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Small Electronics 
for Your Makerspace 
Arianna Schlegel 
CLC Trendspotting: The Technologies of Makerspaces 
9 September 2014 
Wesleyan University
So many options! 
The Connected Home: Which Board Is 
Right For Me? (2/7/14) 
MAKE magazine, 
volume 36 
Inside: an illustrated 
glossary and 
projects, plus more 
in-depth discussion 
of each board.
3 Main Categories 
1. actual computers 
2. sensory processors 
3. wearables
First: What is I/O? 
Stands for Input/Output - think of your five 
senses. Those are input. How you process 
and respond to those senses? That is your 
What kind of I/O do the PCs 
sitting in front of you have?
1. Raspberry Pi 
 is actually a very tiny 
(single-board) computer 
running Unix 
 currently on Model B+ 
 not a ton of processing 
power for $35...but its 
only $35 
 can be written & rewritten over ad infinitum 
 need some project ideas? http://makezine.com/category/electronics/raspberry-pi/
1. Raspberry Pi intro video
Some RPi Project Ideas 
1. Use OpenElec to make your home TV a mini media center 
2. Use Chromium to web surf on your TV 
3. ArcadePi or gaming (Minecraft) 
4. Go vintage with Windows 3.0 
5. Write some code! (use the included Python compiler, start with 
Scratch, or choose from many others) 
6. Robotics 
7. Learn hacking skills 
8. Make a server (BitTorrent, cloud) 
9. Make yourself a weather station 
10. Or your own touchscreen tablet ($350!) 
11. If youre ambitious, your own quadcopter 
12. Even a beer cans keyboard (with a little 
help from Arduino)
1. BeagleBone 
 designed for makers - designed from the ground up to work 
with hardware 
(sensors, etc.) 
 like Raspberry Pi, its also 
an entire computer and 
also runs Unix 
 moved the operating system 
from the SD card to the board 
itself (makes things faster) 
 now costs $55 (down from $89) 
 featured in the Kickstarted Ninja Blocks project
Not sure which to choose? 
MAKE magazine to the rescue again! 
How to Choose the Right Platform: Rasbperry 
Pi or BeagleBone Black
1. Gizmo Board 
An x86 board which MAKE 
magazine calls essentially a 
laptop on a single board that 
is blinding fast, extremely 
flexible, and hugely powerful 
by the standards of those of 
us coming from the 
microcontroller world. 
Cost: $189 
2. Arduino 
 first of its kind (a single-board 
microcontroller) - designed as a platform 
for makers 
 began as a project to give artists the ability 
to embed microprocessors for use in 
interactive pieces (like my dads, below) 
 many different flavors 
 used primarily for sensory computing 
 available in a lot of places (Radio Shack, 
Amazon, online) 
 costs ~$35-$100, 
depending on 
features & power 
 tutorials here 
and a similar 
coffee table -->
2. The many faces of Arduino 
Zero ~ Y湛n ~ Leonardo ~ Uno ~ Due 
Mega2560 ~ Ethernet ~ Fio ~ Nano 
LilyPad ~ Pro ~ Mega ADK ~ Esplora 
Micro ~ Mini 
(And these are just the official & current ones!) 
See here for a still incomplete but much longer list...
Some Arduino Project Ideas 
10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make with Arduino (all call for an Arduino and a USB cable) 
LEDs resistors breadboard & 
connecting wires 
capacitors push 
battery tester 
electronic dice 
traffic light 
a Twitterer
Some Bigger Arduino Project Ideas 
10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make with Arduino (all call for an Arduino and a USB cable) 
to DC 
(2 for 
(48 for 
Pololu RP5 
Chassis plate 
(10 for 
$6.25 each) 
Pololu RP5 
(10 for 
GPS shield 
LCD module 
LCD shield 
robots 1 1 6 1 1 
a GPS 
1 1 1
2. DigiSpark 
 costs just $8.95! 
 small and lightweight 
 works like an Arduino 
 less powerful (for more 
power, see the TinyDuino)
2. TinyDuino 
 Costs $39.95 for a basic starter kit (is not sold alone) 
 GPS Cat Tracker (the ideal typical librarian project)
2. TI LaunchPad 
 $9.99 - $19.99 
 a comparison of 
the 4 available boards 
is available here 
 used to be difficult to 
program on, but they 
have released a new, 
open source platform (Energia) which works on all 
OSes (much like Arduino) 
 you can also use your Arduino code on it!
