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                                           AFRICAn BuSInESS & InvESTMEnT RESEARCh

We Monitor, inforM AnD ConneCt Businesses AnD
investors With ssA frontier investMent MArkets

your GAtewAy And strAteGic pArtner For sub-sAhArAn AFricA

who we Are                                                                 why sub-sAhArAn AFricA?
Transformanz is an independent business and                              Similar to the BRIC countries some 10  15 years ago, SSA frontiers
investment research company focused on Sub-                              have emerged over the last decade as the worlds most promising
Saharan Africa (SSA).                                                    business and investment markets. The World Bank terms it the worlds
                                                                         last frontier investment markets.
We converge and transform information into
applicable intelligence. Thereafter, we monitor,                         Compared to developed and other emerging markets, Transformanz
inform and connect SSA frontier markets with                             is convinced because of the below drivers that SSA will excel over the
international businesses and investors.                                  next decade as a significant market for business and investment.

europe & usA
                                      bric                                         sub-sAhArAn AFricA (ssA)
                                                                                                                                       ssA drivers

                                                                                                                                       j Demographic growth
                                                                                                                                       j Enormous commodities
                                                                                                                                       j High real GDP growth
                                                                                                                                       j Growing middle-class
                                                                                                                                         demand and consumption
                                                                                                                                       j Aggregate debt levels
                                                                                                                                       j High performing equity
                                                                                                                                         and strong evolutionary debt

j Saturated and stagnant              j Growth potentials                          j high growth potentials
j overvalued and toxic assets         j Fair value assets                          j undervalued assets
j high correlation coefficients       j Moderate correlation                       j Low correlation coefficients

   whAt we do                                                                 ssA coverAGe
We conduct independent research, analysis                                j 45 countries in SSA                                j over 10,000 listed and non-
and planning to establish unbiased profile                               j 21 capital markets in SSA                            listed companies
reports aimed at facilitating and enriching pro-                         j 30 industries in 10 sectors                        j over 50,000 executives
SSA business and investment decisions.

                                                                  TRANSFORMANZ METHODOLOGY
                                  Raw Data & Statistics                        News & Archives                         Questionnaires & Interviews

                           Demographics                                                                                 Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
                           Economic Indicators                   MACRO-                              MARKETS            SSA - Economic Regions
                           International Transactions                           COUNTRIES                               SSA - Frontier Investment Markets
                           External Debt                       ENVIRONMENT                                              Transformanz Strategic Markets
                           Trade & Trading Partners

                                                                                                                        Agriculture & Agri-Processing
                                                                                                                        Basic Materials
                           Enterprise & Competition
                                                                                                                        Business Services
                           Trade, Taxation & Customs
                           Financial Market Regulations          BUSINESS      COMPA NIE S           SECTORS
                                                                                                                        Consumer Goods
                           Labour Markets                        CLIMATE                                                Health Care
                           Intellectual Property
                                                                                                                        Technology, Telecom & Media
                           Governance & Ratings
                                                                                                                        Travel & Tourism

                                                                                A N A LY S I S
                                     Qualitative & Quantitative Econometrics                         Business-, Financial Models & Valuations

                                                                      E VA L U AT I O N & P L A N N I N G
                                                  Trends, Scenarios                                         Past, Estimates & Projections

                                                    COUNTRY / INDUSTRY / COMPA N Y PROFILE REPORT S
products And services                                                       dAtA set
Products and services are designed to add insights to business and            vAlue Added From a single-point platform
investment decision making processes on SSA.                                  we successively provide multi-source structured,
                                                                              verified, transparent information on SSA sover-
our products and services help clients:                                       eigns, markets, industries, companies and execu-
                                                                              tives for the benefit of businesses and investors
j   Identify business and investment opportunities
                                                                              active or interested in the region.
j   Identify and mitigate risk
j   Identify trading partners
j   Identify talents
j   Monitor and safeguard their businesses and investments

Our findings and results (profile reports) are based on desk research.
We also conduct primary research and structured investigations to
meet client specific needs. Finally, we use our cross-border intelligence
and network to assist clients through their transactions with SSA.

     AdvertisinG                                                                 reports
we offer you the following advertising opportunities:                            coMpAny proFile reports

j Skyscraper banners (120  600 pixels)                                          j Snapshot
j Horizontal banners (468  60 pixels)                                           j history
j Logo buttons (120  90 pixels) for ads and sponsorship                         j Company registration profile
                                                                                 j Advisors
exclusive services include:                                                      j Company structure
j   Targeted standalones                                                         j Management information (Board of directors
j   Integrated sponsorships                                                        and top management)
j   Customized ads                                                               j Latest news
j   Newsletter inclusion                                                         j Business overview (products / services,
                                                                                   sales and distribution channels)
For more information contact us at Ads@trAnsForMAnz.coM                          j Main competitors
                                                                                 j Financial highlights (3  5 years income,
                                                                                   balance sheet and cashflow statements)
     reseArch on deMAnd                                                          j Ratio analysis
                                                                                 j Legal notice and judgements
We are aware that one size does not fit all. Our research on demand
service is meant to meet clients specific needs. We deliver tailored
solutions aligned to the client卒s given criteria.

