Вебинар 2(16.10.13)Минимизация бытового мусора (ТБО)дома и в школе-2.Boris ChigarevСовременные технологии утилизации твердых бытовых отходов: захоронение на полигонах, сжигание, раздельный сбор и вторичная переработка фракций. Стратегия "Ноль отходов". Инициатива 3R – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle (Повторное использование, Сокращение объемов, Переработка). Ситуация с утилизацией отходов в России и, в частности, в Москве. Мозговой штурм: возможные действия граждан РФ, в том числе школьников, по сокращению количества отходов и повторному использованию ценных компонентов. Перспективы.
Вторичное использование и экологияМБОУ Корниловская СОШ (Томская обл., Томский р-он)Данная презентация содержит много интересной и полезной информации по теме "Вторичного использования мусора" и экологии. Как бережно относится к своей планете.
актуальность проблемы нравственного воспитанияАндрей Манеровактуальность проблемы нравственного воспитания
Analisis casa de gabriela mistral las palmeras grupo 03PatrimonioWorkshop1. La Casa Gabriela Mistral se encuentra en el Centro Cultural de La Moneda, en Santiago de Chile.
2. El objetivo es generar un espacio de encuentro cultural y educativo que difunda la obra de Gabriela Mistral.
3. Se propone crear un paseo peatonal y cultural que una la Casa Gabriela Mistral con el Parque Forestal a través del barrio Lastarria.
Chad daley 1chad101290This document discusses different elements of art and provides examples for each one. It describes closed form as showing the whole object, while open form is a close-up that does not show the full object. Atmospheric perspective uses warm colors. Scale shows objects of different sizes to represent distance. Linear perspective has lines converging to a single point. Lighting makes a highlighted area the focal point. Texture relates to how something might feel if touched.
Tools Of The TradedbuczekClearCoast helps companies develop branding and marketing tools to connect with government buyers. They believe branding begins with collateral materials like brochures, mailers, and websites that communicate the value of products and services while showing an understanding of the unique government market. ClearCoast has experience creating various materials including capability statements, press releases, sales presentations, proposals, pricing lists, and marketing campaigns tailored for the federal sector.
AZIMUT Azimut 68S, 2007, 1.200.000€ For Sale Brochure. Presented By azimut-y...Azimut Yacht ClubCategory: Motoryacht with cockpit, Condition: Pre-owned, Seller Type: Yacht Broker, AZIMUT, Azimut 68S, Year: 2007, LOA: 69ft 5, Beam: 16ft 8, Draft: 5ft 4, Engine: Man, Diesel
Mandelieu-La-Napoule, Provence Côte d'Azur, France
For Sale Brochure. Presented By azimut-yachtclub.com. Visit our site for more information http://www.azimut-yachtclub.com by Latitude 26 . Editor Olivier Baelde
Queston 6 power piontSP3NC3From constructing his first magazine to his final design, the author learned to use various software programs like Photoshop, InDesign, Pixton, Blogger, Final Cut Express, PowerPoint, Glogster and Word. He gained skills in using the command shortcuts in Photoshop, embedding videos, and creating media online using Glogster. Most importantly, he learned how to create and publish a large blog. Thanks to his new Photoshop skills, he can now efficiently edit images. He also learned that Final Cut Express can be used to create professional videos to explain his blog. In the process, the author gained significant knowledge about media software.
SuperlativemunkhtuyaggThe document provides a lesson on superlative adjectives for children. It reviews how to form the superlative with short adjectives using "est" and long adjectives using "most". Examples are given. New vocabulary words related to size, temperature, and cost are introduced. A quiz is presented to test understanding of superlatives regarding the largest city, coldest country, largest country, most expensive city, and longest river in the world. Pictures are shown to complete sentences using superlative adjectives describing the Mona Lisa painting, Pacific Ocean, Khool Diamond, Mount Everest, African Elephant, Blue Whale, and most popular sport. Homework is assigned to make questions for
CompuClaritas Cobo HaroLa Universidad Técnica de Ambato estudia los tipos de relaciones en su Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas. El documento presenta un resumen de un trabajo realizado por la estudiante Clara Cobo sobre los tipos de relaciones para su semestre de cuarto año en la carrera de Computación.
Conducting researchjdaconceicaoThe document provides guidance on conducting research and preparing source and information cards. It explains that a source card should contain the source number, type of source, and bibliographic information. Information cards should contain the source number, page number, and whether the information is a fact, paraphrase, or quotation. The document also provides examples of properly formatted source and information cards, and outlines the process for finding relevant sources and extracting useful information to compile onto notecards.
