DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLESharith SanabriaEste documento describe la vida de una persona desde su nacimiento en 1998 hasta el año 2048, resaltando cómo su comprensión y práctica del reciclaje y el desarrollo sostenible han ido creciendo a lo largo de los años, desde usar muchos materiales desechables en la infancia hasta esperar tener una empresa enfocada en el desarrollo sostenible en el futuro y enseñar estas prácticas a su familia.
Amar Resume ph.dAmar TiwariAmar Kumar Tiwari is seeking a position that allows him to fully utilize his talents. He has a PhD in progress in hotel service quality from HNB Garhwal University. He has an MBA in tourism management and is currently an assistant professor of tourism at the University of Lucknow. His experience includes research presentations, publications, and workshops in areas related to tourism and hospitality.
Think Different for Future Competitionluigi spigaThe document discusses the need for innovation in thinking, leadership, strategy, management and organization before innovating products, services, and other areas. It argues that the world has changed significantly in just the past 25 years due to factors like technology, globalization and social trends. As a result, the document asserts that the 100 year old model of scientific management needs reinventing, and it proposes two methodologies - system thinking and Theory U - for facilitating deep change. Finally, it introduces the concept of a future competition system based on an integral protocol that utilizes system thinking and Theory U across five key areas to drive innovation and change.
Flavor Run for fun, fit vacation with Getaways Resort ManagementGetAways Resort ManagementThe Flavor Run 5K is a charity run and festival taking place in Tampa on September 12th. Participants can walk or run a 5K course through stations where they will be coated in fruit-flavored colored powders. After completing the run, there will be a festival with fresh fruit, vendors, entertainment, and children's activities. All proceeds from the run go to charity while allowing runners to have fun and stay active on their vacation.
Henman Wealth - Partner Brochure_6Sep16Giles HenmanThe document discusses the philosophy and services of Henman Wealth, a financial advisory firm focused on high net worth individuals. Some key points:
- Henman Wealth aims to form long-term partnerships with clients by understanding their unique goals and priorities and providing customized financial strategies and advice.
- The firm works with senior executives, professional athletes, aviation professionals, and others with over $3 million in investable assets.
- Henman Wealth's team of experienced advisors commits to proactively managing clients' finances over the long-term as their needs and the economic environment changes. This allows clients to focus on their careers and personal lives.
- The firm is able to draw on the
Definicion de administracion de_recursos_humanosjuliocesarpegnaguillenLa administración de recursos humanos trata del comportamiento humano dentro y fuera de la empresa, así como de los procesos dirigidos a lograr la mejor selección, educación y dirección del talento humano de una organización de manera eficiente, económica y éticamente responsable. Aunque joven, la administración de recursos humanos es uno de los campos más importantes de las ciencias administrativas modernas. Algunos ven la administración de recursos humanos como una ciencia, mientras que otros la ven como un arte, pero tiene características de ambos
CompetêNcias Clcguest06e8d0Este documento lista 28 competências em Cultura, Língua e Comunicação para o Referencial de Competências RVCC Secundário. As competências variam desde lidar com equipamentos técnicos a identificar fatores que influenciam a mudança social, reconhecendo o papel da cultura, língua e comunicação.
Gatling overviewViral JainThis presentation shows introduction to performance testing open source tool Gatling.
I am working on this tool from more than a year now and loved it's load testing features.
It uncovered many performance issues in our web based software service application.
I made and presented these slides to 20 QA people audience in our organization to show basics of Gatling tool. It also covers main facilities of Gatling for effective performance testing.
Características de la Administración por Giovanny SubiaGeovanny_alexLa administración se refiere al proceso de coordinar y dirigir los recursos de una organización para lograr sus objetivos de manera eficiente. Involucra funciones como la planificación, organización, dirección, coordinación y control. La administración se aplica a empresas privadas y públicas, así como a organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
Polymorphism (Ad-hoc and Universal)Sérgio Souza Costa1) The document discusses different types of polymorphism including ad-hoc polymorphism through overloading and coercion, parametric polymorphism through generic functions, and inclusion polymorphism through subclassing.
2) Parametric polymorphism allows functions to work on arguments of different types, executing the same code. Ad-hoc polymorphism makes functions appear to work on different types through overloading or coercion.
3) Inclusion polymorphism uses subtyping to allow functions written for superclasses to work on subclasses through inheritance.
