2014: The Year Social Content Dominated B2B Technology Marketing?Radix Communications
As a B2B tech copywriting agency, Radix has a great first-hand view of the types of content that marketers in the tech sector are producing. In this presentation, we sift through every project the Radix team worked on in 2014 to uncover the years big trends.
Charlotte Hollis proposes a project to produce and present 8 portraits with descriptions. She will research editorial photographers to inform her own photos. She will plan subjects, scenes, and models over 3 weeks then spend 1 week taking photos outside of college. Finally, she will prepare her photos and presentation descriptions within 1 week to present her portraits to the class. She needs internet access, photography blogs and websites, and will research editorial photography and techniques. The tutor agrees the project is appropriate and not submitted for another qualification.
El software libre es aquel que permite a los usuarios utilizarlo, copiarlo, estudiarlo, modificarlo y redistribuirlo libremente. Surge en los a単os 1980 cuando las empresas comenzaron a imponer restricciones en el uso del software. Richard Stallman fund坦 el proyecto GNU en 1984 para crear software que garantice las libertades de los usuarios. Existe divergencia entre el software libre y de c坦digo abierto en que este 炭ltimo se enfoca en los beneficios pr叩cticos mientras el primero defiende la libertad del usuario como un aspecto 辿tico.
This new parent orientation document provides information and recommendations for developing digital citizenship in families. It discusses shifting perspectives on technology from gaming tools to learning and creating, modeling good digital behavior, having open conversations about appropriate technology use, setting limits such as switch-off times and breaks, and parents educating themselves on digital citizenship best practices. The overall goal is helping parents establish a partnership with the school for raising responsible, safe, respectful and honest digital citizens.
The document summarizes sponsorship opportunities for the 2009 Signature Chefs Auction being held by the March of Dimes in Wausau, Wisconsin in October 2009. It describes various sponsorship levels that range from $250 to $900, including benefits like tickets to a VIP reception, table placements, signage, and advertisements. The top levels are Ambassador Family Sponsor, Presenting Sponsor, and Bank Sponsor. It also includes a draft partnership agreement for sponsors to sign.
Workshop dedicato al RE-TARGETING. Iniziando da cos'竪 e concludendo con la configurazione e lancio di una campagna di RE-TARGETING.
- RE-TARGETING Personalizzato
- RE-TARGETING di Fidelizzazione
National project competition proposal templateFathuruun
This document outlines a project plan that includes sections for the project name and issue being addressed, target audience, timeline, goals and objectives, team structure, how the project addresses the issue and ensures financial sustainability, SWOT analysis, action plan, budget, stakeholder analysis, risk analysis, and detailed timeline. It provides a framework for planning a project with details on team roles, activities, goals, budget, risks, and stakeholder engagement to help ensure successful implementation.
digital identity 2.0: how technology is transforming behaviours and raising c...Patrick McCormick
The document discusses how digital technologies are transforming behaviors and raising citizen expectations of government services. It notes that Australians now spend significant time online and use various digital services. This has led to changing expectations where citizens want essential, discretionary, and participatory services from government. The document argues that governments need to adopt a more open, collaborative and user-centered approach to meet these rising expectations, including through the use of social media, open data, and new digital identity systems that give citizens more control over their personal information.
The document discusses obtaining funding and sponsorship for projects. It provides information on different types of funding such as corporate sponsorship, crowd-funding, and private investors. The document also gives advice on developing funding proposals, identifying the right organizations to fund a project, and reviewing the outcomes of funded projects. Examples of various case studies and useful links for funding resources are also included.
El software libre es aquel que permite a los usuarios utilizarlo, copiarlo, estudiarlo, modificarlo y redistribuirlo libremente. Surge en los a単os 1980 cuando las empresas comenzaron a imponer restricciones en el uso del software. Richard Stallman fund坦 el proyecto GNU en 1984 para crear software que garantice las libertades de los usuarios. Existe divergencia entre el software libre y de c坦digo abierto en que este 炭ltimo se enfoca en los beneficios pr叩cticos mientras el primero defiende la libertad del usuario como un aspecto 辿tico.
