Transformanz is an independent research company focused on Sub-Saharan Africa that monitors, informs, and connects businesses and investors with frontier investment markets in the region. It provides profile reports on countries, industries, and companies in SSA to help clients identify opportunities and risks. Transformanz' products and services are designed to add insights for business and investment decision making in SSA's undervalued and high-growth potential markets.
Access Bank Seminar Session 3b - Ebenezer Olufowoseproshare
The Nigerian capital market has experienced significant growth in recent years, with the market capitalization rising over 15 times between 2003 and 2008. Equities have dominated the market, accounting for over 75% of the total market capitalization. However, the banking sector consolidation led banking stocks to increase their dominance of the total market. While the government bond market has grown, the corporate bond market remains underdeveloped. Further developing the corporate bond market and introducing new instruments could help diversify issuer base and provide alternative sources of financing to support economic growth.
This document provides an overview of flagship projects proposed under Kenya's Vision 2030 development plan. It identifies 6 key economic sectors - tourism, agriculture, wholesale and retail, manufacturing, BPO, and financial services - and outlines 2-4 flagship projects for each sector. The projects aim to increase GDP, employment, productivity, and competitiveness. For example, in tourism the projects propose building resort cities and expanding safari capacity to quadruple the sector's GDP contribution. The document also provides economic impact analyses for each sector in terms of projected GDP growth and jobs created.
This document provides a summary from Charles Holley, EVP of Finance & Treasurer at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., at the Citigroup Retail Conference on February 14, 2007. It discusses Wal-Mart's January 2007 comp store sales results, expansion plans for fiscal year 2008, strategies to build upon their small business foundation and broaden their appeal to customers, and efforts to improve business operations and efficiency.
Sourajit Aiyer - South Asian Federation of Exchanges, Pakistan - Triggers Tha...South Asia Fast Track
This document provides information on developments in capital markets in South Asia from June 2013. It discusses SAFE's (South Asian Federation of Exchanges) ongoing project to develop a harmonized regulatory framework for capital markets in Pakistan and South Asia. SAFE consultants have held meetings with asset management companies, investment banks, and brokerage firms for feedback. SAFE has also drafted a rule book detailing uniform standards for SAARC countries. Separately, it discusses the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange implementing enhancements to its delivery versus payment model, including a buyer cash compensation component. It also mentions the Lahore Stock Exchange launching a corporate briefing program for listed companies to share financial and project details with market participants.
An analysis of the coming developments in the global Halal market place, and the relevance for governmental, corporate, entrepreneurial and investment decision-makers
This document provides an overview of Seven, an award-winning strategic content agency. Some key points:
- Seven creates content strategies for major brands across multiple platforms including mobile apps, magazines, websites and more.
- They have over 140 full-time staff including editorial, design, and digital teams and produce over 40 magazines.
- Seven re-launched the CIMA publications Financial Management and Excellence in Leadership with a focus on international coverage, design improvements, and higher-profile contributors.
- They also develop email campaigns, social media strategies, websites, and produce magazines for clients like the LTA, M&S, Met Police, Defra, and Lloyds Bank.
Using mobile phones to enhance interaction in didactic teaching approaches Dick Ng'ambi
This paper was presented at the 6th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL) held at the British Columbia University, Okanagan, Kelowna: 27-28 June, 2011
The document discusses the band club activities for 2007, including new instruments purchased, planned performances for stage and marching, and involvement in the school's birthday celebration with other bands. It notes the band will have a maximum of 40 members split into batteries for horns, drums, and woodwinds. Additionally, it mentions the choir will have 40 members split into voice groups and be committed, passionate, and a fun co-curricular activity.
The document is a list of over 50 sources for various social media and internet-related infographics and images. The sources reference a wide range of topics including the history and evolution of different social networks and technologies, usage trends over time, and diagrams illustrating concepts such as information flow and influence online.