George Business Consultancy Operating ModelpaulageorgeGeorge Business Consultancy provides a range of business consulting services to help clients enhance profits, including assistance with product acquisition and distribution, sourcing global partners, negotiating deals, business development support, and inventory management. The company also offers services such as accountancy, business development support, operations management, sourcing support in Europe and Scandinavia, change management, and business transformation assistance in developing vision, strategy, and culture change. Examples of specific services include business intensives with strategic guidance and mentoring, business strategy days for assessment and profit-boosting planning, and customized business consulting packages.
Tokio,japonrudoslocosTokyo is divided into continental and insular areas, with a temperate climate and average annual temperature of 14.7°C. Major forms of transportation include airports, trains, boats, buses, and the metro system. Popular tourist attractions include the Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills, the Imperial Palace, Meiji Jingu Shrine, Yoyogi Park, and the ancient Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa which attracts over 20 million visitors annually.
Semitransparent PistonsPedro MoralesWe consider semitransparent pistons in the presence of extra dimensions. It
is shown that the piston is always attracted to the closest wall irrespective of
details of the geometry and topology of the extra dimensions and of the cross
section of the piston. Furthermore, we evaluate the zeta regularized determinant for this configuration.
Ficha planificación espacioAlberto Herranz PerisEste documento proporciona una plantilla para planificar un espacio o rincón en el aula. La plantilla incluye 9 secciones: 1) identificación del espacio, 2) justificación, 3) objetivos, 4) contenidos, 5) ubicación física, 6) materiales, 7) descripción del montaje, presentación, uso, modificación y desmontaje, 8) actividades planeadas, y 9) método de evaluación. La plantilla guiará el proceso de planificación de un espacio en el aula de manera ordenada y completa.
DIPLOMA - young artists 2016Silvia FloaresThe Institute prezintă noile generații de creativi români, în fiecare an, la DIPLOMA.
Pornind de la premisa că lucrarea de diplomă este cel mai elaborat proiect al unui student din toată perioada facultății și că prezentarea acesteia se limitează de cele mai multe ori la publicul restrâns al cadrelor didactice, familiei și prietenilor, The Institute a lansat DIPLOMA - un eveniment dedicat, prin care încearcă să aducă lucrările de diplomă ale absolvenților de facultăți creative și vocaționale în atenția unui public cât mai larg.
Prin implicarea facultăților creative din București, ne propunem să generăm un dialog atât între studenții din diferite domenii, cât și între facultăți, care să se dezvolte și să se transforme în parteneriate, proiecte comune, colaborări. Mai multe informații pe: http://www.institute.ro/diploma.html
Sri adoptation status in netrang region pptYogesh BhattThis document summarizes a study conducted in the Netrang region of Gujarat, India on the status of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) adoption and its cost-benefit analysis. The key findings were that 29% of farmers adopted SRI without external support, SRI adopters saw higher yields from the same land in subsequent years, and a cost-benefit analysis found SRI to be more economically beneficial than traditional or conventional rice cultivation methods despite higher costs. The document also identifies motivations for SRI adoption, constraints to wider adoption, and proposes actions such as practical demonstrations and addressing labor issues.
актуальность проблемы нравственного воспитанияАндрей Манеровактуальность проблемы нравственного воспитания
Analisis casa de gabriela mistral las palmeras grupo 03PatrimonioWorkshop1. La Casa Gabriela Mistral se encuentra en el Centro Cultural de La Moneda, en Santiago de Chile.
2. El objetivo es generar un espacio de encuentro cultural y educativo que difunda la obra de Gabriela Mistral.
3. Se propone crear un paseo peatonal y cultural que una la Casa Gabriela Mistral con el Parque Forestal a través del barrio Lastarria.
Chad daley 1chad101290This document discusses different elements of art and provides examples for each one. It describes closed form as showing the whole object, while open form is a close-up that does not show the full object. Atmospheric perspective uses warm colors. Scale shows objects of different sizes to represent distance. Linear perspective has lines converging to a single point. Lighting makes a highlighted area the focal point. Texture relates to how something might feel if touched.
Tools Of The TradedbuczekClearCoast helps companies develop branding and marketing tools to connect with government buyers. They believe branding begins with collateral materials like brochures, mailers, and websites that communicate the value of products and services while showing an understanding of the unique government market. ClearCoast has experience creating various materials including capability statements, press releases, sales presentations, proposals, pricing lists, and marketing campaigns tailored for the federal sector.
