H?r beskriver jag hur de olika f?retagsformerna h?nger samman, med str?ckgubbar.
Andra delen - aff?rsid¨¦n: http://www.slideshare.net/eldebo/vad-r-en-affrsid-eldebo
Tredje delen - aff?rsstrategi: http://www.slideshare.net/eldebo/praktisk-affrsplanering-eldebo
The document discusses the growing importance of mobile marketing. It notes that mobile use is growing faster than predictions and that smartphones are always with customers. This allows opportunities for location-based services and reaching customers anywhere. The document outlines mobile marketing channels and considerations for developing a mobile strategy, including defining target customers. It also compares native apps to mobile websites and provides examples of mobile apps and features. The conclusion emphasizes that mobile communication will soon be more important than desktop and to think social, local and mobile in mobile strategies.
Kako se posredovanje turisti?nih informacij odra?a med uporabniki spleta by B...Slovenian Tourist Board
Po spletu kro?ijo komentarji, kak?ne turisti?ne informacije ste posredovali, na kak?en na?in so bile posredovane in ali ste z danimi informacijami zadostili radovednosti gostov.
The document discusses the results of a study examining how "digital natives", defined as those aged 35 or younger, engage with and perceive tourism destination websites on mobile. The study found that digital natives have poor brand awareness of destinations from non-mobile optimized sites and react negatively to sites with too much text and lack of visual content. However, mobile optimized sites that are visually appealing, easy to use, and provide location context can increase digital natives' interest in visiting a destination by positively shifting their initial perceptions. Key lessons are that destinations must design for immediate mobile experiences, focus on strong visual content, and ensure easy access to location details.
This document summarizes Nicholas Hall's presentation on digital tourism trends at the Digital Tourism Think Tank conference in Slovenia on October 14, 2014. Some of the key points discussed include:
- The exponential growth of internet usage and digital data creation in recent years.
- Privacy concerns among internet users are rising even as more personal data is shared online.
- Video and mobile usage is growing rapidly, especially among travelers who increasingly film and share their trips.
- New technologies like mobile wallets and apps are driving growth in mobile commerce opportunities for tourism businesses.
- Travelers expect easy access to real-time trip information and services through their mobile devices.
- Social media continues to be important for sharing travel experiences, though
Gaining and Keeping Online Customers Today - Nina Kleiner & Petar RimacSlovenian Tourist Board
The document discusses gaining and keeping online customers. It outlines an agenda covering the online travel business today, the online travel planning process, and flywheel digital marketing. Flywheel digital marketing involves using cheaper digital channels like newsletters, social media, and banners across devices to develop a repeat customer base. The goal is connecting with online shoppers at different stages of the travel planning process.
This document discusses LifeClass Hotels & Spa's use of social media for marketing purposes. It outlines their presence and content strategies across platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. The goals of their social media efforts include increasing brand recognition and awareness, driving more bookings, creating word-of-mouth, targeting ads, and maintaining a constant presence for potential guests. It emphasizes using storytelling photos and videos to engage customers and showcase the destination, facilities and local activities. Regular, creative content is key to keeping audiences interested and converting them into customers over time.
The document discusses digital direct marketing and the importance of communicating with relevance. It summarizes the current status of digital marketing versus spam and web tracking. The presentation outlines the need for a future focus on relevance, individual addressing, and added value through tools like customer relationship management. It provides examples of how to collect profiled data and use that data to create communication strategies and target different customer segments.
Mobilni marketing na primeru Dunajske turisti?ne organizacije
(Andrea Kostner, Vienna Tourist Board) na 12.Motivacijskem sre?anju za skrbnike portala Slovenia.info.
Digital content interactive clinic: Digital storytelling based on digital and...Slovenian Tourist Board
This document discusses digital storytelling and content strategies for mobile marketing. It provides an overview of how different mobile formats like smartphones and tablets are used for activities like research, transactions, and sharing content on the go. Common travel activities on websites, tablets and smartphones are also outlined. The document emphasizes that content strategies for mobile need to focus on timing, relevance and context based on the user's location to build loyalty and engagement.
The document discusses the results of a study examining how "digital natives", defined as those aged 35 or younger, engage with and perceive tourism destination websites on mobile. The study found that digital natives have poor brand awareness of destinations from non-mobile optimized sites and react negatively to sites with too much text and lack of visual content. However, mobile optimized sites that are visually appealing, easy to use, and provide location context can increase digital natives' interest in visiting a destination by positively shifting their initial perceptions. Key lessons are that destinations must design for immediate mobile experiences, focus on strong visual content, and ensure easy access to location details.
