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Gender Analysis: Tips And Tools
          Mahmuda Anwar
       EDRD 6000, March 2013
Some Basic Definitions
Sex-refers to the biological difference between men and women. The differences are
concerned with mens and womens bodies

Gender-refers to the social difference between men and women based on       activities,
roles and responsibilities connected to be a male or female. These differences are
changeable overtime

Equity- refers to fairness and justice in the distribution of responsibilities and
benefits between men and women. It leads to gender equality

Equality- refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for men and
women(and girls and boys)

Gender Relations-refers the social relationships between men and women. Gender
relations vary according to time , place and other relations such as class, race,
ethnicity , disability and so on(March, Smyth & Mukhopadhyay , 1999)
Gender Concepts
Women in Development(WID)
            This concept, introduced in the 1970s, focuses on womens practical needs. It aims to
change the condition of women through womens participation. Specific womens project and
support form all development actors were centered to make women more efficient in development

Gender And Development(GAD)
           This concept focuses on gender relation, and addresses inequalities in womens and mens
social roles in relation to development. It aims to change the position of women and incorporate
gender consideration into mainstream.
            This approach argues that sustainable development is only possible if women and men
are equally involved and that equality of women is not just a womens issue, it is a goal that requires
the active participation of both men and women(Gender Analysis Guideline, 2012).

Gender Mainstreaming
            The concept focuses on institutionalizing gender sensitivity and equality. It aims to
mainstream all gender concerns into every aspect of an organizational priorities and procedures.
            Mainstreaming gender is both a technical and political process which requires shifts in
organizational cultures and ways of thinking, as well as in the goals, structures, and resources
allocation of international agencies , government, and NGOs(Kardam,1998).
What is Gender Analysis?

       Gender analysis is a systematic analytical process that
examines the relationship between men and women, and the
inequalities of those relationships in relevance of gender roles
and power dynamics in a given context (Tips for,2011,p-2).

Main Goals of Gender Analysis
To better understand a community for developmental work
To ensure gender equality in development context

Source of picture :http://tinasheonline.com/2012/09/gender-based-analysis-immigrantyouth-social-innovation/
When to conduct Gender Analysis


Policy/Program/project       Gender               Policy/Program/project
                             Analysis                   Planning

Stages of Gender Analysis
 Adapted from Gender Analysis Toolkit, 2009
What questions do we ask for Gender Analysis

   Questions about    Questions about
   Roles and          Access & Control   Questions about
   Responsibilities                      the Influencing
                      Who has what?
   Who does what?                        Why not equal?
                      Who decides for
    How?              whom?              Cultural factors?
    When?             Who has access?    Social factor?
    Where?            Who benefits?      Economical ?
    With whom?        Who losses?        Others?
How to find the answers of the questions

             Development context tool kit, livelihood toolkit and stakeholders
       priorities for development toolkit can be used for asking questions about
       current situations and future planning(FAO,2001).
The development context tools are-Village resource map, transects, trend
   lines, village social map , Venn diagram and institutional profiles .
Livelihoods tools are- farming system diagram, benefits analysis flow chart,
   daily activities clocks, seasonal calendars, income and expenditure
   matrices and resource picture cards.
Stakeholders Priorities Tools are- Pair wise ranking matrix, flow diagram,
   problem analysis chart, venn diagram of stakeholders, stakeholders conflict
   and partnership matrix , and best bets action plan.

Source: SEAGA Field Handbook,FAO,2001
Gender Analysis Frame Works
       Gender Analysis Frame Works are practical instruments
designed to understand the gender dynamics within a project
or a context. Framework used for analysis of tools.

Purposes of Gender Analysis Frame Work
Context Analysis
Visualisation of key points
Planning of Development works
Monitoring & Evaluation
Name of Frame Work                               Key concepts                                      Strength                Weakness/Challenges

The Harvard Analytical       This is a grid/matrix for collecting data on gender        Easy adaptable to all sectors   Focusing on gender roles
Frame Work                   roles at individual and community level. It has four      Provides micro level data        rather    than     gender
                             main components: activity profile; access and control     Helps planners design more       relations
                             over resources ; influencing factors; and project cycle   efficient projects and improve    Lack of power analysis
                             analysis.                                                 overall productivity              Time consuming
The Moser Frame              It identifies womens triple role as productive,          Accessible and easy applicable   Assumes women are
Work                         reproductive and community activities. It is a            The concept of triple role     homogenous
(Also known as the           planning methodology which tells: division of labour      makes all areas of work visible   Time consuming
triple roles framework)      at micro level; gender differences in access to and                                         Does not highlight other
                             control over resources; decision making, and                                                forms of inequalities such
                             WID/GAD policy matrix.                                                                      as class and race
Gender Analysis Matrix       This is a communitybased technique to analyze            Fosters bottom-up analysis     Difficulties defining a
                             gender differences at household and community level       through           community       community
                             and considers impact on labour, time, resources and       participation                     Excludes      macro   and
                             social cultural factors.                                                                    institutional analysis
Capacities            and    Used by external agencies in emergency relief             CVA can be used at all levels-   Does not include an
Vulnerabilities              interventions to meet immediate needs, and to build       from the community to the         explicit  agenda   for
Analysis(CVA)      Frame     on peoples strengths to support at long-term social      national and even international   womens empowerment
Work                         and economic development.                                 level
Womens                      This frame work might be used to assess how a             Focus on gender relation rather   Ignores other aspects of
Empowerment Frame            development intervention or programme might               than only womens role            empowerment(rights,
Work                         support greater womens empowerment.                                                        claims and responsibilities)
Social            Relation   The approach uses an institutional analysis in order to   This approach can be use both     Complex analysis
Approach                     identify how institutions(community, market , state       in policy analysis and in         Emphasis on structure
                             and family) create and reproduce inequalities.            development programmes            and ignores agency