Elementos de la planeación almita ramitoasEl documento resume los elementos clave de la planeación educativa según diferentes autores. Estos elementos incluyen objetivos, contenidos, materiales, estrategias y evaluación. Además, enfatiza la importancia de diseñar resultados esperados, considerar el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida de los estudiantes, y generar ambientes de aprendizaje colaborativo.
Le tecnologie del social learning e sistemi mobiliPaolo NesiSeminario nazionale E-ENGLISH per una didattica multimodale MID-TERM CONFERENCE, Augmented School, Augmented English. La didattica della lingua inglese e la Realtà Aumentata; 21 maggio 2012, MIUR, ROMA
Flavor Run for fun, fit vacation with Getaways Resort ManagementGetAways Resort ManagementThe Flavor Run 5K is a charity run and festival taking place in Tampa on September 12th. Participants can walk or run a 5K course through stations where they will be coated in fruit-flavored colored powders. After completing the run, there will be a festival with fresh fruit, vendors, entertainment, and children's activities. All proceeds from the run go to charity while allowing runners to have fun and stay active on their vacation.
Henman Wealth - Partner Brochure_6Sep16Giles HenmanThe document discusses the philosophy and services of Henman Wealth, a financial advisory firm focused on high net worth individuals. Some key points:
- Henman Wealth aims to form long-term partnerships with clients by understanding their unique goals and priorities and providing customized financial strategies and advice.
- The firm works with senior executives, professional athletes, aviation professionals, and others with over $3 million in investable assets.
- Henman Wealth's team of experienced advisors commits to proactively managing clients' finances over the long-term as their needs and the economic environment changes. This allows clients to focus on their careers and personal lives.
- The firm is able to draw on the
Definicion de administracion de_recursos_humanosjuliocesarpegnaguillenLa administración de recursos humanos trata del comportamiento humano dentro y fuera de la empresa, así como de los procesos dirigidos a lograr la mejor selección, educación y dirección del talento humano de una organización de manera eficiente, económica y éticamente responsable. Aunque joven, la administración de recursos humanos es uno de los campos más importantes de las ciencias administrativas modernas. Algunos ven la administración de recursos humanos como una ciencia, mientras que otros la ven como un arte, pero tiene características de ambos
CompetêNcias Clcguest06e8d0Este documento lista 28 competências em Cultura, Língua e Comunicação para o Referencial de Competências RVCC Secundário. As competências variam desde lidar com equipamentos técnicos a identificar fatores que influenciam a mudança social, reconhecendo o papel da cultura, língua e comunicação.
Gatling overviewViral JainThis presentation shows introduction to performance testing open source tool Gatling.
I am working on this tool from more than a year now and loved it's load testing features.
It uncovered many performance issues in our web based software service application.
I made and presented these slides to 20 QA people audience in our organization to show basics of Gatling tool. It also covers main facilities of Gatling for effective performance testing.
Características de la Administración por Giovanny SubiaGeovanny_alexLa administración se refiere al proceso de coordinar y dirigir los recursos de una organización para lograr sus objetivos de manera eficiente. Involucra funciones como la planificación, organización, dirección, coordinación y control. La administración se aplica a empresas privadas y públicas, así como a organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
Polymorphism (Ad-hoc and Universal)Sérgio Souza Costa1) The document discusses different types of polymorphism including ad-hoc polymorphism through overloading and coercion, parametric polymorphism through generic functions, and inclusion polymorphism through subclassing.
2) Parametric polymorphism allows functions to work on arguments of different types, executing the same code. Ad-hoc polymorphism makes functions appear to work on different types through overloading or coercion.
3) Inclusion polymorphism uses subtyping to allow functions written for superclasses to work on subclasses through inheritance.
Elementos de la planeación almita ramitoasEl documento resume los elementos clave de la planeación educativa según diferentes autores. Estos elementos incluyen objetivos, contenidos, materiales, estrategias y evaluación. Además, enfatiza la importancia de diseñar resultados esperados, considerar el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida de los estudiantes, y generar ambientes de aprendizaje colaborativo.
Le tecnologie del social learning e sistemi mobiliPaolo NesiSeminario nazionale E-ENGLISH per una didattica multimodale MID-TERM CONFERENCE, Augmented School, Augmented English. La didattica della lingua inglese e la Realtà Aumentata; 21 maggio 2012, MIUR, ROMA
Social business bcc cavola e sassuoloGiuseppe Leoniil caso di una piccola banca di credito cooperativo che è partita dall'essere social dentro per riscoprire le radici di essere social con i soci
Profilo di Avanzi e della divisione think tankAvanzi. Sostenibilità Per AzioniTHINK TANK per decisori pubblici e privati.
