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Social Media Training
Presented by Tyler Bradley
Rensselaer Union
6/27/2016 2
 Governing Bodies
 Guidelines & Blunders
 Goals and Ideas
6/27/2016 2015 PowerPoint Template Guidelines 3
Social media is the ultimate
equalizer. It gives a voice and a
platform to anyone willing to engage.
-Amy Jo Martin, CEO of Digital Royalty
6/27/2016 4
This guide was created with information from
communication guidelines from Colorado State
university, Princeton University, University of
Houston, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and
University of Kentucky.
Parts of this presentation have been adapted
from Paul Gordon Browns #ACPA16
Presentation: Digitized Student Development,
Social Media, and Identity and Josie
Ahlquistss Student Development Theory
6/27/2016 5
Why Social Media
 98% of adults ages 18-29 are on the Internet
 89% of adults ages 18-29 use social media
 67% access it on mobile devices
 Students may spend more time on SM than
university portals/email accounts (Heiberger &
Harper, 2007)
 Supports Malgodas Theory of Self-Authorship
 External influences of parents/peers
 Students make conscious choices about SM usage, how it
fits into life, desires, outlook, goals
 Requires constant renegotiation as person changes
6/27/2016 6
Why Social Media
 Chickerings Seven Vectors
 Wang, Techneve, and Salloway found social media use
follows this (2012)
 Aids in development, success, and identity exploration
meeting emotional, cognitive, social, and habitual needs
 Astins I-E-O model (Input-Environment-
 Highest users of Facebook felt most connected to
their unviersity (Ellison, 2007).
 Students posting events, pictures, and comments
of institution prompted others to show same level
of activity (Junco, 2011)
6/27/2016 7
Take out your
Open a social
media app.
Go to your
6/27/2016 8
What do you use
this app for?
What types of
content do you
What types of
content do you
6/27/2016 9
What types of
relationships do
you have on this
Do you know all
of these
How do you know
6/27/2016 10
How important is
this site to you?
If access to it was
taken away, what
would you miss,
if anything?
6/27/2016 11
Source: @HootSuite, Twitter
Digital Student Development
6/27/2016 12
 Current students
 Prospective students
 Community Members
6/27/2016 13
Governing Bodies:
 Social media terms of agreement
 Federal Legislation
 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
 Health Insurance and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
 All employees should refrain from contacting prospective student-
athletes prior to signing a National Letter of Intent. Always check
with the Department of Athletics compliance officials before
posting anything that may violate these rules.
 University policies and procedures
 Faculty and Staff: HR Policy Guidelines Policy 800.8  Social
 Students: Policy on Electronic Citizenship included in
the Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights & Responsibilities
6/27/2016 14
 Think of those with accommodation needs
 Text-to-audio software
 Audio accompanied by text
6/27/2016 15
General Guidelines
 Think twice about all content
 Double check spelling, accuracy, grammar
 Can it potentially malign or polarize any
person or group?
 Display good sportsmanship; do not malign your
 Inappropriate, offensive, injurious and illegal
content may be removed by RPI employees
identified as account administrators
6/27/2016 16
General Guidelines
 Do not publish knowingly false or misleading
 Post original content
 Always include citations for direct or paraphrased
quotes, thoughts, ideas, photos, or videos
 Include links as necessary
 Do not be the first to announce University or
departmental news on a social media site
unless preapproved
6/27/2016 17
Digital Reputation
6/27/2016 18
Digital Reputation
6/27/2016 19
Digital Reputation
6/27/2016 20
I cried out my body weight in the first
24 hours, she told me. It was
incredibly traumatic. You dont sleep.
You wake up in the middle of the night
forgetting where you are. She
released an apology statement and cut
short her vacation. Workers were
threatening to strike at the hotels she
had booked if she showed up. She
was told no one could guarantee her
Ronson, J. (2015). How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Saccos
Life. New York Times
Digital Reputation
6/27/2016 21
Alicia Ann Lynch, 22, who posted a photo
of herself in her Halloween costume on
Twitter. Lynch wore a running outfit and
had smeared her face, arms and legs with
fake blood. After an actual victim of the
Boston Marathon bombing tweeted at her,
Lynch was reportedly let go from her job as
Ronson, J. (2015). How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Saccos
Life. New York Times
Digital Reputation
6/27/2016 22
General Guidelines
 RPI employees are expected to adhere to same
standards of conduct online as they would in the
workplace. Laws and policies respecting workplace
conduct, contracting and conflict of interest, as well
as applicable policies and guidelines for interacting
with students, parents, alumni, donors, media and
all other University constituents apply online and in
the social media context just as they do in personal
interactions. Employees are fully responsible for
what they post to social media sites.
6/27/2016 23
General Guidelines
 Post only content that is not threatening,
obscene, a violation of copyright or other
intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or
otherwise injurious or illegal.
