1. This document provides explanations for the AtCoder Regular Contest 038 programming problems in Japanese.
2. It describes the logic and pseudocode for solving a problem about determining if a knight piece on a chessboard will win or lose from its current position. Dynamic programming is used to store and lookup previously computed results.
3. It then provides sample test cases and outputs for the knight problem.
- The document contains code and explanations for solving optimization problems using dynamic programming, including calculating minimum costs using a 2D array to store results.
- It describes applying dynamic programming to problems involving finding minimum costs for tasks that can be split into subtasks, with the overall cost determined by combining subtask costs.
- The code provided shows initializing a 2D array and using nested for loops to iterate through values, calculate minimum costs based on previous results, and store them in the 2D array to build up an optimal solution.
1. This document provides explanations for the AtCoder Regular Contest 038 programming problems in Japanese.
2. It describes the logic and pseudocode for solving a problem about determining if a knight piece on a chessboard will win or lose from its current position. Dynamic programming is used to store and lookup previously computed results.
3. It then provides sample test cases and outputs for the knight problem.
- The document contains code and explanations for solving optimization problems using dynamic programming, including calculating minimum costs using a 2D array to store results.
- It describes applying dynamic programming to problems involving finding minimum costs for tasks that can be split into subtasks, with the overall cost determined by combining subtask costs.
- The code provided shows initializing a 2D array and using nested for loops to iterate through values, calculate minimum costs based on previous results, and store them in the 2D array to build up an optimal solution.
13. Lazy Propagation
Sogang ICPC Team 12
40 ll a[1000001], tree[1048576 * 2], lazy[1048576 * 2];
42 void _propagate(int x, int s, int e) {
43 if (!lazy[x]) return;
44 tree[x] += (e - s + 1) * lazy[x];
45 if (s != e) {
46 lazy[x * 2] += lazy[x];
47 lazy[x * 2 + 1] += lazy[x];
48 }
49 lazy[x] = 0;
50 }
lazy?? ???? ??? ??? ???
14. Lazy Propagation
Sogang ICPC Team 13
40 ll a[1000001], tree[1048576 * 2], lazy[1048576 * 2];
42 void _propagate(int x, int s, int e) {
43 if (!lazy[x]) return;
44 tree[x] += (e - s + 1) * lazy[x];
45 if (s != e) {
46 lazy[x * 2] += lazy[x];
47 lazy[x * 2 + 1] += lazy[x];
48 }
49 lazy[x] = 0;
50 }
?? x? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ???
15. Lazy Propagation
Sogang ICPC Team 14
52 ll _sum(int x, int s, int e, int l, int r) {
53 _propagate(x, s, e);
54 if (l > e || r < s) return 0;
55 if (l <= s && e <= r) return tree[x];
56 int m = (s + e) / 2;
57 return _sum(x * 2 , s, m, l, r) +
58 _sum(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, e, l, r);
59 }
? ??? ??? ? propagation? ? ?? ??
16. Lazy Propagation
Sogang ICPC Team 15
61 void _update(int x, int s, int e, int l, int r, ll dv) {
62 _propagate(x, s, e);
63 if (l > e || r < s) return;
64 if (l <= s && e <= r) {
65 tree[x] += (e - s + 1) * dv;
66 if (s != e) {
67 lazy[x * 2] += dv;
68 lazy[x * 2 + 1] += dv;
69 }
70 return;
71 }
72 int m = (s + e) / 2;
73 _update(x * 2 , s, m, l, r, dv);
74 _update(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, e, l, r, dv);
75 tree[x] = tree[x * 2] + tree[x * 2 + 1];
76 }
????? ?? propagation? ? ?? ??
17. Lazy Propagation
Sogang ICPC Team 16
61 void _update(int x, int s, int e, int l, int r, ll dv) {
62 _propagate(x, s, e);
63 if (l > e || r < s) return;
64 if (l <= s && e <= r) {
65 tree[x] += (e - s + 1) * dv;
66 if (s != e) {
67 lazy[x * 2] += dv;
68 lazy[x * 2 + 1] += dv;
69 }
70 return;
71 }
72 int m = (s + e) / 2;
73 _update(x * 2 , s, m, l, r, dv);
74 _update(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, e, l, r, dv);
75 tree[x] = tree[x * 2] + tree[x * 2 + 1];
76 }
?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?? lazy?
?????? ???
27. JuQueen #
Sogang ICPC Team 26
40 struct mii {
41 ll mn, mx;
42 };
44 mii tree[8388608 * 2];
45 int lazy[8388608 * 2];
47 int inf = 987654321;
48 int c, n, o;
source code
first, second? ????? struct? ?? ???. ??? ??? ?? ???, , ,
28. JuQueen #
Sogang ICPC Team 27
50 void _propagate(int x, int s, int e) {
51 if (!lazy[x]) return;
52 tree[x].mn += lazy[x];
53 tree[x].mx += lazy[x];
54 if (s != e) {
55 lazy[x * 2] += lazy[x];
56 lazy[x * 2 + 1] += lazy[x];
57 }
58 lazy[x] = 0;
59 }
source code
Propagation C ???? ??? ??? ?? ??
29. JuQueen #
Sogang ICPC Team 28
61 ll _minimum(int x, int s, int e, int l, int r) {
62 _propagate(x, s, e);
63 if (l > e || r < s) return inf;
64 if (l <= s && e <= r) return tree[x].mn;
65 int m = (s + e) / 2;
66 return min(_minimum(x * 2, s, m, l, r),
67 _minimum(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, e, l, r));
68 }
source code
?? ??? ??? ????? propagation? ?? ??
30. JuQueen #
Sogang ICPC Team 29
70 ll _maximum(int x, int s, int e, int l, int r) {
71 _propagate(x, s, e);
72 if (l > e || r < s) return 0;
73 if (l <= s && e <= r) return tree[x].mx;
74 int m = (s + e) / 2;
75 return max(_maximum(x * 2, s, m, l, r),
76 _maximum(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, e, l, r));
77 }
source code
???? ???? ???? ??? ??
31. JuQueen #
Sogang ICPC Team 30
79 void _update(int x, int s, int e, int l, int r, ll dv) {
80 _propagate(x, s, e);
81 if (l > e || r < s) return;
82 if (l <= s && e <= r) {
83 tree[x].mn += dv;
84 tree[x].mx += dv;
85 if (s != e) {
86 lazy[x * 2] += dv;
87 lazy[x * 2 + 1] += dv;
88 }
89 return;
90 }
91 int m = (s + e) / 2;
92 _update(x * 2 , s, m, l, r, dv);
93 _update(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, e, l, r, dv);
94 tree[x].mn = min(tree[x * 2].mn, tree[x * 2 + 1].mn);
95 tree[x].mx = max(tree[x * 2].mx, tree[x * 2 + 1].mx);
96 }
source code