AZIMUT Azimut 68S, 2007, 1.200.000€ For Sale Brochure. Presented By azimut-y...Azimut Yacht ClubCategory: Motoryacht with cockpit, Condition: Pre-owned, Seller Type: Yacht Broker, AZIMUT, Azimut 68S, Year: 2007, LOA: 69ft 5, Beam: 16ft 8, Draft: 5ft 4, Engine: Man, Diesel
Mandelieu-La-Napoule, Provence Côte d'Azur, France
For Sale Brochure. Presented By azimut-yachtclub.com. Visit our site for more information http://www.azimut-yachtclub.com by Latitude 26 . Editor Olivier Baelde
Queston 6 power piontSP3NC3From constructing his first magazine to his final design, the author learned to use various software programs like Photoshop, InDesign, Pixton, Blogger, Final Cut Express, PowerPoint, Glogster and Word. He gained skills in using the command shortcuts in Photoshop, embedding videos, and creating media online using Glogster. Most importantly, he learned how to create and publish a large blog. Thanks to his new Photoshop skills, he can now efficiently edit images. He also learned that Final Cut Express can be used to create professional videos to explain his blog. In the process, the author gained significant knowledge about media software.
SuperlativemunkhtuyaggThe document provides a lesson on superlative adjectives for children. It reviews how to form the superlative with short adjectives using "est" and long adjectives using "most". Examples are given. New vocabulary words related to size, temperature, and cost are introduced. A quiz is presented to test understanding of superlatives regarding the largest city, coldest country, largest country, most expensive city, and longest river in the world. Pictures are shown to complete sentences using superlative adjectives describing the Mona Lisa painting, Pacific Ocean, Khool Diamond, Mount Everest, African Elephant, Blue Whale, and most popular sport. Homework is assigned to make questions for
CompuClaritas Cobo HaroLa Universidad Técnica de Ambato estudia los tipos de relaciones en su Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas. El documento presenta un resumen de un trabajo realizado por la estudiante Clara Cobo sobre los tipos de relaciones para su semestre de cuarto año en la carrera de Computación.
Conducting researchjdaconceicaoThe document provides guidance on conducting research and preparing source and information cards. It explains that a source card should contain the source number, type of source, and bibliographic information. Information cards should contain the source number, page number, and whether the information is a fact, paraphrase, or quotation. The document also provides examples of properly formatted source and information cards, and outlines the process for finding relevant sources and extracting useful information to compile onto notecards.
George Business Consultancy Operating ModelpaulageorgeGeorge Business Consultancy provides a range of business consulting services to help clients enhance profits, including assistance with product acquisition and distribution, sourcing global partners, negotiating deals, business development support, and inventory management. The company also offers services such as accountancy, business development support, operations management, sourcing support in Europe and Scandinavia, change management, and business transformation assistance in developing vision, strategy, and culture change. Examples of specific services include business intensives with strategic guidance and mentoring, business strategy days for assessment and profit-boosting planning, and customized business consulting packages.
Tokio,japonrudoslocosTokyo is divided into continental and insular areas, with a temperate climate and average annual temperature of 14.7°C. Major forms of transportation include airports, trains, boats, buses, and the metro system. Popular tourist attractions include the Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills, the Imperial Palace, Meiji Jingu Shrine, Yoyogi Park, and the ancient Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa which attracts over 20 million visitors annually.
Semitransparent PistonsPedro MoralesWe consider semitransparent pistons in the presence of extra dimensions. It
is shown that the piston is always attracted to the closest wall irrespective of
details of the geometry and topology of the extra dimensions and of the cross
section of the piston. Furthermore, we evaluate the zeta regularized determinant for this configuration.
Ficha planificación espacioAlberto Herranz PerisEste documento proporciona una plantilla para planificar un espacio o rincón en el aula. La plantilla incluye 9 secciones: 1) identificación del espacio, 2) justificación, 3) objetivos, 4) contenidos, 5) ubicación física, 6) materiales, 7) descripción del montaje, presentación, uso, modificación y desmontaje, 8) actividades planeadas, y 9) método de evaluación. La plantilla guiará el proceso de planificación de un espacio en el aula de manera ordenada y completa.
DIPLOMA - young artists 2016Silvia FloaresThe Institute prezintă noile generații de creativi români, în fiecare an, la DIPLOMA.
Pornind de la premisa că lucrarea de diplomă este cel mai elaborat proiect al unui student din toată perioada facultății și că prezentarea acesteia se limitează de cele mai multe ori la publicul restrâns al cadrelor didactice, familiei și prietenilor, The Institute a lansat DIPLOMA - un eveniment dedicat, prin care încearcă să aducă lucrările de diplomă ale absolvenților de facultăți creative și vocaționale în atenția unui public cât mai larg.