 Representation of your personal opinions as
being endorsed by the Institute or any of its
organizations is strictly prohibited. RPIs
name or marks may not be used to endorse
any opinion, product, private business,
cause, or political candidate.
6/27/2016 24
General Guidelines
 Right to delete user comments
 Policy located on the page
 Delete only comments breaking criteria
 Do not take or share photos or video of children under 18
without written consent by a parent or guardian.
 Always ask to take individual or small group photos or videos
of students.
 Announce who you are and what its for.
 Correct mistakes
 If not immediate, or has garnered attention from others, make
clear that youve made a correction
 Follow best security practices
 Do not let a friend, peer, etc. who does not have permission from
administrative account managers on the account
6/27/2016 25
6/27/2016 26
 Social media accounts should promote
interaction and conversation with and
between their followers
 Account managers are encouraged to
interact with other official RPI social media
accounts through tagging, mentions, shares,
comments and retweets.
6/27/2016 27
 Creates a visual alternative to text-heavy
 Ask questions (engagement)
 Tag other accounts as appropriate
 Listening carefully during speeches and
discussions for postable sound bites,
statistics, quotes, etc.
 Reserving a seat that will enable you to take
photos of speakers and clearly hear
speeches and panel discussions
6/27/2016 28
 Show a different point of view
 Look back on history
 Show off the campus
 Show off students
 Show off alumni/ae
 Have fun
 Challenge your followers
 Share a quotation
 Celebrate special days
 Focus on the details
 Capture an extraordinary moment
 Share a teaser
Instagram: @dartmouthcollege
Instagram: @tntechuniversity
6/27/2016 29
 Use grid feature and the Rule of
 Rear-facing camera (the one on the
back of your phone) has higher
 Use Layout (by Instagram) for
multiple photos in one
 Use Over for adding text into the
 Use Hyperlapse (by Instagram) for
time lapses
Instagram: @udmces
6/27/2016 30
6/27/2016 31
 Stories are compilations of Snaps that
create a narrative.
 Stories honor the true nature of storytelling
Snaps appear in chronological order with a
beginning, middle and end.
 We Speak Survey
 Do it in the Dark
 Campus Story: Utah State Campus Story
 Campus Story: Vikings Fan and Memorial-Library Girl
6/27/2016 32
Twitter & Hashtags
 Including it in every social media post advertising
the event, especially on Twitter
 Including it on the official event website
 Including it in the cover photo for your Twitter and
Facebook pages
 Featured on every piece of literature about the event
such as flyers advertising the event, brochures and
handouts you will distribute during the event, etc.
 Unique, but something a college student would
naturally use
6/27/2016 33
Twitter & Hashtags
 Announcing the official hashtag during opening remarks and
encouraging speakers and attendees to start a dialogue
 Tweeting often, at least every 10-15 minutes
 Using the official hashtag in every live tweet, which often
involves shortening and editing quotes to meet character limit
 Giving your followers a breakdown of the event: Who is
currently speaking? What are they saying? Whats next on the
 Listening carefully during speeches and discussions for
tweetable sound bites, statistics, quotes, etc.
6/27/2016 34
Twitter & Hashtags
 Scheduling tweets via Hootsuite to post during your
live-tweet, e.g. tweets announcing the start of a
keynote speech or panel discussion according to the
event schedule
 Reserving a seat that will enable you to take photos
of speakers and clearly hear speeches and panel
6/27/2016 35
Twitter & Hashtags
 Retweeting others who are attending the
event and using the hashtag, especially
speakers and key influencers
 Responding to tweetsespecially
questionsfrom your followers
 Creating tabs in Hootsuite or your browser to
monitor all hashtags affiliated with your event
6/27/2016 36
Words the Describe Rensselaer
 World changers
6/27/2016 37
Additional References
 Ellen, N., Steinfield, C. & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of
Facebook friends: social capital and the college students use
of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Medicated
Communication, 12, 1143-1168.
 Heiberger, G. & Harper, R. (2008). Have you Facebooked Astin
lately? Using techonlogy to increase student involvement. New
Directions for Student Services, 124, 19-35.
 Junco, R. (2011). The relationship between frequency of
Facebook use, participation in Facebook activities and student
engagement. Computers & Education, 58, 162-171.
 Wang, Z. Tcherneve, J.M. & Solloway, T. (2012). A dynamic
longitudinal examination of social media use, needs, and
gratifications among college students. Computers in Human
Behavior, 28, 1829-1839.
6/27/2016 38
Its a dialogue, not a monologue, and some
people dont understand that. Social media is
more like a telephone than a television.
