Some letters make different sounds. The letter c represents two sounds, /k/ as in cupcake and /s/ as in circle. It is a sneaky letter. Children need practice with sneaky letters to decode and read unknown words.
Francis Agbebaku is an entrepreneur and talent manager who is passionate about entertainment. He draws from his experience in business administration and interning at entertainment management companies. Currently pursuing his bachelor's degree in entertainment business, Francis manages artist Flex Kartel and their recent project that gained over 120,000 views. He aims to create a blueprint for success and duplicate talent management wins working with other companies.
1) The music video is about being proud of your unique qualities and embracing those who are different.
2) It features unusual imagery like people hanging from trees in a jungle setting and strange dance moves.
3) The video lacks transitions between scenes to add to the "unusual, freak" theme but transitions may have made the jumps between scenes better.
This document discusses the benefits of owning dogs. It states that dogs are innocent and that kids love having a pet dog. It also mentions that dogs can go anywhere with their owners, including in vehicles, and that they can provide protection. The document encourages visiting to learn more.
This document provides information on housing units available for purchase in the Ysabela subdivision located in General Trias, Cavite. It includes details on the Premium and Standard Ysabela house models, such as the lot area, floor area, number of bedrooms, price, and payment terms. Contact information is provided for the property specialist Rhoda Lorenzo for more details. Floor plans and prices are shown for sample house models like the Amanda, Katrina and Elysa units, along with legal documentation numbers and payment plan options.
The document describes various Spanish foods and products available for purchase from Huiledolive79, including:
- Extra virgin olive oils from Extremadura, Spain in various sizes.
- Organic and aromatized olive oils, balsamic vinegars, olives, olive pastes, dried vegetables, tortillas, pates, nougats, soaps, and cosmetic products made with olive oil.
- Gift baskets that can be customized with selections from the food and cosmetic product offerings.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre una clase de primer grado en el colegio CEIP "Flavio San Rom叩n" en el curso 2014-2015, incluyendo detalles sobre la localizaci坦n del colegio, la cantidad de estudiantes en la clase, el calendario del mes de septiembre y la fecha actual, as鱈 como el proyecto en el que est叩n trabajando y una cita de un estudiante sobre lo que m叩s disfrut坦 del d鱈a anterior.
Valenitne's Day Baking and Crafting With Your KidsLynn Scotty
Valentines Day Baking and Crafting with your kids. Together bake a delicious cake, cupcakes, and create a decorative mailbox to give/receive Valentine's Day cards and letters!
Top 10 Tweets from the HCEA Marketing SummitJifflenow
This document contains a summary of the top 10 tweets from the 2016 HCEA Summit. The tweets discuss topics such as the need for a social network for clinical care, the decline in solo physician practices, leveraging digital media to engage audiences before events, the importance of trust between physicians and patients in prescribing decisions, bringing value to conventions, using events as an important marketing touchpoint, connecting events to other marketing channels, having an elevator pitch, focusing on what doctors and patients need to know, and taking advantage of interactions at conventions.
Presentatie die Kris Magnus, beleidsmedewerker DG Regio, Europese Commissie, gaf op de publieksbijeenkomst over kennis en innovatie op 20 februari in Enschede.
El documento presenta una lista de palabras relacionadas con el espacio, incluyendo nombres de planetas como Mercurio, t辿rminos astron坦micos como galaxias y estrellas, y roles como astronauta. La lista describe conceptos clave sobre el sistema solar, cuerpos celestes y la exploraci坦n espacial.
Overcoming investor objection - Peter Garnham (Accelerate 2014 - Sheffield)Christopher Hill
Accelerate 2014 - Sheffield (
What Objections?
Provide Confidence
Establish the Relevant Criteria
Understand the Capital Differences
Fundamental Capital Criterion and Social Mitigation
Describe the Risk
Forecast the Total Reward
Improve the Opportunity
Start-up Difficulties
Attracting Investment
1) The document describes the design choices made for a hip hop magazine project. Plain black, white, and gray colors were chosen for the magazine covers and contents page after researching popular hip hop magazines.
