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Stop Snoozing!
Easiest solution…
• Alarm clock with no snooze function
Hardest solution…
• Find a job where you can wake up anytime.
Require more effort to snooze:
               Physically (1)
•   Alarm clock that runs away from you (Clocky)
•   Alarm clock that flies away from you
•   Multiple alarm clocks (farther away)
•   Alarm clock + Kinect: stop ringing only after 20 jumping
•   Alarm clock + Kinect: stop ringing only after yoga poses
•   Alarm clock rug (makes you stand on it to stop ringing)
•   Alarm clock that you need to punch (repeatedly)
•   Alarm clock that makes you drink a cup of coffee to
    stop ringing.
Require more effort to snooze:
              Physically (2)
• Alarm clock that makes you drink a glass of water (or two).
• Alarm clock that makes you drink water before sleeping.
  You’d want to get up.
• Alarm clock basketball (only if you get it through a hoop)
• Alarm clock soccer (only if you get it through a goal)
• Alarm clock underwater (in an aquarium with cold water.
  Get your hand inside!)
• Alarm clock that spills water on you (bucket)
• Alarm clock with a water gun
• Alarm clock that sets ice cubes above you: you snooze, they
  start melting [ick]
• For advanced users: alarm clock that drops something on
Require more effort to snooze:
             Physically (3)
• Hiring someone to kick you out of bed
• Hiring a personal coach to kick you out of bed
  and exercise
• Get a delivery every morning [need to sign]
• Rent a [shelter] dog
• Rent a [trained] wake up dog
• Rent a cat (who wants breakfast)
• Get a tamagochi
• Wake-up call service to your home [like hotels]
• Rent a baby :-)
Require more effort to snooze:
              Physically (4)
• Alarm clock with an upside-down thumbtack on the
  snooze button [ouch]
• Alarm clock that injects caffeine into you (like the
  coffee soap)
• Snooze button that shocks you
• A far alarm clock and a bed that doesn’t let you get
  back to it
• Alarm clock with a different sound every day
• Alarm clock that sounds like you got a phone call
• Alarm clock that turns the tv on
• Alarm clock that turns the radio on
Require more effort to snooze :
             Cognitively (1)
• Alarm clock that requires you to solve a jigsaw puzzle
• Alarm clock that requires you to solve a math problem
• Alarm clock that makes you write down your dream
  [use dictionary to ensure it’s text]
• Alarm clock that makes you type a piece of text (quick!)
• Alarm clock that makes you say a tongue-twister
• Laser tag alarm clock (use a laser pointer to hit the
  center from far away)
Require more effort to snooze :
            Cognitively (2)
• Alarm clock that makes you fetch items from
  around the house (use video or barcode)
• Alarm clock that makes you play a game [4 in a
  row? Tetris? Rock band?]
• Obstacle course on the way to alarm
• Tilt-the-board toy, get the ball in the right
  position to stop alarm
• Alarm that hides before ringing
Require more effort to snooze :
             Emotionally (1)
• Alarm clock that updates facebook status whenever
  you snooze
• Alarm clock that posts something embarrassing on
  your wall
• Alarm clock that donates money to a cause you
  disagree with
• Alarm clock that shreds money
• Alarm clock that destroys your items [homework?]
• Alarm clock that donates your clothes to goodwill
• Competition with your friends [who snoozes the least]
• Competition (who gets out of bed fastest)
Require more effort to snooze :
            Emotionally (2)
• Competition (who sleeps the most hours)
• You get points every time you snooze
• Alarm clock that gets a little destroyed every
  time you snooze [need to buy new one]
• Alarm clock with a limited amount of snoozing
  [per month? Total?]
Incentivize you to get out of bed (1)
•   Coffee maker with timer
•   Newspaper dropping on you
•   Bread machine with timer
•   Dimmer with timer [turns on light gradually]
•   Inside sun lamp with timer
•   Opening the curtains with timer
•   Heat up room [floors!] with timer
•   Make bed more uncomfortable with timer
•   Jetsons/ Wallace & Gromit breakfast machine
    [puts you on a conveyor belt]
Incentivize you to get out of bed (2)
•   Bed turns into shower
•   Bed turns into kitchen
•   Breakfast in bed served (and gets cold)
•   Breakfast in bed served (and your favourite items
    disappear one at a time)
•   A drill sergeant alarm clock
•   Sleep on a tree
•   Sleep outside (sleeping bag, tent)
•   Sleep standing
Identify the origin
• Get a better mattress
• Check for medical condition
Sleep Quality
• Sleep quality tracker (wearable)
• Sleep quality tracker (on bed/under pillow)
• Chloroform at specified hour, [wake-up chemical] in
  the morning
• Relaxation/energizing essential oils sprayed in the
  room (with timer)
• Melatonin
• Heartbeat sound
• Hypnosis
• iphone app to wake you up when it’s a good time
  [sleep cycle]
• Bed starts to rise diagonally (rolling you out)
• Bed starts to rise towards the ceiling (so you’d have to
• Windows open/ walls become transparent (so people can
  look inside)
• Bed that becomes less comfortable (think rocks)
• Alarm clock that vibrates the pillow/bed
• Alarm clock that vibrates a band around your hand
  (silently! Plus for your partner)
• Bed that simulates a car ride [kids often fall asleep in cars]
• Alarm clock that affects your pajama [hot? cold?]
• Alarm clock that makes bedding starts glowing
The power of randomness
• Alarm clock that may or may not snooze when
  you push snooze
• Alarm clock [wake up during range] that
  shows you a time that could be later than
Go to sleep earlier
• Competition with friends?