The People-Oriented          This framework is an adaptation of the Harvard            Easy to use                      Top-down approaches
Planning Frame Work          Analytical Frame Work and uses to the situation of         Give a clear picture
                             refugees . Aims of the frame work is: to ensure that
                             there is an efficient and equitable distribution of
                             resources .
Tips for Gender Analysis
I came up with the term PERFORM which when expanded summarizes the key
considerations for gender analysis specially in the rural context

Participation of community members is essential

Ensure full diversity of womens and mens voices and experiences are captured

Respect values, culture and norms of the society

Find a place for using the tools which is accessible to all men and women

Organize the process in natural settings

Represent same issue from different perspectives(triangulation)

Monitor the whole process from the position of an observer or a facilitator

Note: Consider sexual minorities if any (gay/transgender)
 Canadian International Development Agency.n.d. Gender Analysis. Retrieved from

 Food And Agriculture Organization(FAO). (2001). SEAGA Field Handbook. Rome.
   Retrieved from www.gdnonline.org/resources/seaga-field-handbook.pdf

Gender Analysis Toolkit.(2009). Queensland Government. Retrieved from

 Gender Analysis Guideline.(2012). Retrieved from

 Kardam , N.(1998).Changing Institutions in Womens Interests.
   Retrieved from http://www.bridge.ids.ac.uk/Dgb5

 March,C.,Smyth,I., Mukhopadhyay , M.(1999). A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frame works . Oxfam: Oxford

 Tips for Conducting a Gender Analysis at the Activity or Project Level. (2011,March 17). USAID.
   Retrieved from http://transition.usaid.gov/policy/ads/200/201sae.pdf

 World Health Organization(WHO).(2002).Gender Analysis: A Review of Selected Tools.
            Retrieved from http://www.who.int/gender/documents/en/Gender.analysis.pdf

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際際滷 share on gender analysis

