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eSports academy
The healthy approach to eSports
More and more
teenagers dedicate
themselves in trying
to become eSports
Target Users
Problem 1
The cost to become a professional esports player is
spending up a lot of hours (15-18 hrs per day) in
playing video games.
Problem 2
In order to keep up with the high competition the
majority of the players are systematically abusing
Nobody talks about it because everyone is on it: Adderall presents esports with an enigma
Its not as awesome as people imagine: Esports players say dream job is more than fun and games
Problem 3
The average retirement age of a
professional esports player is very low (25)
due to the intensity of the training,
competing, drug abuse and traveling
Gamers' Plight: Why So Many Esports Players Retire by 25  and What Comes Next
Add a little bit of body text
Professional training programs with coaches and
psychologists with less wasted time in front of the PC
and no use of drugs.
We are building an academy that is going to replicate
the environment for competing on a professional level
whilst helping the players maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Similar model is already applied by Astralis (one of the best CS:GO organizations) [ref]
Coaching team
The team consists of psychologists,
professional and veteran esport players
Our methodology relies on the
importance of a healthy lifestyle which
translates directly to performance in
Entry to esports
We use the latest tech to have data on
the prerformance of the players.
Data science approach to training
aim and reaction time
The Swiss knife platform for
managing an eSport organization
According to Newzoo, globally,
the total esports audience will
grow to 453.8 million in 2019, a
year-on-year growth of +15.0%.
Esports Enthusiasts will make up
201.2 million of this number,
growing +16.3% year on year.
Target Market
Competitive players
People who desire to improve their skills in a team
Students (High school)
Students in the 14-18 yr old age bracket that are
passionate for eSports
The global amount of eSports enthusiasts
- 655 million eSports enthusiasts
according to Newzoo
Skilled Individual players - approximation
~1.5 million (10%)
Professionals - ~18,000 globally
Top professionals - highest income
Top eSports
Johan Sundstein 'N0tail'
Jesse Vainikka 'JerAx' $6,470,000.02
Anathan Pham 'ana' $6,000,411.96
S辿bastien Debs 'Ceb' $5,501,233.01
Topias Taavitsainen ' Topson'
'N0tail' with the trophy after winning The International 9 and earning $3,124,036.20
Global Recognition
We have a growing amount of esports
organizations and global recognition of Bulgarian
eSport players playing at the highest levels
We have plenty of Bulgarian eSport veterans or
players close to retirement that are willing to
contribute with the growth of eSports in Bulgaria
Our Direct competitors
are Gamersensei,
Gamerzclass and
coaches on Fiverr
Our indirect competitors
would be other sports
academies and hobbies
(football, basketball,
music schools)
Similarweb Metrics
Gamerzclass.com Gamersensei.com
Through Learn2Esports we are capable to be fully
transparent with the parents on what acitivites their
child partakes.
Team play
Our focus is on teaching the players to work in a team
and not simply have an individualistic approach
Controlled Environment
We are utilizing data and professionals from the
industry itself to provide real insights
Direct Link
Through our network, we are the connection between
established organizations and the talented players
Business Model
Monthly Subscription for coaching the players in
a team environment and one-on-one sessions
Affiliate links to Sponsors
Tihomir Petrov
Gamer / Biz Dev
Konstantin Kostadinov
Gamer / Developer
Vladimir Dimitrov
The Team
Nikola Radushev
CS Pro and Coach
To be Announced
Dota 2 Coach
Glitch eSports Hub
Upcoming Bulgarian
eSports Org
Partnerships (in negotiation)
Go To Market Strategy
We will market our academy in all of the Facebook
gaming groups and discord channels.
We will form strategic partnerships with the rest of
the eSports ecosystem in Bulgaria for cross-channel
Validate the idea in Bulgaria - Test the approach with ~100 students until the end of
Find a facility where we can take the coaching to. (Glitch E-sports Hub, Playhub: Next
Level) Within a week of the accelerator program
Create our landing page to capture leads. (done)
Growth hack into finding cheap ways to get exposure for the Academy either
through media outlets or strategic partnerships. (N/a)
Preparing the training materials and fundamentals for direct coaching. (Within a
month of the program)
Establishing more relationships and partnerships with people from the professional
scene residing in Bulgaria. (We have leads already just want to have something to
show for)
Thank you!
Contact Us

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  • 1. 01 eSports academy The healthy approach to eSports
  • 2. More and more teenagers dedicate themselves in trying to become eSports professionals 02 Target Users
  • 3. 03 Problem 1 The cost to become a professional esports player is spending up a lot of hours (15-18 hrs per day) in playing video games.
