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King of Prussia Mall: Multi-channel Marketing
                                                                        Market Research
                                                                        Business Analysis
                                                                        Merchandise Analysis
                                                                        Merchandise & Style Consulting
                                                                        Circulation Planning
                                                                        Brand Development
Integrated Multi-channel Programs and Campaigns                         Event Marketing Programs
                                                                        Contest & Sweepstake Programs
With the largest collection of high-end retail stores on the East      Multichannel Campaign Development
Coast, as well as an all-encompassing variety of dining options,        Strategic Creative Development
King of Prussia Mall is a destination for close-in shoppers and         Online Marketing Strategy
                                                                        Interactive Design & Implementation
travelers alike. The center attracts over 20MM customers a year         Social Media Strategy & Planning
from as far away as Europe and Asia.                                    Design & Production
                                                                        Photography & Photo Production
For over 20 years, Lor辿l Marketing Group has been the agency of         Talent Sourcing
record for this world-renowned destination. During this time, we        Prepress & Print Production
                                                                        Mail Management
have employed many different advertising techniques to reach a
multi-tiered marketplace encompassing kids, teens, trend-              Deliverables
                                                                        Catalogs / Magalogs
seekers, fashionistas and tourists. From outdoor to direct, print to    Posters / In-mall signage
broadcast, PR to digital, Lor辿l has created attention-grabbing and      TV & Radio Production
successful multi-channel marketing campaigns.                           Online Video
                                                                        Email Programs
                                                                        Websites & Microsites
                                                                        Rich Internet Applications
                                                                        Search Marketing
                                                                        Banner Ads
King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing

A Digital Shift With Brand Ambassador,
Stylist Tracy Taylor

Based on the successes in 2008, we shifted the marketing
strategy in 2009 from primarily offline to online focused to
meet the growing needs of shoppers and increased
demand for social tools. To accomplish this goal, we
enlisted a Brand Ambassador, Stylist Tracy Taylor. We
focused on quality content and engagement through a fully
redesigned website with fashion-focused articles and
videos to highlight stores and products that will drive
shoppers to the mall. "Hot Deals" and social shopping
tools were placed in prominent areas on the website to
further feature the stores and products available. The Trip
Planner provides shoppers with an easy to use
personalized itinerary tool that plans, maps, and pre-
selects products before shoppers go to the mall. Today,
KOP customers are enjoying a product rich online
King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing

                           Each of the 400 plus stores are
                           represented by a "Store Detail"
                           page, which provides a description
                           and location of the store, as well as
                           promotes individual products. The
                           "Product Detail" page features
                           products from the stores that were
                           highlighted in the articles, videos,
                           and promotions throughout the
                           website and other promotions.
                           Shoppers are encouraged to save
                           and share their favorite stores,
                           brands, and products.


King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing

                    Social Shopping Tools
                    Shoppers can submit their "Looks", favorite
                    products, and "Hot Deals".
                    Quick poll questions allow for behavioral and
                    preferential targeting as well as allows us to
                    understand what our shoppers want.

                    Engaging Mobile Messages From Tracy

                           "Get Tracy's Tips, Trends, & Deals.
                             Pick, rate, & share your favs."

King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing

                           Social Shopping Tools

                           Shoppers can save their favorite
                           products, stores, brands,
                           videos, articles, etc. to their
                           personal profile and share it
                           with friends using MyStyle.

                           "Add A Comment" links are on
                           almost every piece of content
                           on the website.

                           Social sharing and book-
                           marking icons are prominently
                           placed on every page. Fan
                           pages were created and linked
                           to on Facebook, Twitter, and

King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing

Social Networking

The Brand Ambassador
campaign along with
the re-launch of the
website and social
networking pages
proved to be a great
success. We enlisted
11,218 fans on the KOP
Facebook page within
the first two weeks after
launch. To date there
are 57,350 Likes on       KOP                            KOP
Facebook and 1,800          YouTube                       Twitter
                            Channel                        Page
Twitter followers as well
as 69 Lists.

