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1/135-D Vipul Khand Gomati Nagar, Lucknow 226001
Contact No.: +91-9918315393,E-mail: diya0319@gmail.com
Thanksfor yourinterestinmyProfile.
Enclosedismyresume outliningmyqualifications andsome of mykeystrengthsincludes.
 Establishingskillsindetectingcritical customerdeficienciesanddevelopingpreventive
strategiesandsolutionsforhighendcustomersand channels.
 In depthknowledge andinitiatorof process,alongwithexpertin automationof manual
processthroughadvance softwares.
 Exceptional capacitytoenternew environmentsandbegintoproduce clear cut resultsfrom
the start with
Well-developedtechnical andcommunicationskillsthatare easilytransportedbetween
differentorganizationsandvariable workingenvironments.
 Capable of successfullyimplementingalarge scale customerservice/collectionssupport
solutionsthatentail innovative designanddevelopmentof broadbasedoperations.
A personal interviewtodiscuss the waymyskillsandabilities canhelpyouinachievinggoalswill be
mostappreciated.Pleasefeelfree tocontactme anytime.Thankyouforyour consideration.
Enclosed:-Resume -Sonalbajpai.
1/135-D VipulkhandGomti Nagar, Lucknow 226001
Contact No.: +91-9918315393,E-mail: diya0319@gmail.com
To leverage mystrongoperational andstrategiccapabilitiesthroughmyvastexperienceof 14 years
of telecomin managementof variousfunctions,Credit&Collections,BillingOperations&Customer
Service forgeneratingahighlevel impacttobringcontinuingsignificantchange andgrowth.
Career Profile
Diversifiedcustomerservicemanagementexperience withademonstratedrecordof success in
administration&solutionconsulting,andturnaround situations resultinginimprovedproductivity
and profitability.Trackrecordof providingexcellentcustomersatisfactionand,management
workload.Exceptional communication,presentationandpeoplemanagerskillswithdemonstrated
abilitiestoanticipate customersneedsandprovidetotal solutions,teambuilding,teambuilding,
customersupport& servicesandcustomerrelationshipmanagement.
Current Scenario:-Zonal Manager& Trainerat AvonNew York. October15 till now
 Target sales (NTA).
 Fashionshows & Ramps
Working Experience(14 years CSD)
Vodafone India ltd 06/014 
Sr.Executive-Customer ServiceCSG.
C&C,Complaintmanagement, Operations management, Training&Audit( Call centre)
 Customerlifecycle management
 Churn control& retention (introducestoolsto retain above0-60 bucketchurn along with
introduced nonpaid collection processin involuntary churn cases.)
 Relation calling forall typeof threat base customers.
 Paymentprocess managementthroughECS,Creditcards &Paymentgateways,reducedbad-
debtsbyemphasizingonthe deactivate base andensuringduesfromthem.
 Rural Post-paidbusinessbyBuildingthe bill distribution/verification of the ADVMS
 Responsible forcompliance reportingtoTRAIand qualitymatrix.
 Refundco-ordinate foroverallUPEASTcircle,reducedaverage requestforrefundof post-
paidsubscriberalongwithintroducedbestprocessinoverall 23circles.
 Bill tobill Collections,low baddebtsonaverage collections&Recoveries,QCR.
 Outboundcollectioncallings,creditcalling,bill generationanddeliveryprocess,
Management Information System:-
 Database Management: Data Mining for CS-Department .
 Reporting: Analyzing, Managing MIS Reports related to Call Centre.
 Call centre Management: Call Centre Revenue , SL Repeat and CSAT Management
 Communication: Promotional Offer base management on Request URL for ICC &
URL Development & Management:-.
 Vodafone Capsule:Briefingsforagentsof Call Centre andRetail.
 Name Tune:Capture Name Tune RequestsandNew RequestforNamesforRevenue
 Datapedia: RepeatCallerReductionandICR/ICMtaggingReductionCampaignfor
2G / 3G customers.
 PlanRecommender:ProvidesBestFitPlanforcustomeraccordingto theirdata usage.
 ASKYour Query:ResolutionandSuggestionstoDataexpertteamfromUPE Circle.
 CRM Revamp:AdditionandDeletionof LOVsinCRM
 Data Calculator:Calculate exactdatavalue andamountof usage forCustomer.
 SafetyTipinVF Capsule:SafetytipstoCall Centre agent.
 Rural Paid:Buildingthe billdistributionof the ADVMS locations
 Liaisingwiththe agency(Billing/verification)toensure properexecutionof activitiesasper
the proposedplan.