-Amy Jo Martin, CEO of Digital Royalty
Social Media Training 2016

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Social Media Training 2016

  • 1. Social Media Training Presented by Tyler Bradley Rensselaer Union
  • 2. 6/27/2016 2 Introduction Importance Audiences Governing Bodies Guidelines & Blunders Protips Snapchat Twitter Goals and Ideas
  • 3. 6/27/2016 2015 PowerPoint Template Guidelines 3 Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage. -Amy Jo Martin, CEO of Digital Royalty
  • 4. 6/27/2016 4 This guide was created with information from communication guidelines from Colorado State university, Princeton University, University of Houston, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and University of Kentucky. Parts of this presentation have been adapted from Paul Gordon Browns #ACPA16 Presentation: Digitized Student Development, Social Media, and Identity and Josie Ahlquistss Student Development Theory Remix
  • 5. 6/27/2016 5 Why Social Media 98% of adults ages 18-29 are on the Internet 89% of adults ages 18-29 use social media 67% access it on mobile devices Students may spend more time on SM than university portals/email accounts (Heiberger & Harper, 2007) Supports Malgodas Theory of Self-Authorship External influences of parents/peers Students make conscious choices about SM usage, how it fits into life, desires, outlook, goals Requires constant renegotiation as person changes
  • 6. 6/27/2016 6 Why Social Media Chickerings Seven Vectors Wang, Techneve, and Salloway found social media use follows this (2012) Aids in development, success, and identity exploration meeting emotional, cognitive, social, and habitual needs Astins I-E-O model (Input-Environment- Output) Highest users of Facebook felt most connected to their unviersity (Ellison, 2007). Students posting events, pictures, and comments of institution prompted others to show same level of activity (Junco, 2011)
  • 7. 6/27/2016 7 Take out your phones. Open a social media app. Go to your profile.
  • 8. 6/27/2016 8 What do you use this app for? What types of content do you post? What types of content do you consume?
  • 9. 6/27/2016 9 What types of relationships do you have on this site? Do you know all of these connections? How do you know them?
  • 10. 6/27/2016 10 How important is this site to you? If access to it was taken away, what would you miss, if anything?
  • 11. 6/27/2016 11 Source: @HootSuite, Twitter Digital Student Development
  • 12. 6/27/2016 12 Audiences: Current students Prospective students Alumni Parents Employees Community Members
  • 13. 6/27/2016 13 Governing Bodies: Social media terms of agreement Federal Legislation Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Health Insurance and Accountability Act (HIPAA) NCAA All employees should refrain from contacting prospective student- athletes prior to signing a National Letter of Intent. Always check with the Department of Athletics compliance officials before posting anything that may violate these rules. University policies and procedures Faculty and Staff: HR Policy Guidelines Policy 800.8 Social Media Students: Policy on Electronic Citizenship included in the Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights & Responsibilities
  • 14. 6/27/2016 14 Accessibility Think of those with accommodation needs Text-to-audio software Audio accompanied by text
  • 15. 6/27/2016 15 General Guidelines Think twice about all content Double check spelling, accuracy, grammar Can it potentially malign or polarize any person or group? Display good sportsmanship; do not malign your rivals. Inappropriate, offensive, injurious and illegal content may be removed by RPI employees identified as account administrators
  • 16. 6/27/2016 16 General Guidelines Do not publish knowingly false or misleading information Post original content Always include citations for direct or paraphrased quotes, thoughts, ideas, photos, or videos Include links as necessary Do not be the first to announce University or departmental news on a social media site unless preapproved
  • 20. 6/27/2016 20 I cried out my body weight in the first 24 hours, she told me. It was incredibly traumatic. You dont sleep. You wake up in the middle of the night forgetting where you are. She released an apology statement and cut short her vacation. Workers were threatening to strike at the hotels she had booked if she showed up. She was told no one could guarantee her safety. Ronson, J. (2015). How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Saccos Life. New York Times Digital Reputation
  • 21. 6/27/2016 21 Alicia Ann Lynch, 22, who posted a photo of herself in her Halloween costume on Twitter. Lynch wore a running outfit and had smeared her face, arms and legs with fake blood. After an actual victim of the Boston Marathon bombing tweeted at her, Lynch was reportedly let go from her job as well. Ronson, J. (2015). How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Saccos Life. New York Times Digital Reputation
  • 22. 6/27/2016 22 General Guidelines RPI employees are expected to adhere to same standards of conduct online as they would in the workplace. Laws and policies respecting workplace conduct, contracting and conflict of interest, as well as applicable policies and guidelines for interacting with students, parents, alumni, donors, media and all other University constituents apply online and in the social media context just as they do in personal interactions. Employees are fully responsible for what they post to social media sites.
  • 23. 6/27/2016 23 General Guidelines Post only content that is not threatening, obscene, a violation of copyright or other intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal. Representation of your personal opinions as being endorsed by the Institute or any of its organizations is strictly prohibited. RPIs name or marks may not be used to endorse any opinion, product, private business, cause, or political candidate.