King of Prussia Mall: PR

                                                              CBS 3: 3 On Your Side,
                                                              Save Money Using Facebook
                                                              and Twitter
                                                              The media is a frequent visitor to King of
                                                              Prussia Mall. In a clip with CBS 3
                                                              Consumer Reporter, Jim Donavon,
                                                              reports on how organizations, such as the
                                                              King of Prussia Mall, use social media
                                                              channels to promote information such as
                                                              sales and events to their fans. Other
                                                              companies featured in the piece include
                                                              South West Airlines, Sephora and

The highlight of the shift was the complete collaboration between client, ad agency, and PR agency.

King of Prussia Mall: Social Media Marketing

                        "What's Your Look?" Viral Contest

                        The six week long contest was created to
                        promote King of Prussia Mall's 2008 fall
                        fashion season in a different way and introduce
                        social media as part of the marketing mix. Two
                        hundred and fifty thousand shoppers were
                        asked to upload a photo of their best-
                        accessorized Fall/Winter outfit purchased
                        from retailers at the mall to a microsite,

                        "Looks" were separated by category: Men's,
                        Women's and Children's. Visitors to the site
                        then rated, voted, shared, and commented on
                        their favorite "looks".

                        The contest went viral when users emailed,
                        Tweeted, blogged, and posted comments in
                        their own social graph to enlist votes. The
                        winner had over 16,000 votes.

King of Prussia Mall: Social Media Marketing

                        "What's Your Look?" Viral Contest

                        A multi-channel approach was used to promote
                        and support the contest. Marketing support
                        included: 100k direct mail pieces, in-mall
                        signage, 2 eStyle eNewsletter promos to a list
                        of 15,687 subscribers, new social media pages
                        (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) social
                        bookmarking/sharing tools, and a Daily Candy
                        dedicated email to 17,500 of its affluent

                        Goals: increase engagement with the brand,
                        introduce social media to its customers, and
                        increase registrations to eStyle eNewsletter
                        and MyStyle (personal profiles on the website).

                        Results: 43% increase in website traffic, 52%
                        increase of new MyStyle profiles, 1,110%
                        increase of eStyle registrations, and significant
                        increase in word-of-mouth activities.

King of Prussia Mall: Social Media Marketing
18,000                                                                         180,000

16,000                                                                         160,000
                                                                                                           "What's Your Look?" Viral Contest
14,000                                                                         140,000

12,000                                                                         120,000
                                                                                                           A significant spike in website traffic in
10,000                                                                         100,000      WOM Mentions
                                                                                                           November 2008 to KOPstyle.com shows the
 8,000                                                                         80,000
                                                                                                           effect the contest had on word-of-mouth
 6,000                                                                         60,000
                                                                                                           mentions. Facebook alone had 1,445
 4,000                                                                         40,000
                                                                                                           mentions in November, a 42% increase over
 2,000                                                                         20,000
                                                                                                           the rest of the year. Google found
      0                                                                         0
                                                                                                           approximately 4,404 instances of blog entries,
     Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar- Apr-08 May- Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-
                    08          08                 08
                                                         Sep- Oct-08 Nov-
                                                          08          08
                                                                                                           forums posts, photo and video sharing site
                                                                                                           entries, etc.
60                                                                                  1,600

                                                                                                           The top eight referring traffic sources shows a
                                                                                                           WOM pattern that complements the spike in

40                                                                                           Twitter       November web traffic:
                                                                                    1,000    YouTube
                                                                                             Blogger             -
30                                                                                  800
                                                                                    600      Word Press
20                                                                                           Facebook


 0                                                                                  0
     Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun-         Jul-   Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec-
      08   08   08   08   08   08           08     08   08   08   08   08

Ritas Italian Ice: Social Media Product Launch

Ritas Ice Mystery Flavor Product
Launch & Online Contest

Ritas gives free ice on the first day of
Spring every year. In 2008, they were
interested in taking advantage of their
huge fan base. The Mystery Flavor
contest was created to support and
promote a multichannel launch of a
new flavor of "ice whereby fans could
submit a name for the new flavor for a
chance to win. Buzz was generated by
multiple pre-launch posts on Facebook
& Twitter. Fans could share, rate, &
vote for their favorite name. The buzz
that resulted accounted for 30,092
total names submitted and
1,989,606 total votes in three weeks.

