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S&p3 final
   Can you identify a time /place or experience
    today in which you felt power?

   Any powerful epiphanies about your
    characters or scripts?

   Did you explore the creation of a new story?
S&p3 final
S&p3 final
S&p3 final
YANG                                  YIN

     Activating                        Responding
     Rising (High)                     Falling (Low)
     Elements: Air and Fire            Elements: Earth and
     Assertive, direct, penetrati       Water
                                        Receptive, indirect, enclosi
     Solar                              ng
     Courageous, bold, fierce,
      passionate, proud                 Lunar
     Archetypes:                       Yielding, vulnerable, nurt
      Warrior, Leader, Adventu           uring, humble
      rer, King/Queen                   Archetypes:
                                         Maiden, Mother, Servant

    Yang Spectrum:                      Yin Spectrum:
Assertive <-> Aggressive             Passive <-> Receptive

   Seeding Power in the
   Extremes become their
   Integration of
 How would you describe
the one in the dominant role?
 What are some ways in
which the dominant one has
   How would you
    describe the one in the
    submissive role?
   What are some ways
    in which the
    submissive one has
With conscious expression,
     dominance and
 submission are equally
     Introduce yourselves
(1)    In what ways do you find pleasure in
       expressing dominance in your life?
(2)    In what ways do you find pleasure in
       expressing submission in you life?
(3)    What dominant or submissive energies do you
       express in daily life that you could give
       expression to in your sexual or fantasy life?
   Express a lesser known
    part of the self

   Projection onto partner:
    Recognizing and
    reclaiming personal
Bondage and Discipline
Domination and Submission
   Introduce yourselves
    1.   What are your projections of power?
    2.   What would be possible if you reclaimed this
         power in your sexuality?
   Working with sexual characters and
   Postures of Power
   Yin/ Yang
   Dominance and Submission
   Claiming Personal Power
   Projection of Power
   Possibilities of Power
     Working with Sexual Characters
     Dominant and Submissive
     Unclaimed Power
     Projection of Power
     Conscious Expression
     Playful Expression
     Have the Naysayer work for you
     Integrate with the opposition
   Journaling: Interview one of your Naysayers or
    Questions to ask: What do you call yourself? How do you help
      me? What do you need from me? What else do you want me
      to know about you? Are you willing to take a vacation? If
      so, where is a comfortable place for you to be, while other
      parts of me are being sexual? Is there a creative way for you
      to come on board with my sexual expression?
   Integrate with the Opposition
    Play out the opposite role from the one you are
    accustomed to playing. You can do this with a partner
    or receive a guided self-pleasuring exercise. Please
    email Rebecca at interbeinghealing@gmail.com for the
S&p3 final
Is Power a Dirty Word?
Part I http://www.soulvisionconsulting.com/blog/is-power-a-dirty-
Is Power a Dirty Word? Part II
Fifty Shades of Grey, by E. L. James
Online list of BDSM resources:
REBECCA CHAPLIN, MA                           SAJITGREENE, MA
Somatic Sexologist and Gerontologist          Relationship Coach and Astrologer

                                              Sajit worked for 20+ years as a body-
Rebecca has an MA in Gerontology from              centered psychotherapist, with a
    Naropa University and is certified as a        focus on sexuality, creativity, and
    SexologicalBodyworker, by the                  spirituality. She now offers
    Advanced Institute for Human                   coaching services for individuals and
    Sexuality. Rebecca is also a Reiki             couples who are seeking
    Master and Cranial Sacral                      empowerment, deeper intimacy, and
    therapist. It is my great passion to          spiritual growth. Using insights from
    facilitate awakening to our inherent
                                                   astrology, Sajit helps each client
                                                   illuminate their unique soul journey.
    excellence through these                       Her coaching process includes
    modalities. Rebecca lives and works           working with inner
    in Asheville, NC and offers educational        characters, through Voice Dialogue
    programs internationally.                      Process. She also uses The Work
                                                   of Byron Katie, body-awareness
            www.interbeing.me                      practices, and expressive arts.
S&p3 final

