This document discusses the transition from relational databases to NoSQL databases. It provides an overview of key-value databases like Tokyo Cabinet and how they provide high performance and scalability alternatives to SQL databases. It also describes how Tokyo Cabinet can be used with an ActiveRecord adapter to integrate NoSQL style databases into Rails applications, bridging the gap between SQL and NoSQL. Finally, it outlines a vision for further developing Tokyo Cabinet into a cloud database that can provide a unified interface to both SQL and NoSQL databases.
The Internet Archive is a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle to archive the internet and provide universal access to knowledge. It operates the Wayback Machine, which has archived over 150 billion web pages dating back to 1996. The Internet Archive collects and stores digital content including text, videos, audio, software and live concerts, totaling over 3 petabytes of data. However, its practice of archiving copyrighted material without permission has led to legal challenges around its status as a library and claims of copyright infringement.
The document summarizes the search market in Japan. It notes that Japan has a population of over 94 million people, with 73.4% using the internet and 75.3% shopping online totaling $35.85 billion annually. Mobile search is also significant, with 74 million users and 50% using search on their phones, totaling $1.3 billion in revenue. Social media is popular in Japan, with the three largest sites being Mixi, Gree, and MbgaTown, each having over 15 million users. The document provides statistics and information on various aspects of searching, ecommerce, and the digital landscape in Japan.
Oxido nitrico en la senesencia de las floresliliruizm
The document summarizes a study that evaluated the effects of nitric oxide generating compounds (sodium nitroprusside and N-tert-butyl-α-phenylnitrone) on flower senescence in cut racemes of four pink flowered lupinus hawardii genotypes. The compounds either promoted or inhibited senescence depending on concentration and genotype. Incorporating sucrose in the vase solution reduced senescence and promoted growth. Combining nitric oxide compounds and sucrose generally showed less senescence than nitric oxide alone. The effects of nitric oxide depend on concentration, genotype sensitivity, and presence of sucrose.
This document discusses three articles that explore using Google Earth as an educational tool. The first article presents Google Earth as a way to strengthen geography curriculum. The second article discusses using Google Earth to teach geography and history and encourages teachers to learn the program's technical functions. The third article encourages the use of Google Earth in math classes, especially for geometry, by analyzing real-world examples like the Pentagon.
Leveraging viral social network effects in your mobile application. An overview of all the integration points Facebook offers to native mobile app developers.
Customer loyalty is an investment that pays off for businesses through increased revenues and profits. While some customers are inherently loyal, others need to be won over through rewards programs and a focus on meeting expectations. Building loyalty in new and existing customers through rewards increases how much they spend and how often they visit. True customer loyalty provides long term value that cannot be measured simply by immediate costs.
Decompression sickness (DCS) results from changes in barometric pressure and the formation of gas bubbles during pressure changes. It can occur in divers ascending too rapidly from depth, astronauts during spacewalks, and caisson workers. DCS happens when inert gases like nitrogen absorbed in the body during pressurization are not fully released during recompression. Symptoms range from pain and tingling to paralysis and death depending on the location and severity of gas bubbles. Treatment includes administration of oxygen, recompression therapy, and transfer to a decompression facility.
The Internet Archive is a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle to archive the internet and provide universal access to knowledge. It operates the Wayback Machine, which has archived over 150 billion web pages dating back to 1996. The Internet Archive collects and stores digital content including text, videos, audio, software and live concerts, totaling over 3 petabytes of data. However, its practice of archiving copyrighted material without permission has led to legal challenges around its status as a library and claims of copyright infringement.
The document summarizes the search market in Japan. It notes that Japan has a population of over 94 million people, with 73.4% using the internet and 75.3% shopping online totaling $35.85 billion annually. Mobile search is also significant, with 74 million users and 50% using search on their phones, totaling $1.3 billion in revenue. Social media is popular in Japan, with the three largest sites being Mixi, Gree, and MbgaTown, each having over 15 million users. The document provides statistics and information on various aspects of searching, ecommerce, and the digital landscape in Japan.
Oxido nitrico en la senesencia de las floresliliruizm
The document summarizes a study that evaluated the effects of nitric oxide generating compounds (sodium nitroprusside and N-tert-butyl-α-phenylnitrone) on flower senescence in cut racemes of four pink flowered lupinus hawardii genotypes. The compounds either promoted or inhibited senescence depending on concentration and genotype. Incorporating sucrose in the vase solution reduced senescence and promoted growth. Combining nitric oxide compounds and sucrose generally showed less senescence than nitric oxide alone. The effects of nitric oxide depend on concentration, genotype sensitivity, and presence of sucrose.
This document discusses three articles that explore using Google Earth as an educational tool. The first article presents Google Earth as a way to strengthen geography curriculum. The second article discusses using Google Earth to teach geography and history and encourages teachers to learn the program's technical functions. The third article encourages the use of Google Earth in math classes, especially for geometry, by analyzing real-world examples like the Pentagon.
Leveraging viral social network effects in your mobile application. An overview of all the integration points Facebook offers to native mobile app developers.
Customer loyalty is an investment that pays off for businesses through increased revenues and profits. While some customers are inherently loyal, others need to be won over through rewards programs and a focus on meeting expectations. Building loyalty in new and existing customers through rewards increases how much they spend and how often they visit. True customer loyalty provides long term value that cannot be measured simply by immediate costs.
Decompression sickness (DCS) results from changes in barometric pressure and the formation of gas bubbles during pressure changes. It can occur in divers ascending too rapidly from depth, astronauts during spacewalks, and caisson workers. DCS happens when inert gases like nitrogen absorbed in the body during pressurization are not fully released during recompression. Symptoms range from pain and tingling to paralysis and death depending on the location and severity of gas bubbles. Treatment includes administration of oxygen, recompression therapy, and transfer to a decompression facility.