  • 4. 04 Problem 2 In order to keep up with the high competition the majority of the players are systematically abusing drugs. Nobody talks about it because everyone is on it: Adderall presents esports with an enigma Its not as awesome as people imagine: Esports players say dream job is more than fun and games
  • 5. Problem 3 The average retirement age of a professional esports player is very low (25) due to the intensity of the training, competing, drug abuse and traveling 05 Gamers' Plight: Why So Many Esports Players Retire by 25 and What Comes Next Add a little bit of body text
  • 6. 06 Solution Professional training programs with coaches and psychologists with less wasted time in front of the PC and no use of drugs.
  • 7. 07 Academy We are building an academy that is going to replicate the environment for competing on a professional level whilst helping the players maintain a healthy lifestyle. Similar model is already applied by Astralis (one of the best CS:GO organizations) [ref]
  • 8. 08 Coaching team The team consists of psychologists, professional and veteran esport players Methodology Our methodology relies on the importance of a healthy lifestyle which translates directly to performance in esports Entry to esports Wearetheentrypointfortheprofessional esportsworldthroughourestablished partnershipnetwork UVP
  • 9. Novelty We use the latest tech to have data on the prerformance of the players. Data science approach to training aim and reaction time The Swiss knife platform for managing an eSport organization 09
  • 10. Market According to Newzoo, globally, the total esports audience will grow to 453.8 million in 2019, a year-on-year growth of +15.0%. Esports Enthusiasts will make up 201.2 million of this number, growing +16.3% year on year. 10
  • 11. 11 Target Market Competitive players People who desire to improve their skills in a team environment Students (High school) Students in the 14-18 yr old age bracket that are passionate for eSports The global amount of eSports enthusiasts - 655 million eSports enthusiasts according to Newzoo Skilled Individual players - approximation ~1.5 million (10%) Professionals - ~18,000 globally Top professionals - highest income
  • 12. Top eSports Earnings Johan Sundstein 'N0tail' $6,906,166.40 Jesse Vainikka 'JerAx' $6,470,000.02 Anathan Pham 'ana' $6,000,411.96 S辿bastien Debs 'Ceb' $5,501,233.01 Topias Taavitsainen ' Topson' $5,414,446.17 12 'N0tail' with the trophy after winning The International 9 and earning $3,124,036.20
  • 13. 13 Timing Global Recognition We have a growing amount of esports organizations and global recognition of Bulgarian eSport players playing at the highest levels eSportsismorepopular thanever We have plenty of Bulgarian eSport veterans or players close to retirement that are willing to contribute with the growth of eSports in Bulgaria
  • 14. Direct Competitors Indirect Competitors 14 Our Direct competitors are Gamersensei, Gamerzclass and coaches on Fiverr Our indirect competitors would be other sports academies and hobbies (football, basketball, music schools)
  • 16. 16 Transparency Through Learn2Esports we are capable to be fully transparent with the parents on what acitivites their child partakes. Competitive Advantages Team play Our focus is on teaching the players to work in a team and not simply have an individualistic approach Controlled Environment We are utilizing data and professionals from the industry itself to provide real insights Direct Link Through our network, we are the connection between established organizations and the talented players
  • 17. 17 Business Model Monthly Subscription for coaching the players in a team environment and one-on-one sessions Affiliate links to Sponsors
  • 18. Tihomir Petrov Gamer / Biz Dev Konstantin Kostadinov Gamer / Developer Vladimir Dimitrov Psychologist The Team Nikola Radushev CS Pro and Coach To be Announced Dota 2 Coach 18
  • 19. Glitch eSports Hub Upcoming Bulgarian eSports Org Partnerships (in negotiation) 19
  • 20. 22 Go To Market Strategy We will market our academy in all of the Facebook gaming groups and discord channels. We will form strategic partnerships with the rest of the eSports ecosystem in Bulgaria for cross-channel marketing
  • 21. 23 Validate the idea in Bulgaria - Test the approach with ~100 students until the end of 2020 Find a facility where we can take the coaching to. (Glitch E-sports Hub, Playhub: Next Level) Within a week of the accelerator program Create our landing page to capture leads. (done) Growth hack into finding cheap ways to get exposure for the Academy either through media outlets or strategic partnerships. (N/a) Preparing the training materials and fundamentals for direct coaching. (Within a month of the program) Establishing more relationships and partnerships with people from the professional scene residing in Bulgaria. (We have leads already just want to have something to show for) Roadmap