  • 24. 6/27/2016 24 General Guidelines Right to delete user comments Policy located on the page Delete only comments breaking criteria Do not take or share photos or video of children under 18 without written consent by a parent or guardian. Always ask to take individual or small group photos or videos of students. Announce who you are and what its for. Correct mistakes If not immediate, or has garnered attention from others, make clear that youve made a correction Follow best security practices Do not let a friend, peer, etc. who does not have permission from administrative account managers on the account
  • 26. 6/27/2016 26 Goals Social media accounts should promote interaction and conversation with and between their followers Account managers are encouraged to interact with other official RPI social media accounts through tagging, mentions, shares, comments and retweets.
  • 27. 6/27/2016 27 Instagram Creates a visual alternative to text-heavy sites Ask questions (engagement) Tag other accounts as appropriate Listening carefully during speeches and discussions for postable sound bites, statistics, quotes, etc. Reserving a seat that will enable you to take photos of speakers and clearly hear speeches and panel discussions
  • 28. 6/27/2016 28 Instagram Show a different point of view Look back on history Show off the campus Show off students Show off alumni/ae Have fun Challenge your followers Share a quotation Celebrate special days Focus on the details Capture an extraordinary moment Share a teaser Instagram: @dartmouthcollege Instagram: @tntechuniversity
  • 29. 6/27/2016 29 Instagram Use grid feature and the Rule of Thirds Rear-facing camera (the one on the back of your phone) has higher resolutions Use Layout (by Instagram) for multiple photos in one Use Over for adding text into the photo Use Hyperlapse (by Instagram) for time lapses Instagram:@blog.instagram.com/post/114416360 957/layout-from-instagram Instagram: @udmces
  • 31. 6/27/2016 31 Snapchat Stories are compilations of Snaps that create a narrative. Stories honor the true nature of storytelling Snaps appear in chronological order with a beginning, middle and end. Storyboard We Speak Survey Do it in the Dark Campus Story: Utah State Campus Story Campus Story: Vikings Fan and Memorial-Library Girl
  • 32. 6/27/2016 32 Twitter & Hashtags Including it in every social media post advertising the event, especially on Twitter Including it on the official event website Including it in the cover photo for your Twitter and Facebook pages Featured on every piece of literature about the event such as flyers advertising the event, brochures and handouts you will distribute during the event, etc. Unique, but something a college student would naturally use
  • 33. 6/27/2016 33 Twitter & Hashtags Announcing the official hashtag during opening remarks and encouraging speakers and attendees to start a dialogue Tweeting often, at least every 10-15 minutes Using the official hashtag in every live tweet, which often involves shortening and editing quotes to meet character limit Giving your followers a breakdown of the event: Who is currently speaking? What are they saying? Whats next on the schedule? Listening carefully during speeches and discussions for tweetable sound bites, statistics, quotes, etc.
  • 34. 6/27/2016 34 Twitter & Hashtags Scheduling tweets via Hootsuite to post during your live-tweet, e.g. tweets announcing the start of a keynote speech or panel discussion according to the event schedule Reserving a seat that will enable you to take photos of speakers and clearly hear speeches and panel discussions
  • 35. 6/27/2016 35 Twitter & Hashtags Retweeting others who are attending the event and using the hashtag, especially speakers and key influencers Responding to tweetsespecially questionsfrom your followers Creating tabs in Hootsuite or your browser to monitor all hashtags affiliated with your event
  • 36. 6/27/2016 36 Words the Describe Rensselaer Analytical Collaborative Confident Creative Discoverers Diverse Entrepreneurial Envisioning Idea-minded Impactful Innovative Intellectually Respected Risk-takers Strategic Strong Transformative World changers
  • 37. 6/27/2016 37 Additional References Ellen, N., Steinfield, C. & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook friends: social capital and the college students use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Medicated Communication, 12, 1143-1168. Heiberger, G. & Harper, R. (2008). Have you Facebooked Astin lately? Using techonlogy to increase student involvement. New Directions for Student Services, 124, 19-35. Junco, R. (2011). The relationship between frequency of Facebook use, participation in Facebook activities and student engagement. Computers & Education, 58, 162-171. Wang, Z. Tcherneve, J.M. & Solloway, T. (2012). A dynamic longitudinal examination of social media use, needs, and gratifications among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 1829-1839.
  • 38. 6/27/2016 38 Its a dialogue, not a monologue, and some people dont understand that. Social media is more like a telephone than a television. -Amy Jo Martin, CEO of Digital Royalty

Editor's Notes

  • #7: Note: Juncos research doesnt get in leadership position necessarily, but can get students engaged