Kertas Soalan Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 Tahun 5
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Dokumen tersebut berisi soal-soal ujian akhir tahun untuk pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual Tahun 4. Soal-soal tersebut meliputi pertanyaan tentang warna, bentuk geometri, kerajinan tradisional, dan teknik seni rupa seperti lukisan, origami, dan batik.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan soalan-soalan ujian PJPK (Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan) yang meliputi topik seperti kapasiti aerobik, prinsip FITT dalam latihan, kemahiran asas ragbi sentuh dan bhangra, kesihatan reproduktif, penyakit menular seksual, tingkah laku antisosial, pengurusan diet, persahabatan, dan hak asasi manusia. Soalan tersebut bertujuan menilai pengetahuan pel
This document contains an English comprehension test for Year 4 students with 25 multiple choice and short answer questions. It tests students' understanding of grammar, vocabulary, pronouns, prepositions, and comprehension of short passages. The test covers identifying the correct word to complete a sentence, choosing the right answer to fill in blanks in a passage, identifying meanings of words, matching statements to categories, and answering comprehension questions about stories. It aims to evaluate students' English language skills in key areas including reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
1. The passage describes an incident that took place in Kampung Sepri in the evening.
2. Some children were playing football while others watched when one child suddenly screamed after noticing a house on fire. The house belonged to Encik Ramly.
3. Everyone worked together to put out the fire before Encik Ramly arrived home from the fields. The fire had started in the kitchen after his wife accidentally knocked over an oil lamp while cooking.
4. Encik Ramly was thankful that his wife and house were safe, despite the fire starting in his kitchen.
Dokumen tersebut berisi soalan-soalan tentang nilai-nilai murni seperti kesopanan, kejujuran, dan kerjasama. Soalan-soalan tersebut mencakup topik seperti agama, keluarga, masyarakat, dan sikap yang sesuai. Dokumen ini bertujuan untuk menilai pemahaman siswa tentang nilai-nilai penting tersebut.
Nota math f1 bab 13 theorem phytagorasBeela Sensei
This document discusses the Pythagorean theorem. It contains the following key points:
1. The Pythagorean theorem states that for a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The hypotenuse is always opposite the right angle.
2. The theorem can be used to find the length of an unknown side of a right triangle if the lengths of the other two sides are given.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate using the Pythagorean theorem to calculate missing side lengths of right triangles.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar kata kerja dan kata sifat dalam bahasa Melayu yang berkaitan dengan berbagai aktivitas sehari-hari seperti memasak, bergerak, berkomunikasi, dan lain sebagainya.
Dokumen tersebut berisi soal-soal ujian akhir tahun untuk pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual Tahun 4. Soal-soal tersebut meliputi pertanyaan tentang warna, bentuk geometri, kerajinan tradisional, dan teknik seni rupa seperti lukisan, origami, dan batik.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan soalan-soalan ujian PJPK (Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan) yang meliputi topik seperti kapasiti aerobik, prinsip FITT dalam latihan, kemahiran asas ragbi sentuh dan bhangra, kesihatan reproduktif, penyakit menular seksual, tingkah laku antisosial, pengurusan diet, persahabatan, dan hak asasi manusia. Soalan tersebut bertujuan menilai pengetahuan pel
This document contains an English comprehension test for Year 4 students with 25 multiple choice and short answer questions. It tests students' understanding of grammar, vocabulary, pronouns, prepositions, and comprehension of short passages. The test covers identifying the correct word to complete a sentence, choosing the right answer to fill in blanks in a passage, identifying meanings of words, matching statements to categories, and answering comprehension questions about stories. It aims to evaluate students' English language skills in key areas including reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
1. The passage describes an incident that took place in Kampung Sepri in the evening.
2. Some children were playing football while others watched when one child suddenly screamed after noticing a house on fire. The house belonged to Encik Ramly.