This new parent orientation document provides information and recommendations for developing digital citizenship in families. It discusses shifting perspectives on technology from gaming tools to learning and creating, modeling good digital behavior, having open conversations about appropriate technology use, setting limits such as switch-off times and breaks, and parents educating themselves on digital citizenship best practices. The overall goal is helping parents establish a partnership with the school for raising responsible, safe, respectful and honest digital citizens.
The document summarizes sponsorship opportunities for the 2009 Signature Chefs Auction being held by the March of Dimes in Wausau, Wisconsin in October 2009. It describes various sponsorship levels that range from $250 to $900, including benefits like tickets to a VIP reception, table placements, signage, and advertisements. The top levels are Ambassador Family Sponsor, Presenting Sponsor, and Bank Sponsor. It also includes a draft partnership agreement for sponsors to sign.
Workshop dedicato al RE-TARGETING. Iniziando da cos'竪 e concludendo con la configurazione e lancio di una campagna di RE-TARGETING.
- RE-TARGETING Personalizzato
- RE-TARGETING di Fidelizzazione
National project competition proposal templateFathuruun
This document outlines a project plan that includes sections for the project name and issue being addressed, target audience, timeline, goals and objectives, team structure, how the project addresses the issue and ensures financial sustainability, SWOT analysis, action plan, budget, stakeholder analysis, risk analysis, and detailed timeline. It provides a framework for planning a project with details on team roles, activities, goals, budget, risks, and stakeholder engagement to help ensure successful implementation.
digital identity 2.0: how technology is transforming behaviours and raising c...Patrick McCormick
The document discusses how digital technologies are transforming behaviors and raising citizen expectations of government services. It notes that Australians now spend significant time online and use various digital services. This has led to changing expectations where citizens want essential, discretionary, and participatory services from government. The document argues that governments need to adopt a more open, collaborative and user-centered approach to meet these rising expectations, including through the use of social media, open data, and new digital identity systems that give citizens more control over their personal information.
The document discusses obtaining funding and sponsorship for projects. It provides information on different types of funding such as corporate sponsorship, crowd-funding, and private investors. The document also gives advice on developing funding proposals, identifying the right organizations to fund a project, and reviewing the outcomes of funded projects. Examples of various case studies and useful links for funding resources are also included.
5. Ringraziamo prima...
Associazione di Prom. Soc. Metropolis
Sponsor Opera Prima, Linkem, PioPunto2 e Bar Campobasso
6. Ringraziamo prima...
Associazione di Prom. Soc. Metropolis
Sponsor Opera Prima, Linkem, PioPunto2 e Bar Campobasso
Comune di Triggiano
7. Ringraziamo prima...
Associazione di Prom. Soc. Metropolis
Sponsor Opera Prima, Linkem, PioPunto2 e Bar Campobasso
Comune di Triggiano
Sponsor Tecnico
8. Ringraziamo prima...
Associazione di Prom. Soc. Metropolis
Sponsor Opera Prima, Linkem, PioPunto2 e Bar Campobasso
Comune di Triggiano
Sponsor Tecnico
Media Partner
9. Ringraziamo prima...
Associazione di Prom. Soc. Metropolis
Sponsor Opera Prima, Linkem, PioPunto2 e Bar Campobasso
Comune di Triggiano
Sponsor Tecnico
Media Partner
...Angeli custodi
20. Perch竪 nasce il TriviaCamp
Esigenza e non da un problema
Digital Divide
Alfabetismo digitale
Apprendimento continuo
Al passo con lInnovazione
Esaltare talenti
21. Cosa chiediamo per levento
Spirito collaborativo
Libero pensiero
Ascolto attivo
Contributo personale
22. Dal Triviacamp impariamo...
Imparare dal
Fare Rete
Aperti e
Focus sul