This document discusses how Google Docs and Spreadsheets can be used in classroom settings. It provides examples of how journalism, English, ESL, and social studies classes at Palo Alto High School utilize the tools. Benefits mentioned include easy collaboration, automatic saving, access from any device, and the ability for teachers to monitor and comment on student work. The document also outlines specific assignments and projects that teachers have implemented using Docs and Spreadsheets.
The document discusses key questions and considerations around IT governance. It covers topics such as computer systems, processes and users, service providers, computing procedures, productivity, computing and communications system planning, internal audits, and maintaining a secure environment. The document provides questions to assess each area and determine if improvements are needed. It also advertises that paid documents covering IT governance procedures are available from the legal consultants.
Engagement is an important concept for marketers seeking to connect with customers in meaningful ways. The document defines engagement as "creating a heightened state where a customer connects with a brand through a true experience related to shared core values" that is reciprocated by the customer and nurtured over time.
It discusses how engagement should be viewed as a strategy to achieve specific marketing objectives like awareness, consideration, interaction, etc. rather than an end goal itself. Measuring engagement effectively requires looking at both customer behaviors and emotions, using multiple metrics tailored to different objectives, and considering engagement across various marketing channels and the customer journey.
The document provides insight into defining engagement, understanding how it can help achieve marketing goals, and
This PowerPoint presentation introduces how Pablo's school, Colegio Compa単鱈a de Mar鱈a in Puente Genil, Spain, celebrates the Child Mary's Day. The school is guided by the religious teachings of the Child Mary as its patroness. The holiday originated from Pablo's school being part of the Order of the Company of Mary Our Lady, which was founded by Saint Jeanne of Lestonnac to honor the Child Mary. Each November 21st, the ninety-six schools of the Order celebrate by bringing gifts and flowers to the Child Mary statue, having a special ceremony, and not having normal classes for the religious holiday.
The Digital Marketing Agency market is moving towards offering more integrated services and bundling services into more integrated packages that will fit their prospective clients. This presentation delves into the topic of how marketing agencies transform to offer more integrated digital marketing services.
View this presentation to learn about:
- the convergence of paid, earned and owned media
- mergers & acquisitions in the agency industry
- evolution of traditional channel services
- how digital marketing services transform into integrated marketing services
- pricing models for B2B agency services
- how to add new services to your agency offerings
Read more and watch the recorded webinar here
ICT as a catalyst to enhance equity in European higher education: which way f...Fabio Nascimbeni
The document discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used to enhance equity in European higher education. It summarizes the goals of the EQUNET project, which aims to address barriers to higher education based on educational background, socioeconomic conditions, and structural problems within higher education systems. The document explores how ICT can make teaching and learning more flexible and individualized, support modernized assessment, overcome physical barriers to access, break down cultural barriers, and facilitate recognition of prior learning. However, it cautions that ICT should not be seen only as a way to cut costs, but rather as a tool to change mindsets and increase accessibility and inclusion.
SMART Ink allows you to write digital ink over any open windows or applications on your computer screen using a SMART interactive product or the drawing tools. You can write notes, highlight text, and manipulate the ink. The ink is saved as objects that can be captured, erased, or inserted into applications. SMART Ink also works during PowerPoint presentations to allow annotation.
This document appears to contain math homework with numbers listed for years in office, age of president, and age of vice president. It also contains a short response discussing how the numbers would be shown to start large and increase greatly.
The document provides tips and strategies for creating a successful spending plan or budget. It begins by explaining that a budget is a helpful tool to track finances and find ways to save money. It then outlines six steps to create a budget: 1) identify income, 2) list expenses, 3) pay yourself first by saving, 4) make adjustments, 5) pay down debt, and 6) track results. The document provides various tips to reduce expenses in areas like housing, food, transportation, and entertainment. It warns about the real costs of credit card debt and signs that debt may be getting out of control. Overall, the document emphasizes creating and sticking to a budget in order to better manage finances and work towards savings goals.
