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Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
How exciting! Oh no! Really? sounds nice
understandable What a shame!
A: Ive got some good news. My teacher chose me for the athletics team for a competition in the USA next summer.
B: (1) __________
A: Yes, it is! I couldnt believe it! Now for the bad news I told my parents and they said Im not allowed to go.
B: (2) __________
A: Its true. But they had a good reason. They booked a family holiday in Spain last year and its at the same t ime
as the competition.
B: (3) __________ How do you feel?
A: Im disappointed, naturally.
B: Thats (4) __________ . At least youre having a holiday this year!
A: Yeah and the resort (5) __________ so its not all bad.
Match the opposites.
1 well-behaved strict
2 common dishonest
3 fair rare
4 honest unfamiliar
5 familiar badly-behaved
6 easy-going unfair
Complete the words with -ent, -ical or -ous.
1 ambiti__ 4 confid__
2 log__ 5 curi__
3 adventur__
Complete the definitions.
Something which is good enough or satisfactory is acceptable.
1 Someone who does not lie, cheat or steal is h_______________ .
2 Something which often happens is c_______________ .
3 Someone who likes rules and makes people obey them is s_______________ .
4 Something which you know well is f_______________ .
5 Something which is reasonable, right and accepted by most people is f_______________ .
Match the words to the definitions.
adventurous ambitious artistic confident creative curious logical sociable
good at making things such as paintings or drawings artistic
1 friendly; enjoys being with people __________
2 determined to be successful or powerful _________
3 wanting to learn or know about something _________
4 sure that you can do something well _________
5 having lots of new ideas _________
6 enjoys doing new and exciting things _________
7 reasonable and sensible _________
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
hunt (v.) status tattoo tribe warrior
1 Im thinking of getting a ______ of a rose to go on my shoulder.
2 Achilles was one of the most famous ______ in Ancient Greece.
3 Some Aborigine boys learn how to ______ animals when theyre 13.
4 Often, if you have a low ______ in society, you dont have a good job or much money.
5 Did you know there are over 500 Native American ______ in the USA?
Complete the words with -al, or -ion.
1 arriv__
2 protect__
3 surviv__
Match the words from exercise 4 to the pictures.
1 2
Complete the sentences with the nouns and verbs in the box.
arrive population position protect survive
1 Anne is learning a new yoga ___________ .
2 You should use a high-factor sunscreen to _________ your skin from sunburn.
3 The wild bird __________on the island is growing rapidly.
4 What time does your train ____________?
5 Some animal species ____________ the winter by hibernating.
1 _______________
2 _______________
3 _______________
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
Choose the correct option.
A: My exam results are a lot better than last year!
B: Thats fantastic / dreadful!
1 A: My brother said that he wont have a job after April.
B: What a shame! / How exciting!
2 A: I went to the new burger bar last night.
B: What was it like? / That sounds terrible!
A: It was nice.
3 A: Grandmas going to come and live with us after the summer holidays.
B: That was sad. / Really?
4 A: When I got back home last night, my front door was open. I was really afraid to go in.
B: What happened next? / How do you feel?
5 A: What do you think of the new ICT suite at school?
B: Thats understandable. / I really like it.
6 A: Dad says we can have a swimming pool in the garden next summer!
B: How exciting! / What a shame!
Complete the sentences with the words.
career confident creative degree direct indirect protection status
1 Her _______________ in the company gives her a special importance.
2 Youre too _______________ . You say what you think, even if it hurts someone.
3 _____________ prevents harm or damage.
4 Hes so _______________ and always has lots of new ideas.
5 A _______________ is a job or profession that you do for a long time, often all your working life.
6 He doesnt say what he means in an obvious way. Hes always so _______________ .
7 What ____________ did you do at university?
8 If youre _______________ , you know that you will do well.
Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
1 Scientists are worried about the __________ of some rainforest _________ because the areas where they
_________ are getting smaller.
(tribes / hunt / survival)
2 My brother is really _________ these days. Hes studying for a _________ in Business. Its rare for him to go
out and be _________!
