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SMART Technology and Mi-Learning in    21 st . Century Classrooms BETT 2009   Dr. Daithi  Murch炭 BETT. London 2009   [email_address] www.gaelscoil.com
The traditional learning model is not relevant to real student needs   Today's workplaces and communities - and tomorrow's - have tougher requirements than ever before. They need citizens who can  think critically, strategically, individually and collaboratively to solve problems .
The traditional learning model is not relevant to real student needs   These individuals must  learn in a rapidly changing environment , and  Construct knowledge  taken from numerous sources and different perspectives. CPA  Stone 2001. They must  understand systems  in diverse contexts, and  collaborate locally and around the globe as active citizens .
Instructor-Dependent PC a nice to have Happy to wait Learn What or How Avoid discomfort  Learn & Apply Independent  Problem-solvers Technology a must have Want immediate answers Start with Why? Fearless Learn Apply UnLearn... 20th Century 21st Century
No Frontiers
The traditional learning model is not relevant to real student needs    Learning to Learn =L2L2A
Prosumerism Prosumerism
Instructionist & Constructivist Subcultures   The  teacher  teaches the  student Active subject Passive object Does Something to   This Grammatical form bears the stamp of the schools hierarchical ideology in representing  teaching as the active process In Control Obey Constructivist  & Instructionist Subcultures   = Biased in favour of the Teacher as the centrally active agent
Insanity The belief that one can get different results from doing the same thing. (Albert Einstein)
 Humans are powerful and technologies are powerful, and together, they are mathetically powerful   (Tanguay, 1997,  Murch炭 2009).
No one  knows  anything
2005 -2025 -Food for Thought  ( Murch炭 & Sorensen, 2009). 2005-2025: Global web-based, web 2/3 technologies centre of gravity.  Mi- intelligence will dictate reality in a global society of pervasive super-computing   .   Web-beings with synchronous, mobile communication, built-in to our person, 24X7.
2005 -2025 -Food for Thought  ( Murch炭 & Sorensen, 2009). Information overload becomes commonplace.  Wild cards such as nanotechnology and phenotropics (software) take things in completely unexpected directions.   Continuous partial attention is a must behaviour to survive the pace of life.
Being connected is accepted but intrusive as personal privacy is virtually non-existent.  Continuous partial attention is the work-ethic of life as our connectivity is multi-laired and productivity demands the capacity to multi-task. Living spaces are web-controlled and accessible globally.
The holistic, meaningful and soulful human being is challenged to find meaning in a world wholly connected without desire to embrace traditional conformity.  Mi Learning will dominate schooling at all levels and teaching as we know it will be multi-rolling and facilitating individual self-directed learning.  Seeking self and meaning will be challenging as virtuality and super technologies offer longevity and happiness.
SMART Technology and Mi-Learning in    21st. Century Classrooms Dr. Daithi  Murch炭 BETT. London 2009   [email_address] www.gaelscoil.com Encultured Responsible Mathetical Meaningful Transformative Holistic Futuristic Authentic Reflect ive Soul ful Dr.Daith鱈  Murch炭 M i
http:// youtube.com/watch?v =dGCJ46vyR9o