3. Everyone worked together to put out the fire before Encik Ramly arrived home from the fields. The fire had started in the kitchen after his wife accidentally knocked over an oil lamp while cooking.
4. Encik Ramly was thankful that his wife and house were safe, despite the fire starting in his kitchen.
Dokumen tersebut berisi soalan-soalan tentang nilai-nilai murni seperti kesopanan, kejujuran, dan kerjasama. Soalan-soalan tersebut mencakup topik seperti agama, keluarga, masyarakat, dan sikap yang sesuai. Dokumen ini bertujuan untuk menilai pemahaman siswa tentang nilai-nilai penting tersebut.
Nota math f1 bab 13 theorem phytagorasBeela Sensei
This document discusses the Pythagorean theorem. It contains the following key points:
1. The Pythagorean theorem states that for a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The hypotenuse is always opposite the right angle.
2. The theorem can be used to find the length of an unknown side of a right triangle if the lengths of the other two sides are given.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate using the Pythagorean theorem to calculate missing side lengths of right triangles.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar kata kerja dan kata sifat dalam bahasa Melayu yang berkaitan dengan berbagai aktivitas sehari-hari seperti memasak, bergerak, berkomunikasi, dan lain sebagainya.
This document appears to be an English exam for Year 1 students consisting of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and matching questions testing vocabulary and concepts related to family, animals, daily activities, and objects. The exam is divided into 8 sections (A-H) testing comprehension of pictures, sentence completion, matching images to labels, filling in blanks with starting letters, associating actions with images, and matching family roles to descriptions.
Modul KSSR Matematik Tahun 1 (Versi B.Malaysia)Ariel Lee
Sila sambungkan aktiviti di bawah ini:
a. Murid dibawa keluar untuk membuat pemerhatian terhadap bilangan objek di sekeliling sekolah seperti bilangan pokok, bilangan kereta, bilangan lampu dan sebagainya.
b. Minta murid mengira bilangan objek yang diperhatikan dan menyatakan hasil kiraan secara lisan. Contoh: "Saya dapati ada 5 buah pokok."
c. Murid diminta membuat perbandingan bilangan objek antara dua
Este documento presenta ejercicios de matemáticas de primer grado sobre las operaciones de suma y resta hasta 100. Explica las operaciones de suma y resta, y proporciona una serie de ejemplos con sus respuestas correctas para que los estudiantes practiquen.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar kata yang dipecah menjadi beberapa bagian yang terkait dengan pakaian, kendaraan, bunga, dan sayur-sayuran. Beberapa contoh item yang disebutkan adalah selipar, jean, bas, bunga mawar, halia, dan jagung.
Este documento presenta ejercicios de suma y resta para estudiantes de primer grado. Explica las operaciones de suma y resta, luego proporciona una serie de problemas para practicar cada operación con números de 1 a 20. Al final, indica si las respuestas del estudiante son correctas o incorrectas.
The document is a numeracy worksheet about solid shapes that contains questions and spaces for students to fill in information about cubes, cuboids, pyramids, cylinders, and spheres. It asks students to name the shapes, count the number of edges and corners for each shape, and complete a table with the number of faces, corners, and edges for each shape.
1. Soalan Latihan
Tahun 1
Multimedia in education 2012
2. Berdasarkan gambar rajah jawab soalan-soalan berikut.
1. Panjang sudip sama dengan 6 , 8 klip kertas.
2. Panjang sudu sama dengan 4 , 5 klip kertas
3. Panjang garpu sama dengan 4 , 5 klip kertas.
3. 4. Pencil ____________ daripada pemadam.
A. lebih pendek B. lebih panjang
5. Pemadam _________ daripada pencil.
A. lebih pendek B. lebih panjang
4. 6. Objek paling panjang ialah _____________
A. Pencil
B. Pembaris
C. Raket
5. 7. Objek paling pendek ialah ____________
A. Pembaris
B. Raket
C. Pencil