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 of success is
showing up.
    Woody Allen
There are no
accidents in life.
 Master Oogway (from the movie Kung Fu Panda)
                                                     Jay Jaboneta
                     Fire Starter, Philippine Funds for Little Kids
"If you think you're too
small to have an impact, try
    going to bed with a
  mosquito in the room."
    - Anita Roddick, Founder of Body Shop
Social Media for Social Change (Tarlac Youth Summit)
ONE goal:

Build a boat.
1 yellow boat

                200 school bags with school supplies

                       1 medical and dental mission
In 5 months
              1 organization devoted to Layag-Layag
In 10 months
              Zamboanga                                    Masbate
   2 yellow boats (motorized; can            25 yellow boats (1 motorized)
    accommodate 20 kids per ride)
                                              1 makeshift classroom (4 rooms)
   400 school bags with school supplies
                                              300 school bags with school supplies
   3 medical and dental missions
                                              1 medical and dental mission
   1 plastic bottle light bulbs project
                                              1 book donation
   2 book donations
                                              1 organization devoted to Masbate
   1 organization devoted to Zamboanga
                                              1 600-meter water pipe
   12 college scholars
Social Media for Social Change (Tarlac Youth Summit)
Lessons Learned
The great little thing a little
                                                        lamp can do which the big
                                                       sun cannot do is give light at
                                                         night. It shows no one is
                                                          superior by size but by
                                                         purpose. If we cannot do
                                                          great things, we can do
                                                        small things in a great way.
                                                         Little things make a BIG
                                                            difference to God.
Pretend that every
     single person you
      meet has a sign
  around his or her neck
    that says, Make me
    feel important. Not
  only will you succeed
   in sales, you will also
     succeed in life. 
       Mary Kay Ash
Only passion will
 get you through the
tough times Its the
  romance, not the
 finance that makes
    business worth
 pursuing.  Randy
There is a difference between
  interest and commitment. When
     you are interested in doing
something, you do it only when it is
      convenient. When you are
    committed to something, you
 accept no excuses, only results. 
         Kenneth Blanchard
Life is like a
       football game. We
        are the football.
        Never mind the
         kicks of some
        people because
      without those kicks,
       we may not reach
           the goal.
Two fishermen got trapped in a storm
in the middle of the lake. One turned to
          the other and asked:

  Should we pray or should
          we row?
His wise companion replied: Lets do

May we always equip our work with
prayers and our prayers with work
The next time you admire all the
 wonderful things God made.

Remember that YOU are one of
A candle
doesnt lose
anything by
Make your influence 永或皆鴛意鴛閣掘.
Social Media for Social Change (Tarlac Youth Summit)
A personal request:

1)   Invite us to share our story to other
     organizations and help us spread our story
2)   Support our dream to help all kids who
     swim to school in 12 months (learn more at
3)   Buy a copy of Readers Digests October 2011

Like us on
Thank You!
     If you want this presentation

                   Email: jayjaboneta@gmail.com
                  Website: www.jayjaboneta.com
                 Twitter: twitter.com/jayjaboneta
 Facebook: www.facebook.com/jay.michael.jaboneta

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Social Media for Social Change (Tarlac Youth Summit)

  • 1. 80% of success is showing up. Woody Allen
  • 2. There are no accidents in life. Master Oogway (from the movie Kung Fu Panda)
  • 3. THE YELLOW BOAT PROJECT http://yellowboat.tumblr.com Jay Jaboneta Fire Starter, Philippine Funds for Little Kids
  • 4. "If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room." - Anita Roddick, Founder of Body Shop
  • 7. 1 yellow boat 200 school bags with school supplies 1 medical and dental mission In 5 months 1 organization devoted to Layag-Layag
  • 8. In 10 months Zamboanga Masbate 2 yellow boats (motorized; can 25 yellow boats (1 motorized) accommodate 20 kids per ride) 1 makeshift classroom (4 rooms) 400 school bags with school supplies 300 school bags with school supplies 3 medical and dental missions 1 medical and dental mission 1 plastic bottle light bulbs project 1 book donation 2 book donations 1 organization devoted to Masbate 1 organization devoted to Zamboanga 1 600-meter water pipe 12 college scholars
  • 11. The great little thing a little lamp can do which the big sun cannot do is give light at night. It shows no one is superior by size but by purpose. If we cannot do great things, we can do small things in a great way. Little things make a BIG difference to God. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jealouskids/2376102166/
  • 12. Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, Make me feel important. Not only will you succeed in sales, you will also succeed in life. Mary Kay Ash http://www.zazzle.com/im_css_important_tshirt-235667955533180969
  • 13. Only passion will get you through the tough times Its the romance, not the finance that makes business worth pursuing. Randy Komisar
  • 14. There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it is convenient. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. Kenneth Blanchard
  • 15. Life is like a football game. We are the football. Never mind the kicks of some people because without those kicks, we may not reach the goal. http://www.sports-online.biz/
  • 16. Two fishermen got trapped in a storm in the middle of the lake. One turned to the other and asked: Should we pray or should we row?
  • 17. His wise companion replied: Lets do both! May we always equip our work with prayers and our prayers with work
  • 18. The next time you admire all the wonderful things God made. Remember that YOU are one of them!
  • 19. A candle doesnt lose anything by lighting another candle.
  • 20. Make your influence 永或皆鴛意鴛閣掘.
  • 22. A personal request: 1) Invite us to share our story to other organizations and help us spread our story 2) Support our dream to help all kids who swim to school in 12 months (learn more at http://yellowboat.tumblr.com) 3) Buy a copy of Readers Digests October 2011 issue Like us on http://www.facebook.com/philippine.funds
  • 23. Thank You! If you want this presentation Email: jayjaboneta@gmail.com Website: www.jayjaboneta.com Twitter: twitter.com/jayjaboneta Facebook: www.facebook.com/jay.michael.jaboneta