2) On the cover, vague text like "weekend madness" is used to intrigue readers without giving away the story. The double page spread describes things simply so the target audience of young, lower class adults can understand.
3) White space is used on the cover and contents page for impact and effect. On the double page spread, space is limited by the placement of images. A quote is added to fill space and add drama.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre un sal坦n de clases en el colegio CEIP "Flavio San Rom叩n" en el mes de octubre, incluyendo el n炭mero de estudiantes presentes y ausentes, el calendario del mes, y detalles sobre la fecha, estaci坦n del a単o y encargados del d鱈a. Tambi辿n menciona brevemente las actividades disfrutadas por los estudiantes el d鱈a anterior.
Hurricane season can mean significant and costly damages to your home. However, with the proper equipment such as a sump pump, you can be better prepared for the storm.
Presentatie Giorgos Rossides, Europese CommissieEuropadialoog
The document discusses the need to update EU data protection rules for the 21st century due to new challenges from globalization and technologies. It notes problems citizens face with insufficient control over their personal data online and difficulties exercising their data rights. It also discusses problems businesses face from fragmented rules and inconsistent enforcement across EU states. The main proposed changes under the new regulation aim to put citizens in control of their data and establish consistent rules to create a digital single market while strengthening enforcement.
This document summarizes and compares the marketing strategies for two films based on the Judge Dredd character. For the 1995 film, the marketing focused too heavily on promoting the lead actor rather than the story or character of Judge Dredd, which contributed to the film's disappointment. In contrast, the 2012 film took a more balanced approach to marketing, emphasizing the Judge Dredd character over the actor through posters, viral websites, and trailers. This character-focused strategy helped make the 2012 film a greater success compared to the previous attempt.
Presentatie die Jeroen Smits, expert internationale handel en landbouw, DG Agri, Europese Commissie, gaf op de publieksbijeenkomst over internationale handel in Rotterdam op 26 februari 2014.
Presentatie die Andy Klom, hoofd van de Vertegenwoordiging van de Europese Commissie in Nederland, gaf op de publieksbijeenkomst over groei en kennis door ICT op 20 maart op Eindhoven.
This document discusses Charity Bank, a not-for-profit bank that lends exclusively to charities, voluntary organizations, and social enterprises. It outlines key factors Charity Bank considers when evaluating proposals for social lending, including viability, sustainability, and social impact of projects. It describes how Charity Bank assesses proposals based on the organization's history, governance, finances, project details, repayment plan, security, and expected social impact. The document also notes trends in the growing social investment market, including more sources of funding and support for social organizations, but competition remains tough for early-stage startups.
Presentatie die Akshay Patki, beleidsmedewerker DG Klimaatbescherming Europese Commissie, gaf op de bijeenkomst Energievoorziening in de toekomst op 30 januari 2014 in Groningen.
Guide to 5 Long Vowel Sounds and Their PatternsLynn Scotty
This power point and video are great references for parents to support kids with the many patterns that make each of the long vowel sounds. Video link
Some patterns follow the rules, and some don't. Most long vowels have 5 to 6 sound patterns!
9 Resource Charts to Boost Kids' Spelling Skills.pdfLynn Scotty
This power point and video
provide parents with 9 reference charts that they can pick and choose to boost kids' spelling skills. All the spelling skills are supported with pictures to help kids to create an understanding of these words and how to spell and read them. 1. Irregular Plurals 2. Double consonants when adding the suffix -ing 3. When suffix -ed is added to a verb it can make 3 sounds 4. Letter or letters that make the//k/ sound 5. S usually makes the /z/ sound when... 6. Letter or letters that make the j sound 7. Words that sound the same, spelled differently and have different meanings: there, their, they're 8. cent, scent, sent 9. to, too, two
This is How I Teach Base Words to ChildrenLynn Scotty
Base words are words that stand alone. The 5 base words used in this PowerPoint and video
are verbs: build, fill, friend, cook and stick. Prefixes and Suffixes are added to each base word to show how they change the meaning of each base word.
How to Teach Kids to Diagram Sentence Part 2Lynn Scotty
This slideshow and video
focus on how to teach kids to diagram sentences. It focuses on two types: 1) subject, predicate, direct object, direct object and (2) subject, predicate, indirect object, direct object. Throughout the video visual representations are used to show the relationship of the different parts of the sentences. Visual representations are important for kids to understand the meaning of each part in making the sentences.