                                                                                 people proFile reports
                               norMAl          express          super-FlAsh
                                                                                 j Personal details (name, age, nationality,
    country profile reports    4 days          2 days           24 hours
                                                                                   position, compensation and contact details)
    industry profile reports   3 weeks         2 weeks          5 days           j Company details (name, business address,
    company profile reports    4 days          2 days           24 hours           registration number, incorporation date,
                                                                                   activities and contact info)
    people profile reports     4 days          2 days           24 hours
                                                                                 j Board memberships
other services include:                                                          j Professional background
                                                                                 j Academic background
j   Commercial Due Diligence (company assessments and diagnosis)
                                                                                 j Affiliations
j   Corporate Investigations (fraud, asset trace and contingency risk)
                                                                                 j Awards
j   Sourcing (Identification of targets, partners and talents)
                                                                                 j Legal issues
j   Investors Relations (independent monitoring and reporting)

Visit www.trAnsForMAnz.coM for sample reports.
country proFile reports                   industry proFile reports

j Geo-politics                            j Industry overview
j Demographics                            j Executive summary
j Domestic economy                        j Industry structure (income, cost and drivers)
j International transactions              j Macro-economic analysis (STEP analysis)
j External debt                           j Business climate
j Transformation and governance ratings   j SwoT
j Statistics and graphics                 j Industry performance
                                          j Market (volume, values and segmentation)
                                          j Market (distribution, marketshares and
                                          j Success factors
                                          j Top players  profiles
                                          j Industry outlook and forecast
                                          j Industry news
                                          j Financial highlights
our clients
j   Institutional and private investors                  j   Procurement managers
j   Portfolio managers                                   j   Audit and compliance managers
j   Buy-side, sell side analysts                         j   Commercial lawyers
j   Business development managers                        j   Market intelligence and industry researchers
j   Marketing and communication managers                 j   Academia
j   Credit risk managers                                 j   Media

    how clients use our products & services
Our products and services are designed to help clients   procurement and supply chain
create, optimise and preserve their values:
                                                         j Source and verify trading partners
                                                         j Assess financial strength and viability
corporate Finance and M & A
                                                         j Business intelligence on trading environment
j Identify target companies with specific profiles
j Monitoring and benchmarking of targets                 compliance / due diligence
j Business intelligence on trading environments and
                                                         j Verify a companys existence
  corporate structures
                                                         j Investigate if corporate structures confirm ultimate
j Keep track of M & A deals
                                                           ownership and beneficiaries
                                                         j Investigate fraud and corporate misconduct
transfer pricing
j   Identify target companies with specific profiles     strategic and Market intelligence
j   Comparable formats for cross-border analysis
                                                         j Identify opportunities and exploit them
j   Business development
                                                         j Track competition
j   Track market entry and expansion opportunities
                                                         j Access risk and develop mitigation strategies
j   Competition intelligence
j   Identify trading partners
j   Monitor and keep track of the market                 Academia
                                                         j Research companies and groups
credit risk                                              j Keep track of historic records
                                                         j Market/industry foresights and presentations
j Detailed financials and financial strength data
j Information on directors
j Business intelligence on trading environments and      Media
  corporate structures                                   j Report opportunities and risks
                                                         j Tracking and reporting of the evolutionary transformation
                                                           of SSA investment markets
your key beneFits
j Single-point for multiple business and investment information on SSA
j Information provided is well structured, verified and transparent
j Transactions and processes are designed to shorten the client卒s cycle time

j Based on subscription, access to multiple information for a single price-cost efficiency
j Clients save resources spent on data mining, research and analysis
j Clients pay only for the desired information

j Information is achieved from reliable sources and we indicate if results are verified or not
j Clients gain transaction assistance from African talents with cross-boarder intelligence

j We focus on best-practice and proven approaches to deliver results
j Results are simple and logical to serve the defined purpose
j 24 / 7 downloads & support

j   Instant downloads (PDF)  pay only for what you need and download immediately
j   Hardcopies are sent by post with fax options
j   CD-ROMs by Post
j   E-mail

                                                                                                                          Give a man a fish
Our trusted partner Six-Cards, Safer Pay is verified and accredited by VISA and MasterCard                        and he will eat for a day.
                                                                                                                      Teach him how to fish
                                                                                                               and he will eat for a life time.
we accept:                                                                                                           Lao Tzu. c. 600 B.C.E
                                                                                                                Chinese Taoist Philosopher
j Visa                        j JCB
j Masters Card                j AMEX
j Diners/Discover             j Debits / Checks

    leArn More At www.trAnsForMAnz.coM / store

                                           rolAnd nwAnchA Chief Analyst and Managing Director
                                                Roland has more than 10 years of professional experience in roles such as Investment
                                                Researcher, Management Consultant, Business Analyst and Regional Controller.
                                                Roland holds an MBA in Strategic Management, MSc. in International Finance, Investment
                                                and Management, a Chartered Management Accountant Diploma (CMA) and a Bachelor
                                                (BA) in Tourism Management. Roland is African / European and is fluent in English, French,
                                                German, Russian and Pidgin languages.