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S&p3 final

  • 2. Can you identify a time /place or experience today in which you felt power? Any powerful epiphanies about your characters or scripts? Did you explore the creation of a new story?
  • 6. YANG YIN Activating Responding Rising (High) Falling (Low) Elements: Air and Fire Elements: Earth and Assertive, direct, penetrati Water ng Receptive, indirect, enclosi Solar ng Courageous, bold, fierce, passionate, proud Lunar Archetypes: Yielding, vulnerable, nurt Warrior, Leader, Adventu uring, humble rer, King/Queen Archetypes: Maiden, Mother, Servant Yang Spectrum: Yin Spectrum: Assertive <-> Aggressive Passive <-> Receptive
  • 7. TEACHINGS Equanimity/Balance Seeding Power in the Opposite Extremes become their Opposite Integration of opposites=wholeness
  • 8. How would you describe the one in the dominant role? What are some ways in which the dominant one has power?
  • 9. How would you describe the one in the submissive role? What are some ways in which the submissive one has power?
  • 10. With conscious expression, dominance and submission are equally powerful
  • 11. Introduce yourselves Discuss: (1) In what ways do you find pleasure in expressing dominance in your life? (2) In what ways do you find pleasure in expressing submission in you life? (3) What dominant or submissive energies do you express in daily life that you could give expression to in your sexual or fantasy life?
  • 12. Express a lesser known part of the self Projection onto partner: Recognizing and reclaiming personal power
  • 15. Bondage and Discipline Domination and Submission Sadomasochism
  • 16. Introduce yourselves Discuss: 1. What are your projections of power? 2. What would be possible if you reclaimed this power in your sexuality?
  • 17. Working with sexual characters and gatekeepers Postures of Power Yin/ Yang Dominance and Submission Claiming Personal Power Projection of Power Possibilities of Power
  • 18. Awareness Working with Sexual Characters Dominant and Submissive Unclaimed Power Projection of Power Choice Conscious Expression Playful Expression Action Have the Naysayer work for you Integrate with the opposition
  • 19. Journaling: Interview one of your Naysayers or Gatekeepers. Questions to ask: What do you call yourself? How do you help me? What do you need from me? What else do you want me to know about you? Are you willing to take a vacation? If so, where is a comfortable place for you to be, while other parts of me are being sexual? Is there a creative way for you to come on board with my sexual expression? Integrate with the Opposition Play out the opposite role from the one you are accustomed to playing. You can do this with a partner or receive a guided self-pleasuring exercise. Please email Rebecca at interbeinghealing@gmail.com for the exercise.
  • 21. Is Power a Dirty Word? Part I http://www.soulvisionconsulting.com/blog/is-power-a-dirty- word/ Is Power a Dirty Word? Part II http://www.soulvisionconsulting.com/blog/is-power-a-dirty- word-part-ii/ Fifty Shades of Grey, by E. L. James Online list of BDSM resources: http://www.crsh.com/bdsm_resources/
  • 22. REBECCA CHAPLIN, MA SAJITGREENE, MA Somatic Sexologist and Gerontologist Relationship Coach and Astrologer Sajit worked for 20+ years as a body- Rebecca has an MA in Gerontology from centered psychotherapist, with a Naropa University and is certified as a focus on sexuality, creativity, and SexologicalBodyworker, by the spirituality. She now offers Advanced Institute for Human coaching services for individuals and Sexuality. Rebecca is also a Reiki couples who are seeking Master and Cranial Sacral empowerment, deeper intimacy, and therapist. It is my great passion to spiritual growth. Using insights from facilitate awakening to our inherent astrology, Sajit helps each client illuminate their unique soul journey. excellence through these Her coaching process includes modalities. Rebecca lives and works working with inner in Asheville, NC and offers educational characters, through Voice Dialogue programs internationally. Process. She also uses The Work of Byron Katie, body-awareness www.interbeing.me practices, and expressive arts. www.Sajit.net