An embryo develops in the womb over several weeks. It receives nutrients from the yolk sac at first, then the umbilical cord. While floating calmly in the uterus, the embryo grows limbs by 16 weeks and can move its hands and feet, though the mother cannot see this. By 24 weeks, the lungs are almost fully formed and the embryo could survive if born, blinking its eyes and sucking its fingers. After 9 months of development from a single cell, the fetus is ready to be born.
Odwr坦cenie internetu do g坦ry nogami, odwr坦cenie stron gdzie modzi bywaj najczciej. Pierwsze takie rozwizanie w historii polskiego internetu
Stworzenie nowego formatu, Reklama, kt坦ra intryguje lecz nie przeszkadza o wysokiej efektywnoci mediowej
A tribute to simon gillespie by dr. jeffrey lant master marketer and also col...howie martell
This document is a tribute by Dr. Jeffrey Lant to Simon Gillespie, a renowned art conservator. Lant describes how Gillespie has restored many damaged artworks in Lant's collection to their original beauty over several decades of working together. Gillespie's restorations are works of artistry in themselves that return the pieces to an authentic state. Lant trusts Gillespie's expertise completely and always acquires pieces when Gillespie believes they can be restored, even when other experts are skeptical. Their long collaboration has led to many masterpieces being saved from ruin and enjoyed once more.
The document summarizes a student project to design an assistive device for market assistants who carry heavy bundles and have poor posture. The project aims to improve the assistants' working conditions and posture. It outlines the justification, objectives, chronogram, procedures, tools used, costs, and references consulted for the project. The student encountered difficulties building the device but was able to solve problems with help. The document also provides background on transport tapes, automation, and Henry Ford's innovations.
The document contains sayings and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad across various topics arranged alphabetically. It discusses concepts like abstinence, adultery, animals, beauty, charity, children, cleanliness, compassion, death, debt, humility, and more. The summaries provide the essence of the teachings in 3 sentences or less.
The document describes a managed futures program offered by PIA firstcapital. It is a trading division of Price Information Advantage Limited (PIA), which is authorized in the UK. The program trades futures and forex using leverage, which carries high risk. It has a team of experienced traders who actively manage portfolios in real-time. The program offers managed accounts trading futures on major indexes and bonds. Backtested performance shows the strategy has low correlation to stocks and diversifies portfolios.
The document discusses the band club activities for 2007, including new instruments purchased, planned performances for stage and marching, and involvement in the school's birthday celebration with other bands. It notes the band will have a maximum of 40 members split into batteries for horns, drums, and woodwinds. Additionally, it mentions the choir will have 40 members split into voice groups and be committed, passionate, and a fun co-curricular activity.
The document is a list of over 50 sources for various social media and internet-related infographics and images. The sources reference a wide range of topics including the history and evolution of different social networks and technologies, usage trends over time, and diagrams illustrating concepts such as information flow and influence online.
This document discusses how Google Docs and Spreadsheets can be used in classroom settings. It provides examples of how journalism, English, ESL, and social studies classes at Palo Alto High School utilize the tools. Benefits mentioned include easy collaboration, automatic saving, access from any device, and the ability for teachers to monitor and comment on student work. The document also outlines specific assignments and projects that teachers have implemented using Docs and Spreadsheets.
The document discusses key questions and considerations around IT governance. It covers topics such as computer systems, processes and users, service providers, computing procedures, productivity, computing and communications system planning, internal audits, and maintaining a secure environment. The document provides questions to assess each area and determine if improvements are needed. It also advertises that paid documents covering IT governance procedures are available from the legal consultants.
Engagement is an important concept for marketers seeking to connect with customers in meaningful ways. The document defines engagement as "creating a heightened state where a customer connects with a brand through a true experience related to shared core values" that is reciprocated by the customer and nurtured over time.