                                                          For more information please contact:

                                                          trAnsForMAnz Gmbh                            Tel. +49 89 4622 3333
                                                          African Business & Investment Research       Fax +49 89 4622 3331
                                                          Birkenau 23                                  contact@transformanz.com
                                                          D-81543 Munich                               www.transformanz.com

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Transformanz Brochure

  • 1. trAnsForMAnz AFRICAn BuSInESS & InvESTMEnT RESEARCh We Monitor, inforM AnD ConneCt Businesses AnD investors With ssA frontier investMent MArkets your GAtewAy And strAteGic pArtner For sub-sAhArAn AFricA www.TRAnSFoRMAnz.CoM
  • 2. who we Are why sub-sAhArAn AFricA? Transformanz is an independent business and Similar to the BRIC countries some 10 15 years ago, SSA frontiers investment research company focused on Sub- have emerged over the last decade as the worlds most promising Saharan Africa (SSA). business and investment markets. The World Bank terms it the worlds last frontier investment markets. We converge and transform information into applicable intelligence. Thereafter, we monitor, Compared to developed and other emerging markets, Transformanz inform and connect SSA frontier markets with is convinced because of the below drivers that SSA will excel over the international businesses and investors. next decade as a significant market for business and investment. europe & usA overcApitAlised bric sub-sAhArAn AFricA (ssA) undercApitAlised ssA drivers j Demographic growth j Enormous commodities j High real GDP growth j Growing middle-class demand and consumption j Aggregate debt levels j High performing equity and strong evolutionary debt markets j Saturated and stagnant j Growth potentials j high growth potentials j overvalued and toxic assets j Fair value assets j undervalued assets j high correlation coefficients j Moderate correlation j Low correlation coefficients coefficients whAt we do ssA coverAGe We conduct independent research, analysis j 45 countries in SSA j over 10,000 listed and non- and planning to establish unbiased profile j 21 capital markets in SSA listed companies reports aimed at facilitating and enriching pro- j 30 industries in 10 sectors j over 50,000 executives SSA business and investment decisions. TRANSFORMANZ METHODOLOGY RESEARCH Raw Data & Statistics News & Archives Questionnaires & Interviews Geo-Politics Demographics Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Economic Indicators MACRO- MARKETS SSA - Economic Regions International Transactions COUNTRIES SSA - Frontier Investment Markets External Debt ENVIRONMENT Transformanz Strategic Markets Trade & Trading Partners INDUSTRIES Agriculture & Agri-Processing Basic Materials Enterprise & Competition Business Services Trade, Taxation & Customs Financial Market Regulations BUSINESS COMPA NIE S SECTORS Consumer Goods Financials Labour Markets CLIMATE Health Care Intellectual Property Industrials Infrastucture Technology, Telecom & Media Governance & Ratings Travel & Tourism Utilities A N A LY S I S Qualitative & Quantitative Econometrics Business-, Financial Models & Valuations E VA L U AT I O N & P L A N N I N G Trends, Scenarios Past, Estimates & Projections COUNTRY / INDUSTRY / COMPA N Y PROFILE REPORT S
  • 3. products And services dAtA set Products and services are designed to add insights to business and vAlue Added From a single-point platform investment decision making processes on SSA. we successively provide multi-source structured, verified, transparent information on SSA sover- our products and services help clients: eigns, markets, industries, companies and execu- tives for the benefit of businesses and investors j Identify business and investment opportunities active or interested in the region. j Identify and mitigate risk j Identify trading partners j Identify talents j Monitor and safeguard their businesses and investments Our findings and results (profile reports) are based on desk research. We also conduct primary research and structured investigations to meet client specific needs. Finally, we use our cross-border intelligence and network to assist clients through their transactions with SSA. AdvertisinG reports we offer you the following advertising opportunities: coMpAny proFile reports j Skyscraper banners (120 600 pixels) j Snapshot j Horizontal banners (468 60 pixels) j history j Logo buttons (120 90 pixels) for ads and sponsorship j Company registration profile j Advisors exclusive services include: j Company structure j Targeted standalones j Management information (Board of directors j Integrated sponsorships and top management) j Customized ads j Latest news j Newsletter inclusion j Business overview (products / services, sales and distribution channels) For more information contact us at Ads@trAnsForMAnz.coM j Main competitors j Financial highlights (3 5 years income, balance sheet and cashflow statements) reseArch on deMAnd j Ratio analysis j Legal notice and judgements We are aware that one size does not fit all. Our research on demand service is meant to meet clients specific needs. We deliver tailored solutions aligned to the client卒s