Ritas Italian Ice: Social Media Product Launch

Ritas Ice Mystery Flavor
Product Launch & Online

The contest was a viral
success. It was listed in Twitter
Trends, top 100 "buzzworthy"
topics for the day, within the
first three days of launch.

Steven Colbert petitioned his
fan base on his blog, Colbert
Nation, to have one of the
many "Colbertized" names win.
It resulted in multiple posts in
the blogosphere. Sorry to say
for Colbert, "Colbertberry"
didn't win but it was a top 10
finalist in the contest.

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Social Media Case Studies

  • 1. King of Prussia Mall: Multi-channel Marketing Services Market Research Business Analysis Merchandise Analysis Merchandise & Style Consulting Circulation Planning Brand Development Integrated Multi-channel Programs and Campaigns Event Marketing Programs Contest & Sweepstake Programs With the largest collection of high-end retail stores on the East Multichannel Campaign Development Coast, as well as an all-encompassing variety of dining options, Strategic Creative Development King of Prussia Mall is a destination for close-in shoppers and Online Marketing Strategy Interactive Design & Implementation travelers alike. The center attracts over 20MM customers a year Social Media Strategy & Planning from as far away as Europe and Asia. Design & Production Copywriting Photography & Photo Production For over 20 years, Lor辿l Marketing Group has been the agency of Talent Sourcing record for this world-renowned destination. During this time, we Prepress & Print Production Mail Management have employed many different advertising techniques to reach a multi-tiered marketplace encompassing kids, teens, trend- Deliverables Catalogs / Magalogs seekers, fashionistas and tourists. From outdoor to direct, print to Posters / In-mall signage broadcast, PR to digital, Lor辿l has created attention-grabbing and TV & Radio Production successful multi-channel marketing campaigns. Online Video Outdoor Email Programs Websites & Microsites Rich Internet Applications Search Marketing Banner Ads 1
  • 2. King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing A Digital Shift With Brand Ambassador, Stylist Tracy Taylor Based on the successes in 2008, we shifted the marketing strategy in 2009 from primarily offline to online focused to meet the growing needs of shoppers and increased demand for social tools. To accomplish this goal, we enlisted a Brand Ambassador, Stylist Tracy Taylor. We focused on quality content and engagement through a fully redesigned website with fashion-focused articles and videos to highlight stores and products that will drive shoppers to the mall. "Hot Deals" and social shopping tools were placed in prominent areas on the website to further feature the stores and products available. The Trip Planner provides shoppers with an easy to use personalized itinerary tool that plans, maps, and pre- selects products before shoppers go to the mall. Today, KOP customers are enjoying a product rich online experience. 2
  • 3. King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing Each of the 400 plus stores are represented by a "Store Detail" page, which provides a description and location of the store, as well as promotes individual products. The "Product Detail" page features products from the stores that were highlighted in the articles, videos, and promotions throughout the website and other promotions. Shoppers are encouraged to save and share their favorite stores, brands, and products. www.kingofprussiamall.com 3
  • 4. King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing Social Shopping Tools Shoppers can submit their "Looks", favorite products, and "Hot Deals". Quick poll questions allow for behavioral and preferential targeting as well as allows us to understand what our shoppers want. Engaging Mobile Messages From Tracy "Get Tracy's Tips, Trends, & Deals. Pick, rate, & share your favs." 4
  • 5. King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing Social Shopping Tools Shoppers can save their favorite products, stores, brands, videos, articles, etc. to their personal profile and share it with friends using MyStyle. "Add A Comment" links are on almost every piece of content on the website. Social sharing and book- marking icons are prominently placed on every page. Fan pages were created and linked to on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. 5