2. Netduino 
 very different from the Arduino, 
despite its name 
 an open-source electronics 
platform using the .NET Micro 
 you have to know how to 
program in C#, and its mostly 
restricted to Windows 
 extremely powerful & flexible 
 costs $29.95
2. Intel Galileo Gen 2 
Introducing Intel速 Galileo Gen 2 development board, the first in a family of Arduino*-certified development boards based on 
Intel速 architecture and specifically designed for makers, students, educators, and DIY electronics enthusiasts. 
Old board cost 
New board 
should be about 
to be released 
in August)
2. Parallax Propeller QuickStart 
 the Propeller itself is a microcontroller 
 not 1, but 8 microprocessors 
- so it can control 8 things 
at one time! 
That means eight separate processes 
can be running simultaneously, monitoring 
and responding to sensor and other inputs. 
Think about it as eight simultaneously-running 
Arduino loop() functions. 
-- Alasdair Allan 
 this board costs $34.99 
($7.99 for just the chip) 
 good for robotics 
 Instructables intro
2. AVR Butterfly 
 self-contained, and the size of a name tag, 
which is what it can be used for! 
 includes an LCD screen, 
joystick, speaker 
 costs $20 
 NOT compatible 
with Arduino code
2. MaKey MaKey 
A fun beginner project 
that anyone can do! 
Takes no time at all to 
learn & set up, and 
appeals to all ages. 
Costs $49.95
3. Lilypad, FLORA, & GEMMA 
Arduino board designed for wearable 
(BONUS: Theyre waterproof!)
3. For example...
3. Some other great examples... 
Becky Stern is the wearable tech goddess! Watch her Adafruit tutorial videos 
here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B8A7560BC19F361 
Which to use? FLORA vs GEMMA according to Becky.
FLORA ($25) or GEMMA ($8) projects 
1. Amplitie 
2. Firewalker Sneakers 
3. Pac Man Suspenders
Just FLORA projects 
1. PianoGlove 
2. GPS Jacket 
3. Citi Bike Helmet
Just GEMMA projects 
1. Space Face 
Galaxy Makeup 
2. NeoPixel Ring 
Bangle Bracelet 
3. NeoPixel Tiara 
4. Hoop Earrings 
5. A Bracelet Even the 
X-Men Could Like 
6. Customized 3D 
Printed LED Belt Buckle 
(A NeoPixel costs 
$25 at Adafruit.com)
3. the TinyLily 
From the makers of TinyDuino, tiny washable 
circuits for e-textiles (cost: $9.95) :
3. My first (misguided) project 
For your advanced users: 
FPGAs (field-programmable gate 
arrays) that start you with a blank 
slate - you must design the chip at 
the hardware level, so you can 
dictate precisely how things work. 
(This is good to know for those 
who want to work for electronics 
companies like Intel.) 
The Papilio (http://papilio.cc/)
A great resource! 
And many more! 
There are dozens of options out there now. 
You will have to decide which is right for your 
librarys needs and community. 
To consider: price, learning curve, available 
tutorials quality, features, intended use
Evolution Continues 
These boards are constantly being worked on - 
new types are regularly introduced. The latest? 
Wireless capabilities (Y炭n) and hybrid boards. 
But things wont stop there. Keep up to date 
with the latest boards on places like http: 
//makezine.com/category/electronics/ or http: 
//www.adafruit.com (they call them Dev 
Boards) or Kickstarter (seach on arduino).