Avanzi interpreta, valuta, analizza, stimola.
Siamo alla ricerca dell’innovazione per la sostenibilità.
Contribuiamo alla comprensione e diffusione di processi innovativi capaci di generare un radicale cambiamento verso la sostenibilità.
Organigramma Con Le Palle FdrBrogi & Pittalis srlRappresentazione innovativa dell'organizzazione di un moderno social network. Dalla visione gerachica alla rappresentazione circolare delle relazioni tra soggetti collaboranti su piattaforme informatiche.
PROGRAMMA FORUM DELLE RISORSE UMANE 2012Comunicazione Italiana srlLa guida ufficiale per conoscere l’evento, il programma ed il business social media italiano.
Evol 3.0 preliminary presentionluigi spigaThis document outlines a project aimed at fostering learning, design, and realization of appropriate technologies for innovative organizations and an alternative economy/society. It involves establishing a think tank, portal, blog, library, forums, and laboratory/incubator to facilitate co-learning, co-designing, and co-realizing of ideas. The goal is to help create a 3.0 world with new awareness, appropriate technologies, and intentions for a sustainable future different from the past. The project will start by forming a core team and building a web portal and blog to generate interest and leads among professionals.
Frg 0 - pubblicitàluigi spigaThis document outlines a vision for regenerating local systems through sustainable development projects at multiple scales. It describes creating eco-districts and buildings, permaculture gardens, campus villages, and retreat centers that operate according to principles of social and environmental sustainability. The overarching goals are to transform businesses, societies, and individuals by co-developing a supportive environment, regenerating resilient local economies, and facilitating well-being and wealth creation. A pilot project in Italy is highlighted as an example of implementing this vision at the local level through a holistic, systems-based approach.
Frg 6 - local systems networkluigi spigaThis document discusses the need to transition to more sustainable and regenerative systems of living and economies. It provides examples of existing ecovillages and sustainable communities from around the world. The document advocates designing systems using principles from permaculture, natural capitalism, and the blue economy to meet human needs while regenerating the environment.
Frg 5 - oltrepo' paveseluigi spigaThis document describes a pilot project to regenerate the local system in Oltrepo' Pavese, Italy. The project aims to 1) create Italy's first BALLE cluster, 2) start a Transition Town project, and 3) revitalize the local economy through sustainable frameworks. This will be done by developing an eco-village with co-housing, co-working and education clusters powered by local renewable resources with minimal carbon and waste footprint. The goal is to create resilient, circular local systems and economies that are less dependent on external inputs.
Frg 4 - eco-districtluigi spigaThis document provides an overview of the Eco Valle District Staffora region in northern Italy. It is located 60km from Milan and 30km from Pavia, with several small towns within 10km focused on industry, tourism, agriculture, and mountains. The document then outlines plans to regenerate the local economy and communities through circular rather than linear systems. This includes reinforcing local links, creating new jobs and businesses, and developing an integrated eco-district with villages, permaculture farms, retreat centers, and buildings using alternative technologies at various scales from 100km to 0.1km.
Frg 0 - containerluigi spigaThis document discusses the need for new approaches to leadership, management, and thinking given the increasing complexity of the modern world. It argues that traditional linear and reductionist approaches are no longer sufficient and that we must adopt more systemic, integrative, and participatory practices that take into account the interconnected nature of social and environmental systems. The document presents ideas from various thinkers about transitioning between paradigms and developing new approaches like Management 3.0 that consider not just hard skills (IQ) but also soft skills (EQ) and deeper senses of purpose (SQ). It suggests applying systems thinking at multiple levels from the self to broader societies.
Frg 1 - eco 2 buildingsluigi spigaThis document discusses sustainable building design and renewable energy technologies. It provides examples of several eco-housing projects in Wales, including Canolfan Hyddgen, St Lukes School, Y Senedd government building, and WISE building at CAT. These case studies illustrate techniques like passive solar heating, natural ventilation, daylighting, thermal mass walls, woodchip biomass heating, solar water heating, and small-scale wind and solar power. The document emphasizes the importance of energy efficient design, renewable energy sources, and user education to effectively manage sustainable buildings.