given criteria. people proFile reports norMAl express super-FlAsh j Personal details (name, age, nationality, country profile reports 4 days 2 days 24 hours position, compensation and contact details) industry profile reports 3 weeks 2 weeks 5 days j Company details (name, business address, company profile reports 4 days 2 days 24 hours registration number, incorporation date, activities and contact info) people profile reports 4 days 2 days 24 hours j Board memberships other services include: j Professional background j Academic background j Commercial Due Diligence (company assessments and diagnosis) j Affiliations j Corporate Investigations (fraud, asset trace and contingency risk) j Awards j Sourcing (Identification of targets, partners and talents) j Legal issues j Investors Relations (independent monitoring and reporting) Visit www.trAnsForMAnz.coM for sample reports.
  • 4. country proFile reports industry proFile reports j Geo-politics j Industry overview j Demographics j Executive summary j Domestic economy j Industry structure (income, cost and drivers) j International transactions j Macro-economic analysis (STEP analysis) j External debt j Business climate j Transformation and governance ratings j SwoT j Statistics and graphics j Industry performance j Market (volume, values and segmentation) j Market (distribution, marketshares and competition) j Success factors j Top players profiles j Industry outlook and forecast j Industry news j Financial highlights
  • 5. our clients j Institutional and private investors j Procurement managers j Portfolio managers j Audit and compliance managers j Buy-side, sell side analysts j Commercial lawyers j Business development managers j Market intelligence and industry researchers j Marketing and communication managers j Academia j Credit risk managers j Media how clients use our products & services Our products and services are designed to help clients procurement and supply chain create, optimise and preserve their values: j Source and verify trading partners j Assess financial strength and viability corporate Finance and M & A j Business intelligence on trading environment j Identify target companies with specific profiles j Monitoring and benchmarking of targets compliance / due diligence j Business intelligence on trading environments and j Verify a companys existence corporate structures j Investigate if corporate structures confirm ultimate j Keep track of M & A deals ownership and beneficiaries j Investigate fraud and corporate misconduct transfer pricing j Identify target companies with specific profiles strategic and Market intelligence j Comparable formats for cross-border analysis j Identify opportunities and exploit them j Business development j Track competition j Track market entry and expansion opportunities j Access risk and develop mitigation strategies j Competition intelligence j Identify trading partners j Monitor and keep track of the market Academia j Research companies and groups credit risk j Keep track of historic records j Market/industry foresights and presentations j Detailed financials and financial strength data j Information on directors j Business intelligence on trading environments and Media corporate structures j Report opportunities and risks j Tracking and reporting of the evolutionary transformation of SSA investment markets
  • 6. your key beneFits time j Single-point for multiple business and investment information on SSA j Information provided is well structured, verified and transparent j Transactions and processes are designed to shorten the client卒s cycle time price j Based on subscription, access to multiple information for a single price-cost efficiency j Clients save resources spent on data mining, research and analysis j Clients pay only for the desired information security j Information is achieved from reliable sources and we indicate if results are verified or not j Clients gain transaction assistance from African talents with cross-boarder intelligence Quality j We focus on best-practice and proven approaches to deliver results j Results are simple and logical to serve the defined purpose j 24 / 7 downloads & support delivery j Instant downloads (PDF) pay only for what you need and download immediately j Hardcopies are sent by post with fax options j CD-ROMs by Post j E-mail payments Give a man a fish Our trusted partner Six-Cards, Safer Pay is verified and accredited by VISA and MasterCard and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a life time. we accept: Lao Tzu. c. 600 B.C.E Chinese Taoist Philosopher j Visa j JCB j Masters Card j AMEX j Diners/Discover j Debits / Checks leArn More At www.trAnsForMAnz.coM / store rolAnd nwAnchA Chief Analyst and Managing Director Roland has more than 10 years of professional experience in roles such as Investment Researcher, Management Consultant, Business Analyst and Regional Controller. Roland holds an MBA in Strategic Management, MSc. in International Finance, Investment and Management, a Chartered Management Accountant Diploma (CMA) and a Bachelor (BA) in Tourism Management. Roland is African / European and is fluent in English, French, German, Russian and Pidgin languages. For more information please contact: trAnsForMAnz Gmbh Tel. +49 89 4622 3333 African Business & Investment Research Fax +49 89 4622 3331 Birkenau 23 contact@transformanz.com D-81543 Munich www.transformanz.com