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The inventory is the highest cost source in a
maintenance    department,    an   efective   inventory
management saves costs and reduce risk for the

The Game of Spare Parts Management target is the
learning of the RCS (Reliability Centered Spares) and
JIT (Just In Time) principles to optimaze the inventory
Directed to:
Students of
Use learning methods:

 Problem-based learning.

 Cooperative learning.

 Cases Method.

 Used in Technical Schools.
Based in the principles of:

 Reliability Centered Spares (RCS).

 Just in Time (JIT).

 1 official copy of the game.

 2 facilitators.

 From 12 to 24 jugadores in 6 groups.

 Memo pads, clip-charts, markers, post-
 its, papers,

 Game rules.

 Game board.
                           GAME BOX

 Spare part cards.

 HPP sheets.

 Inventory event cards.

 Strong   knowledge    of   RCS     and   JIT

 Lead the game.

 Help the players to obtain the goals.
Game Process:

 Set up groups, share out the HPP
 sheets and the spare parts cards.

 Every   group   decide    their    own
 strategy and purchase the spare

 Run the inventory event cards and
 complete the 12 months cicle.

 Discuss about the game.

 The     attendees     learn     the      best
 maintenance strategies to reduce the
 spare parts inventory.

 Learn    the   reliability    calculus     to
 estimate the risk.

 Learn the methodology to reduce and
 control inventory cost and inventory

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Game of Spare Parts Management

  • 2. The inventory is the highest cost source in a maintenance department, an efective inventory management saves costs and reduce risk for the company. The Game of Spare Parts Management target is the learning of the RCS (Reliability Centered Spares) and JIT (Just In Time) principles to optimaze the inventory management.
  • 4. Use learning methods: Problem-based learning. Cooperative learning. Cases Method. Used in Technical Schools.
  • 5. Based in the principles of: Reliability Centered Spares (RCS). Just in Time (JIT).
  • 6. Requirements: 1 official copy of the game. 2 facilitators. From 12 to 24 jugadores in 6 groups. Memo pads, clip-charts, markers, post- its, papers,
  • 7. Game: Game rules. Game board. GAME BOX Spare part cards. HPP sheets. Inventory event cards.
  • 8. Facilitators: Strong knowledge of RCS and JIT principles. Lead the game. Help the players to obtain the goals.
  • 9. Game Process: Set up groups, share out the HPP sheets and the spare parts cards. Every group decide their own strategy and purchase the spare parts. Run the inventory event cards and complete the 12 months cicle. Discuss about the game.
  • 10. Results: The attendees learn the best maintenance strategies to reduce the spare parts inventory. Learn the reliability calculus to estimate the risk. Learn the methodology to reduce and control inventory cost and inventory risk.