Need To Know 
(learn here: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/) 
Arduino code (C or C++) 
(learn here: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage) 
(But PLEASE dont let this scare you away!) 
and #3
Where To Learn 
 Adafruit (highly recommended) 
 MakeZine.com (Weekend Projects) 
 books (like Make: Electronics or 
Encyclopedia of Electronic Components, 
Volume 1) 
 fellow enthusiasts! (at other makerspaces?)
Use Your Categorization 
Dewey Decimal? 
Put signs in the following sections: 
 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems 
 338 Production / Entrepreneurship 
 500 Sciences (Pure sciences) 
 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 
 620 Engineering 
 670 & 680 Manufactures 
 690 Building and construction 
 700 The arts 
 730 Sculpture, ceramics & metalwork 
 740 Drawing & decorative arts 
 770 Photography and computer art 
 780 Music 
You know your patrons - what sections would you find them in?
Use Your Categorization 
Library of Congress? 
Put signs in the following sections: 
 HB 615-715 Entrepreneurship 
 QA - Mathematics, Computer Science 
 QC - Physics 
 T - Patents 
 TJ - Mechanical Engineering 
 TK - Electrical Engineering 
You know your patrons - what 
sections would you find them in?
This presentation pulled heavily from http://makezine.com/magazine/make-36-boards/which-board-is-right- 
for-me/ while attempting to synthesize and reinterpret for newer techies. Thank you to Alasdair 
Allan for a thorough and accessible presentation. 
Contact me! 
Arianna Schlegel 
Haas Library 409 
Western Connecticut State University 
List of 3s: professional allies (coworkers, library staff)
List of 3s: patron/community allies
List of 3s: community groups to tap
List of 3s: spaces (where?)
List of 3s: funding sources
List of 3s: small beginner projects
List of 3s: places to purchase
Other Considerations 
 charge a fee? 
 materials to purchase

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Small Electronics for Your Makerspace (CLC Trendspotting - September 2014)

  • 1. Small Electronics for Your Makerspace Arianna Schlegel CLC Trendspotting: The Technologies of Makerspaces 9 September 2014 Wesleyan University
  • 2. So many options! The Connected Home: Which Board Is Right For Me? (2/7/14) MAKE magazine, volume 36 Inside: an illustrated glossary and projects, plus more in-depth discussion of each board.
  • 3. 3 Main Categories 1. actual computers 2. sensory processors 3. wearables
  • 4. First: What is I/O? Stands for Input/Output - think of your five senses. Those are input. How you process and respond to those senses? That is your output. What kind of I/O do the PCs sitting in front of you have?
  • 5. 1. Raspberry Pi is actually a very tiny (single-board) computer running Unix currently on Model B+ not a ton of processing power for $35...but its only $35 can be written & rewritten over ad infinitum need some project ideas? http://makezine.com/category/electronics/raspberry-pi/
  • 6. 1. Raspberry Pi intro video
  • 7. Some RPi Project Ideas 1. Use OpenElec to make your home TV a mini media center 2. Use Chromium to web surf on your TV 3. ArcadePi or gaming (Minecraft) 4. Go vintage with Windows 3.0 5. Write some code! (use the included Python compiler, start with Scratch, or choose from many others) 6. Robotics 7. Learn hacking skills 8. Make a server (BitTorrent, cloud) 9. Make yourself a weather station 10. Or your own touchscreen tablet ($350!) 11. If youre ambitious, your own quadcopter 12. Even a beer cans keyboard (with a little help from Arduino)
  • 8. 1. BeagleBone designed for makers - designed from the ground up to work with hardware (sensors, etc.) like Raspberry Pi, its also an entire computer and also runs Unix moved the operating system from the SD card to the board itself (makes things faster) now costs $55 (down from $89) featured in the Kickstarted Ninja Blocks project
  • 9. Not sure which to choose? MAKE magazine to the rescue again! How to Choose the Right Platform: Rasbperry Pi or BeagleBone Black
  • 10. 1. Gizmo Board An x86 board which MAKE magazine calls essentially a laptop on a single board that is blinding fast, extremely flexible, and hugely powerful by the standards of those of us coming from the microcontroller world. Cost: $189 http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2013/01/amdgizmosphereboard.jpg
  • 11. 2. Arduino first of its kind (a single-board microcontroller) - designed as a platform for makers began as a project to give artists the ability to embed microprocessors for use in interactive pieces (like my dads, below) many different flavors used primarily for sensory computing available in a lot of places (Radio Shack, Amazon, online) costs ~$35-$100, depending on features & power tutorials here and a similar coffee table -->
  • 12. 2. The many faces of Arduino Zero ~ Y湛n ~ Leonardo ~ Uno ~ Due Mega2560 ~ Ethernet ~ Fio ~ Nano LilyPad ~ Pro ~ Mega ADK ~ Esplora Micro ~ Mini (And these are just the official & current ones!) See here for a still incomplete but much longer list...