Frg 2 - montalfeo cvluigi spigaThis document describes plans for the Montalfeo Campus Village, an innovative eco-resort located in northern Italy. It will include an eco-cluster community with co-housing, studios, houses of various sizes, and a retreat center built using sustainable materials and powered by renewable energy. The village aims to operate as a closed-loop system through techniques like permaculture, water harvesting and treatment, and producing food and materials locally. It also plans to establish an international retreat center and academy to teach leadership, management and technologies for alternative economies.
B0 present future re-gener intro new - containerluigi spigaThis document discusses the need to transition from traditional linear thinking to more holistic systems thinking when addressing complex problems. It references several thinkers who advocate moving from rationalist views to integrated, post-industrial perspectives. There are challenges to paradigm shifts, but new approaches are required to deal with today's highly dynamic, social, and generative realities. Management must evolve from a focus only on processes and profits to consider people and broader impacts. Systems thinking provides a framework for navigating disruption and creating positive change.
B3 present eco-2-building - estrattoluigi spigaThis document discusses sustainable building design and renewable energy technologies. It provides examples of several eco-housing projects in Wales that utilize modular timber frames, solar gain for heating, natural ventilation, photovoltaics, biomass boilers, and energy monitoring systems. The projects aim to reduce energy needs through high insulation, thermal mass, and passive solar design principles while meeting remaining energy demands with on-site renewable technologies.
B0 present future re-gener intro new - containerluigi spigaThis document discusses the need to transition from traditional management approaches to more modern, holistic approaches that take systems thinking into account. It references several thinkers and their ideas about complexity, paradigm shifts, and moving from Management 1.0 focused only on processes to Management 3.0 that considers people, purpose, and emerging practices. The document suggests that in a high complexity reality, traditional practices no longer work and that new leadership requires a systems-oriented, participative, and creative approach.
B0 present future re-gener intro new - 40p publicluigi spigaThe document discusses rebuilding sustainable, resilient, and vibrant local systems through a process of regeneration. It references concepts from systems thinking, regenerative development, and alternative economies. The goal is to operate on systems from the micro to macro level to transform business, society, and self, with the purposes of developing hybrid enterprises, regenerating local economies, and enhancing individual well-being. A proposed pilot project would focus on the local system in Oltrepò Pavese, Italy.
B5 present ppopp - mcv - publicluigi spigaThe document describes plans for an eco-cluster development called Montalfeo Campus Village in Oltrepò Pavese, Italy. The development will include co-housing units, a retreat center, and community spaces built using sustainable materials and technologies. It will treat water on-site, generate renewable energy, and emphasize permaculture and closed-loop systems to achieve near zero environmental impact. The goal is to create an international learning and collaboration center for studying sustainable design, management and technologies for an alternative economy.
Pmc m1 principlesluigi spigaThis document outlines 17 principles for applying Theory U, a framework for leading change and transformation developed by Otto Scharmer. The principles focus on practices like being fully present, following your heart, creating open and supportive environments, balancing talking and doing, identifying opportunities for change, connecting to different stakeholders, being open to personal change, and prototyping from a place of presence. Resources on Theory U and the work of Otto Scharmer and related organizations are listed at the end.
1. SoL Italy
Piano Attività 2013
Per Assemblea del 18 febbraio 2013
Realizzazione Luigi Spiga
Aggiornamento del 16 febbraio 2013
2. Piano attività 2013
1. Visione e Asset p. 2
2. Sistema di Sviluppo p. 7
3. 3R à Basic p. 14
4. 3R à Portal p. 20
5. Editoria p. 22
SoL Italy
3. Visione Comune (shared vision)
1. SoL Italy è un frattale di SoL Boston e ne replica le tre tipologie di
attività, ovvero di tipo informativo-culturale, educativo-formativo,
progettuale su ricerca, consulenza e change lab.
2. SoL Italy intende diventare un’organizzazione Sostenibile,
Resiliente e Generativa, con un modello di tipo olonico, che unisce
associati delle tre tipologie consulenti, manager e ricercatori.
3. Il processo di funzionamento di SoL Italy è ispirato all’archetipo delle
3R di Dance of Change, concordato con SoL Boston come modello
per realizzare un’organizzazione innovativa che possa realizzare la
vision di Peter Senge per una larga diffusione della community e
del cambiamento.
