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Student Learning Objectives

Administrative Planning Overview
Northeastern Educational Intermediate Unit
Leeta Dennebaum
Cecelia Mecca, PhD
Session Objectives


Link to Teacher Evaluation
Define SLO process
Explore the SLO Template
Identifying Key Points for
School Leaders
Planning for implementation
SLO Trainings - NEIU 19
 Administrative Overview Trainings
(1/2 day sessions similar to this one with exchanges and
 Pilot Team Trainings  six schools
(invitation only --- 2 days of SLO mechanics - helping us
to smooth the edges)
 School Team Trainings  Day 1
SLO Mechanics (excluding pilot schools)
 School Team Trainings  Day 2
Building Local SLO Capacity &
Assessment Literacy (including pilot schools)
Teacher Effectiveness
Teacher Effectiveness System in Act 82 of 2012
Building Level Data/School Performance Profile
Teacher Observation & Practice

Effective 2013-2014 SY

Danielson Framework Domains
1. Planning and Preparation
2. Classroom Environment
3. Instruction
4. Professional Responsibilities

Effective 2013-2014 SY

Indicators of Academic Achievement
Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students
Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups
Academic Growth PVAAS
Other Academic Indicators
Credit for Advanced Achievement
Teacher Specific Data
PVAAS / Growth 3 Year Rolling Average
Building Level
1. 2013-2014 SY
Data, 15%
2. 2014-2015 SY
3. 2015-2016 SY
Teacher Specific Other data as provided in Act 82
Data, 15%

Practice, 50%

Elective Data/SLOs

Optional 2013-2014 SY
Effective 2014-2015 SY
Data, 20%

District Designed Measures and Examinations
Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests
Industry Certification Examinations
Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements
Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements
Teacher Effectiveness System in Act 82 of 2012
Building Level Data/School Performance Profile
Teacher Observation & Practice

Effective 2013-2014

Danielson Framework Domains
1. Planning and Preparation
2. Classroom Environment
3. Instruction
4. Professional Responsibilities

Effective 2013-2014 SY

Indicators of Academic Achievement
Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students
Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups
Academic Growth PVAAS
Other Academic Indicators
Credit for Advanced Achievement

Building Level
Data, 15%
Elective Data/SLOs

Optional 2013-2014 SY
Effective 2014-2015 SY
Data, 35%

District Designed Measures and Examinations
Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests
Industry Certification Examinations
Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements
Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements

Practice, 50%
Principal Effectiveness System in Act 82 of 2012

Effective 2014-2015 School Year

Observation/ Evidence
Framework for Leadership Domains
1. Strategic/Cultural Leadership
2. Systems Leadership
3. Leadership for Learning
4. Professional and Community

Building Level Data/School Performance Profile
Indicators of Academic Achievement
Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students
Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups
Academic Growth PVAAS
Other Academic Indicators
Credit for Advanced Achievement

Level Data,

/ Evidence

Teacher PVAAS
scores and


based on Teacher Level
Elective Data/SLOs
District Designed Measures and Examinations
Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests
Industry Certification Examinations
Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements
Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements
SLO Process
SLO Process

A process to document a measure
of educator effectiveness

based on student achievement of
content standards.
The SLO in PA is written to a
specific teacher and a specific
class/course/content area for which
that teacher provides instruction.
Many factors can influence the size of an SLO,
but the process remains the same.

Time Frame
Course Content
Important Learning Needs
SLO Template 10.0
SLO Template 10.0
A tool used to identify
goals, indicators, and
performance measures
for use in the greater
Teacher Effectiveness
SLO Template Design


SLO Criteria
1. Goals are based upon the big ideas within
the content standards.
2. Performance indicators are
specific, measureable, attainable, and realistic.
3. Performance measures should be
valid, reliable, and rigorous assessments.
4. Data should be collected, organized, and
reported in a consistent manner.
5. Teacher expectations of student achievement
should be demanding.
Section 1: Classroom Context
 Contains demographic information
about the education setting.
 Articulates the
course, grade(s), and students the
SLO is based on.
 Provides class size, frequency and
duration data.
I. Classroom Context
1. Classroom Context

