This document highlights some incredible aspects of different animals. It notes that lions can roar from 8 kilometers away, tigers are the largest cats, and elephants have extremely sensitive skin. It also discusses bears, foxes, sharks, dolphins, octopuses, whales, dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, and provides references at the end.
This document lists different vehicles and machines in pairs on separate lines, including dump truck, tractor, truck, car, fire engine, motorcycle, airplane, train, ship, and boat. It seems to be identifying different modes of transportation.
This document lists various fruits including apple, banana, orange, peach, grapes, watermelon, melon, cherries, strawberry, and pineapple with apple repeated at the beginning and end.
This document lists different types of animals with each animal repeated twice, including dogs, cats, cows, ducks, horses, zebras, lions, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, bears, pigs, and bunnies.
The very hungry caterpillar II - FlashcardsMFatimaGS
The story follows a caterpillar as it eats through a variety of foods on different days of the week, including one lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, cupcake, watermelon, cheese, chocolate cake, ice cream, pickle, and salami. By eating through the foods, the caterpillar grows larger each day until it forms a cocoon and emerges as a beautiful butterfly.
The document is a list of animals divided into three sections - Wild Animals, Sea Animals, and Pets. The Wild Animals section lists the lion, tiger, elephant, and bear. The Sea Animals section includes the shark, dolphin, octopus, sea turtle, and whale. Finally, the Pets section covers the dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, and fish. The document provides flashcards on different types of animals and references that the images were taken from Google.
This document lists common farm animals including males, females, and offspring. It mentions chickens, cows, horses, rabbits, dogs, cats, ducks, pigs, sheep, and goats along with terms like cock, hen, chick, bull, calf, mare, foal, lamb, and kid to denote relationships between adults and young of different species typically found on farms.
The document is a list of webpages presented by the website with no other notable content. It simply repeats "Presented by" over 50 times without any other details.
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.
Amazing flowers photos.:)
Play Group Math Oral counting(1 30)(?-??)-?Cambriannews
Julia Akter is an assistant teacher at Cambrian School and College in Mirpur, Dhaka. She teaches math to students in the play group class. The lesson objective is for students to count numbers 21 through 30 in both English and Bengali. Students will work in groups collecting colored blocks and counting individually from 21 to 30 to practice their numbers. The lesson concludes with reminding students to cut their nails once a week.
The document discusses the colors associated with the four seasons - spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It provides examples of colors seen in nature during each season, from the rainbow of flowers in spring to the neutral shades of winter. It also includes information about two artworks - The Autumn painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo from 1573 and Maria's portrait pencil drawing by Antonio Lopez Garcia from 1972.
This document appears to be a diary entry written by a girl named Eleonora. She provides some basic facts about herself like being 141 cm tall, having blue eyes and light brown hair. She was born in Rome in 2003 but now lives in Termoli, a town on the coast of Italy known for its good food, especially fish. Eleonora expresses her love for Italy, its culture and cities. She enjoys sports and music, especially rhythmic gymnastics and playing the violin. She introduces her family which she says is fantastic, providing short descriptions of her dad, mum and brother.
This document is a newsletter from Phoenix Children's Hospital Foundation from Spring 2014. It discusses several stories of hope involving patients who found optimism through the care they received at Phoenix Children's Hospital during difficult medical situations. It also discusses the need to expand the emergency department and trauma center due to increasing demand. Additionally, it profiles a neurosurgeon at the hospital who is passionate about brain tumor research. The newsletter aims to highlight how the hospital provides hope to patients and families and how community support helps fund innovative programs and care.
The document is a collection of quotes about roses from various cultures and authors. Many of the quotes discuss how roses have both beauty and thorns, representing that both positive and negative aspects can coexist. Other quotes emphasize appreciating roses while they are present and finding beauty even in difficult situations. The collection shows the multi-faceted symbolism of roses across different perspectives.
This document lists different types of animals with each animal repeated twice, including dogs, cats, cows, ducks, horses, zebras, lions, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, bears, pigs, and bunnies.
The very hungry caterpillar II - FlashcardsMFatimaGS
The story follows a caterpillar as it eats through a variety of foods on different days of the week, including one lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, cupcake, watermelon, cheese, chocolate cake, ice cream, pickle, and salami. By eating through the foods, the caterpillar grows larger each day until it forms a cocoon and emerges as a beautiful butterfly.
The document is a list of animals divided into three sections - Wild Animals, Sea Animals, and Pets. The Wild Animals section lists the lion, tiger, elephant, and bear. The Sea Animals section includes the shark, dolphin, octopus, sea turtle, and whale. Finally, the Pets section covers the dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, and fish. The document provides flashcards on different types of animals and references that the images were taken from Google.
This document lists common farm animals including males, females, and offspring. It mentions chickens, cows, horses, rabbits, dogs, cats, ducks, pigs, sheep, and goats along with terms like cock, hen, chick, bull, calf, mare, foal, lamb, and kid to denote relationships between adults and young of different species typically found on farms.
The document is a list of webpages presented by the website with no other notable content. It simply repeats "Presented by" over 50 times without any other details.
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.
Amazing flowers photos.:)
Play Group Math Oral counting(1 30)(?-??)-?Cambriannews
Julia Akter is an assistant teacher at Cambrian School and College in Mirpur, Dhaka. She teaches math to students in the play group class. The lesson objective is for students to count numbers 21 through 30 in both English and Bengali. Students will work in groups collecting colored blocks and counting individually from 21 to 30 to practice their numbers. The lesson concludes with reminding students to cut their nails once a week.