It discusses how engagement should be viewed as a strategy to achieve specific marketing objectives like awareness, consideration, interaction, etc. rather than an end goal itself. Measuring engagement effectively requires looking at both customer behaviors and emotions, using multiple metrics tailored to different objectives, and considering engagement across various marketing channels and the customer journey.
The document provides insight into defining engagement, understanding how it can help achieve marketing goals, and
This PowerPoint presentation introduces how Pablo's school, Colegio Compa単鱈a de Mar鱈a in Puente Genil, Spain, celebrates the Child Mary's Day. The school is guided by the religious teachings of the Child Mary as its patroness. The holiday originated from Pablo's school being part of the Order of the Company of Mary Our Lady, which was founded by Saint Jeanne of Lestonnac to honor the Child Mary. Each November 21st, the ninety-six schools of the Order celebrate by bringing gifts and flowers to the Child Mary statue, having a special ceremony, and not having normal classes for the religious holiday.
The Digital Marketing Agency market is moving towards offering more integrated services and bundling services into more integrated packages that will fit their prospective clients. This presentation delves into the topic of how marketing agencies transform to offer more integrated digital marketing services.
View this presentation to learn about:
- the convergence of paid, earned and owned media
- mergers & acquisitions in the agency industry
- evolution of traditional channel services
- how digital marketing services transform into integrated marketing services
- pricing models for B2B agency services
- how to add new services to your agency offerings
Read more and watch the recorded webinar here
ICT as a catalyst to enhance equity in European higher education: which way f...Fabio Nascimbeni
The document discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used to enhance equity in European higher education. It summarizes the goals of the EQUNET project, which aims to address barriers to higher education based on educational background, socioeconomic conditions, and structural problems within higher education systems. The document explores how ICT can make teaching and learning more flexible and individualized, support modernized assessment, overcome physical barriers to access, break down cultural barriers, and facilitate recognition of prior learning. However, it cautions that ICT should not be seen only as a way to cut costs, but rather as a tool to change mindsets and increase accessibility and inclusion.
SMART Ink allows you to write digital ink over any open windows or applications on your computer screen using a SMART interactive product or the drawing tools. You can write notes, highlight text, and manipulate the ink. The ink is saved as objects that can be captured, erased, or inserted into applications. SMART Ink also works during PowerPoint presentations to allow annotation.
This document appears to contain math homework with numbers listed for years in office, age of president, and age of vice president. It also contains a short response discussing how the numbers would be shown to start large and increase greatly.
The document provides tips and strategies for creating a successful spending plan or budget. It begins by explaining that a budget is a helpful tool to track finances and find ways to save money. It then outlines six steps to create a budget: 1) identify income, 2) list expenses, 3) pay yourself first by saving, 4) make adjustments, 5) pay down debt, and 6) track results. The document provides various tips to reduce expenses in areas like housing, food, transportation, and entertainment. It warns about the real costs of credit card debt and signs that debt may be getting out of control. Overall, the document emphasizes creating and sticking to a budget in order to better manage finances and work towards savings goals.
An embryo develops in the womb over several weeks. It receives nutrients from the yolk sac at first, then the umbilical cord. While floating calmly in the uterus, the embryo grows limbs by 16 weeks and can move its hands and feet, though the mother cannot see this. By 24 weeks, the lungs are almost fully formed and the embryo could survive if born, blinking its eyes and sucking its fingers. After 9 months of development from a single cell, the fetus is ready to be born.
Odwr坦cenie internetu do g坦ry nogami, odwr坦cenie stron gdzie modzi bywaj najczciej. Pierwsze takie rozwizanie w historii polskiego internetu
Stworzenie nowego formatu, Reklama, kt坦ra intryguje lecz nie przeszkadza o wysokiej efektywnoci mediowej
A tribute to simon gillespie by dr. jeffrey lant master marketer and also col...howie martell
This document is a tribute by Dr. Jeffrey Lant to Simon Gillespie, a renowned art conservator. Lant describes how Gillespie has restored many damaged artworks in Lant's collection to their original beauty over several decades of working together. Gillespie's restorations are works of artistry in themselves that return the pieces to an authentic state. Lant trusts Gillespie's expertise completely and always acquires pieces when Gillespie believes they can be restored, even when other experts are skeptical. Their long collaboration has led to many masterpieces being saved from ruin and enjoyed once more.
