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1Social Contracts
What is a Social Contract?
Definition and purpose of our team Social Contract
Just like a legal contract that defines the values and principals on how we interact with each other and how we interact
with people outside the team. This is collectively agreed by the team and committed to by the team. It really comes into
play when things go wrong
History of the Social Contract
 Idea mooted by Jean-Jacque Rousseauin 18th Century
 More recently in the work of moral and political
philosopher John Rawls, and his Theory of Justice.
The way in which the major social institutions
distribute fundamental rights and duties and
determine the division of advantages from social
 The philosopher and physician John Locke uses the
social contract to defend and protect particular
values, and to institute an accountable system of
 The philosopher and physician John Locke uses the
social contract to defend and protect particular
values, and to institute an accountable system of
What is in it for the team?
It will help greatly to build trust with your team mates. It will re-enforce the sense of psychological safety and the
confidentiality of the agile ceremony spaces
We never say anything bad about anyone within the team to anyone outside
We intervene if we overhear any water cooler criticism of the team
We always criticise people in the team constructively face-to-face, one to one
We always face up to breakdowns in communication with team members
If we have an breakdown, we resolve by sharing authentic assessments with another team member
We commit to not being late for any ceremonies and prepare for them, mobile phones on silent
If you dont believe you can contribute to a meeting/ceremony, let the organiser know and dont attend
Raise a problem as soon as you see it, even this means fessing up to a personal error you have made
Face-to-face conversations over email, anytime
Respect each other and understand differences in knowledge and experience
All team documents are to be shared
There are no silly questions, if you dont understand, ask
We dont interrupt and cut another person off while they are talking. And we listen to them respectfully
We have zero tolerance for bullying
We communicate in this order: Face to face, phone call, Instant Message then email
We are share our contact details and our calendars
If you are solely responsible for delivering a piece of work, make a commitment to deliver it
We are never afraid to ask for help and always available to provide help
We avoid inviting external parties to key ceremonies and never without the agreement of the team
Candidates for Social Contract

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Social contracts

  • 1. 1TAB ONE Add your own text here 1Social Contracts What is a Social Contract? Definition and purpose of our team Social Contract Just like a legal contract that defines the values and principals on how we interact with each other and how we interact with people outside the team. This is collectively agreed by the team and committed to by the team. It really comes into play when things go wrong History of the Social Contract Idea mooted by Jean-Jacque Rousseauin 18th Century More recently in the work of moral and political philosopher John Rawls, and his Theory of Justice. The way in which the major social institutions distribute fundamental rights and duties and determine the division of advantages from social cooperation The philosopher and physician John Locke uses the social contract to defend and protect particular values, and to institute an accountable system of authority The philosopher and physician John Locke uses the social contract to defend and protect particular values, and to institute an accountable system of authority What is in it for the team? It will help greatly to build trust with your team mates. It will re-enforce the sense of psychological safety and the confidentiality of the agile ceremony spaces
  • 2. We never say anything bad about anyone within the team to anyone outside We intervene if we overhear any water cooler criticism of the team We always criticise people in the team constructively face-to-face, one to one We always face up to breakdowns in communication with team members If we have an breakdown, we resolve by sharing authentic assessments with another team member We commit to not being late for any ceremonies and prepare for them, mobile phones on silent If you dont believe you can contribute to a meeting/ceremony, let the organiser know and dont attend Raise a problem as soon as you see it, even this means fessing up to a personal error you have made Face-to-face conversations over email, anytime Respect each other and understand differences in knowledge and experience All team documents are to be shared There are no silly questions, if you dont understand, ask We dont interrupt and cut another person off while they are talking. And we listen to them respectfully We have zero tolerance for bullying We communicate in this order: Face to face, phone call, Instant Message then email We are share our contact details and our calendars If you are solely responsible for delivering a piece of work, make a commitment to deliver it We are never afraid to ask for help and always available to provide help We avoid inviting external parties to key ceremonies and never without the agreement of the team Candidates for Social Contract