Building Reading Fluency - Sight Words and PhrasesLynn Scotty
First introduce and practice sight words with kids' reading them together and using index cards. Video that demonstrates the activities
When kids can read sight words independently begin to introduce sight word phrases. Each sight word phrase is made of 2-3 sight words just practiced and now known. Ater kids can read the phrases implement the lessons modeled in this video so they can read the phrases with fluency when they come across them in print.
E is a bossy vowel. When c and g are followed by e it changes their soundsLynn Scotty
When a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) is followed by e, the sound of the first vowel changes from short to long. When c is followed by e, it usually makes the soft /s/ sound and when g is followed by e, it usually makes the soft g/ sound.
Teaching the Different Vowel Patterns eaLynn Scotty
The vowel pattern, ea, doesn't always follow the rule: when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking. The video油
focuses on 3 sounds: long ea, short ea, and ea vowel followed by r. Long ea as in peach, short ea as in bread and ea vowel followed by r, as in hear.
Tricky Inflectional Endings: when to change the y to iLynn Scotty
Working with words ending in the letter y can be confusing.
Inflectional endings video link @ Both demonstrate how:
1) To make plural nouns - do change the y to i when nouns end in a consonant + y. 2) To make present tense verbs - don't change the y to i. Keep the y and add ing.
3)To make past tense verbs - do change the y to i when verbs end in a consonant + y
Four types of frogs join together to make twenty frogs. Video link @
Kids will see the frogs added on two lily pads and then demonstrated in ten frames. This is a quick, fun educational video that kids can watch over and over again!
Presentatie die Kris Magnus, beleidsmedewerker DG Regio, Europese Commissie, gaf op de publieksbijeenkomst over kennis en innovatie op 20 februari in Enschede.
El documento presenta una lista de palabras relacionadas con el espacio, incluyendo nombres de planetas como Mercurio, t辿rminos astron坦micos como galaxias y estrellas, y roles como astronauta. La lista describe conceptos clave sobre el sistema solar, cuerpos celestes y la exploraci坦n espacial.
Overcoming investor objection - Peter Garnham (Accelerate 2014 - Sheffield)Christopher Hill
Accelerate 2014 - Sheffield (
What Objections?
Provide Confidence
Establish the Relevant Criteria
Understand the Capital Differences
Fundamental Capital Criterion and Social Mitigation
Describe the Risk
Forecast the Total Reward
Improve the Opportunity
Start-up Difficulties
Attracting Investment
1) The document describes the design choices made for a hip hop magazine project. Plain black, white, and gray colors were chosen for the magazine covers and contents page after researching popular hip hop magazines.
2) On the cover, vague text like "weekend madness" is used to intrigue readers without giving away the story. The double page spread describes things simply so the target audience of young, lower class adults can understand.
3) White space is used on the cover and contents page for impact and effect. On the double page spread, space is limited by the placement of images. A quote is added to fill space and add drama.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre un sal坦n de clases en el colegio CEIP "Flavio San Rom叩n" en el mes de octubre, incluyendo el n炭mero de estudiantes presentes y ausentes, el calendario del mes, y detalles sobre la fecha, estaci坦n del a単o y encargados del d鱈a. Tambi辿n menciona brevemente las actividades disfrutadas por los estudiantes el d鱈a anterior.
Hurricane season can mean significant and costly damages to your home. However, with the proper equipment such as a sump pump, you can be better prepared for the storm.
Presentatie Giorgos Rossides, Europese CommissieEuropadialoog
The document discusses the need to update EU data protection rules for the 21st century due to new challenges from globalization and technologies. It notes problems citizens face with insufficient control over their personal data online and difficulties exercising their data rights. It also discusses problems businesses face from fragmented rules and inconsistent enforcement across EU states. The main proposed changes under the new regulation aim to put citizens in control of their data and establish consistent rules to create a digital single market while strengthening enforcement.