Employee Development,Cost& Change Management
 InductionProgramme forNewJoinee
 Ensuringtrainingneedsof teamforperformance enhancementandoverall development
 Team Bonding
 Employee attritionatagencies<10%
Ensuring followingcostare within budgetedlevel
 Bill deliverycost
 0-30 days suspension
 Greenbill promotion
 SI promotion
 AMDOCS & CPOS smoothimplementationwithoutanyimpactonthe business
 CRM paymentupdationmanagement

Health, Safety & Wellbeing (HSW)
 Ensure compliance toHealth& safetywellbeingpoliciesof all the staff
Key achievements:-
 In overallpost-paid tenureC-Satachieved 94.6.% highestever.
 Repeatcomplaintcountcame down at3.1% lowest ever in history of post-paid.
 Reduced provisioning errorwaiverfrom7 lacs to 33K onoverall Post-paidbase.
 Developed a VOCbaseURL POSTPEDIA,DATA PEDIA & NETWORKPEDIAforfrontliners.
 Initiated plan migration of all 3G non-throttled base to best fit throttling plan for reducing
data waivers and high exposures with resulting in greater customer satisfaction.
 Collection 105% bad debt below 1%.
 Acted as NationalSPOCforcorporateprojectsand fastforward corporateprojectsin UPEAST
 Reduced cost of billing from 5.9 to 3.5 and initiated GO GREEN in Up-East from 1.7 to 18% on
active base
 Successfully created the SMS broadcast process on bill delivery for C-sat
 Brought down the Undelivered Bill percentage @1%
 Selected as Circle Service Champion for excellent customer service, (Happy to help)
 Achieved 98% bill disbursement in 7 days bill delivery cycle and against the nation target of
 PaymentmigrationactivitysuccessfullymigratedtoVodafone sharedservicesltd
Hutchison Telecom(UPEast) . 03/04-06
Executive:-Responsible for managing the overall back office from activations to key
accountable for all duessettlement of post-paid customers.
 Monitoringandprocessingoverall Post-paidactivationsof pre-actcards.
 SuccessfullyinitiatedsmsbasedapplicationRemote customercare andmanaged.
 EnsuredweeklyinventoryauditsforSIMcards, refill coupons,handsets,marketingpointsof
purchase withmonthlyfollow-upwithshoptoimprove service qualityof hutchshops.
 Administeredandcontrolled abackendsupport teamforall collectionsandcustomer
 Responsible forcircle MISreported tocorporate for CS & Collections.
 Activelymanageddifferentvendorsforlogistics &billing.
 Ensuredsupportto franchisee fromall departmentsandtimelyclearance of theirdues.
 Co-ordinatedactivityflow forall customercontactprogramslike personal sessionswith
customersfromthe shops.
Key Achievements
 Enable a highlyproductive teamenvironmentbysuccessfullymanagingthe entire
operationsof HTS anddistributionchannelswhichresultedinreducingchurninkey
corporate Accounts.
 Customercontactinitiativesachievedfootfallsand conversionsthusincreasingvisibilityand
thusprofitabilityof sales&service Centres.
 Initiatedasmsbasedquizfor call centre for live feedbackprocess.
 Successful insettingupaprocessto cater to customerneedsbetter.
 Team buildingmentoringandmonitoring.
Essar Cell phone IndiaLtd 00/04
 Inbound Call Centre executive.
 MIS Co-ordinate incall centre forcorporate coordination
 Remote customercare management.
 InitiatedDHLdeskincall centre tenure.
Key Achievements
 Awardedasa star performerregularly.
 Executeddifferentmotivational activitiesforcall centre agents.
 Performedsurprize testsforagentstobrushup theirknowledge.
 400-500 manual activationsina day done forpre-actcards and breakthe records of
 Resolvedcomplaintsof subscribersinsingleattemptnorepeat.
 Maintainedthe lesscomplaintrecordsoncalls.
Other Achievements:-
 Active memberof HR-AdminOffbeatTeam.
 Organisedvariousfunctioninhouse,employee engagement,worldof difference etc.
 Establishedcafeteriacommittee panel andbroughtdifference infoodtaste of employees.
 Managed Vodafone cafeteriaformore than5 yrs.
MBA-(Marketing) 2013-SKMU.(Correspondence).
PostGraduations(Sociology) 1999-Kanpur University.
Graduation(Bachelorof Arts) 1996-Avadh University)
SeniorSecondary(Intermediate) 1993-UP Board.
Last Company:- Vodafone India Ltd
Date of Birth :-09.12.75
Last CTC:-6.95
Marital status:- Married
Extracurricular & Activities:EventOrganising,Music,Travelling,SkinandHairspecialist (Diplomain
cosmetologyfrom VLCC) etc...

