Ώρες με τη μητέρα μουteaghethttps://mcjmcjmcj.wordpress.com/%cf%83%cf%84%ce%84-%cf%84%ce%b1%ce%be%ce%b7/%ce%b3%ce%bb%cf%89%cf%83%cf%83%ce%b1/11-%cf%83%cf%85%ce%b3%ce%b3%ce%b5%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%ba%ce%ad%cf%82-%cf%83%cf%87%ce%ad%cf%83%ce%b5%ce%b9%cf%82/11%ce%b2-%cf%8e%cf%81%ce%b5%cf%82-%ce%bc%ce%b5-%cf%84%ce%b7-%ce%bc%ce%b7%cf%84%ce%ad%cf%81%ce%b1-%ce%bc%ce%bf%cf%85/
ENOTHTA 11. Συγγενικές σχέσεις
Roadmap for Emerging ExportersBioForwardThis document provides a roadmap for emerging exporters to expand into international markets. It outlines four milestones: 1) assessing export readiness, 2) selecting target markets through research on population trends, economic growth, and export opportunities, 3) considerations for marketing, operations, logistics and compliance in international markets, and 4) resources for international payment and financing options. The document provides an overview of Wisconsin's export profile and top trading partners. It also outlines tools and services available from the US Commercial Service and Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to help companies with market entry, partner identification, trade missions, and grants.
BioForward - Wisconsin's R&D Tax IncentivesBioForwardGrant Thornton LLP is an international accounting and advisory firm that provides tax services to technology companies. The presentation summarized several Wisconsin tax incentives for research and development activities including the R&D tax credit, super R&D credit, research facilities credit, sales tax exemption, biodiesel credit, and early stage seed investment credit. Representatives from Grant Thornton then provided contact information for attendees who had additional questions.
Elias Zerhouni - January 22, BioForward Breakfast Event PresentationBioForwardThis document summarizes a leadership breakfast talk given by Elias Zerhouni on challenges facing the biopharmaceutical industry. It notes a significant drop in productivity as evidenced by increasing clinical development times and decreasing FDA approvals. Major drivers of this change include evolving patient needs, increased regulation, changing payer landscapes, and issues with the existing models of innovation and large company organization. It argues that a new approach is needed focusing on translational medicine, open innovation, priority disease areas, and leveraging local innovative ecosystems.
Restoring the Power of PurposeBioForwardSeeking profit as a primary business purpose is like building a house on sand – it eventually leads to collapse. It may be one reason that 90% of the companies that have appeared on the Fortune 500 list since it was first published in 1955 have disappeared. Cynthia LaConte will speak on the power of purpose and how this concept has contributed to Dohmen’s success for the last 154 years. She will also explore the importance of applying this concept to the future of the life sciences. As the pharmaceutical industry faces an industry changing paradigm shift, there needs to be a call to action to restore the power of purpose.
MYSQL Patterns in Amazon - Make the Cloud Work For YouPythianThis document provides an agenda and overview for a presentation on using MySQL in AWS. The presentation covers RDS and EC2/MySQL options, managing performance, availability, implementation choices, DDL, common failures, and costs. It also introduces the presenters from PalominoDB and encourages attendees to ask questions.
Pecha kocha pptrhet111Climate talks led by the UN struggled to reach a deal on addressing climate change. Negotiations took place among UN members but an agreement could not be brokered. The location and timing of the talks are not specified in the short document.
Leveraging RFID to Enable ResearchBioForwardPromega developed an automated reagent supply solution called Helix to address the barriers and inefficiencies of traditional reagent supply methods. Helix cabinets use RFID technology to track inventory in real-time and automate ordering, billing, and access. This allows researchers to access needed reagents securely on-demand without operational burdens. Promega later formed Terso Solutions to expand this technology globally, resulting in over 800 Helix cabinets installed worldwide.
Basic Statsflores_rus24The document summarizes the results of a survey of 15 students selected randomly from a class. 11 students reported being Catholic, 2 were Born Again, and 1 was Iglesia. Their birthstones and ages were also recorded, along with the number of bags they bring to school. Most students were 14 years old and reported having 2-3 bags.
2013 Bioscience Vision Summit - Kevin Hrusovsky: Inspiring a Global Health Re...BioForwardKevin Hrusovsky, Former CEO and President of Caliper Life Science and President of PerkinElmer's Life Sciences and Technology group will tackle the current global state of healthcare and will deliver a framework for inciting a global health revolution. He will also discuss how disruptive technologies are enabling personalized health - Cradle to Grave.
Algernon paper structurehharapkoThe document provides guidance on writing a response to literature essay, including outlining the typical structure and components. It discusses including an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, three body paragraphs with topic sentences, concrete details from the text, and commentary/analysis. It also provides examples of hooks, tags, thesis statements, topic sentences, transitions, and concrete details that could be used when writing about the short story "Flowers for Algernon."
How to write an essayhharapkoThe document provides guidance on writing an effective introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion for an essay analyzing two literary works. It emphasizes including a hook, tag, thesis statement, and background in the introductory paragraph. The body paragraphs should each have a topic sentence, concrete details from the works, commentary analyzing the details, and a concluding sentence. The conclusion restates the main points of analysis.
Using transitionshharapkoThis document discusses the different types of transitions and their purposes. There are four main types of transitions: those that add information, say the opposite, show cause and effect, or show order in time. Transitions connect ideas and indicate how one idea relates to another, such as continuing a train of thought, contrasting ideas, showing one thing resulting from another, or placing events in a timeline. Examples are provided for each type of transition.
Pre con briefing bio 2013BioForwardThis document provides information for Wisconsin delegates attending the 2013 BIO International Convention in Chicago. It outlines the schedule and objectives of Wisconsin's exhibition pavilion at the convention, including exhibition and partnering hours. Details are provided on resources and technologies available at the pavilion booth, how to partner with other delegates, and best practices for staffing the booth. Post-convention follow up plans are also mentioned.
DB Engineering - From Antiquated to EngineerPythianThe document discusses the evolution of database administration from yesterday's gatekeeper role to today's database engineering role. A database engineer provides expertise to development teams to help them meet performance metrics and troubleshoot issues. The document outlines how database engineering aligns with devops goals and processes. It proposes that database engineers follow a craft approach focused on protecting data, eliminating waste, and data-driven decision making.
Elias Zerhouni - January 22, BioForward Breakfast Event PresentationBioForwardThis document summarizes a leadership breakfast talk given by Elias Zerhouni on challenges facing the biopharmaceutical industry. It notes a significant drop in productivity as evidenced by increasing clinical development times and decreasing FDA approvals. Major drivers of this change include evolving patient needs, increased regulation, changing payer landscapes, and issues with the existing models of innovation and large company organization. It argues that a new approach is needed focusing on translational medicine, open innovation, priority disease areas, and leveraging local innovative ecosystems.
Restoring the Power of PurposeBioForwardSeeking profit as a primary business purpose is like building a house on sand – it eventually leads to collapse. It may be one reason that 90% of the companies that have appeared on the Fortune 500 list since it was first published in 1955 have disappeared. Cynthia LaConte will speak on the power of purpose and how this concept has contributed to Dohmen’s success for the last 154 years. She will also explore the importance of applying this concept to the future of the life sciences. As the pharmaceutical industry faces an industry changing paradigm shift, there needs to be a call to action to restore the power of purpose.
MYSQL Patterns in Amazon - Make the Cloud Work For YouPythianThis document provides an agenda and overview for a presentation on using MySQL in AWS. The presentation covers RDS and EC2/MySQL options, managing performance, availability, implementation choices, DDL, common failures, and costs. It also introduces the presenters from PalominoDB and encourages attendees to ask questions.
Pecha kocha pptrhet111Climate talks led by the UN struggled to reach a deal on addressing climate change. Negotiations took place among UN members but an agreement could not be brokered. The location and timing of the talks are not specified in the short document.
Leveraging RFID to Enable ResearchBioForwardPromega developed an automated reagent supply solution called Helix to address the barriers and inefficiencies of traditional reagent supply methods. Helix cabinets use RFID technology to track inventory in real-time and automate ordering, billing, and access. This allows researchers to access needed reagents securely on-demand without operational burdens. Promega later formed Terso Solutions to expand this technology globally, resulting in over 800 Helix cabinets installed worldwide.
Basic Statsflores_rus24The document summarizes the results of a survey of 15 students selected randomly from a class. 11 students reported being Catholic, 2 were Born Again, and 1 was Iglesia. Their birthstones and ages were also recorded, along with the number of bags they bring to school. Most students were 14 years old and reported having 2-3 bags.
2013 Bioscience Vision Summit - Kevin Hrusovsky: Inspiring a Global Health Re...BioForwardKevin Hrusovsky, Former CEO and President of Caliper Life Science and President of PerkinElmer's Life Sciences and Technology group will tackle the current global state of healthcare and will deliver a framework for inciting a global health revolution. He will also discuss how disruptive technologies are enabling personalized health - Cradle to Grave.
Algernon paper structurehharapkoThe document provides guidance on writing a response to literature essay, including outlining the typical structure and components. It discusses including an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, three body paragraphs with topic sentences, concrete details from the text, and commentary/analysis. It also provides examples of hooks, tags, thesis statements, topic sentences, transitions, and concrete details that could be used when writing about the short story "Flowers for Algernon."
How to write an essayhharapkoThe document provides guidance on writing an effective introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion for an essay analyzing two literary works. It emphasizes including a hook, tag, thesis statement, and background in the introductory paragraph. The body paragraphs should each have a topic sentence, concrete details from the works, commentary analyzing the details, and a concluding sentence. The conclusion restates the main points of analysis.
Using transitionshharapkoThis document discusses the different types of transitions and their purposes. There are four main types of transitions: those that add information, say the opposite, show cause and effect, or show order in time. Transitions connect ideas and indicate how one idea relates to another, such as continuing a train of thought, contrasting ideas, showing one thing resulting from another, or placing events in a timeline. Examples are provided for each type of transition.
Pre con briefing bio 2013BioForwardThis document provides information for Wisconsin delegates attending the 2013 BIO International Convention in Chicago. It outlines the schedule and objectives of Wisconsin's exhibition pavilion at the convention, including exhibition and partnering hours. Details are provided on resources and technologies available at the pavilion booth, how to partner with other delegates, and best practices for staffing the booth. Post-convention follow up plans are also mentioned.
DB Engineering - From Antiquated to EngineerPythianThe document discusses the evolution of database administration from yesterday's gatekeeper role to today's database engineering role. A database engineer provides expertise to development teams to help them meet performance metrics and troubleshoot issues. The document outlines how database engineering aligns with devops goals and processes. It proposes that database engineers follow a craft approach focused on protecting data, eliminating waste, and data-driven decision making.
1. Ένα δώρο για όλους τους υπέροχους ανθρώπους στο blog! Δεν μπορώ να περιγάψω την χαρά μου, που μέσα σε έναν (άντε δύο) μήνες κατάφερα να γνωρίσω τόσους ανθρώπους μέσω του blog „The Craziest Class!“. Μπορεί να φανεί περίεργο, όμως μερικούς από αυτούς, νιώθω πως τους ξέρω χρόνια τώρα. Γι' αυτό θα ήθελα να τους χαρίσω ένα δωράκι στον καθένα!
2. Κυρία Βανέσσα! Η κυρία Βανέσσα ήταν δασκάλα μου για 2 χρόνια. Όταν πήγαινα τρίτη και τετάρτη δημοτικού. Αυτά τα δύο χρόνια ήταν τα καλύτερα που έχω περάσει ποτέ! Δεν θα μπορούσα να ξεχάσω με πόση αγάπη, με πόση θέληση και με πόσο πάθος μας έμαθε όλα αυτά που ξέρουμε τώρα και το σημαντικότερο είναι πως κάθε μέρα μας έδειχνε την αγάπη της. Ήταν ειλικρινείς και ήταν η καλύτερη δασκάλα που είχα ποτέ. Δεν θα την ξεχάσω γιατί, λίγο ή πολύ αυτή με έκανε έτσι, όπως είμαι τώρα και την ευχαριστώ γι' αυτό!
3. Κυρία Βανέσσα, σας αγαπώ πολύ και ακόμα κι αν κάποτε με ξεχάσετε, εγώ δεν θα σας ξεχάσω! Θα σας θυμάμαι για πάντα!
5. Κύριος Αδάμ Δημήτριος! Ο κύριος Αδάμ Δημήτριος ήταν ένας από τους πρώτους επισκέπτες του blog και απ' την αρχή τον συμπάθησα πολύ! Έχει επίσης κι ένα πολύ ωραίο blog το „Πεδίον Τόπος“ που με τόση χαρά και αφοσίωση έχει φτιάξει. Στα σχόλιά του διακρίνονται δύο πράγματα: Ειλικρίνεια και καλοσύνη. Κανείς δεν θα μπορούσε να αντιπαθήσει έναν τέτοιο άνθρωπο!
7. Δάσκαλος 98! Φίλος της υπέροχης κυρίας Βανέσσας και απ' ότι βλέπω πολύ καλός άνθρωπος. Έχει φτιάξει μία εφημερίδα για παιδιά, που πρέπει οποσδήποτε να επισκεφθείτε και κάθε μέρα με μεγάλη φροντίδα βάζει πράγματα που μας κινούν το ενδιαφέρον. Δάσκαλε 98, κάθε φορά που μπαίνω στο υπέροχο blog αυτό, μου είναι δύσκολο να βγω, χαχα! Καλά Χριστούγεννα να έχετε! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdjFeiiJaPI&feature=related
8. Κυρία Καρπαθάκι Απ' ότι ξέρω υπέροχος άνθρωπος και δεν αμφιβάλω καθόλου γι' αυτό! Αυτή μάλιστα είναι κι ο άνθρωπος που μου χάρισε το πρώτο μου βραβείο! Δεν μπορείτε να φανταστείτε τη χαρά που ένιωσα όταν το είδα! Αφού αμέσως δημοσιεύσα ανάρτηση στο blog! Κυρία Καρπαθάκι, αν και δεν γράφω συχνά, σχεδόν καθημερινά επισκέπτομαι τους αγαπημένους μου μπόμπιρες! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYZRxq3jCJo&feature=related
9. Κυρία Φανή Παπαγεωργίου Είναι μία ζωγράφος η οποία έχει επίσης ένα υπέροχο blog! Αυτή ήταν από την αρχή στο ιστολόγιο και ήταν παρούσα στην... „Πρεμιέρα“ του. Χαίρομαι που επισκέφτηκε το blog και μου έδωσε την ευκαιρία να την γνωρίσω! Η αγάπη της για τα παιδιά είναι μεγάλη, και το δείχνει έντονα! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8unjqejms2s&feature=related
10. Κυρία Αναστασία (Anastazzzia) Η κυρία Αναστασία επίσης είναι φίλη της αγαπημένης μου κυρίας Βανέσσας κι επίσης έχει ένα από τα πιο αγαπημένα μου ιστολόγια, την „Μαγική Κιμωλία“! Λατρεύω το blog αυτό, όποτε μπαίνω πάντα βρίσκω κάτι ενδιαφέρον εκεί! Να περάσετε τα πιο ωραία Χριστούγεννα σας εύχομαι, με τους πιο αγαπημένους σας ανθρώπους!
12. Κυρία Μαρίνα (maranda) Είναι εδώ στην Κομοτηνή και δουλεύει στο 8ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Κομοτηνής! Επίσης είναι δασκάλα μιας φίλης μιας άλλης φίλης μου! Δηλαδή, η Μαργαρίτα (μαθήτρια της κυρίας Μαρίνας) είναι φίλη της Έμμας (σημμαθήτριά μου) που είναι φίλη μου. Έχει υπέροχο, φανταστικό blog! Είναι ένας πραγματικός μικρόκοσμος! Καλά Χριστούγεννα να έχετε κυρία Μαρίνα! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab9E3Rpc3wI
13. Άννα (annamaina) Είναι σημμαθήτρια και φίλη μου. Είναι υπέροχο κορίτσι, καλός άνθρωπος και το όνειρό της είναι να γίνει δασκάλα! Της αρέσουν τα κοσμήματα, όπως και να βοηθάει τα άλλα παιδιά σε κάτι που τους δυσκολεύει. Είναι επίσης μία από τις καλύτερες μαθήτριες και πραγματικά αγαπάει όλα αυτά που κάνει! Καλά Χριστούγεννα Άννα μου! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5bo4VDEH-U
14. Κυρία Ροδούλα! Είναι πραγματικά υπέροχος άνθρωπος κι έχει γράψει βιβλίο! Το “Η Αννούλα στην κατασκήνωση” είναι ένα υπέροχο βιβλίο που θα αγοράσω σύντομα και που επίσης πρέπει να διαβάσετε! Κυρία Ροδούλα, καθημερινά αφού μπω στο blog μου επισκέπτομαι και το δικό σας! Είναι πραγματικά πολύ ωραίο! Θέλω να περάσετε τα Χριστούγεννα σας όσο πιο όμορφα μπορείτε! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiIzfV5lKZs&list=PL81567E39D2C44900&feature=player_detailpage
15. Anna (Άννα) Έχει ένα πολύ όμορφο μπλογκ ή αλλιώς μπλογκόσπιτο το οποίο κάθε φορά που βλέπω στο „Οι φίλοι μας“ ότι έχει δημοσιεύσει νέα ανάρτηση αμέσως μπαίνω για να δω τι καινούριο έχει βάλει. Και πιστέψτε με, ποτέ δεν μένω απογοητευμένη. Σας συμβουλεύω να επισκεφθήτε κι εσείς το υπέροχο μπλογκ της!
16. Καλά Χριστούγεννα, καλή Πρωτοχρονιά κι ότι άλλο θέλετε σας εύχομαι να πραγματοποειηθεί κυρία Άννα!
18. Selena Πριν μερικές εβδομάδες ανακάλυψα το μπλογκ της, „Τα παραμύθια που αγαπώ“ κι έμεινα πραγματικά ενθουσιασμένη. Είναι ακριβώς αυτό που πρέπει για να τραβήξει το ενδιαφέρον, το δικό μας, των παιδιών. Είναι η τέλεια παιδική γωνίτσα, ηδικά όπως το έχει κάνει τώρα Χριστουγεννιάτικο το μπλογκ. Καλά Χριστούγεννα να έχετε κυρία Selena και να συνεχίσετε την τέλεια δουλειά! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=vWe1F5AfkXE
19. Σας ευχαριστώ όλους που βρήκατε το μπλογκ μου και μου δώσατε την μοναδική ευκαιρία να σας γνωρίσω. Όλοι να έχετε τέλεια Χριστούγεννα, έτσι όπως τα φαντάζεστε! By: Your friend, Dimitra!