(sociable / hard-working / degree)
3 Our _________ time was 4 p.m. but our room isnt ready. This is _________ . This hotel should be more
_________ .
(organized / unacceptable / arrival)
4 When our family moved to London it was strange and _________ at first. The _________ is much bigger than
our small village! On _________ at the airport, there were so many people!
(population / arrival / unfamiliar)
Write the opposites.
1 rare ____________
2 honest ____________
3 familiar ____________
4 strict ____________
5 compulsory ____________
6 fair ____________
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
Complete the text with the words.
artistic curious direct hard-working mathematical organized
I met my friend Naomi at primary school. I liked her because she was so (1) _____________  she was always
asking questions. Shes also very
(2) _____________ . Shes never afraid to say what she thinks! Im much more (3) _____________ than Naomi. I
keep my things tidy so I know where they are, but she can never find anything!
We changed to a new school this year. All the teachers are happy with us because were both
(4) _____________ , but were good at different things. Ive got quite a (5) _____________ mind and I find solving
problems quite easy. Naomi is much more (6) _____________ than me. She does amazing paintings and her maps
and diagrams are better than mine, too!
Are the sentences true or false?
1 The giant panda is a very rare animal. __
2 PETA is an animal protection organization. __
3 You need to study Art if you want a career in medicine. __
4 A sociable person likes to spend a lot of time on their own. __
5 Writing letters to friends is common now. __
6 You mustnt smoke on a plane. __
Complete the words in the dialogue.
A: I had to change school in January.
B: (1) R_____________y? Why?
A: My dad got a new job so we had to move house.
B: How did you (2) f_____________l?
A: I was (3) a_____________s at first. I was
worried about having to make new friends.
B: Thats (4) u_____________e . So, what was
your new school (5) l_____________ e?
A: Actually, it was (6) f_____________ c! I really
like it. I couldnt be happier!
Complete the sentences
1 John loves acting on stage and never feels nervous. He is a very __________ performer.
2 People who are good at Maths are often very ____________ . They have to think things through carefully.
3 Bill is a very ____________ young man; hes studying engineering at a top university and he also has a part-
time job in a shop.
4 Explorers are often ____________ people; they like going into unknown territories and making new discoveries.
5 Luisa is so ____________ ; before she goes on holiday she makes a list of everything she needs to pack.
Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1 Doctors and surgeons have high ____________ in our society.
2 There are many lost ____________ living in the Amazon rainforest.
3 These days, a lot of footballers decorate their bodies with ____________ . Theyve become very fashionable.
4 Geronimo was a famous ____________ of the Apache tribe.
5 The Asian elephant is very rare now because people ____________ it.
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
Write two adjectives to describe these people / things.
1 My little brother has lots of energy and is always doing different things. Hes also very interested in learning
about new things.
____________ and ____________
2 You have very unusual and original ideas and your paintings and drawings are great.
____________ and ____________
3 Unfortunately, my neighbour never tells the truth and he doesnt treat people equally.
____________ and ____________
4 Most people in this club are very relaxed and friendly. They enjoy meeting new people and making them feel
____________ and ____________
5 There arent many of this type of object in the world. They are very difficult to find and people dont usually
recognise them if they see them
____________ and ____________
Match adjectives 14 to definitions AD.
1 obligatory ____
2 fair ____
3 familiar ____
4 easy-going ____
A well-known or easily
B required by a rule or law
C relaxed and tolerant
D treating people equally
Complete the sentences
1 Mary loves painting and is always making things. Shes a very c_________ person.
2 John loves acting on stage and is a very c__________ performer.
3 Its d____________ to tell lies.
4 Explorers are often a____________ people; they like going into unknown territories and making new
5 Luisa is so o____________; before she goes on holiday she always makes a list of everything she needs to
6 My sister is very h__________; she always does her homework and studies a lot before exams.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
