JSUG SpringOnePlatform 2016報告会 Case study2 - feed back - springoneplatformTakahiro Fujii
JSUG勉強会?SpringOne Platform 2016 報告会!
で発表させて頂いた、case studyのfeedbackになります。
This is the Japanese Feedback document of SpringOnepPlatform 2016 conference.
JSUG SpringOnePlatform 2016報告会 Case study2 - feed back - springoneplatformTakahiro Fujii
JSUG勉強会?SpringOne Platform 2016 報告会!
で発表させて頂いた、case studyのfeedbackになります。
This is the Japanese Feedback document of SpringOnepPlatform 2016 conference.
The document discusses Trac, an open source project management and bug tracking tool that was started in 2006. Trac has a wiki interface and supports plugins like FullBlogPlugin, TagsPlugin, and TracWysiwygPlugin to add additional functionality. The document also includes several Flickr image URLs.
The document discusses Trac, an open source project management and bug tracking tool that was started in 2006. Trac has a wiki interface and supports plugins like FullBlogPlugin, TagsPlugin, and TracWysiwygPlugin to add additional functionality. The document also includes several Flickr image URLs.
The document summarizes the Eclipse Demo Camp Tokyo 2010 event which featured presentations on Quick JUnit for unit testing in Java, JAMCircle for Eclipse plugin development, and JRuby and JavaScript integration. It provides information on the presenters and links to related projects and websites for Quick JUnit and JAMCircle.
The document discusses Eclipse Demo Camp on September 6th at 19:00. It provides examples of code organization for a Kanban board application using YAML configuration files, OSGi bundles, and data storage with ZIP files. Code examples demonstrate parsing YAML configuration, translating data types, and loading/dumping lane data to ZIP storage. Links are included for additional OSGi documentation and contact information.
6. Spring Dynamic Modulesを
7. Spring Dynamic Modulesを
? Increased Productivity(生産性の向上)
? Superior User Experience(優れたUX)
? Improved Application Quality(品質の改善)
? Focus on Business Logic(ビジネスロジックに注力)
? Easier Migration to OSGi(OSGiへの移行が簡単)
8. Spring Dynamic Modulesを
? Increased Productivity(生産性の向上) Springの利点
? Superior User Experience(優れたUX)
? Improved Application Quality(品質の改善)
? Focus on Business Logic(ビジネスロジックに注力)
? Easier Migration to OSGi(OSGiへの移行が簡単)