This document summarizes Nicholas Hall's presentation on digital tourism trends at the Digital Tourism Think Tank conference in Slovenia on October 14, 2014. Some of the key points discussed include:
- The exponential growth of internet usage and digital data creation in recent years.
- Privacy concerns among internet users are rising even as more personal data is shared online.
- Video and mobile usage is growing rapidly, especially among travelers who increasingly film and share their trips.
- New technologies like mobile wallets and apps are driving growth in mobile commerce opportunities for tourism businesses.
- Travelers expect easy access to real-time trip information and services through their mobile devices.
- Social media continues to be important for sharing travel experiences, though
Gaining and Keeping Online Customers Today - Nina Kleiner & Petar RimacSlovenian Tourist Board
The document discusses gaining and keeping online customers. It outlines an agenda covering the online travel business today, the online travel planning process, and flywheel digital marketing. Flywheel digital marketing involves using cheaper digital channels like newsletters, social media, and banners across devices to develop a repeat customer base. The goal is connecting with online shoppers at different stages of the travel planning process.
This document discusses LifeClass Hotels & Spa's use of social media for marketing purposes. It outlines their presence and content strategies across platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. The goals of their social media efforts include increasing brand recognition and awareness, driving more bookings, creating word-of-mouth, targeting ads, and maintaining a constant presence for potential guests. It emphasizes using storytelling photos and videos to engage customers and showcase the destination, facilities and local activities. Regular, creative content is key to keeping audiences interested and converting them into customers over time.
The document discusses digital direct marketing and the importance of communicating with relevance. It summarizes the current status of digital marketing versus spam and web tracking. The presentation outlines the need for a future focus on relevance, individual addressing, and added value through tools like customer relationship management. It provides examples of how to collect profiled data and use that data to create communication strategies and target different customer segments.
Mobilni marketing na primeru Dunajske turisti?ne organizacije
(Andrea Kostner, Vienna Tourist Board) na 12.Motivacijskem sre?anju za skrbnike portala Slovenia.info.
Digital content interactive clinic: Digital storytelling based on digital and...Slovenian Tourist Board
This document discusses digital storytelling and content strategies for mobile marketing. It provides an overview of how different mobile formats like smartphones and tablets are used for activities like research, transactions, and sharing content on the go. Common travel activities on websites, tablets and smartphones are also outlined. The document emphasizes that content strategies for mobile need to focus on timing, relevance and context based on the user's location to build loyalty and engagement.
Digital content interactive clinic: Digital storytelling based on digital and...Slovenian Tourist Board
Slovenija na spletu by Luka Sever
Slovenija na spletu
Predstavitev novih vsebin Slovenska turisti?na organizacija 4. oktober 2012
na www.slovenia.info
Slovenia Tourist Board Logarska dolina
2. ±õ³¾²¹³¾´Ç¡
?250 skrbnikov
?900 kategorij
?24.000 zapisov*
* V slovenskem jeziku
3. Imamo dobre zapise¡
? Lep foto material
? Jedrnat tekst z linki
? Kontakti
? Publikacije
? Osve?ene informacije
4. ¡ in S.O.S. zapise
?Brez slik
?Predolg tekst, tip pisave
?Brez povezave na zemljevid
?Nerelevantne informacije
?Cerkev dobi uro 1902
?Gasilski dom je pravkar v
fazi ru?enja
5. Imamo dobre strani¡
? Kvaliteten foto material
? Jedrnatost + Call to Action
? Dobra struktura
? Veliko zapisov (ponudb)
? Mo?nost naro?ila na
? Sorodne informacije
6. ¡in potrebne prenove
? Skoraj 100 TIC-ev
? Dolg nepregleden seznam
? Brez navigacije
7. Odli?no sodelujemo¡
? Adrenalinski parki
? Sodelovanje ponudnikov in
? 9 zapisov (ve?ina)
? 1.200 ogledov (2 meseca)
8. Odli?no sodelujemo¡
? Gostilna Slovenija
? Obstoje?i zapisi
? Zdru?eni v posebno
? 4.000 ogledov
10. Odli?no sodelujemo¡
? Na lep?e. Po Sloveniji!
? Sodelovanje ponudnikov in
? Vklju?evanje tur.
gospodarstva v promocijo
? 233 ponudb in paketov
? Preko 20.000 ogledov
11. ¡ in pomanjkljivo
? Trgatve
? Dober odziv na
? Poziv skrbnikom
? Nizek odziv
? Kontaktne osebe (zastarele)
? 140 ogledov
12. Sodelujmo odli?no!
?Predstavitev slovenskih vin
?Vinske kleti in vinarji
?Vpis manjkajo?ih vinarjev
?Pregled obstoje?ih
?Vinske vrste, de?ele in okoli?i