1a. Name

1b. School

1c. District

1d. Class/ Course

1e. Grade

1f. Total # of

1g. Typical
Class Size

1h. Class

1i. Typical Class
Section 2: SLO Goal
 Contains a statement about the
enduring understanding or big
 Provides the specific PA standards
associated with the goal.
 Articulates a rationale about the
goal statement.
Goal Statement
Spanish 1
Demonstrate effective communication in the target language
by speaking and listening, writing, and reading.
8th Grade Art
Demonstrate the ability to manipulate visual art materials and
tools to create works based on the ideas of other artists and
to evaluate the processes and products of themselves and
other artists.
Grade 5 Library
Demonstrate the ability to use online D.P.S. databases and
search engines, Britannica Elementary, Culture Grams, and
Nettrekker toward support real world experiences and
determining which is the best source for specific information.
Explains why the SLO is important and how
students will demonstrate learning of the
standards through this objective.
Grade 8 Art:
Developing the ability to manipulate visual art materials and tools are
important to the artistic creation process, as is the ability to evaluate the
process and product created by oneself and others.
Child Development (FCS)
Understanding how children grow and develop will prepare individuals
and families to meet challenges associated with raising children.
Section 4: Performance Measures

 Identifies all performance
measures including
name, purpose, type and metric
 Articulates the administration
and scoring details including the
Performance Measure
Final Exam/Mid-Term
Common Assessments
Teacher Created Rubric
Performance Measures
4. Performance Measures (PM)

4a. Name

4c. Purpose


4g. Resources/

4i. Administration &
Scoring Personnel

PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5

4b. Type

PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5

____District-designed Measures and
____Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests
____Industry Certification Examinations
____Student Projects
____Student Portfolios
____ Other:______________________________
Growth (change in student performance across two or
more points in time)

4d. Metric

PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5
PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5
PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5

Mastery (attainment of a defined level of
Growth and Mastery

4f. Adaptations/


4h. Scoring Tools

4j. Performance

Gifted IEP


PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5
PM #1
PM #2
PM #3
PM #4
PM #5
Section 3: Performance Indicators
 Articulates targets for each
performance measure.
 Includes all students in the identified
SLO group.
 May include a focused student group.
 Affords opportunity to link indicators
and/or weighting.
Performance Indicator
HS Choral
Individual Vocal Assessment Task
Students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 6 out of
8 criteria of the second scoring rubric.
Grade 1 Reading
DIBELS Assessment
Students will read at least 90 of the 107 words on the 107
Most Commonly Used Words list.
Performance Indicators
3. Performance Indicators (PI)
3a. PI Targets:
All Student Group

PI Target #1
PI Target #2
PI Target #3
PI Target #4
PI Target #5

3b. PI Targets:
Subset Student Group

PI Target #1
PI Target #2
PI Target #3
PI Target #4
PI Target #5

3c. PI Linked

3d. PI Weighting
Section 5: Teacher Expectations

 Identified each level (failing, needs
improvement, proficient,
distinguished) students are meeting
the PI targets.
 Selects the overall SLO rating.
Teacher Expectations
5. Teacher Expectations

5a. Level

0% to ___ % of
students will meet the
PI targets.

Needs Improvement
___% to ___% of
students will meet the
PI targets.

___% to ___% of
students will meet the PI

___% to 100% of
students will meet the PI

Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______

5b. Elective

Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Failing (0)

Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______
Key Points for
School Leaders
Key Process Points
The SLO process facilitates a conversation about
expectation between educators (principals and teachers).
Planning for
Planning Process
Establish SLO template completion
timeline at beginning of year
Review complete template
Conduct review meeting with teacher
Agree on any revisions; submit
Establish mid-cycle spot review

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Slo administive training.jan2014