• Dimmer with timer [becomes dark at a certain
• Seat-belt mechanism for bed: starts beeping if
  you’re not in it
Phew. That was tiresome.

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  • 2. Easiest solution… • Alarm clock with no snooze function
  • 3. Hardest solution… • Find a job where you can wake up anytime.
  • 4. Require more effort to snooze: Physically (1) • Alarm clock that runs away from you (Clocky) • Alarm clock that flies away from you • Multiple alarm clocks (farther away) • Alarm clock + Kinect: stop ringing only after 20 jumping jacks • Alarm clock + Kinect: stop ringing only after yoga poses • Alarm clock rug (makes you stand on it to stop ringing) • Alarm clock that you need to punch (repeatedly) • Alarm clock that makes you drink a cup of coffee to stop ringing.
  • 5. Require more effort to snooze: Physically (2) • Alarm clock that makes you drink a glass of water (or two). • Alarm clock that makes you drink water before sleeping. You’d want to get up. • Alarm clock basketball (only if you get it through a hoop) • Alarm clock soccer (only if you get it through a goal) • Alarm clock underwater (in an aquarium with cold water. Get your hand inside!) • Alarm clock that spills water on you (bucket) • Alarm clock with a water gun • Alarm clock that sets ice cubes above you: you snooze, they start melting [ick] • For advanced users: alarm clock that drops something on you
  • 6. Require more effort to snooze: Physically (3) • Hiring someone to kick you out of bed • Hiring a personal coach to kick you out of bed and exercise • Get a delivery every morning [need to sign] • Rent a [shelter] dog • Rent a [trained] wake up dog • Rent a cat (who wants breakfast) • Get a tamagochi • Wake-up call service to your home [like hotels] • Rent a baby :-)
  • 7. Require more effort to snooze: Physically (4) • Alarm clock with an upside-down thumbtack on the snooze button [ouch] • Alarm clock that injects caffeine into you (like the coffee soap) • Snooze button that shocks you • A far alarm clock and a bed that doesn’t let you get back to it • Alarm clock with a different sound every day • Alarm clock that sounds like you got a phone call • Alarm clock that turns the tv on • Alarm clock that turns the radio on
  • 8. Require more effort to snooze : Cognitively (1) • Alarm clock that requires you to solve a jigsaw puzzle • Alarm clock that requires you to solve a math problem • Alarm clock that makes you write down your dream [use dictionary to ensure it’s text] • Alarm clock that makes you type a piece of text (quick!) • Alarm clock that makes you say a tongue-twister • Laser tag alarm clock (use a laser pointer to hit the center from far away)
  • 9. Require more effort to snooze : Cognitively (2) • Alarm clock that makes you fetch items from around the house (use video or barcode) • Alarm clock that makes you play a game [4 in a row? Tetris? Rock band?] • Obstacle course on the way to alarm • Tilt-the-board toy, get the ball in the right position to stop alarm • Alarm that hides before ringing
  • 10. Require more effort to snooze : Emotionally (1) • Alarm clock that updates facebook status whenever you snooze • Alarm clock that posts something embarrassing on your wall • Alarm clock that donates money to a cause you disagree with • Alarm clock that shreds money • Alarm clock that destroys your items [homework?] • Alarm clock that donates your clothes to goodwill • Competition with your friends [who snoozes the least] • Competition (who gets out of bed fastest)
  • 11. Require more effort to snooze : Emotionally (2) • Competition (who sleeps the most hours) • You get points every time you snooze [badges!] • Alarm clock that gets a little destroyed every time you snooze [need to buy new one] • Alarm clock with a limited amount of snoozing [per month? Total?]
  • 12. Incentivize you to get out of bed (1) • Coffee maker with timer • Newspaper dropping on you • Bread machine with timer • Dimmer with timer [turns on light gradually] • Inside sun lamp with timer • Opening the curtains with timer • Heat up room [floors!] with timer • Make bed more uncomfortable with timer • Jetsons/ Wallace & Gromit breakfast machine [puts you on a conveyor belt]
  • 13. Incentivize you to get out of bed (2) • Bed turns into shower • Bed turns into kitchen • Breakfast in bed served (and gets cold) • Breakfast in bed served (and your favourite items disappear one at a time) • A drill sergeant alarm clock • Sleep on a tree • Sleep outside (sleeping bag, tent) • Sleep standing
  • 14. Identify the origin • Get a better mattress • Check for medical condition
  • 15. Sleep Quality • Sleep quality tracker (wearable) • Sleep quality tracker (on bed/under pillow) • Chloroform at specified hour, [wake-up chemical] in the morning • Relaxation/energizing essential oils sprayed in the room (with timer) • Melatonin • Heartbeat sound • Hypnosis • iphone app to wake you up when it’s a good time [sleep cycle]
  • 16. Bed • Bed starts to rise diagonally (rolling you out) • Bed starts to rise towards the ceiling (so you’d have to jump) • Windows open/ walls become transparent (so people can look inside) • Bed that becomes less comfortable (think rocks) • Alarm clock that vibrates the pillow/bed • Alarm clock that vibrates a band around your hand (silently! Plus for your partner) • Bed that simulates a car ride [kids often fall asleep in cars] • Alarm clock that affects your pajama [hot? cold?] • Alarm clock that makes bedding starts glowing
  • 17. The power of randomness • Alarm clock that may or may not snooze when you push snooze • Alarm clock [wake up during range] that shows you a time that could be later than reality.
  • 18. Go to sleep earlier • Competition with friends? • Dimmer with timer [becomes dark at a certain hour] • Seat-belt mechanism for bed: starts beeping if you’re not in it
  • 19. Phew. That was tiresome.