Web Archive Profiling Framework for Efficient Memento RoutingSawood Alam
Topic: Doctoral Dissertation Defense
Title: MementoMap: A Web Archive Profiling Framework for Efficient Memento Routing
Student: Sawood Alam
University: Old Dominion University
Date: Friday, December 4, 2020
This document discusses getting to know data using R. It begins by outlining the typical steps in a data analysis, including defining the question, obtaining and cleaning the data, performing exploratory analysis, modeling, interpreting results, and creating reproducible code. It then describes different types of data science questions from descriptive to mechanistic. The remainder of the document provides more details on descriptive, exploratory, inferential, predictive, causal, and mechanistic analysis. It also discusses R, including its design, packages, data types like vectors, matrices, factors, lists, and data frames.
Who cares how research data is attributed and cited? Lots of people. Presented by Heather Piwowar to DataONE summer internship 2010 group on data citatio
This document discusses how libraries can leverage data from their collections to support new research and discovery. It outlines several initiatives that treat library collections as data, including the Library of Congress labs and a project exploring computationally-driven research. The document also discusses OCLC's work analyzing institutional repository data through its Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal (RAMP) and making data more interoperable through support of the IIIF standard for sharing images and metadata.
This document provides an overview of best practices for managing research data. It discusses why data management is important, how to plan for data management by inventorying data, assessing needs, and planning processes. It also covers topics like file formats, documentation, metadata, methods, standards, and storage considerations for both short and long-term. The document emphasizes documenting all decisions and processes, using open standards when possible, and partnering with libraries or repositories for long-term preservation of shared data.
The document outlines a 23 Things program for research data management training, which releases weekly activities and has monthly webinars, and provides a calendar of events and list of coordinators for the program at UWA.
際際滷s from the 2015 TA/RA Conference's presentation, "Research Smarter, Not Harder." Created and presented by University of Washington Librarians.
Attribution: University of Washington Libraries
This document outlines several NASA resources that can be used to enhance science learning, including the NASA CORE program which provides educational materials, the Educator Resource Center Network which helps teachers use NASA resources, and NASA Explorer Schools which provide free STEM lessons, materials, and professional development. It also lists additional NASA educational resources such as the Digital Learning Network, Engineering Design Challenge, and links for connecting with NASA.
This document outlines several NASA resources that can be used to enhance science learning, including the NASA CORE program which provides educational materials, the Educator Resource Center Network which helps teachers use NASA resources, and NASA Explorer Schools which provide free STEM lessons, materials, and professional development. It also lists additional NASA educational resources such as the Digital Learning Network, Engineering Design Challenge, and links for connecting with NASA.
Digitization at the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library - A Case StudyCliff Landis
Presentations on digitization often focus on following best practices and standards, but rarely give you the "behind the scenes" view that many of us crave. See how the rubber meets the road at the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library in this two-part case study series on digitization and metadata. In this session we'll discuss our equipment setup, material selection process, detailed workflows, and solutions for dealing with challenging materials. Additionally, you'll learn how our methods of documentation, collaboration, and philosophy keep the digitization machine running smoothly!
Learning Outcomes:
-- Discover how documentation and collaboration have averted digitization disasters.
-- Document work quickly and easily in OneNote, and share it with colleagues effortlessly.
-- Explore how workflows can be customized to match context.
-- Learn about the "fail fast and learn" approach and how to put it into practice.
This document outlines several NASA resources that can be used to enhance science learning, including the NASA CORE program which provides educational materials, the Educator Resource Center Network which helps teachers use NASA resources and provides training, NASA Explorer Schools which offer free lessons and materials for STEM education, and the NASA Digital Learning Network which provides on-demand STEM content. It also describes the NASA Engineering Design Challenge for real-world engineering problems and several other educational programs and resources available on NASA websites.
The ANU Data Commons is a repository for research data sets created and owned by ANU researchers. It allows researchers to deposit, update, and publish their data sets to Research Data Australia while retaining ownership. The Data Commons is built on projects to identify existing data sets and capture new data as it is generated. It uses Fedora Commons technology with access controls and an interface for uploading data. Deposited data receives backup storage and there are no limits on size or type. The Data Commons is in open beta and aims to work with researchers to populate the repository and Research Data Australia with at least 50 data sets.
Presentation by Dr Steve McEachern, ADA, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
Presentation by Hugo Leroux and Liming Zhu, CSIRO, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
The document summarizes plans by the Australian Government to establish new legislation and institutions to streamline access to and use of public sector data. Key points include:
- A new Commonwealth Data Sharing and Release Act will be introduced in 2019 to provide consistent rules for sharing data and establish a National Data Commissioner to oversee the system.
- The National Data Commissioner will ensure transparency, accountability, security, and appropriate risk management in data sharing.
- New rules will focus on enabling data to be shared for purposes like research and policy-making, while protecting privacy and building public trust in data use.
- The government will continue consulting stakeholders on the legislation to address concerns and help the public understand the reforms.