This document summarizes and compares the marketing strategies for two films based on the Judge Dredd character. For the 1995 film, the marketing focused too heavily on promoting the lead actor rather than the story or character of Judge Dredd, which contributed to the film's disappointment. In contrast, the 2012 film took a more balanced approach to marketing, emphasizing the Judge Dredd character over the actor through posters, viral websites, and trailers. This character-focused strategy helped make the 2012 film a greater success compared to the previous attempt.
Presentatie die Jeroen Smits, expert internationale handel en landbouw, DG Agri, Europese Commissie, gaf op de publieksbijeenkomst over internationale handel in Rotterdam op 26 februari 2014.
Presentatie die Andy Klom, hoofd van de Vertegenwoordiging van de Europese Commissie in Nederland, gaf op de publieksbijeenkomst over groei en kennis door ICT op 20 maart op Eindhoven.
This document discusses Charity Bank, a not-for-profit bank that lends exclusively to charities, voluntary organizations, and social enterprises. It outlines key factors Charity Bank considers when evaluating proposals for social lending, including viability, sustainability, and social impact of projects. It describes how Charity Bank assesses proposals based on the organization's history, governance, finances, project details, repayment plan, security, and expected social impact. The document also notes trends in the growing social investment market, including more sources of funding and support for social organizations, but competition remains tough for early-stage startups.
Presentatie die Akshay Patki, beleidsmedewerker DG Klimaatbescherming Europese Commissie, gaf op de bijeenkomst Energievoorziening in de toekomst op 30 januari 2014 in Groningen.
Guide to 5 Long Vowel Sounds and Their PatternsLynn Scotty
This power point and video are great references for parents to support kids with the many patterns that make each of the long vowel sounds. Video link
Some patterns follow the rules, and some don't. Most long vowels have 5 to 6 sound patterns!
9 Resource Charts to Boost Kids' Spelling Skills.pdfLynn Scotty
This power point and video
provide parents with 9 reference charts that they can pick and choose to boost kids' spelling skills. All the spelling skills are supported with pictures to help kids to create an understanding of these words and how to spell and read them. 1. Irregular Plurals 2. Double consonants when adding the suffix -ing 3. When suffix -ed is added to a verb it can make 3 sounds 4. Letter or letters that make the//k/ sound 5. S usually makes the /z/ sound when... 6. Letter or letters that make the j sound 7. Words that sound the same, spelled differently and have different meanings: there, their, they're 8. cent, scent, sent 9. to, too, two
This is How I Teach Base Words to ChildrenLynn Scotty
Base words are words that stand alone. The 5 base words used in this PowerPoint and video
are verbs: build, fill, friend, cook and stick. Prefixes and Suffixes are added to each base word to show how they change the meaning of each base word.
How to Teach Kids to Diagram Sentence Part 2Lynn Scotty
This slideshow and video
focus on how to teach kids to diagram sentences. It focuses on two types: 1) subject, predicate, direct object, direct object and (2) subject, predicate, indirect object, direct object. Throughout the video visual representations are used to show the relationship of the different parts of the sentences. Visual representations are important for kids to understand the meaning of each part in making the sentences.
Building Reading Fluency - Sight Words and PhrasesLynn Scotty
First introduce and practice sight words with kids' reading them together and using index cards. Video that demonstrates the activities
When kids can read sight words independently begin to introduce sight word phrases. Each sight word phrase is made of 2-3 sight words just practiced and now known. Ater kids can read the phrases implement the lessons modeled in this video so they can read the phrases with fluency when they come across them in print.
E is a bossy vowel. When c and g are followed by e it changes their soundsLynn Scotty
When a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) is followed by e, the sound of the first vowel changes from short to long. When c is followed by e, it usually makes the soft /s/ sound and when g is followed by e, it usually makes the soft g/ sound.
Teaching the Different Vowel Patterns eaLynn Scotty
The vowel pattern, ea, doesn't always follow the rule: when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking. The video油
focuses on 3 sounds: long ea, short ea, and ea vowel followed by r. Long ea as in peach, short ea as in bread and ea vowel followed by r, as in hear.
Tricky Inflectional Endings: when to change the y to iLynn Scotty
Working with words ending in the letter y can be confusing.