  • 13. Some Arduino Project Ideas 10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make with Arduino (all call for an Arduino and a USB cable) LEDs resistors breadboard & connecting wires capacitors push buttons network cable battery tester electronic dice traffic light stopwatch a Twitterer
  • 14. Some Bigger Arduino Project Ideas 10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make with Arduino (all call for an Arduino and a USB cable) DFRobot 2A Arduino Shield ($16) 9V battery to DC socket cable (2 for $3.53) Alkaline AA batteries (48 for $12.50) Pololu RP5 Chassis plate (10 for $6.25 each) Pololu RP5 Tank Chassis package (10 for $44.96 each) SparkFun GPS shield kit ($59.95) LCD module or Freetronics LCD shield ($29.95) digital clock 1 robots 1 1 6 1 1 a GPS generator 1 1 1
  • 15. 2. DigiSpark PROS: costs just $8.95! small and lightweight works like an Arduino CONS: less powerful (for more power, see the TinyDuino)
  • 16. 2. TinyDuino Costs $39.95 for a basic starter kit (is not sold alone) GPS Cat Tracker (the ideal typical librarian project)
  • 17. 2. TI LaunchPad $9.99 - $19.99 a comparison of the 4 available boards is available here used to be difficult to program on, but they have released a new, open source platform (Energia) which works on all OSes (much like Arduino) you can also use your Arduino code on it!
  • 18. 2. Netduino very different from the Arduino, despite its name an open-source electronics platform using the .NET Micro Framework you have to know how to program in C#, and its mostly restricted to Windows computers extremely powerful & flexible costs $29.95
  • 19. 2. Intel Galileo Gen 2 Introducing Intel速 Galileo Gen 2 development board, the first in a family of Arduino*-certified development boards based on Intel速 architecture and specifically designed for makers, students, educators, and DIY electronics enthusiasts. Old board cost $79.95 New board should be about $60 (supposed to be released in August)
  • 20. 2. Parallax Propeller QuickStart the Propeller itself is a microcontroller not 1, but 8 microprocessors - so it can control 8 things at one time! That means eight separate processes can be running simultaneously, monitoring and responding to sensor and other inputs. Think about it as eight simultaneously-running Arduino loop() functions. -- Alasdair Allan this board costs $34.99 ($7.99 for just the chip) good for robotics Instructables intro
  • 21. 2. AVR Butterfly self-contained, and the size of a name tag, which is what it can be used for! includes an LCD screen, joystick, speaker costs $20 NOT compatible with Arduino code
  • 22. 2. MaKey MaKey A fun beginner project that anyone can do! Takes no time at all to learn & set up, and appeals to all ages. Costs $49.95
  • 23. 3. Lilypad, FLORA, & GEMMA Arduino board designed for wearable computing. (BONUS: Theyre waterproof!)
  • 25. 3. Some other great examples... Becky Stern is the wearable tech goddess! Watch her Adafruit tutorial videos here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B8A7560BC19F361 Which to use? FLORA vs GEMMA according to Becky.