Presentation by Prof Chris Rowe, ADNet, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
Investigator-initiated clinical trials: a community perspectiveARDC
Presentation by Miranda Cumpston, ACTA, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
Presentation by Dr Merran Smith, PHRN, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
International perspective for sharing publicly funded medical research dataARDC
Presentation by Olivier Salvado, CSIRO, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
Presentation by Prof Lisa Askie, ANZCTR, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
Presentation by Dr Davina Ghersi, NHMRC, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
Presentation by Dr Adrian Burton, ARDC, to the 'Unlocking value from publicly funded Clinical Research Data' workshop, cohosted by ARDC and CSIRO at ANU on 6 March 2019.
FAIR for the future: embracing all things dataARDC
FAIR for the future: embracing all things data - Natasha Simons, Keith Russell and Liz Stokes, presented at Taylor & Francis Scholarly Summits in Sydney 11 Feb 2019 and Melbourne 14 Feb 2019.
How to make your data count webinar, 26 Nov 2018ARDC
This document outlines the Make Data Count (MDC) initiative to standardize and promote the tracking of research data usage metrics. MDC has developed a Code of Practice for data usage logs, built an open hub to aggregate standardized usage data, and implemented tracking and display of usage metrics at their own repositories. They encourage other repositories to follow five simple steps to Make Their Data Count: 1) Read the Code of Practice, 2) Process usage logs, 3) Send logs to the hub, 4) Pull usage metrics from the hub, and 5) Display metrics. Future work includes outreach, iteration on implementations, and expanding metrics beyond DOIs.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
29. Exploratory/Scoping
Reuse/Secondary data analysis
Can be starting point or ad hoc
Peer review
Reproduce/extend results
Repurpose (e.g. for mashups, visualisations, simulations)
Verify claims (e.g. report findings)
*Not in any order; not exhaustive!
31. Google
Ask a colleague
Find link to data in a journal article
Data journals
Data registries e.g. re3data.org
Open data portals e.g. data.gov
Institutional repositories
Data / Discipline repositories e.g. Dryad
Project website
Data discovery aggregators like Research Data Australia, Google Dataset
Library catalogues, databases
*Not in any order; not exhaustive!
32. When creating metadata records, keep in mind that finding data is:
Movable feast / changing beast
No standard practice, universal standard or vocab
Databases are non-exhaustive
Methods for searching and terms driven by why people are
looking and how the data is stored
33. Together, were going to build a rainbow of discipline specific data
Working in pairs, explore re3data (or beyond!) to find data sources that
you would recommend for any specific number of disciplines.
For each data source:
a. find some data
b. tell us how you got there - eg google or repository
c. why its a good example to show someone else.
34. Here are some scenarios to start you off:
Showing a researcher where they might find social science data
Data that may not have a disciplinary home
Incredibly niche specialised scientific data (find a rabbit hole)
Australian geographic and/or spatialised data
Internet time server data
Geological sample data
41. Your task:
1. Work as a team at your tables
2. Take one of the CSV datasets at
3. Describe the dataset by creating a metadata record. Think
about: title, creators, date, short description and so on.
4. Bring your record to whole class discussion
Exercise time: 10 mins then whole class discussion
44. Your task:
1. Work as a team at your tables
2. Review the record you put together for the CSV file
3. Select a metadata schema of your choice e.g. Dublin Core,
RIF-CS, others..
4. Create a new metadata record using the schema of your choice
and the values (attributes) you listed in your original CSV file
Exercise time: 10 mins then whole class discussion
67. Photo by Amaury Salas on Unsplash
Find information about this DOI:
What type of research output does this DOI point to?
What is the organisation associated with this DOI?
Can you get to the full text from the DOI?
Now search for the same DOI in DataCite search:
How do you cite it in Vancouver style?
Who issued the DOI?
Finally, go to DataCite stats: https://stats.datacite.org/
For the Australian National Data Service, which
organisation minted the most DOIs for 2018?
83. There is no change in
the high number of
researchers valuing a
data citation the same
as an article -
from 78% in 2016
to 77% in 2017
Digital Science Report:
The State of Open Data
2017, p.8
84. Your task:
1. Work as a team at your tables
2. Look up and read what these publishers are saying about data citation:
Wileys Data Citation Policy -
Springer Nature Research Data Policy FAQs (why and how cite data) -
3. Discuss with each other: are the policies the same? Are the citation
styles the same? Is it clear information for authors?
Exercise time: 5 mins
Self explanatory
Easy to follow
Time saving
Distribute in
different ways
Linked to further
May not be
search engine
Hard to find
118. Adapted from: Fao.org. (2018). [online] Available at: http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/i2516e/i2516e.pdf [Accessed 1 May 2018].
119. Half day, Full day?
Program Timings?
Learning Outcomes?
Learning assessment?
How to?
Software? ppt, piktochart?
Process or Info sharing?
A4, Brochure, Web?