  • 1. SLO Student Learning Objectives Administrative Planning Overview Northeastern Educational Intermediate Unit Leeta Dennebaum Cecelia Mecca, PhD
  • 2. Session Objectives I. II. III. IV. V. Link to Teacher Evaluation Define SLO process Explore the SLO Template Identifying Key Points for School Leaders Planning for implementation
  • 3. SLO Trainings - NEIU 19 Administrative Overview Trainings (1/2 day sessions similar to this one with exchanges and conversation) Pilot Team Trainings six schools (invitation only --- 2 days of SLO mechanics - helping us to smooth the edges) School Team Trainings Day 1 SLO Mechanics (excluding pilot schools) School Team Trainings Day 2 Building Local SLO Capacity & Assessment Literacy (including pilot schools)
  • 5. Teacher Effectiveness System in Act 82 of 2012 Building Level Data/School Performance Profile Teacher Observation & Practice Effective 2013-2014 SY Danielson Framework Domains 1. Planning and Preparation 2. Classroom Environment 3. Instruction 4. Professional Responsibilities Effective 2013-2014 SY Indicators of Academic Achievement Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups Academic Growth PVAAS Other Academic Indicators Credit for Advanced Achievement Teacher Specific Data PVAAS / Growth 3 Year Rolling Average Building Level 1. 2013-2014 SY Data, 15% 2. 2014-2015 SY 3. 2015-2016 SY Teacher Specific Other data as provided in Act 82 Data, 15% Observation/ Practice, 50% Elective Data/SLOs Optional 2013-2014 SY Effective 2014-2015 SY Elective Data, 20% District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements 5
  • 6. Teacher Effectiveness System in Act 82 of 2012 Building Level Data/School Performance Profile Teacher Observation & Practice Effective 2013-2014 Danielson Framework Domains 1. Planning and Preparation 2. Classroom Environment 3. Instruction 4. Professional Responsibilities Effective 2013-2014 SY Indicators of Academic Achievement Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups Academic Growth PVAAS Other Academic Indicators Credit for Advanced Achievement Building Level Data, 15% Elective Data/SLOs Optional 2013-2014 SY Effective 2014-2015 SY Elective Data, 35% District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements Observation/ Practice, 50% 6
  • 7. Principal Effectiveness System in Act 82 of 2012 Effective 2014-2015 School Year Observation/ Evidence Framework for Leadership Domains 1. Strategic/Cultural Leadership 2. Systems Leadership 3. Leadership for Learning 4. Professional and Community Leadership Building Level Data/School Performance Profile Indicators of Academic Achievement Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups Academic Growth PVAAS Other Academic Indicators Credit for Advanced Achievement Building Level Data, 15% Observation / Evidence 50% Correlation between Teacher PVAAS scores and Teacher Danielson rating 15% Elective Data 20% Correlation/Relationship based on Teacher Level Measures PVAAS Elective Data/SLOs District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements
  • 9. SLO Process A process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards.
  • 10. PA SLOs The SLO in PA is written to a specific teacher and a specific class/course/content area for which that teacher provides instruction.
  • 11. Many factors can influence the size of an SLO, but the process remains the same. Time Frame Course Content Important Learning Needs
  • 13. SLO Template 10.0 A tool used to identify goals, indicators, and performance measures for use in the greater Teacher Effectiveness System
  • 15. SLO Criteria 1. Goals are based upon the big ideas within the content standards. 2. Performance indicators are specific, measureable, attainable, and realistic. 3. Performance measures should be valid, reliable, and rigorous assessments. 4. Data should be collected, organized, and reported in a consistent manner. 5. Teacher expectations of student achievement should be demanding.
  • 16. Section 1: Classroom Context Contains demographic information about the education setting. Articulates the course, grade(s), and students the SLO is based on. Provides class size, frequency and duration data.
  • 17. I. Classroom Context 1. Classroom Context 1a. Name 1b. School 1c. District 1d. Class/ Course Title 1e. Grade Level 1f. Total # of Students 1g. Typical Class Size 1h. Class Frequency 1i. Typical Class Duration
  • 18. Section 2: SLO Goal Contains a statement about the enduring understanding or big idea. Provides the specific PA standards associated with the goal. Articulates a rationale about the goal statement.
