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Safe Routes to Behavior Change Seth LaJeunesse, NCSP, MCRP Pro Walk/Pro Bike Chattanooga, TN September 14, 2010
Overview Why consider behavior change principles? Some principles of behavior change Applied examples of these principles Implications for practice
Why consider behavior change principles? ?
Why consider behavior change principles? Behavior change principles help us: Explain why we respond the way we do to certain interventions Predict how we are likely to respond to certain interventions
Some principles of behavior change Attitudes  Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
Attitudes Beliefs about outcomes of behavior + Values of the outcomes Example Activity Promotional Literature
Attitudes  Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
Norms What we think important others are doing What we sense important others think we should be doing Example Activity Visible walker/biker club
Attitudes  Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
Intention A determination to do something Social encouragement  Incentives Example Activities Classroom competitions Frequent walker/biker program
Attitudes  Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
Self-efficacy and control Thoughts about how well we can do something The amount of control we feel over doing something Example Activities Bike skills training Parent-led safety patrol
Attitudes  Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
Habit We develop habits by: Doing something often Doing something in a similar way each time
Habit, continued Habits are: Automatic Non-deliberate Example Activities Park-and-walk program Promote SRTS to people new to an area/school
Recap Attitudes  Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
Implications for practice Focus MORE on: Focus LESS on: Enhancing self-efficacy and control Improving attitudes Social encouragement and incentives Promoting SRTS to general public Storytelling Use of facts and statistics
Thank you Seth LaJeunesse 919-962-4236 [email_address]

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Sl chattanooga beh_chng_2010

  • 1. Safe Routes to Behavior Change Seth LaJeunesse, NCSP, MCRP Pro Walk/Pro Bike Chattanooga, TN September 14, 2010
  • 2. Overview Why consider behavior change principles? Some principles of behavior change Applied examples of these principles Implications for practice
  • 3. Why consider behavior change principles? ?
  • 4. Why consider behavior change principles? Behavior change principles help us: Explain why we respond the way we do to certain interventions Predict how we are likely to respond to certain interventions
  • 5. Some principles of behavior change Attitudes Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
  • 6. Attitudes Beliefs about outcomes of behavior + Values of the outcomes Example Activity Promotional Literature
  • 7. Attitudes Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
  • 8. Norms What we think important others are doing What we sense important others think we should be doing Example Activity Visible walker/biker club
  • 9. Attitudes Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
  • 10. Intention A determination to do something Social encouragement Incentives Example Activities Classroom competitions Frequent walker/biker program
  • 11. Attitudes Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
  • 12. Self-efficacy and control Thoughts about how well we can do something The amount of control we feel over doing something Example Activities Bike skills training Parent-led safety patrol
  • 13. Attitudes Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
  • 14. Habit We develop habits by: Doing something often Doing something in a similar way each time
  • 15. Habit, continued Habits are: Automatic Non-deliberate Example Activities Park-and-walk program Promote SRTS to people new to an area/school
  • 16. Recap Attitudes Norms Intention Behavior Self-efficacy and control Habit
  • 17. Implications for practice Focus MORE on: Focus LESS on: Enhancing self-efficacy and control Improving attitudes Social encouragement and incentives Promoting SRTS to general public Storytelling Use of facts and statistics
  • 18. Thank you Seth LaJeunesse 919-962-4236 [email_address]

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Acknowledge team members in audience Acknowledge audience Info has been submitted by local programs across the US and these local programs are benefiting from the data Is there anyone in the audience who has submitted data to us? You have helped contribute to this data set. Photo, Winston-Salem NC provided by Mike Cynecki.