hunt status tattoo tribes warrior
1 Doctors and surgeons have high ____________ in our society.
2 There are many lost ____________ living in the Amazon rainforest.
3 These days, a lot of footballers decorate their bodies with ____________ . Theyve become fashionable.
4 Geronimo was a famous ____________ of the Apache tribe.
5 The Asian elephant is very rare now because people ____________ it.

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spectrum 3 vocabulary unit 1.docx

  • 1. Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 SPECTRUM 3 Complete the dialogue with the expressions. How exciting! Oh no! Really? sounds nice understandable What a shame! A: Ive got some good news. My teacher chose me for the athletics team for a competition in the USA next summer. B: (1) __________ A: Yes, it is! I couldnt believe it! Now for the bad news I told my parents and they said Im not allowed to go. B: (2) __________ A: Its true. But they had a good reason. They booked a family holiday in Spain last year and its at the same t ime as the competition. B: (3) __________ How do you feel? A: Im disappointed, naturally. B: Thats (4) __________ . At least youre having a holiday this year! A: Yeah and the resort (5) __________ so its not all bad. Match the opposites. 1 well-behaved strict 2 common dishonest 3 fair rare 4 honest unfamiliar 5 familiar badly-behaved 6 easy-going unfair Complete the words with -ent, -ical or -ous. active 1 ambiti__ 4 confid__ 2 log__ 5 curi__ 3 adventur__ Complete the definitions. Something which is good enough or satisfactory is acceptable. 1 Someone who does not lie, cheat or steal is h_______________ . 2 Something which often happens is c_______________ . 3 Someone who likes rules and makes people obey them is s_______________ . 4 Something which you know well is f_______________ . 5 Something which is reasonable, right and accepted by most people is f_______________ . Match the words to the definitions. adventurous ambitious artistic confident creative curious logical sociable good at making things such as paintings or drawings artistic 1 friendly; enjoys being with people __________ 2 determined to be successful or powerful _________ 3 wanting to learn or know about something _________ 4 sure that you can do something well _________ 5 having lots of new ideas _________ 6 enjoys doing new and exciting things _________ 7 reasonable and sensible _________
  • 2. Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 SPECTRUM 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. hunt (v.) status tattoo tribe warrior 1 Im thinking of getting a ______ of a rose to go on my shoulder. 2 Achilles was one of the most famous ______ in Ancient Greece. 3 Some Aborigine boys learn how to ______ animals when theyre 13. 4 Often, if you have a low ______ in society, you dont have a good job or much money. 5 Did you know there are over 500 Native American ______ in the USA? Complete the words with -al, or -ion. 1 arriv__ 2 protect__ 3 surviv__ Match the words from exercise 4 to the pictures. 1 2 3 Complete the sentences with the nouns and verbs in the box. arrive population position protect survive 1 Anne is learning a new yoga ___________ . 2 You should use a high-factor sunscreen to _________ your skin from sunburn. 3 The wild bird __________on the island is growing rapidly. 4 What time does your train ____________? 5 Some animal species ____________ the winter by hibernating. 1 _______________ 2 _______________ 3 _______________
  • 3. Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 SPECTRUM 3 Choose the correct option. A: My exam results are a lot better than last year! B: Thats fantastic / dreadful! 1 A: My brother said that he wont have a job after April. B: What a shame! / How exciting! 2 A: I went to the new burger bar last night. B: What was it like? / That sounds terrible! A: It was nice. 3 A: Grandmas going to come and live with us after the summer holidays. B: That was sad. / Really? 4 A: When I got back home last night, my front door was open. I was really afraid to go in. B: What happened next? / How do you feel? 5 A: What do you think of the new ICT suite at school? B: Thats understandable. / I really like it. 6 A: Dad says we can have a swimming pool in the garden next summer! B: How exciting! / What a shame! Complete the sentences with the words. career confident creative degree direct indirect protection status 1 Her _______________ in the company gives her a special importance. 2 Youre too _______________ . You say what you think, even if it hurts someone. 3 _____________ prevents harm or damage. 4 Hes so _______________ and always has lots of new ideas. 5 A _______________ is a job or profession that you do for a long time, often all your working life. 6 He doesnt say what he means in an obvious way. Hes always so _______________ . 7 What ____________ did you do at university? 8 If youre _______________ , you know that you will do well. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. 1 Scientists are worried about the __________ of some rainforest _________ because the areas where they _________ are getting smaller. (tribes / hunt / survival) 2 My brother is really _________ these days. Hes studying for a _________ in Business. Its rare for him to go out and be _________! (sociable / hard-working / degree) 3 Our _________ time was 4 p.m. but our room isnt ready. This is _________ . This hotel should be more _________ . (organized / unacceptable / arrival) 4 When our family moved to London it was strange and _________ at first. The _________ is much bigger than our small village! On _________ at the airport, there were so many people! (population / arrival / unfamiliar) Write the opposites. 1 rare ____________ 2 honest ____________ 3 familiar ____________ 4 strict ____________ 5 compulsory ____________ 6 fair ____________