Inflectional endings video link @ Both demonstrate how:
1) To make plural nouns - do change the y to i when nouns end in a consonant + y. 2) To make present tense verbs - don't change the y to i. Keep the y and add ing.
3)To make past tense verbs - do change the y to i when verbs end in a consonant + y
Four types of frogs join together to make twenty frogs. Video link @
Kids will see the frogs added on two lily pads and then demonstrated in ten frames. This is a quick, fun educational video that kids can watch over and over again!
Prefixes change words. This slide share and short focuses on adding the prefix - pre to words, changing their meaning and using them in sentences: game, heat, paid, plan, view.
C makes a different sound when followed by eLynn Scotty
Teaching kids when c is followed by e it makes a different sound - the /s/ sound. Video at
Kids will learn and practice this pattern with activities that focus on words ending in ace and ice.
This slideshow and video on youtube
describes when y is a consonant and when y is a vowel with several examples for each. The slideshow and video end with a quick review with questions and answers.
1. The document discusses common word endings of -le, -el, and -al and provides guidance on differentiating between them.
2. The -le ending is the most commonly used and usually follows certain consonants, while the -el and -al endings usually follow similar consonants making them difficult to distinguish.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate the different word endings and their typical letter patterns to help with spelling and reading.
This is a slideshow that has a short 55 second video at @
The use of the words more and most are often confused. Use more to compare two nouns or pronouns. Use most to compare more than two nouns or pronouns.
Octad is a fun spider with 8 legs.
The link for the video that goes with the slideshow is @
Octad is going to help us practice multiples of 8. Octad is lonely so he goes on a journey to find friends. His new friends are spiders that also have eight legs each. As he meets new friends, he has to determine how many legs in all. He also shows us fun activities to make.
Each grammar short video in this playlist is less than 1 minute. View video at @
Each serves as a quick reference for busy parents with kids who have homework! Each video focuses on a setof easily confused words to answer the question, what word do I use? Videos consist of 1) quick, understandable definitions, 2) when to use the first word with examples and 3) when to use the second word with examples. Since videos are quick with a lot of information, you choose when to pause, rewatch to review, or move ahead for more examples.
Its is a possessive pronoun that replaces a noun to show ownership. It's is a contraction that combines the words "it" and "is" using an apostrophe. The document provides examples of correctly using its to indicate possession and it's to mean "it is".
Adding es to Make Plural Nouns with Danny and ErickLynn Scotty
Video link on YouTube @
At school, Danny and Erick learn when to use es to make plural nouns. They learn to add es to make a noun plural when the noun ends in ch, sh, s or x. Examples include peach -peaches, brush - brushes, walrus - walruses, box - boxes and many more examples.
At school, Danny and Erick learn when to use es to make plural nouns. They learn to add es to make a noun plural when the noun ends in ch, sh, s or x. Examples include peach -peaches, brush - brushes, walrus - walruses, box - boxes and many more examples.
Teaching Kids How to use Prefixes (un and re) with Words that Can be Used as ...Lynn Scotty
Main teaching points of video as demonstrated:
1. Determining if a word is a noun or a verb depends on context (how the word is used in a sentence). 2. Examples of these words will be cover, plug, box and lock. 3. Adding a prefix to a word makes a new word. The prefix un means not or opposite and prefix re means do again. 4. Both prefixes are commonly used with verbs. 5. Depending on the context, kids will decide if prefix un or prefix re should be added to each word to complete each sentence.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Sneaky letters
2. /k/ or /s/ /g/ or /j/ /d/ or /ed/ or /t/
/s/ or /z/ /f/ /n/
3. /s/
cat city
car circle
cup center
cake cycle
cupcake circus
coat citrus
gift gym
goat gentle
gum g
good gem
garden giant
got gypsy
/g/ /j/
4. /id/ /t/
bus toys
yes s
cats his
sun dogs
swim has
sign fans
5. ed usually makes the /id/ sound when added to
words ending in d or t
ed usually makes the /t/ sound when added to
words ending in p. k. f. s
6. s usually makes the /z/ sound when added to
words ending in b, d, f, g, m, n, r, w, v, and y