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Solomon Asch - Conformity
Imagine that you are in a math class and the instructor
asked the following question:
what is the correct answer of 1-0= ?
The 鍖rst answer will come up to you mind is one. Right!!
But what if all your classmates answered 0 !!
Are you going to change your answer even if it is
obvious to you that their answer is not correct in order to
match the majority !
 It means changing your behaviour or opinion in order
to match with the majority of the group you belong to.
People get along with the group behaviours and
opinions to avoid being different and abnormal.
Solomon Eliot油Asch
Solomon Eliot油Asch is a polish psychologist. He is
majoring in social psychology. He has made several
studies in order to how social pressure affects the persons
 Asch has made an experiment in order to study
conformity. The study called conformity experiment.
 The purpose of the study:
Analyzing how the social pressure affects the conformity
of a person.
 Asch concurred with seven confederates that he will show to them two
cards. The right cards include three vertical lines and the left one
include only one line. And then he will asked them which one of the
right vertical lines has the same length with the one in the left. Asch
agreed with the seven participants about the responses that they should
answer. Asch chose eighth person to be his subject in this experiment.
Procedure of the experiment:
 The subject did not know
about this agreement and
he though that all the
confederates are real
Procedure of the experiment:
 The confederates were setting in organized and planned way that
allowed them to answer before the real participant (subject).
 Each student was asked to match the length of the line in the left
cards to same line in the right card.
 The confederates were given speci鍖c instructions on how to
respond to each trail.
 There were eighteen trails , the confederates answered some of
them correctly and the other incorrectly in order to in鍖uence the
The two major
motives in conformity
1.Normative in鍖uence:
The tendency to conform in order to
gain social acceptance
2.Informational in鍖uence:
The desire to obtain useful information
through conformity and achieve a correct
or appropriate result.
Factors Affecting Conformity
situational factors
1. Group size:
Asch found that group size in鍖uenced whether
subjects conformed. The bigger the majority group the
more people conformed
Factors Affecting Conformity
2. Dif鍖culty of tasks:
When we are uncertain, it seems we look to others for
con鍖rmation. The more dif鍖cult the task the greater the
Factors Affecting Conformity
3. Answer in Private:
This is because there is less groups pressure and
normative in鍖uence is not as powerful, as there is no fear
of rejection from the group.
Factors Affecting Conformity
4. Lack of Group Unanimity:
The absence of group unanimity lowers overall
conformity as participant feel less need for social
approval of the group.
Asch tested 123 different young men from three
different institutions of higher learning (Asch, 1955)
 Alone participants and no pressure group made
mistakes less than 1% .
 Group situation participants made errors 36.8%.
 25% of the sample consistently de鍖ed majority opinion.
 75% of participants gave at least one incorrect answer
out of the 12 critical trials.
 Only 5% of participants were always agree by the
 Group revealed that one-third of all responses were
 The incorrect responses often matched the incorrect
response of the majority group.
Suggestions after this experience:
 Always listen to yourself before listening to others, even
if youre wrong, so you can learn from your mistakes.
 Be con鍖dent of your opinion, and stick to your
 Never compare your answers and opinions to others
when you know its right.
 Never trust people too much, no one is always right.
 Even if youre the only one is having a different opinion
stick to it.
 Asch's Conformity Study. Retrieved April 26, 2016, from http://
 Discuss factors in鍖uencing conformity. (2012). Retrieved April 26, 2016, from
https://iseibpsychology2012.wikispaces.com/Discuss factors in鍖uencing
 Boundless (2016). Boundless Psychology. Retrieved from https://
Ghadah Alshubaily
Maha Almogbel
Raneem Aldowyan
Hessah Alhamdan
Waad Algalay
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Solomon asch conformity experiment part 1

  • 1. Solomon Asch - Conformity Experiment
  • 2. Introduction Imagine that you are in a math class and the instructor asked the following question: what is the correct answer of 1-0= ? The 鍖rst answer will come up to you mind is one. Right!! But what if all your classmates answered 0 !! Are you going to change your answer even if it is obvious to you that their answer is not correct in order to match the majority !