  • 4. Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 SPECTRUM 3 Complete the text with the words. artistic curious direct hard-working mathematical organized I met my friend Naomi at primary school. I liked her because she was so (1) _____________ she was always asking questions. Shes also very (2) _____________ . Shes never afraid to say what she thinks! Im much more (3) _____________ than Naomi. I keep my things tidy so I know where they are, but she can never find anything! We changed to a new school this year. All the teachers are happy with us because were both (4) _____________ , but were good at different things. Ive got quite a (5) _____________ mind and I find solving problems quite easy. Naomi is much more (6) _____________ than me. She does amazing paintings and her maps and diagrams are better than mine, too! Are the sentences true or false? 1 The giant panda is a very rare animal. __ 2 PETA is an animal protection organization. __ 3 You need to study Art if you want a career in medicine. __ 4 A sociable person likes to spend a lot of time on their own. __ 5 Writing letters to friends is common now. __ 6 You mustnt smoke on a plane. __ Complete the words in the dialogue. A: I had to change school in January. B: (1) R_____________y? Why? A: My dad got a new job so we had to move house. B: How did you (2) f_____________l? A: I was (3) a_____________s at first. I was worried about having to make new friends. B: Thats (4) u_____________e . So, what was your new school (5) l_____________ e? A: Actually, it was (6) f_____________ c! I really like it. I couldnt be happier! Complete the sentences 1 John loves acting on stage and never feels nervous. He is a very __________ performer. 2 People who are good at Maths are often very ____________ . They have to think things through carefully. 3 Bill is a very ____________ young man; hes studying engineering at a top university and he also has a part- time job in a shop. 4 Explorers are often ____________ people; they like going into unknown territories and making new discoveries. 5 Luisa is so ____________ ; before she goes on holiday she makes a list of everything she needs to pack. Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1 Doctors and surgeons have high ____________ in our society. 2 There are many lost ____________ living in the Amazon rainforest. 3 These days, a lot of footballers decorate their bodies with ____________ . Theyve become very fashionable. 4 Geronimo was a famous ____________ of the Apache tribe. 5 The Asian elephant is very rare now because people ____________ it.
  • 5. Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 SPECTRUM 3 Write two adjectives to describe these people / things. 1 My little brother has lots of energy and is always doing different things. Hes also very interested in learning about new things. ____________ and ____________ 2 You have very unusual and original ideas and your paintings and drawings are great. ____________ and ____________ 3 Unfortunately, my neighbour never tells the truth and he doesnt treat people equally. ____________ and ____________ 4 Most people in this club are very relaxed and friendly. They enjoy meeting new people and making them feel welcome. ____________ and ____________ 5 There arent many of this type of object in the world. They are very difficult to find and people dont usually recognise them if they see them ____________ and ____________ Match adjectives 14 to definitions AD. 1 obligatory ____ 2 fair ____ 3 familiar ____ 4 easy-going ____ A well-known or easily recognized B required by a rule or law C relaxed and tolerant D treating people equally Complete the sentences 1 Mary loves painting and is always making things. Shes a very c_________ person. 2 John loves acting on stage and is a very c__________ performer. 3 Its d____________ to tell lies. 4 Explorers are often a____________ people; they like going into unknown territories and making new discoveries. 5 Luisa is so o____________; before she goes on holiday she always makes a list of everything she needs to pack. 6 My sister is very h__________; she always does her homework and studies a lot before exams. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. hunt status tattoo tribes warrior 1 Doctors and surgeons have high ____________ in our society. 2 There are many lost ____________ living in the Amazon rainforest. 3 These days, a lot of footballers decorate their bodies with ____________ . Theyve become fashionable. 4 Geronimo was a famous ____________ of the Apache tribe. 5 The Asian elephant is very rare now because people ____________ it.