  • 6. King of Prussia Mall: Brand Marketing Social Networking Pages The Brand Ambassador campaign along with the re-launch of the website and social networking pages proved to be a great success. We enlisted 11,218 fans on the KOP Facebook page within the first two weeks after launch. To date there are 57,350 Likes on KOP KOP Facebook and 1,800 YouTube Twitter Channel Page Twitter followers as well as 69 Lists. KOP Facebook Page 6
  • 7. King of Prussia Mall: PR CBS 3: 3 On Your Side, Save Money Using Facebook and Twitter The media is a frequent visitor to King of Prussia Mall. In a clip with CBS 3 Consumer Reporter, Jim Donavon, reports on how organizations, such as the King of Prussia Mall, use social media channels to promote information such as sales and events to their fans. Other companies featured in the piece include South West Airlines, Sephora and Nordstrom! The highlight of the shift was the complete collaboration between client, ad agency, and PR agency. 7
  • 8. King of Prussia Mall: Social Media Marketing "What's Your Look?" Viral Contest The six week long contest was created to promote King of Prussia Mall's 2008 fall fashion season in a different way and introduce social media as part of the marketing mix. Two hundred and fifty thousand shoppers were asked to upload a photo of their best- accessorized Fall/Winter outfit purchased from retailers at the mall to a microsite, KOPstyle.com. "Looks" were separated by category: Men's, Women's and Children's. Visitors to the site then rated, voted, shared, and commented on their favorite "looks". The contest went viral when users emailed, Tweeted, blogged, and posted comments in their own social graph to enlist votes. The winner had over 16,000 votes. 8
  • 9. King of Prussia Mall: Social Media Marketing "What's Your Look?" Viral Contest A multi-channel approach was used to promote and support the contest. Marketing support included: 100k direct mail pieces, in-mall signage, 2 eStyle eNewsletter promos to a list of 15,687 subscribers, new social media pages (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) social bookmarking/sharing tools, and a Daily Candy dedicated email to 17,500 of its affluent subscribers. Goals: increase engagement with the brand, introduce social media to its customers, and increase registrations to eStyle eNewsletter and MyStyle (personal profiles on the website). Results: 43% increase in website traffic, 52% increase of new MyStyle profiles, 1,110% increase of eStyle registrations, and significant increase in word-of-mouth activities. 9
  • 10. King of Prussia Mall: Social Media Marketing 18,000 180,000 16,000 160,000 "What's Your Look?" Viral Contest 14,000 140,000 12,000 120,000 A significant spike in website traffic in 10,000 100,000 WOM Mentions November 2008 to KOPstyle.com shows the 8,000 80,000 KOPStyle.com KOPMall.com effect the contest had on word-of-mouth 6,000 60,000 mentions. Facebook alone had 1,445 4,000 40,000 mentions in November, a 42% increase over 2,000 20,000 the rest of the year. Google found 0 0 approximately 4,404 instances of blog entries, Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar- Apr-08 May- Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug- 08 08 08 Sep- Oct-08 Nov- 08 08 Dec- 08 forums posts, photo and video sharing site entries, etc. 60 1,600 1,400 The top eight referring traffic sources shows a 50 WOM pattern that complements the spike in 1,200 40 Twitter November web traffic: 1,000 YouTube Blogger - Technorati 30 800 Truveo FlickR 600 Word Press 20 Facebook 400 10 200 0 0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 10
  • 11. Ritas Italian Ice: Social Media Product Launch Ritas Ice Mystery Flavor Product Launch & Online Contest Ritas gives free ice on the first day of Spring every year. In 2008, they were interested in taking advantage of their huge fan base. The Mystery Flavor contest was created to support and promote a multichannel launch of a new flavor of "ice whereby fans could submit a name for the new flavor for a chance to win. Buzz was generated by multiple pre-launch posts on Facebook & Twitter. Fans could share, rate, & vote for their favorite name. The buzz that resulted accounted for 30,092 total names submitted and 1,989,606 total votes in three weeks. 11
  • 12. Ritas Italian Ice: Social Media Product Launch Ritas Ice Mystery Flavor Product Launch & Online Contest The contest was a viral success. It was listed in Twitter Trends, top 100 "buzzworthy" topics for the day, within the first three days of launch. Steven Colbert petitioned his fan base on his blog, Colbert Nation, to have one of the many "Colbertized" names win. It resulted in multiple posts in the blogosphere. Sorry to say for Colbert, "Colbertberry" didn't win but it was a top 10 finalist in the contest. 12