The document summarizes a student project to design an assistive device for market assistants who carry heavy bundles and have poor posture. The project aims to improve the assistants' working conditions and posture. It outlines the justification, objectives, chronogram, procedures, tools used, costs, and references consulted for the project. The student encountered difficulties building the device but was able to solve problems with help. The document also provides background on transport tapes, automation, and Henry Ford's innovations.
The document contains sayings and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad across various topics arranged alphabetically. It discusses concepts like abstinence, adultery, animals, beauty, charity, children, cleanliness, compassion, death, debt, humility, and more. The summaries provide the essence of the teachings in 3 sentences or less.
The document describes a managed futures program offered by PIA firstcapital. It is a trading division of Price Information Advantage Limited (PIA), which is authorized in the UK. The program trades futures and forex using leverage, which carries high risk. It has a team of experienced traders who actively manage portfolios in real-time. The program offers managed accounts trading futures on major indexes and bonds. Backtested performance shows the strategy has low correlation to stocks and diversifies portfolios.
1. Banks are more closely scrutinizing loan covenants and company performance, which may lead to requests to move loans or declare defaults.
2. Access to capital remains challenging for many companies as banks have tightened lending standards in the wake of the financial crisis.
3. Strategic acquirers have an advantage over financial buyers in today's environment since they are less dependent on debt markets that are still recovering.
The document discusses Investor Finance, an investment banking firm in Paraguay, and its partnership with IMAP to expand M&A capabilities in Latin America. It provides an overview of Investor Finance's history and services in Paraguay. It then discusses trends driving M&A activity in Paraguay, including opportunities in key industries like agriculture, banking, and insurance. The number of M&A deals in Paraguay has increased significantly since the 1990s. Factors like financial market development, generational change in family-owned businesses, and current geopolitical events are fueling further growth in local M&A activity. Partnering with IMAP will help Investor Finance expand its international reach and connect with
Serbia India Trade & Investment Promotion GroupIndia Advisors
The Serbia-India Trade & Investment Promotion Group (SITIPG) will be an international organization focused on promoting trade and investment between India and Serbia. [SITIPG] will provide services to over 40,000 members without charge, apart from initial fees, and aims to become self-sustaining through success fees. [SITIPG] will promote mutually beneficial commerce in areas like trade, investment, industry and economic cooperation between governments, businesses, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in both countries.
The objective of this research study is to support the client in their international business
development strategy regarding the product market in Argentina.
Company X is seeking funding to commercialize and market a patented widget process that increases effectiveness by 60% and decreases costs by 40% compared to existing solutions. The technology platform utilizes a patented process that drives faster, better, and cheaper products and services while being backward compatible with legacy systems. An analysis of the target market identified approximately 120 potential customer companies with annual widget purchases between $1-12 million per company, representing a billion dollar market opportunity for growth.
The document is a market analysis report from The Radicati Group that examines the corporate web security solutions market in 2011. It segments the market into four categories: specialists, trail blazers, top players, and mature players. The report evaluates vendors based on criteria like functionality and market share. It then plots major vendors in the market into a quadrant chart based on their functionality and size to illustrate their relative position. The report also includes individual analyses of prominent vendors in each category.
Zambia India Trade & Investment Promotion GroupIndia Advisors
The Zambia-India Trade & Investment Promotion Group (ZITIPG) will be an international organization focused exclusively on promoting trade and investment between Zambia and India. ZITIPG will provide services to over 40,000 members without charges, except for initial fees. It will promote mutually beneficial commerce, industry collaboration, and people-to-people partnerships at the local level. ZITIPG will include a wide range of stakeholders from governments, businesses, experts, and interest groups in both countries.