  • 19. Goal Statement Examples Spanish 1 Demonstrate effective communication in the target language by speaking and listening, writing, and reading. 8th Grade Art Demonstrate the ability to manipulate visual art materials and tools to create works based on the ideas of other artists and to evaluate the processes and products of themselves and other artists. Grade 5 Library Demonstrate the ability to use online D.P.S. databases and search engines, Britannica Elementary, Culture Grams, and Nettrekker toward support real world experiences and determining which is the best source for specific information.
  • 20. Rationale Explains why the SLO is important and how students will demonstrate learning of the standards through this objective. Examples: Grade 8 Art: Developing the ability to manipulate visual art materials and tools are important to the artistic creation process, as is the ability to evaluate the process and product created by oneself and others. Child Development (FCS) Understanding how children grow and develop will prepare individuals and families to meet challenges associated with raising children.
  • 21. Section 4: Performance Measures Identifies all performance measures including name, purpose, type and metric Articulates the administration and scoring details including the reporting
  • 23. Performance Measures 4. Performance Measures (PM) 4a. Name 4c. Purpose 4e. Administration Frequency 4g. Resources/ Equipment 4i. Administration & Scoring Personnel PM #1 PM #2 PM #3 PM #4 PM #5 4b. Type PM #1 PM #2 PM #3 PM #4 PM #5 ____District-designed Measures and Examinations ____Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests ____Industry Certification Examinations ____Student Projects ____Student Portfolios ____ Other:______________________________ Growth (change in student performance across two or more points in time) 4d. Metric PM #1 PM #2 PM #3 PM #4 PM #5 PM #1 PM #2 PM #3 PM #4 PM #5 PM #1 PM #2 PM #3 PM #4 PM #5 Mastery (attainment of a defined level of achievement) Growth and Mastery 4f. Adaptations/ Accommodations IEP 4h. Scoring Tools 4j. Performance Reporting Gifted IEP ELL Other PM #1 PM #2 PM #3 PM #4 PM #5 PM #1 PM #2 PM #3 PM #4 PM #5
  • 24. Section 3: Performance Indicators Articulates targets for each performance measure. Includes all students in the identified SLO group. May include a focused student group. Affords opportunity to link indicators and/or weighting.
  • 25. Performance Indicator Examples HS Choral Individual Vocal Assessment Task Students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 6 out of 8 criteria of the second scoring rubric. Grade 1 Reading DIBELS Assessment Students will read at least 90 of the 107 words on the 107 Most Commonly Used Words list.
  • 26. Performance Indicators 3. Performance Indicators (PI) 3a. PI Targets: All Student Group PI Target #1 PI Target #2 PI Target #3 PI Target #4 PI Target #5 3b. PI Targets: Subset Student Group (optional) PI Target #1 PI Target #2 PI Target #3 PI Target #4 PI Target #5 3c. PI Linked (optional) 3d. PI Weighting (optional)
  • 27. Section 5: Teacher Expectations Identified each level (failing, needs improvement, proficient, distinguished) students are meeting the PI targets. Selects the overall SLO rating.
  • 28. Teacher Expectations 5. Teacher Expectations 5a. Level Failing 0% to ___ % of students will meet the PI targets. Needs Improvement ___% to ___% of students will meet the PI targets. Proficient ___% to ___% of students will meet the PI targets. Distinguished ___% to 100% of students will meet the PI targets. . Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______ Notes/Explanation 5b. Elective Rating Distinguished (3) Proficient (2) Needs Improvement (1) Failing (0) . Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______
  • 30. Key Process Points The SLO process facilitates a conversation about expectation between educators (principals and teachers).
  • 32. Planning Process Establish SLO template completion timeline at beginning of year Review complete template Conduct review meeting with teacher Agree on any revisions; submit materials Establish mid-cycle spot review
  • 33. FAQs

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Date saver handoutDescription Handout
  • #8: Language within HB 1901 (pages 42 -44) For professional employees and temporary professional employees serving as principals, the following shall apply:
  • #14: HANDOUT: SLO Template
  • #32: Use Timeline
  • #33: Use Timeline
  • #34: Use Timeline
  • #35: Use Timeline