Prin implicarea facultăților creative din București, ne propunem să generăm un dialog atât între studenții din diferite domenii, cât și între facultăți, care să se dezvolte și să se transforme în parteneriate, proiecte comune, colaborări. Mai multe informații pe: http://www.institute.ro/diploma.html
Sri adoptation status in netrang region pptYogesh BhattThis document summarizes a study conducted in the Netrang region of Gujarat, India on the status of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) adoption and its cost-benefit analysis. The key findings were that 29% of farmers adopted SRI without external support, SRI adopters saw higher yields from the same land in subsequent years, and a cost-benefit analysis found SRI to be more economically beneficial than traditional or conventional rice cultivation methods despite higher costs. The document also identifies motivations for SRI adoption, constraints to wider adoption, and proposes actions such as practical demonstrations and addressing labor issues.
ЭкоБазис Лекция 6 "Проблема отходов" Мария БелоусcentreconПрезентация к лекции "Проблема отходов" в рамках образовательного проекта "ЭкоБазис".
"ЭкоБазис" - это цикл лекций, на которых ученые и эксперты делятся знаниями о современных проблемах экологии и охраны окружающей среды.
Видео и полезные материалы размещены на официальном сайте - www.экобазис.рф.
План лекции:
- Мусор - верный спутник Homo Sapiens, немного истории
- Изменение принципов потребления и как это отразилось на нашем мусоре
- Мусор как глобальная проблема современности, ситуация в мире и в России
- Основные способы обращения с отходами: переработка, сжигание, захоронение
- Раздельный сбор отходов - что это и зачем он нужен
- Системы обращения с отходами на примере разных стран
- А если не производить мусор? Концепция ZeroWaste
- Немного о законодательстве
Ведущая - Мария Белоус - президент АНО Коалиция «ПРО Отходы», сооснователь эколого-просветительской площадки «Центр экономии ресурсов» на Флаконе.
Проект реализуется общественной организацией Коалиция "Про отходы" при поддержке Комитета гражданских инициатив в целях распространения в России образования для устойчивого развития.
10. Свалки и полигоны Уменьшить территорию пригодную для заселения Сделать воду и воздух непригодными для человека Сделать рессурсы недоступными для применения
11. Мусоросжигательные заводы Сделать воздух непригодным для дыхания Произвести высокотоксичный пепел для захоронения на полигонах Спровоцировать лёгочные и онкологические заболевания
12. Полигон опасных отходов Собрать в одном месте высокие концентрации ядовитых веществ Хранить их до черезвычайных происшествий Создавать риск утечек при транспортировке
13. Несанкционированные свалки Лишить человека возможности полноценного отдыха Повысить травматизм при отдыхе Повысить вероятность инфекционных заболеваний Сократить время пребывания человека на природе
14. Сжигание покрышек Сделать воздух непригодным для дыхания Уничтожить полезные ресурсы Сделать территорию непригодной для обитания
15. Смежные направления Питание опасное для здоровья и жизни Производство продуктов питания рискованное и убыточное дело Уменьшение земель пригодных для производства продуктов питания Отравление алкоголем, никатином и наркотическими веществами Отравление фармокологическими препаратами Радиоактивное загрязнение
16. Прогноз Скоро проблема негативного влияния человечества на окружающую среду будет решена
17. Результаты Территории непригодны для жизни человека Вода и воздух непригодны для человека Недостаток ресурсов необходимых для человека Неспособность человека обеспечивать себя пищей Неспособность человека поддерживать свою жизнь и здоровье
20. Содержание Концепции выживания Состояние Российского рынка Твёрдых Бытовых Отходов (ТБО) Иностранные примеры Общественные инициативы в сфере отходов Перспективы в сфере отходов
21. Концепции Zero Waste (ноль потерь, ноль отходов), Reduce - Reuse - Recycle (сокращение, переиспользование, переработка) Reduce - Reuse - Recycle-Repair-Redistribute (… ремонт и перераспределение ) Жизнеустойчивое развитие
26. Общественные инициативы Мусора.Больше.Нет Блоггеры против мусора Чистый Берег Гринпис (раздельный сбор, карты пунктов, борьба с МСЗ) Разделяй и здравствуй PRO- отходы
28. Перспективные направления Организация чистых озёр Штрафы за мусор Несанкционированные свалки Обращение с ТБО в частном секторе Обращение с ТБО на массовых мероприятиях Лоббирование законодательства
29. Зона риска / Зона роста Простые проекты Сложные проекты Зона риска
30. Социальный капитал Изолированность групп Преобладание частных интересов над общими Непонимание Невербализованое недоверие Солидарность и сотрудничество Согласование частных и общих интересов Открытость Вербализованное недоверие