First Data Corporation is able to help facilitate commerce globally through payments in a seamless and flawless manner. It has the financial strength, global reach, and scalable infrastructure to promote economic opportunity in growing markets like China while also enhancing convenience for consumers making purchases anywhere. First Data can execute unique tasks like helping buy dinner, sending a car payment, and expanding opportunity in China through its unified vision and commitment to flawless execution.
FirstBank is a leading Nigerian bank with over 117 years of experience. It has headquarters in Lagos and operations in London, Paris, Johannesburg, Beijing, and other locations. FirstBank aims to provide best-in-class financial services and promote national economic development through its subsidiaries, which include asset management, insurance, and pension fund businesses. The bank has over 1.3 million shareholders globally and continues to receive strong credit ratings. In the first nine months of 2010, FirstBank saw significant growth in deposits, loans, and earnings compared to the previous year.
Zimbabwe India Trade & Investment Promotion GroupIndia Advisors
The Zimbabwe-India Trade & Investment Promotion Group (ZITIPG) will be an international organization focused on promoting trade and investment between India and Zimbabwe. ZITIPG will provide services like market research, business advisory, trade facilitation and partnerships to over 40,000 members. It will include stakeholders from governments, businesses, entrepreneurs and experts. The goal is to facilitate international trade and investment flows between the two countries through various initiatives.
The global market for saas-based expense management is expected to grow from $ 2,374.2 million in 2021 to $ 3,472.4 million in 2026. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% over the forecast period (2021-2026). Some of the market's key participants are Abacus, AccountSight, Apptricity, Certify, Concur Technologies, Expensify, IBM, Infor, Insperity, NetSuite, Nexonia, Oracle, SAP Ariba, SuitSoft, SumTotal Systems, Unit4, Xpenditure, Zoho Expense. This report intends to identify significant growth areas and to explore relevant market strategies. This in-depth analysis delves into the global market for saas-based expense management. The primary goal of this research is to examine the potential growth areas, significant trends, and the market's impact on the industry. The report also reviews the adoption of saas-based expense management in both established and emerging markets.
The Friday Report from Mackey & Tanner focuses on relationships rather than transactions. It provides an overview of the Houston job market, noting that layoffs are continuing as companies cut costs and weaker companies shed talent. It also discusses consolidation and in-sourcing trends. The report outlines over 90 open job opportunities across various levels and industries that the firm is currently working to fill. It emphasizes that Mackey & Tanner partners with both clients and candidates to place talent.
Oman India Trade & Investment Promotion GroupIndia Advisors
The Oman-India Trade & Investment Promotion Group (OITIPG) will be an international organization focused on promoting trade and investment between India and Oman. OITIPG will provide services to over 40,000 members without charge, apart from a token initial fee. It will promote mutually beneficial commerce, investment, industry collaboration and economic cooperation between businesses, entrepreneurs, and people in both countries. OITIPG will include representatives from governments, businesses, experts and interest groups from India and Oman to facilitate international trade and advise on business matters.
Oman India Trade & Investment Promotion GroupIndia Advisors
Transformanz Brochure
1. trAnsForMAnz
We Monitor, inforM AnD ConneCt Businesses AnD
investors With ssA frontier investMent MArkets
your GAtewAy And strAteGic pArtner For sub-sAhArAn AFricA
2. who we Are why sub-sAhArAn AFricA?
Transformanz is an independent business and Similar to the BRIC countries some 10 15 years ago, SSA frontiers
investment research company focused on Sub- have emerged over the last decade as the worlds most promising
Saharan Africa (SSA). business and investment markets. The World Bank terms it the worlds
last frontier investment markets.