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  • 1. Sonalbajpai 1/135-D Vipul Khand Gomati Nagar, Lucknow 226001 Contact No.: +91-9918315393,E-mail: diya0319@gmail.com Thanksfor yourinterestinmyProfile. Enclosedismyresume outliningmyqualifications andsome of mykeystrengthsincludes. Establishingskillsindetectingcritical customerdeficienciesanddevelopingpreventive strategiesandsolutionsforhighendcustomersand channels. In depthknowledge andinitiatorof process,alongwithexpertin automationof manual processthroughadvance softwares. Exceptional capacitytoenternew environmentsandbegintoproduce clear cut resultsfrom the start with Well-developedtechnical andcommunicationskillsthatare easilytransportedbetween differentorganizationsandvariable workingenvironments. Capable of successfullyimplementingalarge scale customerservice/collectionssupport solutionsthatentail innovative designanddevelopmentof broadbasedoperations. A personal interviewtodiscuss the waymyskillsandabilities canhelpyouinachievinggoalswill be mostappreciated.Pleasefeelfree tocontactme anytime.Thankyouforyour consideration. Sincerely Sonalbajpai Enclosed:-Resume -Sonalbajpai.
  • 2. Sonalbajpai 1/135-D VipulkhandGomti Nagar, Lucknow 226001 Contact No.: +91-9918315393,E-mail: diya0319@gmail.com Objective To leverage mystrongoperational andstrategiccapabilitiesthroughmyvastexperienceof 14 years of telecomin managementof variousfunctions,Credit&Collections,BillingOperations&Customer Service forgeneratingahighlevel impacttobringcontinuingsignificantchange andgrowth. Career Profile Diversifiedcustomerservicemanagementexperience withademonstratedrecordof success in administration&solutionconsulting,andturnaround situations resultinginimprovedproductivity and profitability.Trackrecordof providingexcellentcustomersatisfactionand,management workload.Exceptional communication,presentationandpeoplemanagerskillswithdemonstrated abilitiestoanticipate customersneedsandprovidetotal solutions,teambuilding,teambuilding, customersupport& servicesandcustomerrelationshipmanagement. Current Scenario:-Zonal Manager& Trainerat AvonNew York. October15 till now Target sales (NTA). Appointments Activities Training Fashionshows & Ramps Working Experience(14 years CSD) Vodafone India ltd 06/014 September. Sr.Executive-Customer ServiceCSG. C&C,Complaintmanagement, Operations management, Training&Audit( Call centre) Customerlifecycle management Churn control& retention (introducestoolsto retain above0-60 bucketchurn along with introduced nonpaid collection processin involuntary churn cases.) Relation calling forall typeof threat base customers. Paymentprocess managementthroughECS,Creditcards &Paymentgateways,reducedbad- debtsbyemphasizingonthe deactivate base andensuringduesfromthem. Rural Post-paidbusinessbyBuildingthe bill distribution/verification of the ADVMS locations.
  • 3. Responsible forcompliance reportingtoTRAIand qualitymatrix. Refundco-ordinate foroverallUPEASTcircle,reducedaverage requestforrefundof post- paidsubscriberalongwithintroducedbestprocessinoverall 23circles. Bill tobill Collections,low baddebtsonaverage collections&Recoveries,QCR. Outboundcollectioncallings,creditcalling,bill generationanddeliveryprocess, leadgenerations Management Information System:- Database Management: Data Mining for CS-Department . Reporting: Analyzing, Managing MIS Reports related to Call Centre. Call centre Management: Call Centre Revenue , SL Repeat and CSAT Management Communication: Promotional Offer base management on Request URL for ICC & OCC. URL Development & Management:-. Vodafone Capsule:Briefingsforagentsof Call Centre andRetail. Name Tune:Capture Name Tune RequestsandNew RequestforNamesforRevenue Enhancement. Datapedia: RepeatCallerReductionandICR/ICMtaggingReductionCampaignfor 2G / 3G customers. Networkpedia:RepeatCallerReductionandICR/ICMtaggingReductionCampaignfor Networkissues. PlanRecommender:ProvidesBestFitPlanforcustomeraccordingto theirdata usage. ASKYour Query:ResolutionandSuggestionstoDataexpertteamfromUPE Circle. CRM Revamp:AdditionandDeletionof LOVsinCRM Data Calculator:Calculate exactdatavalue andamountof usage forCustomer. SafetyTipinVF Capsule:SafetytipstoCall Centre agent. Rural Paid:Buildingthe billdistributionof the ADVMS locations Liaisingwiththe agency(Billing/verification)toensure properexecutionof activitiesasper the proposedplan. Employee Development,Cost& Change Management InductionProgramme forNewJoinee Ensuringtrainingneedsof teamforperformance enhancementandoverall development Team Bonding Ensuringqualityaudits&process Employee attritionatagencies<10% Ensuring followingcostare within budgetedlevel Bill deliverycost 0-30 days suspension Greenbill promotion SI promotion AMDOCS & CPOS smoothimplementationwithoutanyimpactonthe business CRM paymentupdationmanagement Health, Safety & Wellbeing (HSW)