  • 1. Gender Analysis: Tips And Tools Mahmuda Anwar EDRD 6000, March 2013
  • 2. Some Basic Definitions Sex-refers to the biological difference between men and women. The differences are concerned with mens and womens bodies Gender-refers to the social difference between men and women based on activities, roles and responsibilities connected to be a male or female. These differences are changeable overtime Equity- refers to fairness and justice in the distribution of responsibilities and benefits between men and women. It leads to gender equality Equality- refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for men and women(and girls and boys) Gender Relations-refers the social relationships between men and women. Gender relations vary according to time , place and other relations such as class, race, ethnicity , disability and so on(March, Smyth & Mukhopadhyay , 1999)
  • 3. Gender Concepts Women in Development(WID) This concept, introduced in the 1970s, focuses on womens practical needs. It aims to change the condition of women through womens participation. Specific womens project and support form all development actors were centered to make women more efficient in development activities/projects. Gender And Development(GAD) This concept focuses on gender relation, and addresses inequalities in womens and mens social roles in relation to development. It aims to change the position of women and incorporate gender consideration into mainstream. This approach argues that sustainable development is only possible if women and men are equally involved and that equality of women is not just a womens issue, it is a goal that requires the active participation of both men and women(Gender Analysis Guideline, 2012). Gender Mainstreaming The concept focuses on institutionalizing gender sensitivity and equality. It aims to mainstream all gender concerns into every aspect of an organizational priorities and procedures. Mainstreaming gender is both a technical and political process which requires shifts in organizational cultures and ways of thinking, as well as in the goals, structures, and resources allocation of international agencies , government, and NGOs(Kardam,1998).
  • 4. What is Gender Analysis? Gender analysis is a systematic analytical process that examines the relationship between men and women, and the inequalities of those relationships in relevance of gender roles and power dynamics in a given context (Tips for,2011,p-2). Main Goals of Gender Analysis To better understand a community for developmental work To ensure gender equality in development context Source of picture :http://tinasheonline.com/2012/09/gender-based-analysis-immigrantyouth-social-innovation/
  • 5. When to conduct Gender Analysis Policy/Program/project Design Policy/Program/project Gender Policy/Program/project Evaluation Analysis Planning Policy/Program/project Implementation
  • 6. Stages of Gender Analysis Adapted from Gender Analysis Toolkit, 2009
  • 7. What questions do we ask for Gender Analysis Questions about Questions about Roles and Access & Control Questions about Responsibilities the Influencing Factors Who has what? Who does what? Why not equal? Who decides for How? whom? Cultural factors? When? Who has access? Social factor? Where? Who benefits? Economical ? With whom? Who losses? Others?
  • 8. How to find the answers of the questions Development context tool kit, livelihood toolkit and stakeholders priorities for development toolkit can be used for asking questions about current situations and future planning(FAO,2001). The development context tools are-Village resource map, transects, trend lines, village social map , Venn diagram and institutional profiles . Livelihoods tools are- farming system diagram, benefits analysis flow chart, daily activities clocks, seasonal calendars, income and expenditure matrices and resource picture cards. Stakeholders Priorities Tools are- Pair wise ranking matrix, flow diagram, problem analysis chart, venn diagram of stakeholders, stakeholders conflict and partnership matrix , and best bets action plan. Source: SEAGA Field Handbook,FAO,2001
  • 9. Gender Analysis Frame Works Gender Analysis Frame Works are practical instruments designed to understand the gender dynamics within a project or a context. Framework used for analysis of tools. Purposes of Gender Analysis Frame Work Context Analysis Visualisation of key points Planning of Development works Communications Monitoring & Evaluation
  • 10. Name of Frame Work Key concepts Strength Weakness/Challenges The Harvard Analytical This is a grid/matrix for collecting data on gender Easy adaptable to all sectors Focusing on gender roles Frame Work roles at individual and community level. It has four Provides micro level data rather than gender main components: activity profile; access and control Helps planners design more relations over resources ; influencing factors; and project cycle efficient projects and improve Lack of power analysis analysis. overall productivity Time consuming The Moser Frame It identifies womens triple role as productive, Accessible and easy applicable Assumes women are Work reproductive and community activities. It is a The concept of triple role homogenous (Also known as the planning methodology which tells: division of labour makes all areas of work visible Time consuming triple roles framework) at micro level; gender differences in access to and Does not highlight other control over resources; decision making, and forms of inequalities such WID/GAD policy matrix. as class and race Gender Analysis Matrix This is a communitybased technique to analyze Fosters bottom-up analysis Difficulties defining a gender differences at household and community level through community community and considers impact on labour, time, resources and participation Excludes macro and social cultural factors. institutional analysis Capacities and Used by external agencies in emergency relief CVA can be used at all levels- Does not include an Vulnerabilities interventions to meet immediate needs, and to build from the community to the explicit agenda for Analysis(CVA) Frame on peoples strengths to support at long-term social national and even international womens empowerment Work and economic development. level Womens This frame work might be used to assess how a Focus on gender relation rather Ignores other aspects of Empowerment Frame development intervention or programme might than only womens role empowerment(rights, Work support greater womens empowerment. claims and responsibilities) Social Relation The approach uses an institutional analysis in order to This approach can be use both Complex analysis Approach identify how institutions(community, market , state in policy analysis and in Emphasis on structure and family) create and reproduce inequalities. development programmes and ignores agency The People-Oriented This framework is an adaptation of the Harvard Easy to use Top-down approaches Planning Frame Work Analytical Frame Work and uses to the situation of Give a clear picture refugees . Aims of the frame work is: to ensure that there is an efficient and equitable distribution of resources .
  • 11. Tips for Gender Analysis I came up with the term PERFORM which when expanded summarizes the key considerations for gender analysis specially in the rural context Participation of community members is essential Ensure full diversity of womens and mens voices and experiences are captured Respect values, culture and norms of the society Find a place for using the tools which is accessible to all men and women Organize the process in natural settings Represent same issue from different perspectives(triangulation) Monitor the whole process from the position of an observer or a facilitator Note: Consider sexual minorities if any (gay/transgender)
  • 12. References Canadian International Development Agency.n.d. Gender Analysis. Retrieved from http://tamarackcommunity.ca/downloads/gender/Tools.pdf Food And Agriculture Organization(FAO). (2001). SEAGA Field Handbook. Rome. Retrieved from www.gdnonline.org/resources/seaga-field-handbook.pdf Gender Analysis Toolkit.(2009). Queensland Government. Retrieved from http://www.communities.qld.gov.au/women/resources/resource-types/gender-analysis-toolkit-resource Gender Analysis Guideline.(2012). Retrieved from www.aid.govt.nz/.../Gender%20Analysis%20Guideline_0.pdf Kardam , N.(1998).Changing Institutions in Womens Interests. Retrieved from http://www.bridge.ids.ac.uk/Dgb5 March,C.,Smyth,I., Mukhopadhyay , M.(1999). A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frame works . Oxfam: Oxford Tips for Conducting a Gender Analysis at the Activity or Project Level. (2011,March 17). USAID. Retrieved from http://transition.usaid.gov/policy/ads/200/201sae.pdf World Health Organization(WHO).(2002).Gender Analysis: A Review of Selected Tools. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/gender/documents/en/Gender.analysis.pdf