We converge and transform information into
applicable intelligence. Thereafter, we monitor, Compared to developed and other emerging markets, Transformanz
inform and connect SSA frontier markets with is convinced because of the below drivers that SSA will excel over the
international businesses and investors. next decade as a significant market for business and investment.
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j Aggregate debt levels
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and strong evolutionary debt
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j overvalued and toxic assets j Fair value assets j undervalued assets
j high correlation coefficients j Moderate correlation j Low correlation coefficients
whAt we do ssA coverAGe
We conduct independent research, analysis j 45 countries in SSA j over 10,000 listed and non-
and planning to establish unbiased profile j 21 capital markets in SSA listed companies
reports aimed at facilitating and enriching pro- j 30 industries in 10 sectors j over 50,000 executives
SSA business and investment decisions.
Raw Data & Statistics News & Archives Questionnaires & Interviews
Demographics Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Economic Indicators MACRO- MARKETS SSA - Economic Regions
International Transactions COUNTRIES SSA - Frontier Investment Markets
External Debt ENVIRONMENT Transformanz Strategic Markets
Trade & Trading Partners
Agriculture & Agri-Processing
Basic Materials
Enterprise & Competition
Business Services
Trade, Taxation & Customs
Financial Market Regulations BUSINESS COMPA NIE S SECTORS
Consumer Goods
Labour Markets CLIMATE Health Care
Intellectual Property
Technology, Telecom & Media
Governance & Ratings
Travel & Tourism
Qualitative & Quantitative Econometrics Business-, Financial Models & Valuations
Trends, Scenarios Past, Estimates & Projections
3. products And services dAtA set
Products and services are designed to add insights to business and vAlue Added From a single-point platform
investment decision making processes on SSA. we successively provide multi-source structured,
verified, transparent information on SSA sover-
our products and services help clients: eigns, markets, industries, companies and execu-
tives for the benefit of businesses and investors
j Identify business and investment opportunities
active or interested in the region.
j Identify and mitigate risk
j Identify trading partners
j Identify talents
j Monitor and safeguard their businesses and investments
Our findings and results (profile reports) are based on desk research.
We also conduct primary research and structured investigations to
meet client specific needs. Finally, we use our cross-border intelligence
and network to assist clients through their transactions with SSA.
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exclusive services include: j Company structure
j Targeted standalones j Management information (Board of directors
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sales and distribution channels)
For more information contact us at Ads@trAnsForMAnz.coM j Main competitors
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balance sheet and cashflow statements)
reseArch on deMAnd j Ratio analysis
j Legal notice and judgements
We are aware that one size does not fit all. Our research on demand
service is meant to meet clients specific needs. We deliver tailored
solutions aligned to the client卒s given criteria.
people proFile reports
norMAl express super-FlAsh
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country profile reports 4 days 2 days 24 hours
position, compensation and contact details)
industry profile reports 3 weeks 2 weeks 5 days j Company details (name, business address,
company profile reports 4 days 2 days 24 hours registration number, incorporation date,
activities and contact info)
people profile reports 4 days 2 days 24 hours
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other services include: j Professional background
j Academic background
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j International transactions j Macro-economic analysis (STEP analysis)
j External debt j Business climate
j Transformation and governance ratings j SwoT
j Statistics and graphics j Industry performance
j Market (volume, values and segmentation)
j Market (distribution, marketshares and
j Success factors
j Top players profiles
j Industry outlook and forecast
j Industry news
j Financial highlights
5. our clients
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how clients use our products & services
Our products and services are designed to help clients procurement and supply chain
create, optimise and preserve their values:
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j Keep track of M & A deals
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and Management, a Chartered Management Accountant Diploma (CMA) and a Bachelor
(BA) in Tourism Management. Roland is African / European and is fluent in English, French,
German, Russian and Pidgin languages.
For more information please contact:
trAnsForMAnz Gmbh Tel. +49 89 4622 3333
African Business & Investment Research Fax +49 89 4622 3331
Birkenau 23
D-81543 Munich