E’ importante una costante verifica della Visione Comune desiderata,
in quanto, come dimostrato dal modello della pagina seguente, da
discrepanze nella visione nascono facilmente azioni incoerenti col
4. I tre “Asset Fondamentali” di SoL Italy
1. ASSOCIATI: L’Asset fondamentale che abbiamo per poter
realizzare il nostro “sogno” di poter incidere sensibilmente anche
sulle grandi organizzazioni e sulla società in generale, non può che
essere costituito da un numero elevato e crescente di Associati
sensibili, appassionati e coinvolti, in coerenza con la vision di
Peter Senge di poter arrivare ad un milione di SoL nel mondo entro
il 2015.
2. ASSOCIATI ATTIVI: un gruppo numeroso, solido e sempre
aperto, di Associati Attivi al servizio di SoL Italy è uno dei pochi
Asset di cui SoL Italy può disporre per realizzare il progetto
presentato a SoL Boston nell’ottobre 2011 con la Declaration of
Intent, e subito avviato, le cui caratteristiche, qualitative e
quantitative, ci hanno consentito l’ottenimento dell’accreditamento
ufficiale definitivo in tempi record, e saltando il previsto
accreditamento provvisorio.
5. I tre “Asset Fondamentali” di SoL Italy
3. ACCREDITAMENTO e MARCHIO SOL: un Asset fondamentale
che abbiamo e che ci assicura un differenziale verso tante altre
associazioni è il nostro Accreditamento e Marchio di SoL
Boston e la possibilità di poter sviluppare attività sotto un brand
prestigioso e protetto, che unisce in modo quasi unico l’attenzione
al lavoro di crescita per le persone e per le organizzazioni al
Con questi tre Asset possiamo iniziare a tracciare il nostro futuro e
costruire quel complesso tipo di organizzazione sistemica e di
cambiamento sistemico, definiti nella letteratura SoL, seguendo un
flusso flessibile, il più possibile inclusivo di istanze in parte non
allineate, ma senza rinunciare a coerenza, armonia e direzione per il
perseguimento della “visione comune”.
6. I tre “Asset Fondamentali” di SoL Italy
SoL Italy
Associati Associati
e Marchio SoL
7. Piano attività 2013
1. Visione e Asset p. 2
2. Sistema di Sviluppo p. 7
3. 3R à Basic p. 14
4. 3R à Portal p. 20
5. Editoria p. 22
SoL Italy
8. House of Development
Cercando di dare ordine e sistematicità alle attività che sta
emergendo siano necessarie al sistema, possiamo
pensare alla figura di una casa, simile a quelle della
qualità di Ohno e dell’innovazione di Prahalad, nella
le fondamenta sono rappresentate dai Fondamentali
associativi e di sistema: Vision, Intent, Principi, Common
tacit ground, Statuto, Consiglio Direttivo, Regolamenti,
che necessitano di aggiornamento e ricondivisione;
il basamento è rappresentato dalle 7 attività funzionali al
mantenimento del sistema: Comunicazione, Sviluppo,
Relazioni Associati, Amministrazione, Sistemi informativi,
Eventi, Relazioni di sistema, e dal funzionamento dalle
quali dipende quello che segue;
9. SoL Italy’s House of Development
la colonna di sinistra è rappresentata dal circolo di
rafforzamento che si può attivare intorno al corso base,
alla diffusione delle metodologie tra molte persone, alla
preparazione di molti facilitatori, alla nascita di molti circle
la colonna di destra è rappresentata dal circolo di
rafforzamento che si può attivare intorno al portale
internet, al blog, alle attività di comunicazione e
diffusione nei social media;
il tetto è rappresentato dai progetti e dai change lab che
posiamo realizzare per impattare sull’ambiente dopo
realizzato tutto il resto.
10. SoL Italy’s House of Development
Progetti, Percorsi, Change Lab,
Consulenza, Ricerca, etc.
R+ Off Line R+ OnLine
3R àBasic Associati 3R àPortal
Le 7 attività funzionali al mantenimento del sistema:
Comunicazione, Sviluppo, Relazioni Associati, Amministrazione,
Sistemi informativi, Eventi, Relazioni di sistema
Fondamentali associativi e di sistema:
Vision, Intent, Principi, Common tacit ground,
Statuto, Consiglio Direttivo, Regolamenti
Nel primo quadrimestre 2013 : Priorità alta Priorità media Priorità bassa
11. Dalla metafora della Casa a quella della Cattedrale
La Casa non sembra poter essere la migliore
rappresentazione del sistema e delle attività SoL Italy.