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  • 1. SMART Technology and Mi-Learning in 21 st . Century Classrooms BETT 2009 Dr. Daithi Murch炭 BETT. London 2009 [email_address] www.gaelscoil.com
  • 2.
  • 3. The traditional learning model is not relevant to real student needs Today's workplaces and communities - and tomorrow's - have tougher requirements than ever before. They need citizens who can think critically, strategically, individually and collaboratively to solve problems .
  • 4. The traditional learning model is not relevant to real student needs These individuals must learn in a rapidly changing environment , and Construct knowledge taken from numerous sources and different perspectives. CPA Stone 2001. They must understand systems in diverse contexts, and collaborate locally and around the globe as active citizens .
  • 5. Instructor-Dependent PC a nice to have Happy to wait Learn What or How Avoid discomfort Learn & Apply Independent Problem-solvers Technology a must have Want immediate answers Start with Why? Fearless Learn Apply UnLearn... 20th Century 21st Century
  • 7. The traditional learning model is not relevant to real student needs Learning to Learn =L2L2A
  • 9. Instructionist & Constructivist Subcultures The teacher teaches the student Active subject Passive object Does Something to This Grammatical form bears the stamp of the schools hierarchical ideology in representing teaching as the active process In Control Obey Constructivist & Instructionist Subcultures = Biased in favour of the Teacher as the centrally active agent
  • 10. Insanity The belief that one can get different results from doing the same thing. (Albert Einstein)
  • 11. Humans are powerful and technologies are powerful, and together, they are mathetically powerful (Tanguay, 1997, Murch炭 2009).
  • 12. No one knows anything
  • 13. 2005 -2025 -Food for Thought ( Murch炭 & Sorensen, 2009). 2005-2025: Global web-based, web 2/3 technologies centre of gravity. Mi- intelligence will dictate reality in a global society of pervasive super-computing . Web-beings with synchronous, mobile communication, built-in to our person, 24X7.
  • 14. 2005 -2025 -Food for Thought ( Murch炭 & Sorensen, 2009). Information overload becomes commonplace. Wild cards such as nanotechnology and phenotropics (software) take things in completely unexpected directions. Continuous partial attention is a must behaviour to survive the pace of life.
  • 15. Being connected is accepted but intrusive as personal privacy is virtually non-existent. Continuous partial attention is the work-ethic of life as our connectivity is multi-laired and productivity demands the capacity to multi-task. Living spaces are web-controlled and accessible globally.
  • 16. The holistic, meaningful and soulful human being is challenged to find meaning in a world wholly connected without desire to embrace traditional conformity. Mi Learning will dominate schooling at all levels and teaching as we know it will be multi-rolling and facilitating individual self-directed learning. Seeking self and meaning will be challenging as virtuality and super technologies offer longevity and happiness.
  • 17. SMART Technology and Mi-Learning in 21st. Century Classrooms Dr. Daithi Murch炭 BETT. London 2009 [email_address] www.gaelscoil.com Encultured Responsible Mathetical Meaningful Transformative Holistic Futuristic Authentic Reflect ive Soul ful Dr.Daith鱈 Murch炭 M i

Editor's Notes

  • #3: 20 th Century Learning & employment: a linear journey along a road built for you.
  • #6: 20 th Century Learners versus 21 st Century Learners
  • #7: 21 st Century Learning - No Frontiers. You are the first generation who can go anywhere, do anything; and determine your OWN futures.
  • #9: The old barriers between student and teacher & between creator and consumer are breaking down. Learning is a shared experience and is a collaborative process.
  • #13: This is your future. And its not just a metaphor to say you can do what you want. It reflects the fact that WE know nothing. No one knows anything. We have no idea what YOUR world will be like but we do know that the ability to learn will be the one vital skill necessary, in order to deal with the challenges ahead of you.
  • #14: As with Charles Handys vital e factors associated with all successful Management Organisations and Schools in the 1990s, excitement, enthusiasm, energy, excellence, effectiveness, exuberance, the letter i also has its indicative connotations beyond Handys e factors and Apples iPod, iTunes, iBook and iPhone. The i we propose, challenges us to perceive 21 st -century learning beyond the regurgitation of facts, beyond the technology itself as merely a tool for learning and explore at the innovative, integrative, inclusive and inspiring possibilities within todays technology-enhanced learning environments.
  • #15: As with Charles Handys vital e factors associated with all successful Management Organisations and Schools in the 1990s, excitement, enthusiasm, energy, excellence, effectiveness, exuberance, the letter i also has its indicative connotations beyond Handys e factors and Apples iPod, iTunes, iBook and iPhone. The i we propose, challenges us to perceive 21 st -century learning beyond the regurgitation of facts, beyond the technology itself as merely a tool for learning and explore at the innovative, integrative, inclusive and inspiring possibilities within todays technology-enhanced learning environments.
  • #16: As with Charles Handys vital e factors associated with all successful Management Organisations and Schools in the 1990s, excitement, enthusiasm, energy, excellence, effectiveness, exuberance, the letter i also has its indicative connotations beyond Handys e factors and Apples iPod, iTunes, iBook and iPhone. The i we propose, challenges us to perceive 21 st -century learning beyond the regurgitation of facts, beyond the technology itself as merely a tool for learning and explore at the innovative, integrative, inclusive and inspiring possibilities within todays technology-enhanced learning environments.
  • #17: As with Charles Handys vital e factors associated with all successful Management Organisations and Schools in the 1990s, excitement, enthusiasm, energy, excellence, effectiveness, exuberance, the letter i also has its indicative connotations beyond Handys e factors and Apples iPod, iTunes, iBook and iPhone. The i we propose, challenges us to perceive 21 st -century learning beyond the regurgitation of facts, beyond the technology itself as merely a tool for learning and explore at the innovative, integrative, inclusive and inspiring possibilities within todays technology-enhanced learning environments.
  • #19: See this video; and note that its the students providing the lesson - and to do so they use a medium which is relevant, and is accessible at any time, in any place, and on virtually any device [show same video streaming live on my smart phone] http://youtube.com/watch?v=dGCJ46vyR9o