  • 3. Conformity: It means changing your behaviour or opinion in order to match with the majority of the group you belong to. People get along with the group behaviours and opinions to avoid being different and abnormal.
  • 4. Solomon Eliot油Asch Solomon Eliot油Asch is a polish psychologist. He is majoring in social psychology. He has made several studies in order to how social pressure affects the persons conformity.
  • 5. Asch has made an experiment in order to study conformity. The study called conformity experiment. The purpose of the study: Analyzing how the social pressure affects the conformity of a person.
  • 6. Asch concurred with seven confederates that he will show to them two cards. The right cards include three vertical lines and the left one include only one line. And then he will asked them which one of the right vertical lines has the same length with the one in the left. Asch agreed with the seven participants about the responses that they should answer. Asch chose eighth person to be his subject in this experiment. Procedure of the experiment: The subject did not know about this agreement and he though that all the confederates are real participants.
  • 7. Procedure of the experiment: The confederates were setting in organized and planned way that allowed them to answer before the real participant (subject). Each student was asked to match the length of the line in the left cards to same line in the right card. The confederates were given speci鍖c instructions on how to respond to each trail. There were eighteen trails , the confederates answered some of them correctly and the other incorrectly in order to in鍖uence the subject.
  • 8. The two major motives in conformity 1.Normative in鍖uence: The tendency to conform in order to gain social acceptance 2.Informational in鍖uence: The desire to obtain useful information through conformity and achieve a correct or appropriate result.
  • 9. Factors Affecting Conformity situational factors 1. Group size: Asch found that group size in鍖uenced whether subjects conformed. The bigger the majority group the more people conformed
  • 10. Factors Affecting Conformity 2. Dif鍖culty of tasks: When we are uncertain, it seems we look to others for con鍖rmation. The more dif鍖cult the task the greater the conformity.
  • 11. Factors Affecting Conformity 3. Answer in Private: This is because there is less groups pressure and normative in鍖uence is not as powerful, as there is no fear of rejection from the group.
  • 12. Factors Affecting Conformity 4. Lack of Group Unanimity: The absence of group unanimity lowers overall conformity as participant feel less need for social approval of the group.
  • 13. Results Asch tested 123 different young men from three different institutions of higher learning (Asch, 1955) Alone participants and no pressure group made mistakes less than 1% . Group situation participants made errors 36.8%. 25% of the sample consistently de鍖ed majority opinion.
  • 14. Results 75% of participants gave at least one incorrect answer out of the 12 critical trials. Only 5% of participants were always agree by the crowd. Group revealed that one-third of all responses were incorrect. The incorrect responses often matched the incorrect response of the majority group.
  • 15. Suggestions after this experience: Always listen to yourself before listening to others, even if youre wrong, so you can learn from your mistakes. Be con鍖dent of your opinion, and stick to your knowledge. Never compare your answers and opinions to others when you know its right.
  • 16. Suggestions Never trust people too much, no one is always right. Even if youre the only one is having a different opinion stick to it.
  • 17. References Asch's Conformity Study. Retrieved April 26, 2016, from http:// www.psychwiki.com/wiki/Asch's_Conformity_Study Discuss factors in鍖uencing conformity. (2012). Retrieved April 26, 2016, from https://iseibpsychology2012.wikispaces.com/Discuss factors in鍖uencing conformity. Boundless (2016). Boundless Psychology. Retrieved from https:// www.boundless.com/psychology/textbooks/boundless-psychology-textbook/ social-psychology-20/social-in鍖uence-104/conformity-394-12929/
  • 18. Ghadah Alshubaily Maha Almogbel Raneem Aldowyan Hessah Alhamdan Waad Algalay Done by: