обращение с биологическими отходамиcesbelarusПоложения, касающиеся обращению с биологическими отходами, согласно Национальной стратегии по обращению с твердыми коммунальными отходами и вторичными материальными ресурсами в Республике Беларусь на период до 2035 года, и опыт города Мосты по сбору органических отходов от населения
Проблема парковок у новостроек на примере исследования в БрусиловоAlex EgorovПрезентация к выступлению на общественном совете при Министерстве транспорта Тверской области 24 февраля 2015 года
Roxy final evaluationroxannewilkinsThe document discusses the production of a documentary about teenagers and the stereotypes they face. It focuses on how the documentary uses conventions of real media products like Channel 4 documentaries. These include using a variety of shots, characters with titles, colors, lighting and information. Feedback was gathered from others to improve the documentary. A range of media technologies were used in researching and constructing the documentary.
La relance de l’efficacité énergétique en EuropeThe Shift ProjectTable-ronde sur "La relance de l'efficacité énergétique en Europe" : relancer, mais aussi financer !
Avec :
Francisco Zuloloaga
Luca Bergamaschi
Adrian Joyce
Antongiulio Marin
Michel Lepetit
Matthieu Auzanneau
Ateliers du Shift du 11 décembre 2014
үзүүлэн6munkhtuyaggThis list includes various accessories and items of clothing such as a ring, sunglasses, watch, wallet, earrings, hairclips, bracelet, chain, belt, and handbag.
Star event presentation1aubreyjoAubrey Nilsson developed science, art, and language lesson plans for preschoolers ages 4-5 based on themes of Halloween, fairy tales, and fall leaves. For the science center, children made Halloween slime by mixing corn starch and water. In art, they painted pig noses and tied them to their heads after learning the story of the Three Little Pigs. During language time, children recognized letters while playing a modified version of Twister. Aubrey also taught the children the Hokey Pokey to help them learn right from left. As lead teacher, Aubrey's theme of safety included a visit from the fire department.
SuperlativemunkhtuyaggThe document provides a lesson on superlative adjectives for children. It reviews how to form the superlative with short adjectives using "est" and long adjectives using "most". Examples are given. New vocabulary words related to size, temperature, and cost are introduced. A quiz is presented to test understanding of superlatives by identifying the biggest, coldest, largest, and most expensive places or things in the world. Pictures are shown for students to complete sentences with the superlative form to describe the most famous painting, deepest ocean, most expensive diamond, highest mountain, biggest land animal, biggest sea animal, and most popular sport. Homework is assigned to make questions for a similar quiz
үзүүлэн1munkhtuyaggThis short document lists various weather conditions in single words including thunder and lightning, windy, cloudy, snowy, sunny and hot, rainbow, and rainy.
SnowgustavorodalEste documento es un reporte general de un grupo de estudiantes de un colegio que realizará un viaje. Contiene información sobre el contrato, vendedor, fecha de reserva, pasajeros inscriptos y activos, cuotas pagadas e impagas, y una lista detallada de los pasajeros con sus datos personales y estado de pago. En total son 42 pasajeros para el viaje del primer cuatrimestre de 2011 organizado por el colegio SM de Nazareth en la zona de Cardinaux.
Presentation9 networkBOHABABThe document outlines the requirements and responsibilities of a network engineer. It discusses the types of networks they work with, the education needed which includes a bachelor's degree or diploma in logistics. It provides information on where network engineering jobs are located globally and how the salaries increase with experience, ranging from $40,000 for less than 1 year of experience to $90,000 for over 20 years of experience. The duties of a network engineer are also summarized as implementing, monitoring, and repairing local networks while staying up to date on the latest standards and technologies.
Penn State #OERSummit16 KeynoteNicole AllenThe document discusses the rising cost of textbooks and its negative impact on students. It notes that textbook prices have increased 812% since 1978, more than inflation or other costs like tuition. This has led to many students not being able to afford required textbooks. Open educational resources (OER) are presented as a solution to make education more affordable and effective. Tidewater Community College is highlighted for creating the first associate degree based entirely on OER. Research from Lumen Learning is cited showing improved student performance and passing rates when OER replaced traditional textbooks. The document concludes by suggesting ways Penn State could support OER adoption, like making sharing easy, considering OER before traditional materials, and supporting faculty development of OER.
SgpcaniliveThis document discusses the stereotypes and misconceptions around skateboarding culture. It aims to educate people on the true values of skateboarding by showing its positive light and disclaiming negative media portrayals. Skateboarding is described as having many faces that make its image hard to grasp, breeding speculation and misconceptions. The document highlights different skateboarding subcultures defined by music, terrain, and attitude rather than just the mainstream stereotypes promoted by competitions and retail.
V. Andriukaitis: LSDP rinkimuose 2012Lietuvos Respublikos SeimasVytenio Andriukaičio pristatymas LSDP konferencijos metu: esama situacija ir rinkimų programa.
A2 media evaluation 2pompeyrob2Robin Fretter created a newspaper, website, and poster to evaluate how they used, developed, and challenged conventions of real media products. Feedback was received throughout the process to improve the works. The newspaper used layout, date, and masthead conventions seen in real papers. The website maintained consistency with colors and fonts, while the poster linked to the newspaper with images and contact details. New software like InDesign, Photoshop, and iWeb were learned to construct the pieces, while research online helped with conventions. Audience feedback was implemented to strengthen the works.
Perturbaciones en el efecto CasimirPedro MoralesHablaré sobre la utilización de funciones Zeta en el estudio de efectos cuánticos de campo, en específico en el efecto Casimir. En el caso de analizar el efecto Casimir en un a superficie de revolución, es posible estudiar la repercusión de introducir perturbaciones en la superficie y como el efecto Casimir reacciona ante esto.
Learning is Open #UWdtlNicole AllenThis document appears to be a slide presentation on open educational resources (OER). It discusses the high cost of traditional textbooks and how OER provide a solution by being free and openly licensed. It notes that using OER in one course per year could save US students $1.42 billion. The presentation provides examples of open textbooks and online learning platforms and discusses how faculty and students benefit from using OER.
Tokio,japonrudoslocosTokyo is divided into continental and insular areas, with a temperate climate and average annual temperature of 14.7°C. Major forms of transportation include airports, trains, boats, buses, and the metro system. Popular tourist attractions include the Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills, the Imperial Palace, Meiji Jingu Shrine, Yoyogi Park, and the ancient Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa which attracts over 20 million visitors annually.
Multifacet Themes of DiversityAbrazilThis study compared experiences of safety and trust for male and female immigrant survivors of torture from various countries living in the United States. It found that while both genders felt increased safety due to freedoms and legal protections in the US, they struggled to form trusting relationships due to cultural differences from their communities of origin. However, organizations like TASSC and the Kovler Center provided supports where survivors felt they could build trust with others who understood their experiences.
SpeQtra het houten gevelelement van de toekomstwilliamvandepolSpeQtra is een revolutionair nieuw houten gevelelement. Door middel van nauwe samenwerking met onze ketenpartners en het compleet afgelakt, beglaasd en gemonteerd leveren, eventueel inclusief het daarbijbehorende onderhoud, garanderen wij een houtrotvrij kozijn wat net zo lang mee gaat als dat u wilt. Onderhoudskosten worden gereduceerd met zeker 30%!
Template: printed mapspostcodestoriesThe document provides instructions for creating a double-sided map with story points to be printed on A4 paper and folded into A6 size. One side should show the mapped area with marked story points, and the other side can include written stories and a tour description. Additional details like pictures, drawn maps, walking trails, and semi-transparent or greyscale maps are optional enhancements that could be added.
Simt advertisementdistance learning correspondence course bachelor of commerc...Shyam Institute of Management & Technologydistance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) sociology in rohini, in arts english in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts economics in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts sanskrit in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts history in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts political science in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts sociology in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) in english in rohini, distance distance learning correspondence course in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hindi in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) pol. science in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) home science in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons
La relance de l’efficacité énergétique en EuropeThe Shift ProjectTable-ronde sur "La relance de l'efficacité énergétique en Europe" : relancer, mais aussi financer !
Avec :
Francisco Zuloloaga
Luca Bergamaschi
Adrian Joyce
Antongiulio Marin
Michel Lepetit
Matthieu Auzanneau
Ateliers du Shift du 11 décembre 2014
үзүүлэн6munkhtuyaggThis list includes various accessories and items of clothing such as a ring, sunglasses, watch, wallet, earrings, hairclips, bracelet, chain, belt, and handbag.
Star event presentation1aubreyjoAubrey Nilsson developed science, art, and language lesson plans for preschoolers ages 4-5 based on themes of Halloween, fairy tales, and fall leaves. For the science center, children made Halloween slime by mixing corn starch and water. In art, they painted pig noses and tied them to their heads after learning the story of the Three Little Pigs. During language time, children recognized letters while playing a modified version of Twister. Aubrey also taught the children the Hokey Pokey to help them learn right from left. As lead teacher, Aubrey's theme of safety included a visit from the fire department.
SuperlativemunkhtuyaggThe document provides a lesson on superlative adjectives for children. It reviews how to form the superlative with short adjectives using "est" and long adjectives using "most". Examples are given. New vocabulary words related to size, temperature, and cost are introduced. A quiz is presented to test understanding of superlatives by identifying the biggest, coldest, largest, and most expensive places or things in the world. Pictures are shown for students to complete sentences with the superlative form to describe the most famous painting, deepest ocean, most expensive diamond, highest mountain, biggest land animal, biggest sea animal, and most popular sport. Homework is assigned to make questions for a similar quiz
үзүүлэн1munkhtuyaggThis short document lists various weather conditions in single words including thunder and lightning, windy, cloudy, snowy, sunny and hot, rainbow, and rainy.
SnowgustavorodalEste documento es un reporte general de un grupo de estudiantes de un colegio que realizará un viaje. Contiene información sobre el contrato, vendedor, fecha de reserva, pasajeros inscriptos y activos, cuotas pagadas e impagas, y una lista detallada de los pasajeros con sus datos personales y estado de pago. En total son 42 pasajeros para el viaje del primer cuatrimestre de 2011 organizado por el colegio SM de Nazareth en la zona de Cardinaux.
Presentation9 networkBOHABABThe document outlines the requirements and responsibilities of a network engineer. It discusses the types of networks they work with, the education needed which includes a bachelor's degree or diploma in logistics. It provides information on where network engineering jobs are located globally and how the salaries increase with experience, ranging from $40,000 for less than 1 year of experience to $90,000 for over 20 years of experience. The duties of a network engineer are also summarized as implementing, monitoring, and repairing local networks while staying up to date on the latest standards and technologies.
Penn State #OERSummit16 KeynoteNicole AllenThe document discusses the rising cost of textbooks and its negative impact on students. It notes that textbook prices have increased 812% since 1978, more than inflation or other costs like tuition. This has led to many students not being able to afford required textbooks. Open educational resources (OER) are presented as a solution to make education more affordable and effective. Tidewater Community College is highlighted for creating the first associate degree based entirely on OER. Research from Lumen Learning is cited showing improved student performance and passing rates when OER replaced traditional textbooks. The document concludes by suggesting ways Penn State could support OER adoption, like making sharing easy, considering OER before traditional materials, and supporting faculty development of OER.
SgpcaniliveThis document discusses the stereotypes and misconceptions around skateboarding culture. It aims to educate people on the true values of skateboarding by showing its positive light and disclaiming negative media portrayals. Skateboarding is described as having many faces that make its image hard to grasp, breeding speculation and misconceptions. The document highlights different skateboarding subcultures defined by music, terrain, and attitude rather than just the mainstream stereotypes promoted by competitions and retail.
V. Andriukaitis: LSDP rinkimuose 2012Lietuvos Respublikos SeimasVytenio Andriukaičio pristatymas LSDP konferencijos metu: esama situacija ir rinkimų programa.
A2 media evaluation 2pompeyrob2Robin Fretter created a newspaper, website, and poster to evaluate how they used, developed, and challenged conventions of real media products. Feedback was received throughout the process to improve the works. The newspaper used layout, date, and masthead conventions seen in real papers. The website maintained consistency with colors and fonts, while the poster linked to the newspaper with images and contact details. New software like InDesign, Photoshop, and iWeb were learned to construct the pieces, while research online helped with conventions. Audience feedback was implemented to strengthen the works.
Perturbaciones en el efecto CasimirPedro MoralesHablaré sobre la utilización de funciones Zeta en el estudio de efectos cuánticos de campo, en específico en el efecto Casimir. En el caso de analizar el efecto Casimir en un a superficie de revolución, es posible estudiar la repercusión de introducir perturbaciones en la superficie y como el efecto Casimir reacciona ante esto.
Learning is Open #UWdtlNicole AllenThis document appears to be a slide presentation on open educational resources (OER). It discusses the high cost of traditional textbooks and how OER provide a solution by being free and openly licensed. It notes that using OER in one course per year could save US students $1.42 billion. The presentation provides examples of open textbooks and online learning platforms and discusses how faculty and students benefit from using OER.
Tokio,japonrudoslocosTokyo is divided into continental and insular areas, with a temperate climate and average annual temperature of 14.7°C. Major forms of transportation include airports, trains, boats, buses, and the metro system. Popular tourist attractions include the Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills, the Imperial Palace, Meiji Jingu Shrine, Yoyogi Park, and the ancient Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa which attracts over 20 million visitors annually.
Multifacet Themes of DiversityAbrazilThis study compared experiences of safety and trust for male and female immigrant survivors of torture from various countries living in the United States. It found that while both genders felt increased safety due to freedoms and legal protections in the US, they struggled to form trusting relationships due to cultural differences from their communities of origin. However, organizations like TASSC and the Kovler Center provided supports where survivors felt they could build trust with others who understood their experiences.
SpeQtra het houten gevelelement van de toekomstwilliamvandepolSpeQtra is een revolutionair nieuw houten gevelelement. Door middel van nauwe samenwerking met onze ketenpartners en het compleet afgelakt, beglaasd en gemonteerd leveren, eventueel inclusief het daarbijbehorende onderhoud, garanderen wij een houtrotvrij kozijn wat net zo lang mee gaat als dat u wilt. Onderhoudskosten worden gereduceerd met zeker 30%!
Template: printed mapspostcodestoriesThe document provides instructions for creating a double-sided map with story points to be printed on A4 paper and folded into A6 size. One side should show the mapped area with marked story points, and the other side can include written stories and a tour description. Additional details like pictures, drawn maps, walking trails, and semi-transparent or greyscale maps are optional enhancements that could be added.
Simt advertisementdistance learning correspondence course bachelor of commerc...Shyam Institute of Management & Technologydistance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) sociology in rohini, in arts english in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts economics in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts sanskrit in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts history in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts political science in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts sociology in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) in english in rohini, distance distance learning correspondence course in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hindi in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) pol. science in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons) home science in rohini, distance learning correspondence course bachelor in arts hons (b.a.hons
Кубаныч Джапаров "Экологические проблемы города Бишкек в контексте сбора и у...Бишкек Урбан Форум Кубаныч Джапаров "Экологические проблемы города Бишкек в контексте сбора и утилизации бытовых отходов"
Презентация. Биогаз. Факторы эффективностиBiokompleksФакторы, обеспечивающие экономическую эффективность переработки навоза, помета и отходов в биогазовых установках, для снижения затрат на приобретение энергетических ресурсов.
Биогаз – это газовая смесь, состоящая из метана (50-80%), углекислого газа (20 до 50%) и прочих газов (в небольшом процентном содержании).
2. Предпосылки Переработчики заинтересованы в росте объёмов и удержании сбора вторичного сырья . Городской проект по раздельному сбору мусора « буксует ». Многие дворники собирают стекло и алюминий и сдают в приёмные пункты . У приёмных пунктов низкая рентабельность, из высоких расходов на аренду площади, зарплату приёмщика и транспортировку.
3. Суть проекта Во дворах на контейнерной площадке устанавливается блок-контейнер. Сортировщик разбирает мусор и выделяет ценные ресурсы: алюминий, макулатуру, стекло, ПЭТ. Вывозосуществляетсяза счёт ТСЖ или ЖилКомСервиса, который платит за вывоз мусора. Оплата через мусоровывозящую компанию по договору субподряда. Зарплата сортировщику сдельная за отобранный объём. Ставка совпадает с ценой вторичного сырья в приёмном пункте.
6. Сравнение: Приёмные пункты Сортировка во дворах Транспортировка оплачивается ТСЖ Фиксированные предсказуемые объёмы Социальный проект Приёмные пункты Транспортировка за счёт переработчика Объёмы могут меняться от конъюнктуры рынка Бизнес проект
7. Сравнение: Сортировка на полигоне Сортировка во дворах Транспортировка оплачивается за счёт ТСЖ Дополнительная мотивация и контроль за раздельным сбором в квартирах Чистое вторичное сырьё Сортировка на полигоне (станции перегруза) Транспортировка за счёт перевозчика. Двойное логистическое плечо. Нет мотивации к раздельному сбору в квартирах. Загрязнённое при транспортировке и прессовании сырьё
8. Экономика проекта В расчёте на один дом, общий объём ТБО 200 м3/месяц Сырьё Вес Доход Бумага 1830 кг 4576 рублей Стекло 4536 кг 6804 рубля Алюминий 80 кг 2800 рублей Доля вторичного сырья 42% Доходы от сырья 14 180 рубля Доходы от вывоза 24 960 рублей Расходы на труд 1 2 704 рубля Расходы на транспорт 17 333 рубля Итого валовая прибыль: 9 103 рубля Экономия перевозчика: 9 984 рубля
9. Этапы реализации Пилотный проект в трёх ТСЖ Анализ результатов пилотного проекта определение прибыльности , согласование проекта Включение проекта в городскую программу по раздельному сбору мусора (управление по обращению ТБО) Включение проекта в целевую федеральную программу по раздельному сбору мусора (Спецтранс) Получение городского финансирования на установку блок-контейнеров или переоборудование площадок Тиражирование проекта на весь город
10. Статус Поддержка переработчиков Изготовлены контейнеры Есть договорённости с 3-мя ТСЖ Есть договорённости с перевозчиками Установка контейнеров запланирована на 9-е июня
11. Необходимая поддержка Юридическая помощь Информационная поддержка Помощь в составлении и согласование проекта Административная поддержка
12. Контакты Проект осуществляется РБОО "Мусора.Больше.Нет" при поддержке ВЗАС и ЮВИ СПб. Президент РБОО "Мусора.Больше.Нет": ДенисСтарк [email_address] 8 921 300 5472 Руководитель проекта "Экомобиль /Экоблок ": Андрей Новкунский [email_address] 8 905 203 0432