The document discusses the architectural features of Pandya style temples from 1000-1250 AD in Tamil Nadu. Pandya style temples typically had rectangular ground plans with an emphasis on gateways called gopurams. Gopurams were rectangular in shape with stone lower floors and brick upper floors built at an inclination of 25 degrees. Pinnacles called shikharas were always used in odd numbers and the towers included heavily carved sculptures of Hindu mythologies in niches. Examples given include the 12-tiered 192 foot tower of the Srivilliputtur temple and the famous Meenakshi temple in Madurai.
23. Pandya comes after chola
stlye from 1000-1250 AD
Plan- usually rectangular but
emphasize were on the
gateways; GOPURAM;
GOPURAM plan- rectangular
in shape;
Ground floor-- vertical built
in stone.
First floor– vertical built in
Above floors– pyramidal built
in bricks (inclination of 25
Pinnacles called shikharas are
always used in odd numbers.
Niches-- with heavily carved
HINDU Mythologies
24. 12-tiered tower structure
dedicated to the Lord of
Srivilliputtur, known as
Tower of this temple rises
192 feet (59 m) high .
Pandyas include the
famous Meenakshi temple
in Madurai.