  • 4. Ensure compliance toHealth& safetywellbeingpoliciesof all the staff Key achievements:- In overallpost-paid tenureC-Satachieved 94.6.% highestever. Repeatcomplaintcountcame down at3.1% lowest ever in history of post-paid. Reduced provisioning errorwaiverfrom7 lacs to 33K onoverall Post-paidbase. Developed a VOCbaseURL POSTPEDIA,DATA PEDIA & NETWORKPEDIAforfrontliners. Initiated plan migration of all 3G non-throttled base to best fit throttling plan for reducing data waivers and high exposures with resulting in greater customer satisfaction. Collection 105% bad debt below 1%. Acted as NationalSPOCforcorporateprojectsand fastforward corporateprojectsin UPEAST Reduced cost of billing from 5.9 to 3.5 and initiated GO GREEN in Up-East from 1.7 to 18% on active base Successfully created the SMS broadcast process on bill delivery for C-sat Brought down the Undelivered Bill percentage @1% Selected as Circle Service Champion for excellent customer service, (Happy to help) Achieved 98% bill disbursement in 7 days bill delivery cycle and against the nation target of 95%. PaymentmigrationactivitysuccessfullymigratedtoVodafone sharedservicesltd (Ahmedabad). Hutchison Telecom(UPEast) . 03/04-06 Executive:-Responsible for managing the overall back office from activations to key accountable for all duessettlement of post-paid customers. Monitoringandprocessingoverall Post-paidactivationsof pre-actcards. SuccessfullyinitiatedsmsbasedapplicationRemote customercare andmanaged. EnsuredweeklyinventoryauditsforSIMcards, refill coupons,handsets,marketingpointsof purchase withmonthlyfollow-upwithshoptoimprove service qualityof hutchshops. Administeredandcontrolled abackendsupport teamforall collectionsandcustomer services. Responsible forcircle MISreported tocorporate for CS & Collections. Activelymanageddifferentvendorsforlogistics &billing. Ensuredsupportto franchisee fromall departmentsandtimelyclearance of theirdues. Co-ordinatedactivityflow forall customercontactprogramslike personal sessionswith subscriberstounderstandtheirneeds. Devisedretentionandsatisfactionplansforexistinghighnetworthindividual(HNI) customersfromthe shops. Key Achievements Enable a highlyproductive teamenvironmentbysuccessfullymanagingthe entire operationsof HTS anddistributionchannelswhichresultedinreducingchurninkey corporate Accounts. Customercontactinitiativesachievedfootfallsand conversionsthusincreasingvisibilityand thusprofitabilityof sales&service Centres. Initiatedasmsbasedquizfor call centre for live feedbackprocess.
  • 5. Successful insettingupaprocessto cater to customerneedsbetter. Team buildingmentoringandmonitoring. Essar Cell phone IndiaLtd 00/04 Inbound Call Centre executive. HandlingHNIcustomerson121. MIS Co-ordinate incall centre forcorporate coordination Remote customercare management. CoordinatingforComplaintmanagement. InitiatedDHLdeskincall centre tenure. Key Achievements Awardedasa star performerregularly. Executeddifferentmotivational activitiesforcall centre agents. Performedsurprize testsforagentstobrushup theirknowledge. 400-500 manual activationsina day done forpre-actcards and breakthe records of activation. Resolvedcomplaintsof subscribersinsingleattemptnorepeat. Maintainedthe lesscomplaintrecordsoncalls. Other Achievements:- Active memberof HR-AdminOffbeatTeam. Organisedvariousfunctioninhouse,employee engagement,worldof difference etc. Establishedcafeteriacommittee panel andbroughtdifference infoodtaste of employees. Managed Vodafone cafeteriaformore than5 yrs. Othersetc.. Education MBA-(Marketing) 2013-SKMU.(Correspondence). PostGraduations(Sociology) 1999-Kanpur University. Graduation(Bachelorof Arts) 1996-Avadh University) SeniorSecondary(Intermediate) 1993-UP Board. OTHER INFORMATION Last Company:- Vodafone India Ltd Date of Birth :-09.12.75 Last CTC:-6.95 Language:-English.Hindi Marital status:- Married Extracurricular & Activities:EventOrganising,Music,Travelling,SkinandHairspecialist (Diplomain cosmetologyfrom VLCC) etc...
  • 6. .