Emerge che i PROGETTI, realizzati con metodologie SoL,
hanno una valenza forte per l’attrazione di persone nella
community e per dare concretezza al progetto e
coinvolgere ISTITUZIONI.
Ed emerge che i CIRCLE OF SEVEN locali attivati con un
semplice seminario locale SoL in Action possono avere
una valenza per la diffusione iniziale dei messaggi,in
abbinamento alla diffusione dei LIBRI in italiano.
In questo modo i pilastri passano da 2 a 4 e l’immagine
diventa quella di una volta gotica a crociera, sorretta da 4
pilastri collegati a 4 contrafforti.
13. Amici:
SoL Italy – Sistema di Forze Dinamiche Registraz.
Aderenti e
Common Solid Ground 25-300 e
(fondamenta) Istituz.
Archetipo 3R Attivi:
1-3 slot
(principio guida) Progetti
7 Funzioni professionali
Libri in Centro
Portale Week
italiano Avanzato
avanzato di Partner
Circle of
14. Piano attività 2013
1. Visione e Asset p. 2
2. Sistema di Sviluppo p. 7
3. 3R à Basic p. 14
4. 3R à Portal p. 20
5. Editoria p. 22
SoL Italy
15. Caratteristiche distintive
Micro Individuo Personal Mastery
Pensiero Sistemico
o o
Meso Gruppo Dialogo
M A Apprendimento di gruppo
I n E
X n v
i o
Macro Organizzazione Visione condivisa l
9 Sviluppo organizzativo u
0 t
Mundo Paese Cambiamento della Società n
16. Circolo virtuoso Corso Base e Learning Week
Attività Week Attività di
preparatorie + e di diffusione
e di promozione Corso
R +
17. Dance of Change
Risultati di
Nuove pratiche Risultati
di business Credibilità
Risultati di
R2 Entusiasmo
Capacità di Investimenti in
apprendimento iniziative di
Learning Week mar
Corsi Specialistici Core
Corsi Specialistici Side
Learning Week
Riunioni operative e statutarie
Presentazioni Open ven
Corso Base
Attività Benessere sab
Corsi Specialistici Side
19. 3R à Basic : Sinergia Nazionale e Locale
Valore specifico: I Facilitatori Locali svolgono attività
Economie di scala per eventi secondo loro preferenze e un loro
con numerosi partecipanti programma coordinato a livello nazionale,
e nell’ambito dei format previsti dallo stesso
Tutti i
Facilitatori Corso Base
Locali Circle
convergono nella Apprendimento
ogni 4 mesi Learning Week Locale
per co-gestire
le Learning Nazionale
Week Seminario Open
nazionali sulle Metodologie
Utilizzazione World Cafè Valore specifico:
metodologie nelle Locale Vicinanza e aderenza
attività professionali alle community locali
La Learning Week è anche una “vetrina” sulle attività SoL per imprese e università
20. Piano attività 2013
1. Visione e Asset p. 2
2. Sistema di Sviluppo p. 7
3. 3R à Basic p. 14
4. 3R à Portal p. 20
5. Editoria p. 22
SoL Italy
21. Funnel Attività di Comunicazione
! Articoli dei
! 1. Sito Internet Blogger SoL
“Amici “ di SoL :
tutti i registrati
sul sito per la 2. Newsletter
3. Eventi Aperitivi
SoL in Action
Seminari Open
22. Piano attività 2013
1. Visione e Asset p. 2
2. Sistema di Sviluppo p. 7
3. 3R à Basic p. 14
4. 3R à Portal p. 20
5. Editoria p. 22
SoL Italy
24. Contesto evolutivo dell’Italia : culturale, educativo, organizzativo, manageriale, civico,
evoluzionista, teoria sistemica, teoria della complessità, risveglio spirituale
Evoluzione del pensiero post-taylorista : management innovation del MIX
Evoluzione del pensiero post-razionalista : teoria quantica, teoria
SoL Italia :
Change Lab Collana
Nazionali Management
promossi da SoL Evolutivo e
con sponsor programma
primari sensibili
al cambiamento Sistema diffusione libri
Percorsi formativi
annuali co- Retreat
internazionali co-
organizzati con
organizzati con i
partner globali di
internazionali e
soci nazionali SoL
Founding SoL SoL – Sol Evolution 2.0 – Presencing Institute – Dialogos
ALIA Institute – Berkana Institute - Art of Hosting – Barrett Value Center – SoL Europe