The document discusses the colors associated with the four seasons - spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It provides examples of colors seen in nature during each season, from the rainbow of flowers in spring to the neutral shades of winter. It also includes information about two artworks - The Autumn painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo from 1573 and Maria's portrait pencil drawing by Antonio Lopez Garcia from 1972.
This document appears to be a diary entry written by a girl named Eleonora. She provides some basic facts about herself like being 141 cm tall, having blue eyes and light brown hair. She was born in Rome in 2003 but now lives in Termoli, a town on the coast of Italy known for its good food, especially fish. Eleonora expresses her love for Italy, its culture and cities. She enjoys sports and music, especially rhythmic gymnastics and playing the violin. She introduces her family which she says is fantastic, providing short descriptions of her dad, mum and brother.
This document is a newsletter from Phoenix Children's Hospital Foundation from Spring 2014. It discusses several stories of hope involving patients who found optimism through the care they received at Phoenix Children's Hospital during difficult medical situations. It also discusses the need to expand the emergency department and trauma center due to increasing demand. Additionally, it profiles a neurosurgeon at the hospital who is passionate about brain tumor research. The newsletter aims to highlight how the hospital provides hope to patients and families and how community support helps fund innovative programs and care.
The document is a collection of quotes about roses from various cultures and authors. Many of the quotes discuss how roses have both beauty and thorns, representing that both positive and negative aspects can coexist. Other quotes emphasize appreciating roses while they are present and finding beauty even in difficult situations. The collection shows the multi-faceted symbolism of roses across different perspectives.
El maltrato a menores y la respuesta educativa. Tipos de maltratos.MFatimaGS
Este documento define el maltrato infantil y proporciona indicadores para su detecci¨®n. Explica que el maltrato incluye abuso f¨ªsico, emocional o sexual, as¨ª como negligencia, y clasifica los tipos de maltrato. Adem¨¢s, describe indicadores f¨ªsicos, comportamentales, acad¨¦micos y familiares de maltrato, e indica que los profesores deben notificar a las autoridades competentes si sospechan maltrato para proteger al ni?o.
Una ratita presumida encuentra una moneda de oro y se compra un lazo. Varias pretendientes, incluyendo un burro, un perro y un cerdo, le proponen matrimonio pero los rechaza por los ruidos que hacen por la noche. Finalmente acepta casarse con un gato porque su ronroneo es suave, pero el gato termina comi¨¦ndosela.
Poes¨ªa de la letra F.
Cuaderno 5 - Cocinero y Tableta. Oxford Editorial.
CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida - 5 a?os A
Curso 2015-16
Bits Viajeros - Helena gallardo - Animales del bosqueMFatimaGS
Libro de "Bits Viajeros" de la clase de 4 a?os A del CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida, perteneciente al "Proyecto M¨¦todo Doman", y realizado en colaboraci¨®n con las familias.
Curso 2014-15
Animales del bosque - Realizado por la familia de Helena Gallardo Soleto.
Flashcards - Doman "The very hungry caterpillar" - Eric Carl¨¦.
CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida
Curso 2014-15
Bits viajeros - Paula - Cuadros de picassoMFatimaGS
Libro de "Bits Viajeros" de la clase de 4 a?os A del CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida, perteneciente al "Proyecto M¨¦todo Doman", y realizado en colaboraci¨®n con las familias.
Curso 2014-15
Cuadros de Picasso - Realizado por la familia de Paula ?lvarez Corchero.
Bits viajeros - Natalia - Animales de la granjaMFatimaGS
La familia de Natalia de Esteban Rosado hizo recortes de animales de granja que incluyen una gallina, un gallo, un gato, un poni, un pavo, un pato, un caballo y una paloma.
Bits viajeros - Javier Carabel - Monumentos romanos de M¨¦ridaMFatimaGS
Libro de "Bits Viajeros" de la clase de 4 a?os A del CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida, perteneciente al "Proyecto M¨¦todo Doman", y realizado en colaboraci¨®n con las familias.
Curso 2014-15
Monumentos romanos de M¨¦rida - Realizado por la familia de Javier Carabel Osorio.
Libro de "Bits Viajeros" de la clase de 4 a?os A del CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida, perteneciente al "Proyecto M¨¦todo Doman", y realizado en colaboraci¨®n con las familias.
Curso 2014-15
Los sentidos - Realizado por la familia de Jaime Gal¨¢n Garc¨ªa.
Libro de "Bits Viajeros" de la clase de 4 a?os A del CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida, perteneciente al "Proyecto M¨¦todo Doman", y realizado en colaboraci¨®n con las familias.
Curso 2014-15
Frutas tropicales - Realizado por la familia de Abel Castro Velarde.
Bits viajeros - Isaac - Instrumentos de cuerdaMFatimaGS
Libro de "Bits Viajeros" de la clase de 4 a?os A del CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida, perteneciente al "Proyecto M¨¦todo Doman", y realizado en colaboraci¨®n con las familias.
Curso 2014-15
Instrumentos musicales de cuertad - Realizado por la familia de Isaac Estrella Aguilar.
Bits viajeros - Aldara - Frutas y verdurasMFatimaGS
Libro de "Bits Viajeros" de la clase de 4 a?os A del CEIP Ciudad de M¨¦rida, perteneciente al "Proyecto M¨¦todo Doman", y realizado en colaboraci¨®n con las familias.
Curso 2014-15
Frutas y verduras - Realizado por la familia de Aldara Barrios Gayol.