  • 26. FLORA ($25) or GEMMA ($8) projects 1. Amplitie 2. Firewalker Sneakers 3. Pac Man Suspenders
  • 27. Just FLORA projects 1. PianoGlove 2. GPS Jacket 3. Citi Bike Helmet
  • 28. Just GEMMA projects 1. Space Face Galaxy Makeup 2. NeoPixel Ring Bangle Bracelet 3. NeoPixel Tiara 4. Hoop Earrings 5. A Bracelet Even the X-Men Could Like 6. Customized 3D Printed LED Belt Buckle (A NeoPixel costs $25 at Adafruit.com)
  • 29. 3. the TinyLily From the makers of TinyDuino, tiny washable circuits for e-textiles (cost: $9.95) :
  • 30. 3. My first (misguided) project www.youtube. com/embed/nFjQWAFEo48
  • 31. For your advanced users: FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays) that start you with a blank slate - you must design the chip at the hardware level, so you can dictate precisely how things work. (This is good to know for those who want to work for electronics companies like Intel.) The Papilio (http://papilio.cc/)
  • 32. A great resource! ALAs makeitatyourlibrary.org website:
  • 33. And many more! There are dozens of options out there now. You will have to decide which is right for your librarys needs and community. To consider: price, learning curve, available tutorials quality, features, intended use
  • 34. Evolution Continues These boards are constantly being worked on - new types are regularly introduced. The latest? Wireless capabilities (Y炭n) and hybrid boards. But things wont stop there. Keep up to date with the latest boards on places like http: //makezine.com/category/electronics/ or http: //www.adafruit.com (they call them Dev Boards) or Kickstarter (seach on arduino).
  • 35. Need To Know UNIX (learn here: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/) ...or... Arduino code (C or C++) (learn here: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage) (But PLEASE dont let this scare you away!) #1 #2 and #3
  • 36. Where To Learn Adafruit (highly recommended) MakeZine.com (Weekend Projects) YouTube books (like Make: Electronics or Encyclopedia of Electronic Components, Volume 1) fellow enthusiasts! (at other makerspaces?)
  • 37. Use Your Categorization Dewey Decimal? Put signs in the following sections: 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems 338 Production / Entrepreneurship 500 Sciences (Pure sciences) 600 Technology (Applied sciences) Patents 620 Engineering 670 & 680 Manufactures 690 Building and construction 700 The arts 730 Sculpture, ceramics & metalwork 740 Drawing & decorative arts 770 Photography and computer art 780 Music You know your patrons - what sections would you find them in?
  • 38. Use Your Categorization Library of Congress? Put signs in the following sections: HB 615-715 Entrepreneurship M - MUSIC N - FINE ARTS Q - SCIENCE QA - Mathematics, Computer Science QC - Physics T - TECHNOLOGY T - Patents TJ - Mechanical Engineering TK - Electrical Engineering You know your patrons - what sections would you find them in?
  • 39. References This presentation pulled heavily from http://makezine.com/magazine/make-36-boards/which-board-is-right- for-me/ while attempting to synthesize and reinterpret for newer techies. Thank you to Alasdair Allan for a thorough and accessible presentation. OTHER RESOURCES USED http://reviews.cnet.co.uk/desktops/25-fun-things-to-do-with-a-raspberry-pi-50009851/ http://www.adafruit.com
  • 40. Contact me! Arianna Schlegel Haas Library 409 Western Connecticut State University 203-837-8818 schlegela@wcsu.edu
  • 41. List of 3s: professional allies (coworkers, library staff)
  • 42. List of 3s: patron/community allies
  • 43. List of 3s: community groups to tap
  • 44. List of 3s: spaces (where?)
  • 45. List of 3s: funding sources
  • 46. List of 3s: small beginner projects
  • 47. List of 3s: places to purchase
  • 48. Other Considerations charge a fee? materials to purchase